コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Charge les statistiques associées à une édition de tournoi.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edition">Edition de tournoi.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">L'argument <paramref name="edition"/> est <c>Null</c>.</exception>
        public void LoadEditionsStatistics(Edition edition)
            if (edition == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(edition));

            if (edition.StatisticsAreCompute)

            string query = "select * from edition_player_stats where edition_ID = @edition";

            using (DataTableReader subReader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader(query, new SqlParam("@edition", DbType.UInt32, edition.ID)))
                while (subReader.Read())
                    ulong playerId = subReader.GetUint64("player_ID");
                    for (int i = 0; i < subReader.FieldCount; i++)
                        string columnName = subReader.GetName(i);
                        if (columnName == "edition_ID" || columnName == "player_ID")

                        edition.AddPlayerStatistics(playerId, Tools.GetEnumValueFromSqlMapping <StatType>(columnName), Convert.ToUInt32(subReader[columnName]));

                    if (Config.GetBool(AppKey.ComputeStatisticsWhileLoading))
                        _dataLoadingProgressEventHandler?.Invoke(new DataLoadingProgressEvent(100 * ++_currentDataCount / _totalDataCount));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Pour une année donnée, calcule les points à la semaine du classement ATP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Un recalcul doit être fait si le barème change dans la table SQL "points".</remarks>
        /// <param name="year">L'année à traiter.</param>
        public void ComputeAtpRankingForYear(int year)
            int  weeksCount       = Tools.YearIs53Week(year) ? 53 : 52;
            bool previousYearIs53 = Tools.YearIs53Week(year - 1);

            string query = "delete from atp_ranking where year = @year";

            SqlTools.ExecuteNonQuery(query, new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year));

            List <Edition> editionsOfTheYear = Edition.GetByPeriod(new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 12, 31), null, null, false);

            foreach (Edition edition in editionsOfTheYear.Where(_ => !_.StatisticsAreCompute))

            List <Player> potentialPlayersOfTheYear =
                Player.GetList.Where(_ =>
                                     _.ID != Player.UNKNOWN_PLAYER_ID &&
                                     _.DateBegin.HasValue &&
                                     _.DateBegin.Value.Year <= year &&
                                     _.DateEnd.HasValue &&
                                     _.DateEnd.Value.Year + 1 >= year).ToList();

            for (uint week = 1; week <= weeksCount; week++)
                List <Edition> editionsOfTheWeek = editionsOfTheYear.Where(_ => Tools.GetWeekNoFromDate(_.DateEnd) == week).ToList();
                foreach (Player player in potentialPlayersOfTheYear)
                    uint         pointsOfTheWeek       = 0;
                    uint         pointsOfCalendarYear  = 0;
                    uint         pointsOfRollingYear   = 0;
                    List <ulong> tournamentsIdSingle   = new List <ulong>();
                    List <ulong> tournamentsIdCalendar = new List <ulong>();
                    List <ulong> tournamentsIdRolling  = new List <ulong>();

                    // Récupère les points de la semaine en cours
                    bool?multipleEditionsInAWeek = null;
                    foreach (Edition edition in editionsOfTheWeek)
                        List <Edition.Stats> stats = edition.Statistics.Where(_ => _.Player.ID == player.ID).ToList();
                        if (stats.Any(_ => _.StatType == StatType.points))
                            pointsOfTheWeek += stats.First(_ => _.StatType == StatType.points).Value;

                            multipleEditionsInAWeek = multipleEditionsInAWeek.HasValue ? true : false;
                    // Pour info
                    if (multipleEditionsInAWeek.HasValue && multipleEditionsInAWeek.Value)
                        Tools.WriteLog(string.Format("Mutiple tournois joués par le joueur {0}/{1} dans la semaine {2} de l'année {3} ({4}).",
                                                     player.ID, player.Name, week, year, string.Join(",", tournamentsIdSingle)));

                    pointsOfCalendarYear += pointsOfTheWeek;

                    // Charge les points de l'année en cours pour la semaine antérieure à celle courante
                    query = "select * from atp_ranking where year = @year and week_no = @week and player_ID = @player";
                    using (DataTableReader reader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader(query,
                                                                           new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year),
                                                                           new SqlParam("@week", DbType.UInt32, week - 1),
                                                                           new SqlParam("@player", DbType.UInt64, player.ID)))
                        if (reader.Read())
                            pointsOfCalendarYear += reader.GetUint32("year_calendar_points");

                    pointsOfRollingYear += pointsOfCalendarYear;

                    // Charge les points de l'année dernière postérieure à la semaine courante
                    query = "select * from atp_ranking where year = @year and week_no > @week and player_ID = @player and tournaments_concat <> ''";
                    using (DataTableReader reader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader(query,
                                                                           new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year - 1),
                                                                           new SqlParam("@week", DbType.UInt32, previousYearIs53 ? (week + 1) : week),
                                                                           new SqlParam("@player", DbType.UInt64, player.ID)))
                        while (reader.Read())
                            List <ulong> tournamentsFromlastyear = reader.ToIdList("tournaments_concat").ToList();
                            uint         pointsFromLastyear      = reader.GetUint32("week_points");
                            if (tournamentsFromlastyear.Any(_ => tournamentsIdSingle.Contains(_)))
                                tournamentsFromlastyear.RemoveAll(_ => tournamentsIdSingle.Contains(_));
                                pointsFromLastyear = 0;
                                foreach (ulong tournamentIdLastYear in tournamentsFromlastyear)
                                    Edition lastYearEdition = Edition.GetByYearAndTournament(tournamentIdLastYear, (uint)(year - 1));
                                    if (lastYearEdition != null)
                                        if (!lastYearEdition.StatisticsAreCompute)
                                        IEnumerable <Edition.Stats> lastyearEditionPointsStats =
                                            lastYearEdition.Statistics.Where(_ => _.Player == player && _.StatType == StatType.points);
                                        pointsFromLastyear += lastyearEditionPointsStats.FirstOrDefault().Value;
                            pointsOfRollingYear += pointsFromLastyear;

                    // si le joueur n'a joué aucun tournoi sur les 12 derniers mois, il n'est pas classé
                    if (tournamentsIdRolling.Count == 0)

                    query = SqlTools.BuildInsertQuery("atp_ranking", new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "player_ID", "@player" },
                        { "year", "@year" },
                        { "week_no", "@week" },
                        { "week_points", "@points" },
                        { "year_calendar_points", "@calendar" },
                        { "year_rolling_points", "@rolling" },
                        { "tournaments_concat", "@t_single" },
                        { "tournaments_calendar_concat", "@t_calendar" },
                        { "tournaments_rolling_concat", "@t_rolling" }
                                             new SqlParam("@player", DbType.UInt64, player.ID),
                                             new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year),
                                             new SqlParam("@week", DbType.UInt32, week),
                                             new SqlParam("@points", DbType.UInt32, pointsOfTheWeek),
                                             new SqlParam("@calendar", DbType.UInt32, pointsOfCalendarYear),
                                             new SqlParam("@rolling", DbType.UInt32, pointsOfRollingYear),
                                             new SqlParam("@t_single", DbType.String, string.Join(";", tournamentsIdSingle)),
                                             new SqlParam("@t_calendar", DbType.String, string.Join(";", tournamentsIdCalendar)),
                                             new SqlParam("@t_rolling", DbType.String, string.Join(";", tournamentsIdRolling)));

                    ComputeEloAtDate(player, editionsOfTheWeek, year, week);

                // calcule les classements (civil et glissant)
                // TODO : mieux à faire pour la rêgle en cas d'égalité
                string[] types = new[] { "calendar", "rolling" };
                foreach (string t in types)
                    query = "select player_ID from atp_ranking where week_no = @week and year = @year order by year_" + t + "_points desc, length(tournaments_" + t + "_concat) - length(replace(tournaments_" + t + "_concat, ';', '')) desc";
                    using (DataTableReader reader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader(query,
                                                                           new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year),
                                                                           new SqlParam("@week", DbType.UInt32, week)))
                        int rank = 0;
                        while (reader.Read())
                            SqlTools.ExecuteNonQuery("update atp_ranking set year_" + t + "_ranking = @rank where player_ID = @player and week_no = @week and year = @year",
                                                     new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year),
                                                     new SqlParam("@week", DbType.UInt32, week),
                                                     new SqlParam("@player", DbType.UInt64, reader["player_ID"]),
                                                     new SqlParam("@rank", DbType.UInt16, rank));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Pour une année donnée, calcule les statistiques d'un joueur pour chaque tournoi.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="year">L'année à traiter.</param>
        public void ComputePlayerStatsForYearEditions(int year)
            SqlTools.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from edition_player_stats where edition_ID in (select ID from editions where year = @year)",
                                     new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year));

            Dictionary <string, string> sqlFields = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "edition_ID", "@edition" },
                { "player_ID", "@player" }
            List <SqlParam> sqlParams = new List <SqlParam>
                new SqlParam("@edition", DbType.UInt32),
                new SqlParam("@player", DbType.UInt64)
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlParamValues = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "@edition", null },
                { "@player", null },

            foreach (object statTypeRaw in Enum.GetValues(typeof(StatType)))
                StatType statType = (StatType)statTypeRaw;
                DbType   dbType   = DbType.UInt16;
                switch (statType)
                case StatType.round:
                    dbType = DbType.Byte;

                case StatType.is_winner:
                    dbType = DbType.Boolean;

                case StatType.points:
                    dbType = DbType.UInt32;
                sqlFields.Add(Tools.GetEnumSqlMapping <StatType>(statType), string.Concat("@", statType));
                sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam(string.Concat("@", statType), dbType));
                sqlParamValues.Add(string.Concat("@", statType), null);

            using (SqlTools.SqlPrepared sqlPrepared = new SqlTools.SqlPrepared(SqlTools.BuildInsertQuery("edition_player_stats", sqlFields), sqlParams.ToArray()))
                System.Text.StringBuilder sbSql = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                sbSql.AppendLine("select distinct tmp.ID, tmp.pid ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("from( ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  SELECT e.ID, m.winner_id as pid ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  FROM matches as m ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  join editions as e on m.edition_ID = e.ID ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  WHERE e.year = @year ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  union ALL ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  SELECT e.ID, m.loser_id as pid ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  FROM matches as m ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  join editions as e on m.edition_ID = e.ID ");
                sbSql.AppendLine("  WHERE e.year = @year ");
                sbSql.AppendLine(") as tmp");

                using (DataTableReader reader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader(sbSql.ToString(), new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year)))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        uint  editionId = reader.GetUint32("ID");
                        ulong playerId  = reader.GetUint64("pid");

                        sqlParamValues["@edition"] = editionId;
                        sqlParamValues["@player"]  = playerId;

                        foreach (object statTypeRaw in Enum.GetValues(typeof(StatType)))
                            sqlParamValues[string.Concat("@", statTypeRaw)] = Player.ComputePlayerStatsForEdition(playerId, editionId, (StatType)statTypeRaw);

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Importe des matchs depuis la base de données selon des paramètres optionnels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="editionId">Identifiant d'édition de tournoi.</param>
        /// <param name="playerId">Identifiant de joueur.</param>
        /// <returns>Les matchs importés.</returns>
        public IEnumerable <Match> LoadMatches(uint?editionId, ulong?playerId)
            List <Match> matchs = new List <Match>();


            string          query     = "select * from matches where 1 = 1";
            List <SqlParam> sqlParams = new List <SqlParam>();

            if (editionId.HasValue)
                query += " and edition_ID = @edition";
                sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@edition", DbType.UInt32, editionId.Value));
            if (playerId.HasValue)
                query += " and (winner_ID = @player or loser_ID = @player)";
                sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@player", DbType.UInt32, playerId.Value));

            using (DataTableReader reader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader(query, sqlParams.ToArray()))
                while (reader.Read())
                    Match match = new Match(reader.GetUint64("ID"),
                    match.DefineStatistics(reader.ToDynamicDictionnary <uint?>(true), reader.ToDynamicDictionnary <uint?>(true));
                    for (byte i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                        match.AddSetByNumber(i, reader.GetByteNull("w_set_" + i.ToString()), reader.GetByteNull("l_set_" + i.ToString()), reader.GetUint16Null("tb_set_" + i.ToString()));

                    if (Config.GetBool(AppKey.ComputeMatchesWhileLoading))
                        _dataLoadingProgressEventHandler?.Invoke(new DataLoadingProgressEvent(100 * ++_currentDataCount / _totalDataCount));


コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Crée les matchs de l'année du fichier.
        /// Les valeurs des colonnes 'winner_entry' et 'loser_entry' doivent être surveillées à posteriori (voir <see cref="Models.Entry"/> pour les valeurs autorisées).
        /// </summary>
        public void IntegrateMatchs()
            Dictionary <string, byte> rounds = new Dictionary <string, byte>();

            using (DataTableReader reader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader("select * from rounds"))
                while (reader.Read())
                    rounds.Add(SqlTools.GetString(reader, "original_code"), SqlTools.GetByte(reader, "ID"));

            #region Préparation de la requête (très longue liste)

            string insertMatchQuery = SqlTools.BuildInsertQuery("matches", new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "original_key", "@original_key" },
                { "edition_ID", "@edition_ID" },
                { "match_num", "@match_num" },
                { "round_ID", "@round_ID" },
                { "best_of", "@best_of" },
                { "winner_ID", "@winner_ID" },
                { "winner_seed", "@winner_seed" },
                { "winner_entry", "@winner_entry" },
                { "winner_rank", "@winner_rank" },
                { "winner_rank_points", "@winner_rank_points" },
                { "loser_ID", "@loser_ID" },
                { "loser_seed", "@loser_seed" },
                { "loser_entry", "@loser_entry" },
                { "loser_rank", "@loser_rank" },
                { "loser_rank_points", "@loser_rank_points" },
                { "minutes", "@minutes" },
                { "unfinished", "@unfinished" },
                { "retirement", "@retirement" },
                { "walkover", "@walkover" },
                { "w_ace", "@w_ace" },
                { "w_df", "@w_df" },
                { "w_svpt", "@w_svpt" },
                { "w_1stIn", "@w_1stIn" },
                { "w_1stWon", "@w_1stWon" },
                { "w_2ndWon", "@w_2ndWon" },
                { "w_SvGms", "@w_SvGms" },
                { "w_bpSaved", "@w_bpSaved" },
                { "w_bpFaced", "@w_bpFaced" },
                { "l_ace", "@l_ace" },
                { "l_df", "@l_df" },
                { "l_svpt", "@l_svpt" },
                { "l_1stIn", "@l_1stIn" },
                { "l_1stWon", "@l_1stWon" },
                { "l_2ndWon", "@l_2ndWon" },
                { "l_SvGms", "@l_SvGms" },
                { "l_bpSaved", "@l_bpSaved" },
                { "l_bpFaced", "@l_bpFaced" },
                { "w_set_1", "@w_set_1" },
                { "w_set_2", "@w_set_2" },
                { "w_set_3", "@w_set_3" },
                { "w_set_4", "@w_set_4" },
                { "w_set_5", "@w_set_5" },
                { "l_set_1", "@l_set_1" },
                { "l_set_2", "@l_set_2" },
                { "l_set_3", "@l_set_3" },
                { "l_set_4", "@l_set_4" },
                { "l_set_5", "@l_set_5" },
                { "tb_set_1", "@tb_set_1" },
                { "tb_set_2", "@tb_set_2" },
                { "tb_set_3", "@tb_set_3" },
                { "tb_set_4", "@tb_set_4" },
                { "tb_set_5", "@tb_set_5" }


            Dictionary <string, uint> editionsList = new Dictionary <string, uint>();
            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> match in _matchs)
                string baseCode = match["tourney_id"].Substring(5);

                uint editionId = 0;
                if (!editionsList.ContainsKey(baseCode))
                    string genericTournamentCode = GetGenericTournamentCode(baseCode);
                    editionId = SqlTools.ExecuteScalar <uint>("select e.ID from editions as e " +
                                                              "join tournaments as t on e.tournament_ID = t.ID " +
                                                              "where t.original_code in (@code2, @code1) and e.year = @year",
                                                              new SqlParam("@code1", DbType.String, baseCode),
                                                              new SqlParam("@code2", DbType.String, genericTournamentCode),
                                                              new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, _year));
                    if (editionId > 0)
                        editionsList.Add(baseCode, editionId);
                        Tools.WriteLog(string.Format("Impossible de récupérer l'édition du tournoi {0}.", baseCode));
                    editionId = editionsList[baseCode];

                                             new SqlParam("@original_key", DbType.String, string.Concat(match["tourney_id"], "-", match["match_num"])),
                                             new SqlParam("@edition_ID", DbType.UInt32, editionId),
                                             new SqlParam("@match_num", DbType.UInt16, match["match_num"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@round_ID", DbType.Byte, rounds[match["round"]]),
                                             new SqlParam("@best_of", DbType.Byte, match["best_of"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@winner_ID", DbType.UInt64, match["winner_id"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@winner_seed", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["winner_seed"]) ? null : match["winner_seed"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@winner_entry", DbType.String, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["winner_entry"]) ? null : match["winner_entry"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@winner_rank", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["winner_rank"]) ? null : match["winner_rank"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@winner_rank_points", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["winner_rank_points"]) ? null : match["winner_rank_points"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@loser_ID", DbType.UInt64, match["loser_id"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@loser_seed", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["loser_seed"]) ? null : match["loser_seed"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@loser_entry", DbType.String, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["loser_entry"]) ? null : match["loser_entry"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@loser_rank", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["loser_rank"]) ? null : match["loser_rank"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@loser_rank_points", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["loser_rank_points"]) ? null : match["loser_rank_points"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@minutes", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["minutes"]) ? null : match["minutes"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@unfinished", DbType.Boolean, false),
                                             new SqlParam("@retirement", DbType.Boolean, false),
                                             new SqlParam("@walkover", DbType.Boolean, false),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_ace", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_ace"]) ? null : match["w_ace"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_df", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_df"]) ? null : match["w_df"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_svpt", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_svpt"]) ? null : match["w_svpt"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_1stIn", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_1stIn"]) ? null : match["w_1stIn"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_1stWon", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_1stWon"]) ? null : match["w_1stWon"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_2ndWon", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_2ndWon"]) ? null : match["w_2ndWon"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_SvGms", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_SvGms"]) ? null : match["w_SvGms"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_bpSaved", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_bpSaved"]) ? null : match["w_bpSaved"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_bpFaced", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_bpFaced"]) ? null : match["w_bpFaced"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_ace", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_ace"]) ? null : match["l_ace"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_df", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_df"]) ? null : match["l_df"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_svpt", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_svpt"]) ? null : match["l_svpt"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_1stIn", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_1stIn"]) ? null : match["l_1stIn"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_1stWon", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_1stWon"]) ? null : match["l_1stWon"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_2ndWon", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_2ndWon"]) ? null : match["l_2ndWon"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_SvGms", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_SvGms"]) ? null : match["l_SvGms"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_bpSaved", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_bpSaved"]) ? null : match["l_bpSaved"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_bpFaced", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_bpFaced"]) ? null : match["l_bpFaced"]),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_set_1", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 1, true)),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_set_2", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 2, true)),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_set_3", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 3, true)),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_set_4", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 4, true)),
                                             new SqlParam("@w_set_5", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 5, true)),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_set_1", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 1, false)),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_set_2", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 2, false)),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_set_3", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 3, false)),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_set_4", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 4, false)),
                                             new SqlParam("@l_set_5", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 5, false)),
                                             new SqlParam("@tb_set_1", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 1, null)),
                                             new SqlParam("@tb_set_2", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 2, null)),
                                             new SqlParam("@tb_set_3", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 3, null)),
                                             new SqlParam("@tb_set_4", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 4, null)),
                                             new SqlParam("@tb_set_5", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 5, null))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = string.Format("Echec de l'insertion du match {0}, l'erreur suivante est survenue : {1}", string.Concat(match["tourney_id"], "-", match["match_num"]), ex.Message);
                    throw new Exception("IntegrateMatchs failure."); // TODO
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Crée les nouveaux joueurs issus du fichier fourni.
        /// Ne met pas à jour les informations sur les joueurs existants.
        /// Ne met pas à jour les dates de début et fin d'activité.
        /// </summary>
        public void IntegrateNewPlayers()
            string insertPlayerQuery = SqlTools.BuildInsertQuery("players", new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "ID", "@id" },
                { "name", "@name" },
                { "nationality", "@nat" },
                { "hand", "@hand" },
                { "height", "@height" },
                { "date_of_birth", "@dob" }

            Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <SqlParam> > > queryByPlayer = new Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <SqlParam> > >();

            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> match in _matchs)
                for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                    string wOl = i == 1 ? "winner" : "loser";
                    if (SqlTools.ExecuteScalar("select count(*) from players where ID = @id and lower(replace(name, ' ', '')) = lower(replace(@name, ' ', ''))",
                                               0, new SqlParam("@id", DbType.UInt64, match[wOl + "_id"]), new SqlParam("@name", DbType.String, match[wOl + "_name"])) <= 0)
                        string sqlName = SqlTools.ExecuteScalar <string>("select name from players where ID = @id",
                                                                         null, new SqlParam("@id", DbType.UInt64, match[wOl + "_id"]));
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlName))
                            DateTime dob = new DateTime(Tools.DEFAULT_YEAR, 1, 1);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match[wOl + "_age"]))
                                // TODO : retravailler cette conversion
                                dob = Tools.ComputeDateOfBirth(Convert.ToDouble(match[wOl + "_age"].Replace('.', ',')),
                            if (!queryByPlayer.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(match[wOl + "_id"])))
                                queryByPlayer.Add(Convert.ToInt32(match[wOl + "_id"]),
                                                  new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <SqlParam> >(insertPlayerQuery,
                                                                                                     new List <SqlParam>
                                    new SqlParam("id", DbType.UInt64, match[wOl + "_id"]),
                                    new SqlParam("name", DbType.String, match[wOl + "_name"]),
                                    new SqlParam("nat", DbType.String, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match[wOl + "_ioc"]) ? DBNull.Value : (object)match[wOl + "_ioc"]),
                                    new SqlParam("hand", DbType.String, !new[] { "L", "R" }.Contains(match[wOl + "_hand"].ToUpper()) ? DBNull.Value : (object)match[wOl + "_hand"].ToUpper()),
                                    new SqlParam("height", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match[wOl + "_ht"]) ? DBNull.Value : (object)match[wOl + "_ht"]),
                                    new SqlParam("dob", DbType.DateTime, dob.Year == Tools.DEFAULT_YEAR ? DBNull.Value : (object)dob)
                            Tools.WriteLog(string.Format("L'identifiant {0} existe mais les noms '{1}' / '{2}' ne correspondent pas.", match[wOl + "_id"], match[wOl + "_name"], sqlName));

            foreach (int playerId in queryByPlayer.Keys)
                    SqlTools.ExecuteNonQuery(queryByPlayer[playerId].Key, queryByPlayer[playerId].Value.ToArray());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Tools.WriteLog(string.Format("Echec de l'insertion du joueur {0}, avec le message : {1}.", playerId, ex.Message));