コード例 #1
ファイル: PrefabMazeDataUI.cs プロジェクト: bsgg/TheMaze
        public override void Show()

            m_Messages.text           = "";
            m_ListJSONToGenerate.text = "";

            List <string> lFiles = MazeJSONTool.ListJSONFiles();

            if ((lFiles != null) && (lFiles.Count > 0))
                m_ListJSONToGenerate.text = "Number JSON Files to turn into prefab: " + lFiles.Count + "\n";
                for (int i = 0; i < lFiles.Count; i++)
                    string list = " - " + lFiles[i] + "\n";
                    m_ListJSONToGenerate.text += list;
                m_ListJSONToGenerate.text = "No JSON files to turn into prefab. Please place the JSON files in " + MazeJSONTool.PATHJSONTOPREFAB;

            m_BlockInput = false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MazeGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bsgg/TheMaze
        public void GenerateMazePrefabs()
            List <string> lFiles = MazeJSONTool.ListJSONFiles();

            if ((lFiles != null) && (lFiles.Count > 0))
コード例 #3
ファイル: JSONMazeDataUI.cs プロジェクト: bsgg/TheMaze
        public void OnJSONGenerate()
            if (m_BlockInput)

            m_BlockInput    = true;
            m_Messages.text = "Generating JSON file...";

            string nameMaze = "Maze_0";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_NameJSONFile.text))
                nameMaze = m_NameJSONFile.text;

            string outputName, outputPath;

            MazeJSONTool.CheckMazeJSONFile(nameMaze, out outputName, out outputPath);
            m_Messages.text = "JSON will be saved in " + outputPath;
            m_JSONPath      = outputPath;

            // Columns and rows
            int nCols    = 5;
            int nRows    = 5;
            int auxParse = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(m_NumberColumnsInput.text, out auxParse))
                if (auxParse > 0)
                    nCols = auxParse;

            if (int.TryParse(m_NumberRownsInput.text, out auxParse))
                if (auxParse > 0)
                    nRows = auxParse;

            //MazeGenerator.Instance.GenerateRandomDataMaze(outputName, nCols, nRows);
            //MazeGenerator.Instance.OnEndGenerateJSONMaze += MazeGenerator_OnEndGenerateJSONMaze;

            // TEST CORRIDORS

            /*List<IVector2> path = new List<IVector2>() { new IVector2(3,2), new IVector2(3, 1), new IVector2(3, 0), new IVector2(4, 0), new IVector2(5,0),
             *              new IVector2(5,1), new IVector2(5,2), new IVector2(6,2), new IVector2(6,3), new IVector2(6,4), new IVector2(5,4), new IVector2(5,5),
             *              new IVector2(4,5), new IVector2(3,5),new IVector2(2,5),new IVector2(2,4), new IVector2(2,3), new IVector2(1,3), new IVector2(1,4),
             *              new IVector2(0,4), new IVector2(0,3), new IVector2(0,2), new IVector2(0,1), new IVector2(0,0), new IVector2(1,0), new IVector2(2,0),
             *              new IVector2(2,1), new IVector2(2,2)};
             * MazeGenerator.Instance.GenerateDataMazeByPath("TestCorridor", 7, 6, path);*/

            List <IVector2> path = new List <IVector2>()
                new IVector2(0, 0), new IVector2(0, 1), new IVector2(1, 1), new IVector2(1, 2),
                new IVector2(2, 2), new IVector2(3, 2), new IVector2(3, 1), new IVector2(3, 0),
                new IVector2(2, 0), new IVector2(1, 0)

            MazeGenerator.Instance.GenerateDataMazeByPath(nameMaze, 4, 3, path);
            MazeGenerator.Instance.OnEndGenerateJSONMaze += MazeGenerator_OnEndGenerateJSONMaze;
コード例 #4
ファイル: MazeGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bsgg/TheMaze
        public void GenerateMazePrefab(string nameMaze)
            MazeJSONData mazeJSONData;
            bool         tryLoadMaze = MazeJSONTool.LoadMazeJSON(nameMaze, out mazeJSONData);

            if (tryLoadMaze)
                GameObject obj = new GameObject(nameMaze);
                obj.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Game");
                MazeBase maze = obj.AddComponent <MazeBase>();

                // Maze settings
                MazeSettings mazeSettings = new MazeSettings(mazeJSONData.Columns, mazeJSONData.Rows);
                mazeSettings.NameMaze = nameMaze;
                //mazeSettings.StartPoint = mazeJSONData.StartLocation;
                //mazeSettings.EndPoint = mazeJSONData.EndLocation;


                // Create rooms
                Debug.Log("number rooms: " + mazeJSONData.NumberRooms);

                // Create cells
                Debug.Log("number tiles: " + mazeJSONData.ListTiles.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < mazeJSONData.ListTiles.Count; i++)
                    IVector2 coordsCell = new IVector2(mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].Coords.Column, mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].Coords.Row);

                    // Instance cell
                    GameObject goCell = Instantiate(m_CellPrefab);
                    goCell.layer            = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Game");
                    goCell.name             = "Cell_" + coordsCell.Column + "_" + coordsCell.Row;
                    goCell.transform.parent = obj.transform;
                    // Set position tiles
                    goCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coordsCell.Column * m_TileSize, 0.0f, coordsCell.Row * m_TileSize);
                    // Setup index room
                    MazeCell mCell = goCell.GetComponent <MazeCell>();
                    mCell.Coords = coordsCell;

                    // Set type cell
                    if (mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].TileType == MazeCell.ETypeCell.STARTLOCATION)
                        mazeSettings.StartPoint = coordsCell;
                    if (mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].TileType == MazeCell.ETypeCell.ENDLOCATION)
                        mazeSettings.EndPoint = coordsCell;

                    /*bool bVisibleTile = true;
                     * if (mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].IsVisible == 0)
                     * {
                     *  bVisibleTile = false;
                     * }
                     * if (mCell.IsVisible)
                     * {
                     *  // Set material for start point
                     *  if ((coordsCell.Column == mazeSettings.StartPoint.Column) && (coordsCell.Row == mazeSettings.StartPoint.Row))
                     *  {
                     *      mCell.SetTypeCell(MazeCell.ETypeCell.STARTLOCATION);
                     *  }
                     *  // Set material for start point
                     *  else if ((coordsCell.Column == mazeSettings.EndPoint.Column) && (coordsCell.Row == mazeSettings.EndPoint.Row))
                     *  {
                     *      mCell.SetTypeCell(MazeCell.ETypeCell.ENDLOCATION);
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      // Check if the coords are in the list of holes
                     *      bool isHole = false;
                     *      for (int iHole = 0; iHole < mazeJSONData.ListHoles.Count; iHole++)
                     *      {
                     *          if ((coordsCell.Column == mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole].Coords.Column) && (coordsCell.Row == mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole].Coords.Row))
                     *          {
                     *              mCell.SetTypeCell(MazeCell.ETypeCell.HOLE);
                     *              isHole = true;
                     *              Debug.LogFormat("HOLE DATA: Coords {0}x{1} TypeHole: {2} ConnectedCoords: {3}x{4} ", mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole].Coords.Column, mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole].Coords.Row, mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole].TypeHole, mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole].ConnectedCoords.Column, mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole].ConnectedCoords.Row);
                     *              mazeSettings.AddHole(mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole]);
                     *              mCell.SetHole(mazeJSONData.ListHoles[iHole]);
                     *              break;
                     *          }
                     *      }
                     *      if (!isHole)
                     *      {
                     *          mCell.SetTypeCell(MazeCell.ETypeCell.NONE);
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     *  // Add obstacles
                     *  for (int iObstacle = 0; iObstacle < mazeJSONData.ListObstacles.Count; iObstacle++)
                     *  {
                     *      if ((mCell.Coords.Column == mazeJSONData.ListObstacles[iObstacle].Coords.Column) && (mCell.Coords.Row == mazeJSONData.ListObstacles[iObstacle].Coords.Row))
                     *      {
                     *          // Instance obstacle
                     *          mCell.SetObstacle(mazeJSONData.ListObstacles[iObstacle]);
                     *          break;
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }*/
                    // Add cell to the maze
                // Segup each edge for each cells
                for (int i = 0; i < mazeJSONData.ListTiles.Count; i++)
                    MazeCell currentCell = maze.GetCell(mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].Coords);

                    if (currentCell.TypeCell != MazeCell.ETypeCell.INVISIBLE)
                        // Setup each cell
                        for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].Edges.Length; iEdge++)
                            // Gets connected cell with this edge
                            // Gets direction for this edge
                            MazeDirection dir = (MazeDirection)iEdge;

                            IVector2 coordsConnectedCell = mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].Coords + dir.ToIntVector2();

                            // Get connected cell (it could be null)
                            MazeCell connectedCell = maze.GetCell(coordsConnectedCell);

                            // Get type edge
                            MazeCellEdge.TypeEdgeEnum tEdge = mazeJSONData.ListTiles[i].Edges[iEdge];

                            currentCell.SetEdge(dir, tEdge, connectedCell);

                // Create prefab
                string fileLocation = "Assets/TheMaze/Prefabs/Mazes/" + nameMaze + ".prefab";
                Object emptyObj     = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(fileLocation);

                PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(obj, emptyObj, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);
コード例 #5
ファイル: MazeGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bsgg/TheMaze
        public void GenerateRandomDataMaze(string nameMaze, int numberColumns, int numberRows)
            // Initialize grid and list active tiles
            TileData[,]  grid = new TileData[numberColumns, numberRows];

            // Generate a temporary list of tiles
            List <TileData> lActiveTiles = new List <TileData>();

            int numberRoom = 0;

            // Gets first tile in random coord
            IVector2 firstCoord = new IVector2(Random.Range(0, numberColumns), Random.Range(0, numberRows));
            TileData firstTile  = new TileData(firstCoord);

            //firstTile.Room = numberRoom;

            grid[firstCoord.Column, firstCoord.Row] = firstTile;

            // Generate the rest of the tiles until the list is empty
            while (lActiveTiles.Count > 0)
                // Gets random index to select next tile
                int      cIndex = Random.Range(0, lActiveTiles.Count - 1);
                TileData cTile  = lActiveTiles[cIndex];

                // Check if the current tile doesn't have all of the edges already defined (it already has boxed by 4 edges)
                if (!cTile.IsBoxed())
                    // Get a random direction from the current tile
                    MazeDirection randomDir = cTile.GetRandomUnboxedDirection();
                    // Gets the coords for the random direction + current tile (this way we can get the new tile)
                    IVector2 newCoords = cTile.Coords + randomDir.ToIntVector2();

                    // Check if these coords are within the maze boundaries
                    bool coordsInBoundaries = ((newCoords.Column >= 0) && (newCoords.Column < numberColumns) &&
                                               (newCoords.Row >= 0) && (newCoords.Row < numberRows));
                    if (coordsInBoundaries)
                        // Gets the tile for this coords
                        TileData nextTile = grid[newCoords.Column, newCoords.Row];
                        // This tile doesn't exist yet, create the cell and a passage between the current tile and this new one
                        if (nextTile == null)
                            nextTile = new TileData(newCoords);

                            // Add tile to the grid
                            grid[newCoords.Column, newCoords.Row] = nextTile;

                            // Add passage
                            // Sets a passage for the random edge for the current tile
                            cTile.SetEdge(randomDir, MazeCellEdge.TypeEdgeEnum.PASSAGE);

                            // Sets the opposite for this random direction or edge for the next tile as a Door
                            // For instance> if random dir for current tile was right, next tile has left as edge
                            nextTile.SetEdge(randomDir.GetOpposite(), MazeCellEdge.TypeEdgeEnum.PASSAGE);
                            // Both tiles are in the same room
                            //nextTile.Room = numberRoom;

                            // Add this nextTile to active tiles
                            // Tile exits create a wall
                            // Sets a wall for the random edge for the current tile
                            cTile.SetEdge(randomDir, MazeCellEdge.TypeEdgeEnum.WALL);
                        // coords not in boundary, create a wall for the current cell
                        // Sets a wall for the random edge for the current tile
                        cTile.SetEdge(randomDir, MazeCellEdge.TypeEdgeEnum.WALL);
                    // Remove the tile from the active tiles

            // Save in JSON
            Debug.Log("[MazeGenerator] Saving in JSON file ");

            MazeJSONData mazeData = new MazeJSONData();

            mazeData.Columns     = numberColumns;
            mazeData.Rows        = numberRows;
            mazeData.NumberRooms = numberRoom + 1;
            mazeData.Name        = nameMaze;
            //mazeData.StartLocation = new IVector2();
            //mazeData.EndLocation = new IVector2();

            for (int iCol = 0; iCol < numberColumns; ++iCol)
                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; ++iRow)
                    mazeData.AddTileData(grid[iCol, iRow]);

                    /*Debug.Log("Tile(" + iCol + "x" + iRow + ") - Coord ( " + grid[iCol, iRow].Coords.Column + "," + grid[iCol, iRow].Coords.Row + ")");
                     * for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < grid[iCol, iRow].Edges.Length; iEdge++)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log("Edge " + ((MazeDirection)iEdge).ToString() + ":" + grid[iCol, iRow].Edges[iEdge].ToString());
                     * }*/

            Debug.Log("Saving " + mazeData.Name + " to JSON...");


            if (OnEndGenerateJSONMaze != null)
コード例 #6
ファイル: MazeGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bsgg/TheMaze
        public void GenerateDataMazeByPath(string nameMaze, int numberColumns, int numberRows, List <IVector2> PathCoords)
            // Initialize grid and list active tiles
            TileData[,] grid = new TileData[numberColumns, numberRows];

            // Set all tiles to invisible
            for (int iCol = 0; iCol < numberColumns; ++iCol)
                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; ++iRow)
                    IVector2 currentCoords = new IVector2(iCol, iRow);
                    TileData cTile         = new TileData(currentCoords);
                    cTile.TileType = MazeCell.ETypeCell.INVISIBLE;

                    // Check if this tile is in coords
                    for (int iTile = 0; iTile < PathCoords.Count; iTile++)
                        if (currentCoords == PathCoords[iTile])
                            cTile.TileType = MazeCell.ETypeCell.NONE;
                            // Add walls
                            for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < MazeDirections.NumberDirections; iEdge++)
                                cTile.SetEdge((MazeDirection)iEdge, MazeCellEdge.TypeEdgeEnum.WALL);

                    //Add tile
                    grid[iCol, iRow] = cTile;

            // Convertion between direction and a 2D Vector
            IVector2[] m_directions =
                // UP
                new IVector2(0,   1),
                // RIGHT
                new IVector2(1,   0),
                // DOWN
                new IVector2(0,  -1),
                // LEFT
                new IVector2(-1, 0)

            // Follow the path and open walls
            // Check if this tile is in coords
            for (int iTile = 0; iTile < (PathCoords.Count - 1); iTile++)
                IVector2 currentCoords = PathCoords[iTile];

                // Next tile
                int nextTile = iTile + 1;

                // Check if next tile is the last one, then next tile would be the first one
                if (nextTile >= PathCoords.Count)
                    //nextTile = 0;

                IVector2 nextCoords = PathCoords[nextTile];

                // Check coords
                // Same column (move up or down)
                MazeDirection moveDirection = MazeDirection.UP;
                bool          findDir       = false;
                if (currentCoords.Column == nextCoords.Column)
                    // Check if up or down
                    if (currentCoords.Row < nextCoords.Row)
                        moveDirection = MazeDirection.UP;
                        findDir       = true;
                        moveDirection = MazeDirection.DOWN;
                        findDir       = true;
                else if (currentCoords.Row == nextCoords.Row)  // Same row, move left or right
                    if (currentCoords.Column < nextCoords.Column)
                        moveDirection = MazeDirection.RIGHT;
                        findDir       = true;
                        moveDirection = MazeDirection.LEFT;
                        findDir       = true;

                if (findDir)
                    // Set new edge
                    TileData cTile = grid[currentCoords.Column, currentCoords.Row];
                    cTile.SetEdge(moveDirection, MazeCellEdge.TypeEdgeEnum.PASSAGE);
                    grid[currentCoords.Column, currentCoords.Row] = cTile;

                    // Set next tile
                    TileData nTile = grid[nextCoords.Column, nextCoords.Row];
                    nTile.SetEdge(moveDirection.GetOpposite(), MazeCellEdge.TypeEdgeEnum.PASSAGE);
                    grid[nextCoords.Column, nextCoords.Row] = nTile;

            for (int iCol = 0; iCol < numberColumns; ++iCol)
                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; ++iRow)
                    Debug.LogFormat("Tile {0}x{1}", iCol, iRow);
                    // Add walls
                    for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < MazeDirections.NumberDirections; iEdge++)
                        Debug.LogFormat("Edge {0} : {1}", (MazeDirection)iEdge, grid[iCol, iRow].Edges[iEdge].ToString());

            // Save in JSON
            Debug.Log("[MazeGenerator] Saving in JSON file ");

            MazeJSONData mazeData = new MazeJSONData();

            mazeData.Columns     = numberColumns;
            mazeData.Rows        = numberRows;
            mazeData.NumberRooms = 0;
            mazeData.Name        = nameMaze;
            //mazeData.StartLocation = new IVector2();
            //mazeData.EndLocation = new IVector2();

            for (int iCol = 0; iCol < numberColumns; ++iCol)
                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; ++iRow)
                    mazeData.AddTileData(grid[iCol, iRow]);

                    /*Debug.Log("Tile(" + iCol + "x" + iRow + ") - Coord ( " + grid[iCol, iRow].Coords.Column + "," + grid[iCol, iRow].Coords.Row + ")");
                     * for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < grid[iCol, iRow].Edges.Length; iEdge++)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log("Edge " + ((MazeDirection)iEdge).ToString() + ":" + grid[iCol, iRow].Edges[iEdge].ToString());
                     * }*/

            Debug.Log("Saving " + mazeData.Name + " to JSON...");


            if (OnEndGenerateJSONMaze != null)