public void Draw(MenuScreen menuScreen,GameTime gameTime, bool isSelected) { ++i; SpriteBatch spriteBatch = menuScreen.ScreenManager.SpriteBatch; // determine the scale using a sine function float pulsate = 6 + (float)Math.Sin(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 6); Color color = isSelected? Color.Yellow : Color.White; color = color * menuScreen.TransitionAlpha; float scale = 2 + 0.05f * pulsate * selectionFade; Debug.WriteLine("Position of {0} is X: {1}, Y: {2}", title,position.X, position.Y); spriteBatch.DrawString(menuScreen.ScreenManager.SpriteFont, title, position, color,0,Vector2.Zero,scale,SpriteEffects.None,0); }
public float GetWidth(MenuScreen menuScreen) { return menuScreen.ScreenManager.SpriteFont.MeasureString(title).X; }
public float GetHeight(MenuScreen menuScreen) { return menuScreen.ScreenManager.SpriteFont.LineSpacing; }