コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Clip the region the graphics will draw on by the overflow style of the containing block.<br/>
        /// Recursively travel up the tree to find containing block that has overflow style set to hidden. if not
        /// block found there will be no clipping and null will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the graphics to clip</param>
        /// <param name="box">the box that is rendered to get containing blocks</param>
        /// <returns>true - was clipped, false - not clipped</returns>
        public static bool ClipGraphicsByOverflow(RGraphics g, CssBox box)
            var containingBlock = box.ContainingBlock;
            while (true)
                if (containingBlock.Overflow == CssConstants.Hidden)
                    var prevClip = g.GetClip();
                    var rect = box.ContainingBlock.ClientRectangle;
                    rect.X -= 2; // TODO:a find better way to fix it
                    rect.Width += 2;

                    if (!box.IsFixed)

                    return true;
                    var cBlock = containingBlock.ContainingBlock;
                    if (cBlock == containingBlock)
                        return false;
                    containingBlock = cBlock;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Measure the size of the html by performing layout under the given restrictions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the graphics to use</param>
        /// <param name="htmlContainer">the html to calculate the layout for</param>
        /// <param name="minSize">the minimal size of the rendered html (zero - not limit the width/height)</param>
        /// <param name="maxSize">the maximum size of the rendered html, if not zero and html cannot be layout within the limit it will be clipped (zero - not limit the width/height)</param>
        /// <returns>return: the size of the html to be rendered within the min/max limits</returns>
        public static RSize MeasureHtmlByRestrictions(RGraphics g, HtmlContainerInt htmlContainer, RSize minSize, RSize maxSize)
            // first layout without size restriction to know html actual size

            if (maxSize.Width > 0 && maxSize.Width < htmlContainer.ActualSize.Width)
                // to allow the actual size be smaller than max we need to set max size only if it is really larger
                htmlContainer.MaxSize = new RSize(maxSize.Width, 0);

            // restrict the final size by min/max
            var finalWidth = Math.Max(maxSize.Width > 0 ? Math.Min(maxSize.Width, (int)htmlContainer.ActualSize.Width) : (int)htmlContainer.ActualSize.Width, minSize.Width);

            // if the final width is larger than the actual we need to re-layout so the html can take the full given width.
            if (finalWidth > htmlContainer.ActualSize.Width)
                htmlContainer.MaxSize = new RSize(finalWidth, 0);

            var finalHeight = Math.Max(maxSize.Height > 0 ? Math.Min(maxSize.Height, (int)htmlContainer.ActualSize.Height) : (int)htmlContainer.ActualSize.Height, minSize.Height);

            return new RSize(finalWidth, finalHeight);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw to</param>
        protected override void PaintImp(RGraphics g)
            // load image iff it is in visible rectangle
            if (_imageLoadHandler == null)
                _imageLoadHandler = new ImageLoadHandler(HtmlContainer, OnLoadImageComplete);
                _imageLoadHandler.LoadImage(GetAttribute("src"), HtmlTag != null ? HtmlTag.Attributes : null);

            var rect = CommonUtils.GetFirstValueOrDefault(Rectangles);
            RPoint offset = HtmlContainer.ScrollOffset;

            var clipped = RenderUtils.ClipGraphicsByOverflow(g, this);

            PaintBackground(g, rect, true, true);
            BordersDrawHandler.DrawBoxBorders(g, this, rect, true, true);

            RRect r = _imageWord.Rectangle;
            r.Height -= ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualBorderBottomWidth + ActualPaddingTop + ActualPaddingBottom;
            r.Y += ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualPaddingTop;
            r.X = Math.Floor(r.X);
            r.Y = Math.Floor(r.Y);

            if (_imageWord.Image != null)
                if (r.Width > 0 && r.Height > 0)
                    if (_imageWord.ImageRectangle == RRect.Empty)
                        g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, r);
                        g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, r, _imageWord.ImageRectangle);

                    if (_imageWord.Selected)
                        g.DrawRectangle(GetSelectionBackBrush(g, true), _imageWord.Left + offset.X, _imageWord.Top + offset.Y, _imageWord.Width + 2, DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_imageWord).LineHeight);
            else if (_imageLoadingComplete)
                if (_imageLoadingComplete && r.Width > 19 && r.Height > 19)
                    RenderUtils.DrawImageErrorIcon(g, HtmlContainer, r);
                RenderUtils.DrawImageLoadingIcon(g, HtmlContainer, r);
                if (r.Width > 19 && r.Height > 19)
                    g.DrawRectangle(g.GetPen(RColor.LightGray), r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);

            if (clipped)
コード例 #4
 public override double GetWhitespaceWidth(RGraphics graphics)
     if (_whitespaceWidth < 0)
         _whitespaceWidth = graphics.MeasureString(" ", this).Width;
     return _whitespaceWidth;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the white space width of the specified box
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static double WhiteSpace(RGraphics g, CssBoxProperties box)
     double w = box.ActualFont.GetWhitespaceWidth(g);
     if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(box.WordSpacing) || box.WordSpacing == CssConstants.Normal))
         w += CssValueParser.ParseLength(box.WordSpacing, 0, box, true);
     return w;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures the bounds of box and children, recursively.<br/>
        /// Performs layout of the DOM structure creating lines by set bounds restrictions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Device context to use</param>
        protected override void PerformLayoutImp(RGraphics g)
            if (Display == CssConstants.None)


            var prevSibling = DomUtils.GetPreviousSibling(this);
            double left = ContainingBlock.Location.X + ContainingBlock.ActualPaddingLeft + ActualMarginLeft + ContainingBlock.ActualBorderLeftWidth;
            double top = (prevSibling == null && ParentBox != null ? ParentBox.ClientTop : ParentBox == null ? Location.Y : 0) + MarginTopCollapse(prevSibling) + (prevSibling != null ? prevSibling.ActualBottom + prevSibling.ActualBorderBottomWidth : 0);
            Location = new RPoint(left, top);
            ActualBottom = top;

            //width at 100% (or auto)
            double minwidth = GetMinimumWidth();
            double width = ContainingBlock.Size.Width
                           - ContainingBlock.ActualPaddingLeft - ContainingBlock.ActualPaddingRight
                           - ContainingBlock.ActualBorderLeftWidth - ContainingBlock.ActualBorderRightWidth
                           - ActualMarginLeft - ActualMarginRight - ActualBorderLeftWidth - ActualBorderRightWidth;

            //Check width if not auto
            if (Width != CssConstants.Auto && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Width))
                width = CssValueParser.ParseLength(Width, width, this);

            if (width < minwidth || width >= 9999)
                width = minwidth;

            double height = ActualHeight;
            if (height < 1)
                height = Size.Height + ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualBorderBottomWidth;
            if (height < 1)
                height = 2;
            if (height <= 2 && ActualBorderTopWidth < 1 && ActualBorderBottomWidth < 1)
                BorderTopStyle = BorderBottomStyle = CssConstants.Solid;
                BorderTopWidth = "1px";
                BorderBottomWidth = "1px";

            Size = new RSize(width, height);

            ActualBottom = Location.Y + ActualPaddingTop + ActualPaddingBottom + height;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the layout of the html container by given size restrictions returning the final size.<br/>
        /// The layout can be effected by the HTML content in the <paramref name="htmlContainer"/> if <paramref name="autoSize"/> or
        /// <paramref name="autoSizeHeightOnly"/> is set to true.<br/>
        /// Handle minimum and maximum size restrictions.<br/>
        /// Handle auto size and auto size for height only. if <paramref name="autoSize"/> is true <paramref name="autoSizeHeightOnly"/>
        /// is ignored.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the graphics used for layout</param>
        /// <param name="htmlContainer">the html container to layout</param>
        /// <param name="size">the current size</param>
        /// <param name="minSize">the min size restriction - can be empty for no restriction</param>
        /// <param name="maxSize">the max size restriction - can be empty for no restriction</param>
        /// <param name="autoSize">if to modify the size (width and height) by html content layout</param>
        /// <param name="autoSizeHeightOnly">if to modify the height by html content layout</param>
        public static RSize Layout(RGraphics g, HtmlContainerInt htmlContainer, RSize size, RSize minSize, RSize maxSize, bool autoSize, bool autoSizeHeightOnly)
            if (autoSize)
                htmlContainer.MaxSize = new RSize(0, 0);
            else if (autoSizeHeightOnly)
                htmlContainer.MaxSize = new RSize(size.Width, 0);
                htmlContainer.MaxSize = size;


            RSize newSize = size;
            if (autoSize || autoSizeHeightOnly)
                if (autoSize)
                    if (maxSize.Width > 0 && maxSize.Width < htmlContainer.ActualSize.Width)
                        // to allow the actual size be smaller than max we need to set max size only if it is really larger
                        htmlContainer.MaxSize = maxSize;
                    else if (minSize.Width > 0 && minSize.Width > htmlContainer.ActualSize.Width)
                        // if min size is larger than the actual we need to re-layout so all 100% layouts will be correct
                        htmlContainer.MaxSize = new RSize(minSize.Width, 0);
                    newSize = htmlContainer.ActualSize;
                else if (Math.Abs(size.Height - htmlContainer.ActualSize.Height) > 0.01)
                    var prevWidth = size.Width;

                    // make sure the height is not lower than min if given
                    newSize.Height = minSize.Height > 0 && minSize.Height > htmlContainer.ActualSize.Height
                        ? minSize.Height
                        : htmlContainer.ActualSize.Height;

                    // handle if changing the height of the label affects the desired width and those require re-layout
                    if (Math.Abs(prevWidth - size.Width) > 0.01)
                        return Layout(g, htmlContainer, size, minSize, maxSize, false, true);

            return newSize;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the background image of the given box in the given rectangle.<br/>
        /// Handle background-repeat and background-position values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
        /// <param name="box">the box to draw its background image</param>
        /// <param name="imageLoadHandler">the handler that loads image to draw</param>
        /// <param name="rectangle">the rectangle to draw image in</param>
        public static void DrawBackgroundImage(RGraphics g, CssBox box, ImageLoadHandler imageLoadHandler, RRect rectangle)
            // image size depends if specific rectangle given in image loader
            var imgSize = new RSize(imageLoadHandler.Rectangle == RRect.Empty ? imageLoadHandler.Image.Width : imageLoadHandler.Rectangle.Width,
                imageLoadHandler.Rectangle == RRect.Empty ? imageLoadHandler.Image.Height : imageLoadHandler.Rectangle.Height);

            // get the location by BackgroundPosition value
            var location = GetLocation(box.BackgroundPosition, rectangle, imgSize);

            var srcRect = imageLoadHandler.Rectangle == RRect.Empty
                ? new RRect(0, 0, imgSize.Width, imgSize.Height)
                : new RRect(imageLoadHandler.Rectangle.Left, imageLoadHandler.Rectangle.Top, imgSize.Width, imgSize.Height);

            // initial image destination rectangle
            var destRect = new RRect(location, imgSize);

            // need to clip so repeated image will be cut on rectangle
            var lRectangle = rectangle;

            switch (box.BackgroundRepeat)
                case "no-repeat":
                    g.DrawImage(imageLoadHandler.Image, destRect, srcRect);
                case "repeat-x":
                    DrawRepeatX(g, imageLoadHandler, rectangle, srcRect, destRect, imgSize);
                case "repeat-y":
                    DrawRepeatY(g, imageLoadHandler, rectangle, srcRect, destRect, imgSize);
                    DrawRepeat(g, imageLoadHandler, rectangle, srcRect, destRect, imgSize);

コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all the border of the box with respect to style, width, etc.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
 /// <param name="box">the box to draw borders for</param>
 /// <param name="rect">the bounding rectangle to draw in</param>
 /// <param name="isFirst">is it the first rectangle of the element</param>
 /// <param name="isLast">is it the last rectangle of the element</param>
 public static void DrawBoxBorders(RGraphics g, CssBox box, RRect rect, bool isFirst, bool isLast)
     if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
         if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(box.BorderTopStyle) || box.BorderTopStyle == CssConstants.None || box.BorderTopStyle == CssConstants.Hidden) && box.ActualBorderTopWidth > 0)
             DrawBorder(Border.Top, box, g, rect, isFirst, isLast);
         if (isFirst && !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(box.BorderLeftStyle) || box.BorderLeftStyle == CssConstants.None || box.BorderLeftStyle == CssConstants.Hidden) && box.ActualBorderLeftWidth > 0)
             DrawBorder(Border.Left, box, g, rect, true, isLast);
         if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(box.BorderBottomStyle) || box.BorderBottomStyle == CssConstants.None || box.BorderBottomStyle == CssConstants.Hidden) && box.ActualBorderBottomWidth > 0)
             DrawBorder(Border.Bottom, box, g, rect, isFirst, isLast);
         if (isLast && !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(box.BorderRightStyle) || box.BorderRightStyle == CssConstants.None || box.BorderRightStyle == CssConstants.Hidden) && box.ActualBorderRightWidth > 0)
             DrawBorder(Border.Right, box, g, rect, isFirst, true);
コード例 #10
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the background of the box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
        /// <param name="rect">the bounding rectangle to draw in</param>
        /// <param name="isFirst">is it the first rectangle of the element</param>
        /// <param name="isLast">is it the last rectangle of the element</param>
        protected void PaintBackground(RGraphics g, RRect rect, bool isFirst, bool isLast)
            if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
                RBrush brush = null;

                if (BackgroundGradient != CssConstants.None)
                    brush = g.GetLinearGradientBrush(rect, ActualBackgroundColor, ActualBackgroundGradient, ActualBackgroundGradientAngle);
                else if (RenderUtils.IsColorVisible(ActualBackgroundColor))
                    brush = g.GetSolidBrush(ActualBackgroundColor);

                if (brush != null)
                    // TODO:a handle it correctly (tables background)
                    // if (isLast)
                    //  rectangle.Width -= ActualWordSpacing + CssUtils.GetWordEndWhitespace(ActualFont);

                    RGraphicsPath roundrect = null;
                    if (IsRounded)
                        roundrect = RenderUtils.GetRoundRect(g, rect, ActualCornerNw, ActualCornerNe, ActualCornerSe, ActualCornerSw);

                    Object prevMode = null;
                    if (HtmlContainer != null && !HtmlContainer.AvoidGeometryAntialias && IsRounded)
                        prevMode = g.SetAntiAliasSmoothingMode();

                    if (roundrect != null)
                        g.DrawPath(brush, roundrect);
                        g.DrawRectangle(brush, Math.Ceiling(rect.X), Math.Ceiling(rect.Y), rect.Width, rect.Height);


                    if (roundrect != null)

                if (_imageLoadHandler != null && _imageLoadHandler.Image != null && isFirst)
                    BackgroundImageDrawHandler.DrawBackgroundImage(g, this, _imageLoadHandler, rect);
コード例 #11
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns words its width and height
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        internal virtual void MeasureWordsSize(RGraphics g)
            if (!_wordsSizeMeasured)
                if (BackgroundImage != CssConstants.None && _imageLoadHandler == null)
                    _imageLoadHandler = new ImageLoadHandler(HtmlContainer, OnImageLoadComplete);
                    _imageLoadHandler.LoadImage(BackgroundImage, HtmlTag != null ? HtmlTag.Attributes : null);


                if (Words.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var boxWord in Words)
                        boxWord.Width = boxWord.Text != "\n" ? g.MeasureString(boxWord.Text, ActualFont).Width : 0;
                        boxWord.Height = ActualFont.Height;

                _wordsSizeMeasured = true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Device context to use</param>
        public void Paint(RGraphics g)
                if (Display != CssConstants.None && Visibility == CssConstants.Visible)
                    // don't call paint if the rectangle of the box is not in visible rectangle
                    bool visible = Rectangles.Count == 0;
                    if (!visible)
                        var clip = g.GetClip();
                        var rect = ContainingBlock.ClientRectangle;
                        rect.X -= 2;
                        rect.Width += 2;
                        rect.Offset(new RPoint(-HtmlContainer.Location.X, -HtmlContainer.Location.Y));

                        if (clip != RRect.Empty)
                            visible = true;

                    if (visible)
            catch (Exception ex)
                HtmlContainer.ReportError(HtmlRenderErrorType.Paint, "Exception in box paint", ex);
コード例 #13
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the <see cref="_listItemBox"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        private void CreateListItemBox(RGraphics g)
            if (Display == CssConstants.ListItem && ListStyleType != CssConstants.None)
                if (_listItemBox == null)
                    _listItemBox = new CssBox(null, null);
                    _listItemBox.Display = CssConstants.Inline;
                    _listItemBox.HtmlContainer = HtmlContainer;

                    if (ListStyleType.Equals(CssConstants.Disc, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        _listItemBox.Text = new SubString("•");
                    else if (ListStyleType.Equals(CssConstants.Circle, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        _listItemBox.Text = new SubString("o");
                    else if (ListStyleType.Equals(CssConstants.Square, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        _listItemBox.Text = new SubString("♠");
                    else if (ListStyleType.Equals(CssConstants.Decimal, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        _listItemBox.Text = new SubString(GetIndexForList().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".");
                    else if (ListStyleType.Equals(CssConstants.DecimalLeadingZero, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        _listItemBox.Text = new SubString(GetIndexForList().ToString("00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".");
                        _listItemBox.Text = new SubString(CommonUtils.ConvertToAlphaNumber(GetIndexForList(), ListStyleType) + ".");


                    _listItemBox.Size = new RSize(_listItemBox.Words[0].Width, _listItemBox.Words[0].Height);
                _listItemBox.Words[0].Left = Location.X - _listItemBox.Size.Width - 5;
                _listItemBox.Words[0].Top = Location.Y + ActualPaddingTop; // +FontAscent;
コード例 #14
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw to</param>
        protected virtual void PaintImp(RGraphics g)
            if (Display != CssConstants.None && (Display != CssConstants.TableCell || EmptyCells != CssConstants.Hide || !IsSpaceOrEmpty))
                var clipped = RenderUtils.ClipGraphicsByOverflow(g, this);

                var areas = Rectangles.Count == 0 ? new List<RRect>(new[] { Bounds }) : new List<RRect>(Rectangles.Values);

                RRect[] rects = areas.ToArray();
                RPoint offset = HtmlContainer.ScrollOffset;

                for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++)
                    var actualRect = rects[i];

                    PaintBackground(g, actualRect, i == 0, i == rects.Length - 1);
                    BordersDrawHandler.DrawBoxBorders(g, this, actualRect, i == 0, i == rects.Length - 1);

                PaintWords(g, offset);

                for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++)
                    var actualRect = rects[i];
                    PaintDecoration(g, actualRect, i == 0, i == rects.Length - 1);

                // split paint to handle z-order
                foreach (CssBox b in Boxes)
                    if (b.Position != CssConstants.Absolute)
                foreach (CssBox b in Boxes)
                    if (b.Position == CssConstants.Absolute)

                if (clipped)

                if (_listItemBox != null)
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the background image at the required location repeating it over the X and Y axis.<br/>
        /// Adjust location to left-top if starting location doesn't include all the range (adjusted to center or bottom/right).
        /// </summary>
        private static void DrawRepeat(RGraphics g, ImageLoadHandler imageLoadHandler, RRect rectangle, RRect srcRect, RRect destRect, RSize imgSize)
            while (destRect.X > rectangle.X)
                destRect.X -= imgSize.Width;
            while (destRect.Y > rectangle.Y)
                destRect.Y -= imgSize.Height;

            using (var brush = g.GetTextureBrush(imageLoadHandler.Image, srcRect, destRect.Location))
                g.DrawRectangle(brush, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the html using the given device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to use to render</param>
        public void PerformPaint(RGraphics g)
            ArgChecker.AssertArgNotNull(g, "g");

            if (MaxSize.Height > 0)
                g.PushClip(new RRect(_location.X, _location.Y, Math.Min(_maxSize.Width, PageSize.Width), Math.Min(_maxSize.Height, PageSize.Height)));
                g.PushClip(new RRect(MarginLeft, MarginTop, PageSize.Width, PageSize.Height));

            if (_root != null)

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a rounded rectangle using the specified corner radius<br/>
        /// NW-----NE
        ///  |       |
        ///  |       |
        /// SW-----SE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Rectangle to round</param>
        /// <param name="nwRadius">Radius of the north east corner</param>
        /// <param name="neRadius">Radius of the north west corner</param>
        /// <param name="seRadius">Radius of the south east corner</param>
        /// <param name="swRadius">Radius of the south west corner</param>
        /// <returns>GraphicsPath with the lines of the rounded rectangle ready to be painted</returns>
        public static RGraphicsPath GetRoundRect(RGraphics g, RRect rect, double nwRadius, double neRadius, double seRadius, double swRadius)
            var path = g.GetGraphicsPath();

            path.Start(rect.Left + nwRadius, rect.Top);

            path.LineTo(rect.Right - neRadius, rect.Y);

            if (neRadius > 0f)
                path.ArcTo(rect.Right, rect.Top + neRadius, neRadius, RGraphicsPath.Corner.TopRight);

            path.LineTo(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - seRadius);

            if (seRadius > 0f)
                path.ArcTo(rect.Right - seRadius, rect.Bottom, seRadius, RGraphicsPath.Corner.BottomRight);

            path.LineTo(rect.Left + swRadius, rect.Bottom);

            if (swRadius > 0f)
                path.ArcTo(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - swRadius, swRadius, RGraphicsPath.Corner.BottomLeft);

            path.LineTo(rect.Left, rect.Top + nwRadius);

            if (nwRadius > 0f)
                path.ArcTo(rect.Left + nwRadius, rect.Top, nwRadius, RGraphicsPath.Corner.TopLeft);

            return path;
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns words its width and height
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to use</param>
        internal override void MeasureWordsSize(RGraphics g)
            if (!_wordsSizeMeasured)
                if (_imageLoadHandler == null && (HtmlContainer.AvoidAsyncImagesLoading || HtmlContainer.AvoidImagesLateLoading))
                    _imageLoadHandler = new ImageLoadHandler(HtmlContainer, OnLoadImageComplete);

                    if (this.Content != null && this.Content != CssConstants.Normal)
                        _imageLoadHandler.LoadImage(this.Content, HtmlTag != null ? HtmlTag.Attributes : null);
                        _imageLoadHandler.LoadImage(GetAttribute("src"), HtmlTag != null ? HtmlTag.Attributes : null);

                _wordsSizeMeasured = true;

コード例 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw image failed to load icon.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
 /// <param name="htmlContainer"></param>
 /// <param name="r">the rectangle to draw icon in</param>
 public static void DrawImageErrorIcon(RGraphics g, HtmlContainerInt htmlContainer, RRect r)
     g.DrawRectangle(g.GetPen(RColor.LightGray), r.Left + 2, r.Top + 2, 15, 15);
     var image = htmlContainer.Adapter.GetLoadingFailedImage();
     g.DrawImage(image, new RRect(r.Left + 3, r.Top + 3, image.Width, image.Height));
コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw to</param>
        protected override void PaintImp(RGraphics g)
            if (_videoImageUrl != null && _imageLoadHandler == null)
                _imageLoadHandler = new ImageLoadHandler(HtmlContainer, OnLoadImageComplete);
                _imageLoadHandler.LoadImage(_videoImageUrl, HtmlTag != null ? HtmlTag.Attributes : null);

            var rects = CommonUtils.GetFirstValueOrDefault(Rectangles);

            RPoint offset = HtmlContainer != null ? HtmlContainer.ScrollOffset : RPoint.Empty;

            var clipped = RenderUtils.ClipGraphicsByOverflow(g, this);

            PaintBackground(g, rects, true, true);

            BordersDrawHandler.DrawBoxBorders(g, this, rects, true, true);

            var word = Words[0];
            var tmpRect = word.Rectangle;
            tmpRect.Height -= ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualBorderBottomWidth + ActualPaddingTop + ActualPaddingBottom;
            tmpRect.Y += ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualPaddingTop;
            tmpRect.X = Math.Floor(tmpRect.X);
            tmpRect.Y = Math.Floor(tmpRect.Y);
            var rect = tmpRect;

            DrawImage(g, offset, rect);

            DrawTitle(g, rect);

            DrawPlay(g, rect);

            if (clipped)
コード例 #21
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures the bounds of box and children, recursively.<br/>
        /// Performs layout of the DOM structure creating lines by set bounds restrictions.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Device context to use</param>
        protected virtual void PerformLayoutImp(RGraphics g)
            if (Display != CssConstants.None)

            if (IsBlock || Display == CssConstants.ListItem || Display == CssConstants.Table || Display == CssConstants.InlineTable || Display == CssConstants.TableCell)
                // Because their width and height are set by CssTable
                if (Display != CssConstants.TableCell && Display != CssConstants.Table)
                    double width = ContainingBlock.Size.Width
                                   - ContainingBlock.ActualPaddingLeft - ContainingBlock.ActualPaddingRight
                                   - ContainingBlock.ActualBorderLeftWidth - ContainingBlock.ActualBorderRightWidth;

                    if (Width != CssConstants.Auto && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Width))
                        width = CssValueParser.ParseLength(Width, width, this);

                    Size = new RSize(width, Size.Height);

                    // must be separate because the margin can be calculated by percentage of the width
                    Size = new RSize(width - ActualMarginLeft - ActualMarginRight, Size.Height);

                if (Display != CssConstants.TableCell)
                    var prevSibling = DomUtils.GetPreviousSibling(this);
                    double left = ContainingBlock.Location.X + ContainingBlock.ActualPaddingLeft + ActualMarginLeft + ContainingBlock.ActualBorderLeftWidth;
                    double top = (prevSibling == null && ParentBox != null ? ParentBox.ClientTop : ParentBox == null ? Location.Y : 0) + MarginTopCollapse(prevSibling) + (prevSibling != null ? prevSibling.ActualBottom + prevSibling.ActualBorderBottomWidth : 0);
                    Location = new RPoint(left, top);
                    ActualBottom = top;

                //If we're talking about a table here..
                if (Display == CssConstants.Table || Display == CssConstants.InlineTable)
                    CssLayoutEngineTable.PerformLayout(g, this);
                    //If there's just inline boxes, create LineBoxes
                    if (DomUtils.ContainsInlinesOnly(this))
                        ActualBottom = Location.Y;
                        CssLayoutEngine.CreateLineBoxes(g, this); //This will automatically set the bottom of this block
                    else if (_boxes.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var childBox in Boxes)
                        ActualRight = CalculateActualRight();
                        ActualBottom = MarginBottomCollapse();
                var prevSibling = DomUtils.GetPreviousSibling(this);
                if (prevSibling != null)
                    if (Location == RPoint.Empty)
                        Location = prevSibling.Location;
                    ActualBottom = prevSibling.ActualBottom;
            ActualBottom = Math.Max(ActualBottom, Location.Y + ActualHeight);


            var actualWidth = Math.Max(GetMinimumWidth() + GetWidthMarginDeep(this), Size.Width < 90999 ? ActualRight - HtmlContainer.Root.Location.X : 0);
            HtmlContainer.ActualSize = CommonUtils.Max(HtmlContainer.ActualSize, new RSize(actualWidth, ActualBottom - HtmlContainer.Root.Location.Y));
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw video image over the iframe if found.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawImage(RGraphics g, RPoint offset, RRect rect)
            if (_imageWord.Image != null)
                if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
                    if (_imageWord.ImageRectangle == RRect.Empty)
                        g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, rect);
                        g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, rect, _imageWord.ImageRectangle);

                    if (_imageWord.Selected)
                        g.DrawRectangle(GetSelectionBackBrush(g, true), _imageWord.Left + offset.X, _imageWord.Top + offset.Y, _imageWord.Width + 2, DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_imageWord).LineHeight);
            else if (_isVideo && !_imageLoadingComplete)
                RenderUtils.DrawImageLoadingIcon(g, HtmlContainer, rect);
                if (rect.Width > 19 && rect.Height > 19)
                    g.DrawRectangle(g.GetPen(RColor.LightGray), rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
コード例 #23
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint all the words in the box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
        /// <param name="offset">the current scroll offset to offset the words</param>
        private void PaintWords(RGraphics g, RPoint offset)
            if (Width.Length > 0)
                var isRtl = Direction == CssConstants.Rtl;
                foreach (var word in Words)
                    if (!word.IsLineBreak)
                        var wordPoint = new RPoint(word.Left + offset.X, word.Top + offset.Y);
                        if (word.Selected)
                            // handle paint selected word background and with partial word selection
                            var wordLine = DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(word);
                            var left = word.SelectedStartOffset > -1 ? word.SelectedStartOffset : (wordLine.Words[0] != word && word.HasSpaceBefore ? -ActualWordSpacing : 0);
                            var padWordRight = word.HasSpaceAfter && !wordLine.IsLastSelectedWord(word);
                            var width = word.SelectedEndOffset > -1 ? word.SelectedEndOffset : word.Width + (padWordRight ? ActualWordSpacing : 0);
                            var rect = new RRect(word.Left + offset.X + left, word.Top + offset.Y, width - left, wordLine.LineHeight);

                            g.DrawRectangle(GetSelectionBackBrush(g, false), rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

                            if (HtmlContainer.SelectionForeColor != RColor.Empty && (word.SelectedStartOffset > 0 || word.SelectedEndIndexOffset > -1))
                                g.DrawString(word.Text, ActualFont, ActualColor, wordPoint, new RSize(word.Width, word.Height), isRtl);
                                g.DrawString(word.Text, ActualFont, GetSelectionForeBrush(), wordPoint, new RSize(word.Width, word.Height), isRtl);
                                g.DrawString(word.Text, ActualFont, GetSelectionForeBrush(), wordPoint, new RSize(word.Width, word.Height), isRtl);
                            //                            g.DrawRectangle(HtmlContainer.Adapter.GetPen(RColor.Black), wordPoint.X, wordPoint.Y, word.Width - 1, word.Height - 1);
                            g.DrawString(word.Text, ActualFont, ActualColor, wordPoint, new RSize(word.Width, word.Height), isRtl);
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw video title on top of the iframe if found.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawTitle(RGraphics g, RRect rect)
            if (_videoTitle != null && _imageWord.Width > 40 && _imageWord.Height > 40)
                var font = HtmlContainer.Adapter.GetFont("Arial", 9f, RFontStyle.Regular);
                g.DrawRectangle(g.GetSolidBrush(RColor.FromArgb(160, 0, 0, 0)), rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, ActualFont.Height + 7);

                var titleRect = new RRect(rect.Left + 3, rect.Top + 3, rect.Width - 6, rect.Height - 6);
                g.DrawString(_videoTitle, font, RColor.WhiteSmoke, titleRect.Location, RSize.Empty, false);
コード例 #25
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
 /// <summary>
 /// Measures the bounds of box and children, recursively.<br/>
 /// Performs layout of the DOM structure creating lines by set bounds restrictions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">Device context to use</param>
 public void PerformLayout(RGraphics g)
     catch (Exception ex)
         HtmlContainer.ReportError(HtmlRenderErrorType.Layout, "Exception in box layout", ex);
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw play over the iframe if we found link url.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawPlay(RGraphics g, RRect rect)
            if (_isVideo && _imageWord.Width > 70 && _imageWord.Height > 50)
                var prevMode = g.SetAntiAliasSmoothingMode();

                var size = new RSize(60, 40);
                var left = rect.Left + (rect.Width - size.Width) / 2;
                var top = rect.Top + (rect.Height - size.Height) / 2;
                g.DrawRectangle(g.GetSolidBrush(RColor.FromArgb(160, 0, 0, 0)), left, top, size.Width, size.Height);

                RPoint[] points =
                    new RPoint(left + size.Width / 3f + 1,top + 3 * size.Height / 4f),
                    new RPoint(left + size.Width / 3f + 1, top + size.Height / 4f),
                    new RPoint(left + 2 * size.Width / 3f + 1, top + size.Height / 2f)
                g.DrawPolygon(g.GetSolidBrush(RColor.White), points);
コード例 #27
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
 /// <summary>
 /// Get brush for selection background depending if it has external and if alpha is required for images.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <param name="forceAlpha">used for images so they will have alpha effect</param>
 protected RBrush GetSelectionBackBrush(RGraphics g, bool forceAlpha)
     var backColor = HtmlContainer.SelectionBackColor;
     if (backColor != RColor.Empty)
         if (forceAlpha && backColor.A > 180)
             return g.GetSolidBrush(RColor.FromArgb(180, backColor.R, backColor.G, backColor.B));
             return g.GetSolidBrush(backColor);
         return g.GetSolidBrush(CssUtils.DefaultSelectionBackcolor);
コード例 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Assigns words its width and height
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">the device to use</param>
 internal override void MeasureWordsSize(RGraphics g)
     if (!_wordsSizeMeasured)
         _wordsSizeMeasured = true;
コード例 #29
ファイル: CssBox.cs プロジェクト: verdesgrobert/HTML-Renderer
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the text decoration (underline/strike-through/over-line)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
        /// <param name="rectangle"> </param>
        /// <param name="isFirst"> </param>
        /// <param name="isLast"> </param>
        protected void PaintDecoration(RGraphics g, RRect rectangle, bool isFirst, bool isLast)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextDecoration) || TextDecoration == CssConstants.None)

            double y = 0f;
            if (TextDecoration == CssConstants.Underline)
                y = Math.Round(rectangle.Top + ActualFont.UnderlineOffset);
            else if (TextDecoration == CssConstants.LineThrough)
                y = rectangle.Top + rectangle.Height / 2f;
            else if (TextDecoration == CssConstants.Overline)
                y = rectangle.Top;
            y -= ActualPaddingBottom - ActualBorderBottomWidth;

            double x1 = rectangle.X;
            if (isFirst)
                x1 += ActualPaddingLeft + ActualBorderLeftWidth;

            double x2 = rectangle.Right;
            if (isLast)
                x2 -= ActualPaddingRight + ActualBorderRightWidth;

            var pen = g.GetPen(ActualColor);
            pen.Width = 1;
            pen.DashStyle = RDashStyle.Solid;
            g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y, x2, y);
コード例 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures the bounds of box and children, recursively.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Device context to draw</param>
        public void PerformLayout(RGraphics g)
            ArgChecker.AssertArgNotNull(g, "g");

            _actualSize = RSize.Empty;
            if (_root != null)
                // if width is not restricted we set it to large value to get the actual later
                _root.Size = new RSize(_maxSize.Width > 0 ? _maxSize.Width : 99999, 0);
                _root.Location = _location;

                if (_maxSize.Width <= 0.1)
                    // in case the width is not restricted we need to double layout, first will find the width so second can layout by it (center alignment)
                    _root.Size = new RSize((int)Math.Ceiling(_actualSize.Width), 0);
                    _actualSize = RSize.Empty;

                if (!_loadComplete)
                    _loadComplete = true;
                    EventHandler handler = LoadComplete;
                    if (handler != null)
                        handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);