private void btnSaveNewBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsValidData()) { book = new CBook(txtISBN.Text, txtAuthor.Text, txtTitle.Text, Convert.ToDouble(txtPrice.Text)); this.Close(); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmNewBook addNewBook = new frmNewBook(); CBook book = addNewBook.GetNewBook(); if (book != null) { books.Add(book); BookDB.AddNewBook(books); FillBookListBox(); } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = lstBook.SelectedIndex; if (i != -1) { CBook book = (CBook)books[i]; string message = "Are you sure you want to delete " + book._Title + "?"; DialogResult button = MessageBox.Show(message, "Confirm Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (button == DialogResult.Yes) { books.Remove(book); BookDB.AddNewBook(books); FillBookListBox(); } } }
public static List <CBook> GetBooks() { // create the list List <CBook> books = new List <CBook>(); // create the xmlReaderSettings object XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; settings.IgnoreComments = true; // create the XmlReader object XmlReader xmlIn = XmlReader.Create(Path, settings); // read past all nodes to the first Student node if (xmlIn.ReadToDescendant("Book")) { // create one Student object for each Student node do { CBook book = new CBook(); xmlIn.ReadStartElement("Book"); book._ISBN = xmlIn.ReadElementContentAsString(); book._Author = xmlIn.ReadElementContentAsString(); book._Title = xmlIn.ReadElementContentAsString(); book._Price = xmlIn.ReadElementContentAsDouble(); books.Add(book); }while (xmlIn.ReadToNextSibling("Book")); } // close the XmlReader object xmlIn.Close(); return(books); }