コード例 #1
        public void UserWantsToGoPartiallyOfflineFor(IEnumerable <VersionedAsset> asset)
            if (asset.Any() == false)

            var assets = TfsFileStatusCache.Find(asset.Select(each => each.GetPath()));

            var    caption = "Working Partially Offline";
            string footer  = "Be sure to resolve your offline modifications with TFS when finished.";

            var messageHeader = string.Format("You are now working with the following files offline, they can be edited and will appear checked out.");

            ShowWarningMessageBox(assets, caption, messageHeader, footer);
コード例 #2
        public void WarnAboutBinaryFilesCheckedOutByOthers(IEnumerable <VersionedAsset> asset)
            var assets = TfsFileStatusCache.Find(asset.Where(each => ShouldLock(each)).Select(each => each.GetPath())).Where(each => (each.IsRemoteLocked || each.IsRemoteCheckedOut));

            if (assets.Any() == false)

            var    caption       = "Version Control Warning";
            var    messageHeader = "Other users are also working on the same non-mergable files";
            string footer        = string.Empty;

            footer = string.Format("The first user to submit their change to a non-mergable file ({0}) will prevent all other users who had the file checked out from submitting their change, resulting in lost work", ExclusiveCheckoutTypesToString());

            ShowWarningMessageBox(assets, caption, messageHeader, footer);
コード例 #3
        public void WarnAboutOutOfDateFiles(IEnumerable <VersionedAsset> asset)
            var assets = TfsFileStatusCache.Find(asset.Select(each => each.GetPath())).Where(each => each.IsLocalLatest == false);

            if (assets.Any() == false)

            var    caption       = "Version Control Warning";
            var    messageHeader = "You do not have the latest versions of the following files";
            string footer        = string.Empty;

            footer = string.Format("Changes made to a non-mergable file ({0}) that is not the latest version will not be able to be checked in, resulting in lost work.", ExclusiveCheckoutTypesToString());

            ShowWarningMessageBox(assets, caption, messageHeader, footer);
コード例 #4
        public void WarnAboutFailureToPendChange(IEnumerable <VersionedAsset> asset)
            if (asset.Any() == false)

            var    caption       = "Version Control Warning";
            var    messageHeader = "Unable to checkout to the following files";
            string footer        = string.Empty;

            var assets = TfsFileStatusCache.Find(asset.Select(each => each.GetPath()));

            if (assets.Any(each => each.IsRemoteLocked || each.IsRemoteCheckedOut))
                footer = string.Format("Only one user can hold a lock for check-in at a time, locks protect the lock owners work on non-mergable files ({0}).", ExclusiveCheckoutTypesToString());

            ShowWarningMessageBox(assets, caption, messageHeader, footer);