コード例 #1
        public Location LoadNorthernForestEdge()
            Location returnData;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Ashen Forest Northern Forest Edge";
            returnData.Description = "The Northen Edge of the Ashen Forest. The air is light and clean, far away from ancient evils now.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetNorthernPathFiveDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment swampland = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Swampland"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(swampland))
                locationDefinition = BankenSwampland.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

コード例 #2
        public Location LoadForestWilderness()
            Location returnData;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Ashen Forest Wilderness";
            returnData.Description = "The path forks off, the left side leading to the wilderness. The area is thick with trees both dead and alive. There is an eviling feeling in the air. You should turn back now.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetForestPathStartDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment shadeLord = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Shade Lord"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(shadeLord))
                locationDefinition = BankenForestWilderness.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #3
        public Location LoadEasternForestEdge()
            Location returnData;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Ashen Forest Eastern Forest Edge";
            returnData.Description = "The Ashen Forest has ended. There are mountains a little further East. The road continues on, leading through the mountains toward Asku's east coast.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetEasternForestPathThreeDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment banditCamp = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Bandit Camp"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(banditCamp))
                locationDefinition = BankenBanditCamp.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

コード例 #4
ファイル: Banken.cs プロジェクト: rjtwoh01/TheDarkestHour
        public void HeardAbandonedFortressRumor()
            Accomplishment accomplishment = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Abandoned Fortress"));

            //Reload the TownCenter so it will open up the area to Complete the Task that the Task is in
コード例 #5
        public Location LoadNorthernPathThree()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Ashen Forest Northern Path Three";
            bool lookForBurialGrounds = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAshenForest.LOOK_FOR_BURIAL_GROUNDS));

            returnData.Description = "The path leads north, deep into the forest. The air feels at its foulest here. The Ancient Burial Grounds must be near.";

            if (!lookForBurialGrounds)
                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TakeItemAction lookActiopn = new TakeItemAction("Look for ", "the Ancient Burial Grounds", "You search desparately for the Ancient Burial Grounds. The darkness closes in around your heart the further north you go. Eventually you stumble upon their location");
                lookActiopn.PostItem += LookForBurialGrounds;
                returnData.Actions    = locationActions;

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetNorthernPathTwoDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (lookForBurialGrounds)
                locationDefinition = BankenAncientBurialGrounds.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment oldForestRuins = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Old Forest Ruins"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(oldForestRuins))
                locationDefinition = BankenOldForestRuins.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment inconspiciousCave = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Inconspicious Cave"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(inconspiciousCave))
                locationDefinition = BankenInconspicousCave.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetNorthernPathFourDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

コード例 #6
ファイル: Banken.cs プロジェクト: rjtwoh01/TheDarkestHour
        public static Banken GetTownInstance()
            if (_Banken == null)
                _Banken = new Banken();

コード例 #7
        public Location LoadTinyIsland()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Narrow Creek";
            bool   defeatedMobs = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAshenForestRangerPaths.GIANT_SHADOW_DEMON));
            bool   tookTreasure = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAshenForestRangerPaths.TREASURE_CHEST));
            string before       = "You walk onto the island and the Giant Shadow Demon fixes its gaze upon you. Dread seeps into your body as you clench you weapon tighter, ready for whatever horror you're about to face.";
            string after        = "The shadows seep quickly away from the demon. You walk up to it and ask, 'Where are the rangers? What did you do with them?' \nThe Giant Shadow Demon fixes you with a cold and hateful stare and growls, 'Puppets for my master.' You raise your weapon to strike in anger but the demon slips into the void before you can land a strike.";

            if (!defeatedMobs)
                returnData.Description = "A tiny island resides in the forest. The trees have lost all leaves and the bark is blackened as if burnt. The ground is void of grass and is instead blackened as if scorched. Hovering in the middle of the island is a giant shadow demon. He must be behind the corruption of this part of the forest.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new GiantShadowDemon());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Giant Shadow Demon", mobs, before, after);
                combatAction.PostCombat += TinyIslandGiantShadowDemon;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!tookTreasure)
                returnData.Description = "There is a narrow creek separating the forest paths from a tiny island. The Water Spirits have been laid to rest and the creek is once again peaceful. There is a treasure chest in the middle of the island";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TreasureChestAction   itemAction      = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                itemAction.PostItem += TreasureChest;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "There is a narrow creek separating the forest paths from a tiny island. The Water Spirits have been laid to rest and the creek is once again peaceful.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAshenForestRangerPaths.GetTownInstance().GetNarrowCreekDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedMobs && tookTreasure)
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #8
        public Location LoadDesertedRitualGrounds()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Deserted Ritual Grounds";
            bool   defeatedMobs = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAncientBurialGrounds.ACKHAN));
            bool   tookTreasure = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAncientBurialGrounds.TREASURE));
            string before       = "You walk into the circular and Ackhan's eyes darken as he fixates on you. He raises his right and and sends a blast of shadow energy straight at you. You dodge and draw your weapon. Prepare to fight!";
            string after        = "Ackhan gasp out, blood splurtting out of his mouth. You draw a hidden dagger and put it up to his throught. You growl down at him, 'Tell me what I want to know and I'll end this quickly for you. Tell me what happened to those rangers?' \nAckhan coughs on his blood and says, 'Gone... tombs... You'll never find them.' \nIn frustration you slice his throat and his dead body crumbles to the ground. There is an explosion of dark energy from the center of his body, sending you flying backwards. You slowly stand up to find his dead body missing and a giant black scorch mark where it used to lay.";

            if (!defeatedMobs)
                returnData.Description = "On the other side of the dense fog is a circular arrea that used to be used as ritual grounds. The grounds have long since been abandoned. However, a new resident has taken up home here and is spewing dark magic into the lands. An evil necromancer, Ackhan, whom is part of the Necromancer Council stands in the middle of the circle chanting in some unknown tongue. Dark wisps leave his body and fly into the forest.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Ackhan());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Ackhan", mobs, before, after);
                combatAction.PostCombat += Ackhan;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!tookTreasure)
                returnData.Description = "On the other side of the dense fog is a circular arrea that used to be used as ritual grounds. The grounds have long since been abandoned. However, a new resident has taken up home here and is spewing dark magic into the lands. There is a black scorch mark where Ackhan used to be. There is an unopened treasure chest on the edge of the circle.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TreasureChestAction   itemAction      = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                itemAction.PostItem += TreasureChest;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "On the other side of the dense fog is a circular arrea that used to be used as ritual grounds. The grounds have long since been abandoned. There is a black scorch mark where Ackhan used to be.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAncientBurialGrounds.GetTownInstance().GetDenseFogDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedMobs)
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #9
        public Location LoadBedroom()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Bedroom";
            bool   defeatedMobs = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenMagesRetreatHouse.PSYCHOTIC_BANDIT));
            bool   tookTreasure = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenMagesRetreatHouse.TREASURE));
            string before       = "The Psychotic Bandit hears your foot steps and spins around, a crazed look gleaming in his eyes. \nHe laughs hysterically and says, ''Hah! You're too late! We've already captured that puny mage. She fought  but she could not withstand us!''";
            string after        = "You put a knife up to the Psychotic Bandit's throat and growl out, ''Where is the mage? Where is she?''\nHe laughs and coughs up blood. He looks you in the eyes and replies, ''In hell.'' \nThe Psychotic Bandit coughs up blood one last time and then goes limp on the floor";

            List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();

            if (!defeatedMobs)
                returnData.Description = "A small bedroom with a bed against the back wall and a desk against a side wall. A Pyschotic Bandit is going through the mage's desk and is throwing papers about everywhere.";

                List <Mob> mobs = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new PsychoticBandit());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Pyschotic Bandit", mobs, before, after);
                combatAction.PostCombat += PsychoticBandit;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!tookTreasure)
                returnData.Description = "A small bedroom with a bed against the back wall and a desk against a side wall. A treasue chest is sitting under the mage's desk.";
                TreasureChestAction itemAction = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                itemAction.PostItem += TreasureChest;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "A small bedroom with a bed against the back wall and a desk against a side wall.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenMagesRetreatHouse.GetTownInstance().GetLivingRoomDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedMobs)
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #10
        public Location LoadForestPathStart()
            Location returnData;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Ashen Forest Path Beginning";
            returnData.Description = "The beginning of the Path in the Ashen Forest stems from one of the makeshift roads through Banken. It goes deep within the forest for miles, forking and turning unexpectedly. It is easy to get lost on.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetForestWildernessDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = BankenAshenForestWorshipRegion.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment rescueRangers = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Rescue Rangers"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(rescueRangers))
                locationDefinition = BankenAshenForestRangerPaths.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment burialGrounds = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Ancient Burial Grounds"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(burialGrounds))
                locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetNorthernPathOneDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment banditCamp = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Bandit Camp"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(banditCamp))
                locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetEasternForestPathOneDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

コード例 #11
        public Location LoadEntrance()
            Location returnData;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Ashen Forest";
            returnData.Description = "The Ashen Forest is a grey forest, full of a life of darkness and light. The whole area feels as if it can birth evil at any moment.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetForestPathStartDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #12
ファイル: BeachTower.cs プロジェクト: rjtwoh01/TheDarkestHour
        public Location LoadTownCenter()
            Location       returnData;
            LocationAction locationAction;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Beach Tower Main Floor";
            returnData.Description = "Welcome to the main floor of the Beach Tower.";

            // Location Actions
            List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();

            locationAction = new DisplayStatsAction();

            locationAction = new DisplayInventoryAction();

            locationAction = new DisplayPotionBagAction();

            locationAction = new DisplayEquippedAction();

            locationAction = new AffixSwapperAction();

            locationAction = new StoreAction();

            locationAction = new MainMenuAction();

            locationAction = new ExitGame();

            returnData.Actions = locationActions;

            // Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = GetArenaDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = GetInnDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = GetCaptainOfficeDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment beachHeadPirates = BeachTower.GetBeachTowerAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Beach Head Pirates"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(beachHeadPirates))
                locationDefinition = BeachTowerBeachHead.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment mysteriousHouse = BeachTower.GetBeachTowerAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Mysterious House"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(mysteriousHouse))
                locationDefinition = BeachTowerMysteriousHouse.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment huntSpies = BeachTower.GetBeachTowerAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Hunt Spies"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(huntSpies))
                locationDefinition = BeachTowerSpies.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment freeVillage = BeachTower.GetBeachTowerAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Recaptured Village"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(freeVillage))
                locationDefinition = BeachTowerCapturedVillage.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment battleForTheSeas = BeachTower.GetBeachTowerAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Battle for the Seas"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(battleForTheSeas))
                locationDefinition = BeachTowerBattleForTheSeas.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            //Travel to Banken
            Accomplishment travelToBanken = BeachTower.GetBeachTowerAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Travel to Banken"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(battleForTheSeas))
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetStartingLocationDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = Ankou.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

コード例 #13
        public Location LoadAbandonedFortressGates()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Abandoned Fortress Gates";
            bool           defeatedMobs      = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenForestWilderness.ABANDONED_FORTRESS_MOBS));
            bool           defeatedShadeLord = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenForestWilderness.SHADE_LORD));
            bool           inspectGate       = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenForestWilderness.INSPECT_GATE));
            bool           tookTreasure      = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenForestWilderness.TREASURE));
            Accomplishment abandonedFortressAccomplishment = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Abandoned Fortress"));
            bool           abandonedFortress = GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(abandonedFortressAccomplishment);
            string         before            = GameState.Hero.Identifier + ", you dare enter my domain? This fortress stands as a testement to my masters. The void shall claim you!";
            string         after             = "The shade lord cries out a piercing scream as it fades back into the void that spawned it.";
            string         action            = "Inspect";
            string         itemName          = "Gate";
            string         actionText        = "You inspect the gate. It seems to be sealed by very powerful dark magic. You'll have to go back to Banken and see if the rangers know of any mages that could help you unseal the gates. \nBefore you can turn back around to head back to town a Shade Lord materializes at the entrance of the gates and terror fills your heart.";

            //Once the player defeats the shades, have him/her try to open the gate
            //That will fail and a Shade Lord will appear.
            //The player will have to report back to Gilan after defeating the Shade Lord
            //Gilan will then tell the player that (s)he will have to find
            //some very power mages to help him/her blast open the gate

            List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();

            if (!defeatedMobs)
                returnData.Description = "Just beyond the creek landing are the gates to an abandoned fortress. The gates appear sealed shut by some dark magic. A large group of shades hover before the gate to vanquish any that dare approach it.";

                List <Mob> mobs = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Shades", mobs);
                combatAction.PostCombat += AbandonedFortressMobs;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!inspectGate)
                returnData.Description = "Just beyond the creek landing are the gates to an abandoned fortress. The gates appear sealed shut by some dark magic.";
                TakeItemAction itemAction = new TakeItemAction(action, itemName, actionText);
                itemAction.PostItem += GateResults;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
            else if (!defeatedShadeLord)
                returnData.Description = "Just beyond the creek landing are the gates to an abandoned fortress. The gates appear sealed shut by some dark magic. A Shade Lord hovers before the gates, dark energy radiating from its body in waves.";

                List <Mob> mobs = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new ShadeLord());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Shade Lord", mobs, before, after);
                combatAction.PostCombat += ShadeLord;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!tookTreasure)
                returnData.Description = "Just beyond the creek landing are the gates to an abandoned fortress. The gates appear sealed shut by some dark magic. There is a treasure chest in front of the gates.";
                TreasureChestAction itemAction = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                itemAction.PostItem += TreasureChest;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
            else if (!abandonedFortress)
                returnData.Description = "Just beyond the creek landing are the gates to an abandoned fortress. The gates appear sealed shut by some dark magic.";
                returnData.Description = "Just beyond the creek landing lay the crumpled gates of the Abandoned Fortress. THe gates have crumpled to dust. Whatever magic was sustaining them has imploded on itself.";

            //Once the player gets the mages there will be an action to begin unsealing the gate and then the player can proceed into the "abandoned" fortress

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenForestWilderness.GetTownInstance().GetCreekLandingDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedMobs && inspectGate && defeatedShadeLord)
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (abandonedFortress)
                locationDefinition = BankenAbandonedFortress.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #14
ファイル: Banken.cs プロジェクト: rjtwoh01/TheDarkestHour
        public Location LoadTownCenter()
            Location       returnData;
            LocationAction locationAction;

            returnData             = new Location();
            returnData.Name        = "Banken";
            returnData.Description = "The small town of Banken, located in the middle of the Ashen Forest. There are several wooden buildings throughout the town. The town is mainly populated by Forest Rangers, but there are some civilians living there as well.";

            // Location Actions
            List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();

            locationAction = new DisplayStatsAction();

            locationAction = new DisplayInventoryAction();

            locationAction = new DisplayPotionBagAction();

            locationAction = new DisplayEquippedAction();

            locationAction = new AffixSwapperAction();

            locationAction = new StoreAction();

            locationAction = new MainMenuAction();

            locationAction = new ExitGame();

            returnData.Actions = locationActions;

            // Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = GetArenaDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = GetInnDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = GetWarCouncilDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment investigateShrine = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Investigate Religious Shrine"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(investigateShrine))
                locationDefinition = BankenAshenForest.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            locationDefinition = BeachTower.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
            adjacentLocationDefinitions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefinitions;

コード例 #15
        public Location LoadRuinedCastle()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Ruined Castle";
            bool   defeatedShades = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenSwampland.RUINED_CASTLE_SHADES));
            bool   defeatedNecros = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenSwampland.RUINED_CASTLE_NECROS));
            bool   defeatedMarzen = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenSwampland.MARZEN));
            bool   treasure       = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenSwampland.TREASURE));
            string beforeShades   = "The shades take notice of you and descend, ready to end your existence.";
            string afterShades    = "The last of the shades has vanished, sending forth a burst of dark energy vaporizing the first section of the ruins.";
            string beforeMarzen   = "As you move toward the inside of the ruins, the chanting suddenly stops. The world grows cold. Slowly, a necromancer in elaborate robes calmly walks out of the ruins. He draws a sword and slings a bolt of dark energy toward you. You leap to the side, dodging it and then draw your weapon.";
            string afterMarzen    = "As Marzen falls to the ground dead, the darkness fades away and warmth once again floods your body.";

            if (!defeatedShades)
                returnData.Description = "The ruins of a once great castle. Shades stand protecting the ruins. You can hear chanting just behind the stones.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                mobs.Add(new Shade());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Shades", mobs, beforeShades, afterShades);
                combatAction.PostCombat += RuinedCastleShades;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!defeatedNecros)
                returnData.Description = "The ruins of a once great castle. The necromancers now stand exposed, vulnerable to attack as they frantically continue their ritual";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Necromancers", mobs, beforeShades, afterShades);
                combatAction.PostCombat += RuinedCastleNecros;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!defeatedMarzen)
                returnData.Description = "The ruins of a once great castle. One necromancer remains, just out of sight. You can feel the darkness swirl as his ritual nears completion";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Marzen());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Marzen, High Necromancer", mobs, beforeMarzen, afterMarzen);
                combatAction.PostCombat += Marzen;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "The ruins of a once great castle.";

            if (defeatedMarzen && !treasure)
                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TreasureChestAction   itemAction      = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                itemAction.PostItem += Treasure;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Will need a change
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenSwampland.GetTownInstance().GetSwampyAreaThreeDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedMarzen)
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #16
        public Location LoadRitualRoom()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Ritual Room";
            bool   defeatedEliteGuards  = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenInconspicousCave.RITUAL_ROOM_GUARDS));
            bool   defeatedNormalNecros = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenInconspicousCave.RITUAL_ROOM_NECRO));
            bool   defeatedZulien       = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenInconspicousCave.ZULIEN));
            bool   takeTreasure         = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenInconspicousCave.TREASURE));
            string before = "Zulien stops his ritual and turns his head toward you. As he sees you, his eyes flash with fury. He turns his full attention toward you. " +
                            "\nHe lets out a strong magical blast that leaves you kneeling on the ground, arm covering your head. He shouts, \"You dare interupt my ritual? Die, mortal!\"";
            string after = "Zulien collapses to the ground, dead. Bload trickling out of his mouth. The world is a slightly better place.";

            if (!defeatedEliteGuards)
                returnData.Description = "A large room with magic symbols painted on the ground with blood. There are several necromancer guards along with the rank and file protecting a vile necromancer performing a blood ritual";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new NecromancerEliteGuard());
                mobs.Add(new NecromancerEliteGuard());
                mobs.Add(new NecromancerEliteGuard());
                mobs.Add(new NecromancerEliteGuard());
                mobs.Add(new NecromancerEliteGuard());
                mobs.Add(new NecromancerEliteGuard());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Necromancer Elite Guards", mobs);
                combatAction.PostCombat += RitualRoomEliteNecroGuard;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            if (defeatedEliteGuards && !defeatedNormalNecros)
                returnData.Description = "A large room with magic symbols painted on the ground with blood. The elite necromancer guard is dead, leaving only normal necromancers to protect the vile necromancer performing a blood ritual";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                mobs.Add(new Necromancer());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Necromancers", mobs);
                combatAction.PostCombat += RitualRoomNecro;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            if (defeatedEliteGuards && defeatedNormalNecros && !defeatedZulien)
                returnData.Description = "A large room with magic symbols painted on the ground with blood. There are several necromancer guards along with the rank and file protecting a vile necromancer performing a blood ritual";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Zulien());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Zulien", mobs, before, after);
                combatAction.PostCombat += RitualRoomZulien;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "A large room with magic symbols painted on the ground with blood.";

            if (defeatedZulien && !takeTreasure)
                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TreasureChestAction   itemAction      = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                itemAction.PostItem += Treasure;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Will need a change
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenInconspicousCave.GetTownInstance().GetDimilyLitHallway2Definition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedZulien)
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #17
        public Location LoadCemeteryNorthEnd()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Cemetery West End";
            bool   defeatedMobs = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAshenForestWorshipRegion.DEMONIC_NECROMANCER));
            bool   tookJournal  = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAshenForestWorshipRegion.JOURNAL));
            bool   tookTreasure = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAshenForestWorshipRegion.TREASURE_CHEST));
            string before       = "The Demonic Necromancer continues to stare down at the ground and starts to speak, ''Hello, " + GameState.Hero.Identifier + ". You've come to save those poor, poor people from me? You're efforts have all been in vain. All that you have done, all that you have fought for. It's all pointless. For your journey ends here. And I'll take great pleasure in ending you.''\n\nThe Demonic Necromancer looks up and stars at you with glowing red eyes and smiles a sick and twisted smile, revealing his long, sharp, blood-coated teeth. Slowly and deliberately he unseathes a sword from beneath his cloak and holds it menacingly at his side, waiting for you to make the first move.";
            string after        = "The Demonic Necromancer's body crumples to the ground, and his sword goes flying and embeds intself in the ground 20 feet away. A journal falls from inside his robes, grabbing your attention.";

            if (!defeatedMobs)
                returnData.Description = "You walk forward to the north end of the cemetery. As you reach the end of the path, you come upon a sacrificial shrine covered in blood. Standing on it is a dark figure. The figure looks up at you briefly, revealing a twisted abomination of mix between demon and human. It's red eyes flash and it quickly looks back down as it raises its arms summoing dark energy to swirl around it.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new DemonicNecro());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Demonic Necromancer", mobs, before, after);
                combatAction.PostCombat += DemonicNecro;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!tookJournal)
                returnData.Description = "The northern end of the cemetery has a sacrificial shrine covered in blood. The Demonic Necromancer's body lays just before the shrine and his journal lays at his side.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TakeItemAction        itemAction      = new TakeItemAction("Journal");
                itemAction.PostItem += TakeJournal;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
            else if (!tookTreasure)
                returnData.Description = "The northern end of the cemetery has a sacrificial shrine covered in blood. The Demonic Necromancer's body lays just before the shrine and there is a treasure chest behind it.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TreasureChestAction   itemAction      = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                itemAction.PostItem += TreasureChest;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "The northern end of the cemetery has a sacrificial shrine covered in blood. The Demonic Necromancer's body lays just before the shrine.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAshenForestWorshipRegion.GetTownInstance().GetCemeteryPathDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (tookJournal)
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #18
        public Location LoadReligiousShrineClearing()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Religious Shrine Clearing";
            bool defeatedMobs = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenAshenForestWorshipRegion.RELIGIOUS_SHRINE_CLEARING_MOBS));

            if (!defeatedMobs)
                returnData.Description = "You walk into another clearing full of religious shrines. However these shrines are no longer holy. They've been desecrated by dark, vile, magic. The clearing is full of skeletons, all armed to the teeth and ready to end any foolish enough to trespess on their newly aquired unholy grounds.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                mobs.Add(new Skeleton());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Skeletons", mobs);
                combatAction.PostCombat += ReligiousShrineClearingMobs;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "You walk into another clearing full of religious shrines. However these shrines are no longer holy. They've been desecrated by dark, vile, magic. Skeletal remains litter the ground";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            //Town Center
            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenAshenForestWorshipRegion.GetTownInstance().GetTwistingPathDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedMobs)
                locationDefinition = BankenAshenForestWorshipRegion.GetTownInstance().GetUndergroundPathDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            Accomplishment recruitMage = Banken.GetBankenAccomplishments().Find(x => x.Name.Contains("Recruit Mage"));

            if (GameState.Hero.Accomplishments.Contains(recruitMage))
                locationDefinition = BankenMagesRetreatHouse.GetTownInstance().GetEntranceDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;

コード例 #19
        public Location LoadTownHall()
            Location returnData;

            returnData      = new Location();
            returnData.Name = "Town Hall";
            bool   defeatedLeaders = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenOldForestRuins.DEFEAT_BANDIT_LEADERS));
            bool   takeOrders      = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenOldForestRuins.TAKE_ORDERS));
            bool   takeTreasure    = Convert.ToBoolean(LocationHandler.GetLocationStateValue(Banken.LOCATION_STATE_KEY, BankenOldForestRuins.TREASURE));
            string before          = "The three bandits are fighting with eachother, not noticing you as you approach. \n\nOne yells out \"I deserve to be leader!\" and takes a swing at the other two. They both slam their bodies into his, knocking him to the ground. \n\nYou give a slight cough, alerting them to your presence";
            string after           = "The last bandit falls to the ground. At least the ruins can return to a peaceful state now.";
            string orders          = "You three may just be the largest buffons I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. Unfortunately for me, I'm running out of talent so it appears my task have to fall to the untalented such as yourselves. Anyway, I need you all to capture the ruins of an old town in the Ashen Forest. I've marked its location on the map included with this letter. \n\nYou must setup a blockade with the appearance of collecting tolls to continue through the town. In reality, you'll be collecting prisoners for me. I have a little experiment to try and seize control of the mind's of my victims. I can raise an army this way, and then we can finally proceed onto the final plan. Asku will fall.";

            if (!defeatedLeaders)
                returnData.Description = "The town hall for what must have been a once proud people. Now it's nothing but ruins. There are three bandits that appear to be fighting with each other.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                List <Mob>            mobs            = new List <Mob>();
                mobs.Add(new Arth());
                mobs.Add(new Sedhem());
                mobs.Add(new Bothnul());
                CombatAction combatAction = new CombatAction("Bandit Leaders", mobs, before, after);
                combatAction.PostCombat += DefeatBanditLeaders;
                returnData.Actions = locationActions;
            else if (!takeOrders)
                returnData.Description = "The town hall for what must have been a once proud people. Now it's nothing but ruins. A piece of paper lays on the ground, lightly stained with blood.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TakeItemAction        itemAction      = new TakeItemAction("Take", "Orders", orders);
                itemAction.PostItem += TakeOrders;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
            else if (!takeTreasure)
                returnData.Description = "The town hall for what must have been a once proud people. Now it's nothing but ruins. There is a treasure chest on the edge of the room.";

                List <LocationAction> locationActions = new List <LocationAction>();
                TreasureChestAction   itemAction      = new TreasureChestAction(5);
                itemAction.PostItem += TreasureChest;
                returnData.Actions   = locationActions;
                returnData.Description = "The town hall for what must have been a once proud people. Now it's nothing but ruins. Three crumpled bandit bodies lay in the middle of the once impressive hall.";

            //Adjacent Locations
            Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition> adjacentLocationDefintions = new Dictionary <string, LocationDefinition>();

            LocationDefinition locationDefinition = BankenOldForestRuins.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();

            adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            if (defeatedLeaders && takeOrders)
                locationDefinition = Banken.GetTownInstance().GetTownCenterDefinition();
                adjacentLocationDefintions.Add(locationDefinition.LocationKey, locationDefinition);

            returnData.AdjacentLocationDefinitions = adjacentLocationDefintions;
