public void recruitTroops() { actionMenu = null; int nTroops = new Random().Next(30, 50); sourceCounty.troops += nTroops; if (playerNumber == 1) { funds -= 30; } else { unionFunds -= 30; } gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "RECRUITED " + nTroops + " TROOPS.\\n" + "TROOPS IN " + + ": " + sourceCounty.troops}, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(600, 50)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelRecruit }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); }
public void selectAttackCounty() { actionMenu = null; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { "SELECT TARGET" }, Content, new Vector2(25,25), new Vector2(250,25)); selectingForAttack = 1; }
public void handleInput() { if (okayButton != null) { inputHandler.update(Keyboard.GetState()); okayButton.handleInput(inputHandler); return; } if (actionMenu != null) { inputHandler.update(Keyboard.GetState()); actionMenu.handleInput(inputHandler); if (selectingForAttack != 0 || selectingForRecruitment || selectingForTroopTransfer != 0) { return; } } if (beginningMenu != null) { inputHandler.update(Keyboard.GetState()); beginningMenu.handleInput(inputHandler); return; } MouseState currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); inputHandler.updateMouse(currentMouseState); if (inputHandler.allowSingleClick()) { List<County> selectedCounties = new List<County>(); foreach (County c in counties) { if (c.mapRectangle.Contains(currentMouseState.Position)) { selectedCounties.Add(c); } } if (selectedCounties.Count > 0) { County closestCenter = selectedCounties[0]; for (int x = 1; x < selectedCounties.Count; x++) { if (Sprite.getRectangleDistance(selectedCounties[x].mapRectangle.Center, currentMouseState.Position) < Sprite.getRectangleDistance(closestCenter.mapRectangle.Center, currentMouseState.Position)) { closestCenter = selectedCounties[x]; } } individualCounty = closestCenter; icTextWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { + " COUNTY\\n" + "REVENUE: " + individualCounty.revenue + "\\n" + "STATIONED TROOPS: " + individualCounty.troops + "\\n" + "OWNER: " + individualCounty.getOwner() }, Content, new Vector2(350,630), new Vector2(400, 115)); if (beginning) { beginningTextWindow.advanceLine(); beginningTextWindow = new TextWindow( new string[] { "SELECT " + }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(300, 25)); beginningMenu = new Menu( new Vector2(100, 100), new string[] { "YES", "NO" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { selectStartingCounty, cancelStartingCounty }, 2, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); } else if (selectingForAttack == 1) { targetCounty = individualCounty; selectingForAttack = 2; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { "SELECT INVADING COUNTY" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(360, 25)); } else if (selectingForAttack == 2) { sourceCounty = individualCounty; bool adjacent = false; for (int x = 0; x < sourceCounty.edges.Length; x++) { if (targetCounty == counties[sourceCounty.edges[x]]) { adjacent = true; break; } } int playerFunds = funds; if (playerNumber == 2) playerFunds = unionFunds; if (sourceCounty.occupied != playerNumber) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "SOURCE COUNTY IS NOT YOURS" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelAttack }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } else if (targetCounty.occupied == playerNumber) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "TARGET COUNTY IS ALREADY YOURS" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelAttack }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } else if (!adjacent) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "TARGET COUNTY TOO FAR AWAY" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelAttack }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } else if (playerFunds - (sourceCounty.troops / 2) < 0) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "NOT ENOUGH FUNDS REQUIRED: " + (sourceCounty.troops / 2) }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(650, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelAttack }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } selectingForAttack = 3; int cost = sourceCounty.troops / 2; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { "ATTACK " + + " FROM " + + "\\nCOST: " + cost }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(650, 50)); actionMenu = new Menu( new Vector2(100, 100), new string[] { "YES", "NO" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { attackCounty, cancelAttack }, 2, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); } else if (selectingForTroopTransfer == 1) { targetCounty = individualCounty; selectingForTroopTransfer = 2; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { "SELECT DONOR" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(360, 25)); } else if (selectingForTroopTransfer == 2) { sourceCounty = individualCounty; int playerFunds = funds; if (playerNumber == 2) playerFunds = unionFunds; bool connected = false; List<County> visited = new List<County>(); Stack<County> DFSstack = new Stack<County>(); DFSstack.Push(sourceCounty); while (DFSstack.Count != 0) { County chk = DFSstack.Pop(); if (chk == targetCounty && chk.occupied == playerNumber) { connected = true; break; } else if (visited.Contains(chk)) { continue; } for (int x = 0; x < chk.edges.Length; x++) { if (counties[chk.edges[x]].occupied == playerNumber) DFSstack.Push(counties[chk.edges[x]]); } visited.Add(chk); } if (sourceCounty.occupied != playerNumber) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "SOURCE COUNTY NOT YOURS" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelTroopMove }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } else if (targetCounty.occupied != playerNumber) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "RECIPIENT COUNTY NOT YOURS" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelTroopMove }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } else if (targetCounty == sourceCounty) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "THAT IS POINTLESS" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelTroopMove }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } else if (!connected) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "NO ROUTE FROM SOURCE TO RECIPIENT" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelTroopMove }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } else if (playerFunds - 90 < 0) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "NOT ENOUGH FUNDS REQUIRED: 90" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(650, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelTroopMove }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } selectingForTroopTransfer = 3; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { "MOVE " + (sourceCounty.troops/3) + " FROM " + + " TO " + + "\\n" + "COST: 90"}, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(650, 50)); actionMenu = new Menu( new Vector2(100, 100), new string[] { "YES", "NO" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { moveTroops, cancelTroopMove }, 2, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); } else if (selectingForRecruitment) { sourceCounty = individualCounty; int playerFunds = funds; if (playerNumber == 2) playerFunds = unionFunds; if (sourceCounty.occupied != playerNumber) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "COUNTY NOT YOURS" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelRecruit }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } else if (playerFunds - 30 < 0) { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "NOT ENOUGH FUNDS REQUIRED: 30" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(650, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelRecruit }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); return; } int cost = 30; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { "RECRUIT TROOPS IN " + + "\\nCOST: " + cost }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 50)); actionMenu = new Menu( new Vector2(100, 100), new string[] { "YES", "NO" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { recruitTroops, cancelRecruit }, 2, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); } } } }
public void moveTroops() { if (playerNumber == 1) { funds -= 90; } else { Console.WriteLine("Subtracting union funds"); unionFunds -= 90; } actionMenu = null; int troopsToMove = (int)(sourceCounty.troops / 3); sourceCounty.troops -= troopsToMove; targetCounty.troops += troopsToMove; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "TROOPS IN " + + ": " + sourceCounty.troops + "\\n" + "TROOPS IN " + + ": " + targetCounty.troops }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(600, 50)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelTroopMove }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); int playerFunds = funds; if (playerNumber == 2) playerFunds = unionFunds; revWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { playerNames[playerNumber] + "\\nWEEK " + week + "\\nFUNDS: " + playerFunds + "\\nREVENUE: " + revenue }, Content, new Vector2(500, 100), new Vector2(225, 100), 1.0); }
private void showCredits() { m = null; tw = new TextWindow(new string[] { "DEVELOPED BY\\n\\2ANDREW BARRY" }, Content, new Vector2(25,25), new Vector2(200,50)); }
public void startWeek() { if (playerNumber == 1) { ++week; unionFunds += unionRevenue; funds += revenue; revWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { playerNames[playerNumber] + "\\nWEEK " + week + "\\nFUNDS: " + funds + "\\nREVENUE: " + revenue }, Content, new Vector2(500, 100), new Vector2(225, 100), 1.0); } else { revWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { playerNames[playerNumber] + "\\nWEEK " + week + "\\nFUNDS: " + unionFunds + "\\nREVENUE: " + unionRevenue }, Content, new Vector2(500, 100), new Vector2(225, 100), 1.0); } actionMenu = new Menu( new Vector2(500, 225), new string[] { "ATTACK", "MOVE TROOPS", "RECRUIT", "END WEEK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { selectAttackCounty, startTroopMove, startRecruit, endWeek }, 4, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); }
public void doDefeat() { gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { "YOU WERE DEFEATED BY UNIONS\\nBETTER LUCK NEXT TIME" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(600, 50)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { returnToMainMenu }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); }
private void showControls() { m = null; tw = new TextWindow(new string[] { "\\3WASD\\0 - Move. \\3Space+WASD\\0 - Drill in direction.\\n\\3ESC\\0 - Self-destruct. \\3Enter\\0 - Enter shop." }, Content, new Vector2(150, 125), new Vector2(570, 50)); }
public void cancelStartingCounty() { beginningMenu = null; beginningTextWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { playerNames[beginningSelector] + " SELECT A COUNTY" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); return; }
public void cancelTroopMove() { selectingForTroopTransfer = 0; gpWindow = null; okayButton = null; actionMenu = new Menu( new Vector2(500, 225), new string[] { "ATTACK", "MOVE TROOPS", "RECRUIT", "END WEEK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { selectAttackCounty, startTroopMove, startRecruit, endWeek }, 4, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); updateGameLabels(); }
public void cancelRecruit() { selectingForRecruitment = false; okayButton = null; gpWindow = null; actionMenu = new Menu( new Vector2(500, 225), new string[] { "ATTACK", "MOVE TROOPS", "RECRUIT", "END WEEK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { selectAttackCounty, startTroopMove, startRecruit, endWeek }, 4, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); int playerFunds = funds; if (playerNumber == 2) playerFunds = unionFunds; revWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { playerNames[playerNumber] + "\\nWEEK " + week + "\\nFUNDS: " + playerFunds + "\\nREVENUE: " + revenue }, Content, new Vector2(500, 100), new Vector2(225, 100), 1.0); updateGameLabels(); }
public void attackCounty() { actionMenu = null; if (playerNumber == 1) { funds -= sourceCounty.troops / 2; } else { unionFunds -= sourceCounty.troops / 2; } if (targetCounty.occupied == 0) { takeCounty(targetCounty, playerNumber); ownedCounties++; Console.WriteLine(ownedCounties); if (checkWinner() == playerNumber) { doVictory(playerNumber); return; } cancelAttack(); return; } Random ra = new Random(); int sourceOdds = 50 * (sourceCounty.troops / targetCounty.troops); int targetOdds = 50 * (targetCounty.troops / sourceCounty.troops); int loss = 0; int gain = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 500; x++) { int sourceCheck = ra.Next(0, 100); if (sourceCheck > sourceOdds) { sourceCounty.troops--; loss++; if (sourceCounty.troops == 0) { break; } } int targetCheck = ra.Next(0, 100); if (targetCheck > targetOdds) { targetCounty.troops--; gain++; if (targetCounty.troops == 0) { break; } } } if (sourceCounty.troops <= 0) { takeCounty(sourceCounty, enemyNumber); sourceCounty.troops = targetCounty.troops / 3; targetCounty.troops -= (targetCounty.troops / 3); if (checkWinner() == enemyNumber) { doVictory(enemyNumber); return; } } else if (targetCounty.troops <= 0) { takeCounty(targetCounty, playerNumber); targetCounty.troops = sourceCounty.troops / 3; sourceCounty.troops -= (sourceCounty.troops / 3); Console.WriteLine(ownedCounties); if (checkWinner() == playerNumber) { doVictory(playerNumber); return; } } gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "KILLED: " + gain + " LOST: " + loss }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { cancelAttack }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); }
public void updateGameLabels() { for (int z = 0; z < 21; z++) { troopLabels[z] = new TextWindow(new string[] { "\\5" + counties[z].troops }, Content, new Vector2(counties[z].mapRectangle.Center.X, counties[z].mapRectangle.Center.Y) + labelOffsets[z], new Vector2(0,0), 0.1, 0); troopLabels[z].update(1); troopLabels[z].update(1); troopLabels[z].update(1); troopLabels[z].update(1); } }
public void selectStartingCounty() { beginningMenu = null; if (individualCounty.occupied == 0) { takeCounty(individualCounty, beginningSelector); } else { cancelStartingCounty(); return; } if (multiPlayer && beginningSelector != 2) { beginningSelector = 2; beginningTextWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { playerNames[2] + " SELECT A COUNTY" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); } else if (multiPlayer && beginningSelector == 2) { playerNumber = 1; beginning = false; beginningTextWindow = null; beginningMenu = null; individualCounty = null; icTextWindow = null; startWeek(); } else { beginning = false; beginningTextWindow = null; beginningMenu = null; individualCounty = null; icTextWindow = null; int oCo = 0; while (oCo != 1) { Random ra = new Random(); int toFill = ra.Next(0, counties.Length); if (counties[toFill].occupied == 0) { takeCounty(counties[toFill], 2); counties[toFill].occupied = 2; oCo++; } } startWeek(); } return; }
public void doVictory(int winnerNumber) { actionMenu = null; string winnerString = "SOMEONE HAS WON"; // lol if (winnerNumber == 1) { winnerString = "\\2C\\1H\\2R\\1I\\2S\\1T\\2I\\1E \\2I\\1S \\2V\\1I\\2C\\1T\\2O\\1R\\2I\\1O\\2U\\1S\\n\\0NOW RUN FOR PRESIDENT"; } else { winnerString = "\\2U\\1N\\2I\\1O\\2N\\1S \\2A\\1R\\2E \\1V\\2I\\1C\\2T\\1O\\2R\\1I\\2O\\1U\\2S\\n\\0CHRISTIE REMOVED FROM OFFICE"; } gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { winnerString }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(600, 50)); okayButton = new Menu(new Vector2(700, 25), new string[] { "OK" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { returnToMainMenu }, 1, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); }
public void startRecruit() { actionMenu = null; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { "SELECT A COUNTY" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(250, 25)); selectingForRecruitment = true; }
public GameStateMap(ContentManager c, Game1 g, int nP) { Content = c; game = g; week = 0; revenue = 0; unionRevenue = 0; funds = 0; unionFunds = 0; ownedCounties = 1; multiPlayer = (nP == 2); playerNumber = 1; enemyNumber = 2; selectingForAttack = 0; selectingForTroopTransfer = 0; selectingForRecruitment = false; actionMenu = null; gpWindow = null; playerNames = new string[] { "\\0UNOCCUPIED", "\\3CHRISTIE\\0", "\\4UNION\\0" }; beginning = true; beginningSelector = 1; beginningTextWindow = new TextWindow(new String[] { playerNames[1] + " SELECT A COUNTY" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(500, 25)); inputHandler = new InputHandler(); countyNames = new string[] { "Atlantic", "Bergen", "Burlington", "Camden", "Cape May", "Cumberland", "Essex", "Gloucester", "Hudson", "Hunterdon", "Mercer", "Middlesex", "Monmouth","Morris", "Ocean", "Passaic", "Salem", "Somerset", "Sussex", "Union", "Warren"}; countyRevenues = new int[] { 27,42,34,29,33,21,31,31,31,48,36,33,40,47,29,26,27,47,35,34,32 }; countyPopulations = new int[] { 274,905,448,513,97,156,783,288,634,128,366,809,630,492,576,501,66,323,149,536,108 }; countyGraph = new int[][] { new int[] {2,3,4,5,7}, // Atlantic new int[] {6,8,15}, // Bergen new int[] {10,12,0,3,14}, // Burlington new int[] {0,2,7}, // Camden new int[] {0,5}, // Cape May new int[] {4,0,16,7}, // Cumberland new int[] {1,8,15,19,13}, // Essex new int[] {16,3,5,0}, // Gloucester new int[] {1,6}, // Hudson new int[] {20,13,17,10}, // Hunterdon new int[] {9,17,11,12,2}, // Mercer new int[] {19,17,10,12}, // Middlesex new int[] {10,11,2,14}, // Monmouth new int[] {18,15,6,19,17,9,20}, // Morris new int[] {12,2}, // Ocean new int[] {13,6,1,18}, // Passaic new int[] {7,5}, // Salem new int[] {13, 19, 11, 10, 9}, // Somerset new int[] {15,13,20}, // Sussex new int[] {6,13,17,11}, // Union new int[] {18,13,9} // Warren }; labelOffsets = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(-30,0), // Atlantic new Vector2(-10,-10), // Bergen new Vector2(-15,-20), // Burlington new Vector2(-120, -70), // Camden new Vector2(30, 0), // Cape May new Vector2(0,0), // Cumberland new Vector2(-23, -20), // Essex new Vector2(-30, -20), // Gloucester new Vector2(10, -10), // Hudson new Vector2(-20, -20), // Hunterdon new Vector2(-30, -10), // Mercer new Vector2(-40, 0), // Middlesex new Vector2(0, -5), // Monmouth new Vector2(-20, -5), // Morris new Vector2(-40, -40), // Ocean new Vector2(0, -70), // Passaic new Vector2(-40, -35), // Salem new Vector2(-30, 0), // Somerset new Vector2(-40, -20), // Sussex new Vector2(30, 5), // Union new Vector2(-100, -10) // Warren }; counties = new County[countyNames.Length]; individualCounty = null; icTextWindow = null; int x = 0; foreach (string co in countyNames) // load county sprites { Sprite s = new Sprite(co + ".png", Content, new Vector2(650, 600)); s.position = new Vector2(650 - s.boundingRectangle.Width, 600 - s.boundingRectangle.Height); Sprite sfull = new Sprite(co + "-full.png", Content, new Vector2(0, 0)); counties[x] = new County(co, s, sfull, countyRevenues[x], countyPopulations[x], countyGraph[x++]); } troopLabels = new TextWindow[21]; updateGameLabels(); }
private void showCredits() { m = null; tw = new TextWindow(new string[] { "DEVELOPED BY\\n\\2ANDREW BARRY","MARS PHOTOS:\\n\\2NASA" }, Content, new Vector2(150,125), new Vector2(200,50)); }
public void endWeek() { revWindow = null; actionMenu = null; if (!multiPlayer) { doEnemyTurn(); } else { int temp = playerNumber; playerNumber = enemyNumber; enemyNumber = temp; } updateGameLabels(); startWeek(); }
public void handleInput() { inputHandler.update (Keyboard.GetState ()); if (m != null) { m.handleInput(inputHandler); } else if (inputHandler.allowSinglePress(Keys.Down) && buttonCursor != 2) { buttons [buttonCursor].animHandler.setAnimation (0,false); buttonCursor++; buttons [buttonCursor].animHandler.setAnimation (1,false); } else if (inputHandler.allowSinglePress(Keys.Up) && buttonCursor != 0) { buttons [buttonCursor].animHandler.setAnimation(0,false); buttonCursor--; buttons[buttonCursor].animHandler.setAnimation(1,false); } if (inputHandler.allowSinglePress(Keys.Enter) && tw != null) { if (tw != null) { if (tw.waitingForContinue) { tw.advanceLine(); } else { tw.fastForward(); } if (tw.done) { tw = null; m = new Menu(new Vector2(10, 10), new String[] { "NEW GAME", "CREDITS", "QUIT" }, new Menu.menuAction[] { playerCount, showCredits, quitGame }, 3, 1, "test-semifont.png", Content); } } } }
public void startTroopMove() { actionMenu = null; gpWindow = new TextWindow(new string[] { "SELECT RECIPIENT" }, Content, new Vector2(25, 25), new Vector2(300, 25)); selectingForTroopTransfer = 1; }