コード例 #1
        public static void Helper_WeightNavGraphNodeEdges(SparseGraph graph, int node, double weight)
            //make sure the node is present
            Debug.Assert(node < graph.NumNodes(), "Node can not exist in graph!");

            //set the cost for each edge
            SparseGraph.EdgeIterator EdgeItr = new SparseGraph.EdgeIterator(graph, node);

            while (EdgeItr.MoveNext())
                //calculate the distance between nodes
                double dist = Vector2D.Vec2DDistance(graph.GetNode(EdgeItr.Current.From).Pos,

                //set the cost of this edge
                graph.SetEdgeCost(EdgeItr.Current.From, EdgeItr.Current.To, dist * weight);

                //if not a digraph, set the cost of the parallel edge to be the same
                if (!graph.isDigraph())
                    graph.SetEdgeCost(EdgeItr.Current.To, EdgeItr.Current.From, dist * weight);