コード例 #1
            public string MatchEvaluator(Match m)
                if (m.Groups["content"].Length == 0)
                    // It's possible that the "atts" match groups eats the contents
                    // when the user didn't want to give block attributes, but the content
                    // happens to match the syntax. For example: "*(blah)*".
                    if (m.Groups["atts"].Length == 0)
                    return("<" + m_tag + ">" + m.Groups["atts"].Value + m.Groups["end"].Value + "</" + m_tag + ">");

                string atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "");

                if (m.Groups["cite"].Length > 0)
                    atts += " cite=\"" + m.Groups["cite"] + "\"";

                string res = "<" + m_tag + atts + ">" +
                             m.Groups["content"].Value + m.Groups["end"].Value +
                             "</" + m_tag + ">";

コード例 #2
ファイル: ImageBlockModifier.cs プロジェクト: sk81biz/sk81
        static string ImageFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
            var atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "img");

            if (m.Groups["algn"].Length > 0)
                atts += " align=\"" + Globals.ImageAlign[m.Groups["algn"].Value] + "\"";
            if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
                atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
                atts += " alt=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
                atts += " alt=\"\"";
            // Get Image Size?

            var res = "<img src=\"" + m.Groups["url"].Value + "\"" + atts + " />";

            if (m.Groups["href"].Length > 0)
                var href     = m.Groups["href"].Value;
                var end      = string.Empty;
                var endMatch = Regex.Match(href, @"(.*)(?<end>\.|,|;|\))$");
                if (m.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endMatch.Groups["end"].Value))
                    href = href[0..^ 1];
コード例 #3
        private string HyperLinksFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
            //TODO: check the URL
            string atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "", UseRestrictedMode);

            if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
                atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
            string linkText = m.Groups["text"].Value.Trim(' ');

            // Validate the URL.
            string url = TextileGlobals.EncodeHTMLLink(m.Groups["url"].Value) + m.Groups["slash"].Value;

            if (url.Contains("\"")) // Disable the URL if someone's trying a cheap hack.
                url = "#";

            string str = m.Groups["pre"].Value + "<a ";

            if (m_rel != null && m_rel != string.Empty)
                str += "ref=\"" + m_rel + "\" ";
            str += "href=\"" + url + "\"" +
                   atts +
                   ">" + linkText + "</a>" + m.Groups["post"].Value;
コード例 #4
        private string HyperLinksFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
            var atts = BlockAttributesParser.Parse(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "", UseRestrictedMode);

            if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
                atts += $" title=\"{m.Groups["title"].Value}\"";

            var linkText = m.Groups["text"].Value.Trim(' ');

            var url = TextileGlobals.EncodeHTMLLink(m.Groups["url"].Value) + m.Groups["slash"].Value;

            if (url.Contains("\""))
                // Disable the URL if someone's trying a cheap hack.
                url = "#";

            var str = $"{m.Groups["pre"].Value}<a ";

            if (_rel != null && _rel != string.Empty)
                str += $"ref=\"{_rel}\" ";

            str += $"href=\"{url}\"{atts}>{linkText}</a>{m.Groups["post"].Value}";

コード例 #5
        internal static string BuildTagElementString
            (string content, string attsValue, string matchValue, string tag, string end, string cite)
            if (content.Length == 0)
                // It's possible that the "atts" match groups eats the contents
                // when the user didn't want to give block attributes, but the content
                // happens to match the syntax. For example: "*(blah)*".
                if (attsValue.Length == 0)
                return("<" + tag + ">" + attsValue + end + "</" + tag + ">");

            string atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(attsValue, "");

            if (cite.Length > 0)
                atts += " cite=\"" + cite + "\"";

            string res = "<" + tag + atts + ">" +
                         content + end +
                         "</" + tag + ">";

コード例 #6
        private string ImageFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
            var atts = new StringBuilder(BlockAttributesParser.Parse(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "", UseRestrictedMode));

            if (m.Groups["algn"].Length > 0)
                atts.Append($" align=\"{TextileGlobals.ImageAlign[m.Groups["algn"].Value]}\"");

            if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
                atts.Append($" title=\"{m.Groups["title"].Value}\"");
                atts.Append($" alt=\"{m.Groups["title"].Value}\"");
                atts.Append(" alt=\"\"");

            // Validate the URL.
            var url = m.Groups["url"].Value;

            if (url.Contains("\""))
                // Disable the URL if someone's trying a cheap hack.
                url = "#";

            string res = $"<img src=\"{url}\"{atts} />";

            if (m.Groups["href"].Length > 0)
                var href     = m.Groups["href"].Value;
                var end      = string.Empty;
                var endMatch = HrefRegex.Match(href);
                if (m.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endMatch.Groups["end"].Value))
                    href = href.Substring(0, href.Length - 1);
                    end  = endMatch.Groups["end"].Value;

                res = $"<a href=\"{TextileGlobals.EncodeHTMLLink(href)}\">{res}</a>{end}";

コード例 #7
        private string ImageFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
            string atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "", UseRestrictedMode);

            if (m.Groups["algn"].Length > 0)
                atts += " align=\"" + TextileGlobals.ImageAlign[m.Groups["algn"].Value] + "\"";
            if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
                atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
                atts += " alt=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
                atts += " alt=\"\"";
            // Get Image Size?

            // Validate the URL.
            string url = m.Groups["url"].Value;

            if (url.Contains("\"")) // Disable the URL if someone's trying a cheap hack.
                url = "#";

            string res = "<img src=\"" + url + "\"" + atts + " />";

            if (m.Groups["href"].Length > 0)
                string href     = m.Groups["href"].Value;
                string end      = string.Empty;
                Match  endMatch = HrefRegex.Match(href);
                if (m.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endMatch.Groups["end"].Value))
                    href = href.Substring(0, href.Length - 1);
                    end  = endMatch.Groups["end"].Value;
                res = "<a href=\"" + TextileGlobals.EncodeHTMLLink(href) + "\">" + res + "</a>" + end;

コード例 #8
        private string HyperLinksFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
            //TODO: check the URL
            string atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "");

            if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
                atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
            string linkText = m.Groups["text"].Value.Trim(' ');

            string str = m.Groups["pre"].Value + "<a ";

            str += "href=\"" +
                   Globals.EncodeHTMLLink(m.Groups["url"].Value) + m.Groups["slash"].Value + "\"" +
                   atts +
                   ">" + linkText + "</a>" + m.Groups["post"].Value;
コード例 #9
        internal static string BuildHyperlinkElementString
            (string pre, string attsValue, string title, string text, string url, string slash, string post)
            //TODO: check the URL
            string atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(attsValue, "");

            if (title.Length > 0)
                atts += " title=\"" + title + "\"";
            string linkText = text.Trim(' ');

            string str = pre + "<a ";

            str += "href=\"" +
                   Globals.EncodeHTMLLink(url) + slash + "\"" +
                   atts +
                   ">" + linkText + "</a>" + post;
コード例 #10
        private string HyperLinksFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
            //TODO: check the URL
            var atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "a");

            if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
                atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
            var linkText = m.Groups["text"].Value.Trim(' ');

            var str = m.Groups["pre"].Value + "<a ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_rel))
                str += "ref=\"" + m_rel + "\" ";
            str += "href=\"" +
                   m.Groups["url"].Value + m.Groups["slash"].Value + "\"" +
                   atts +
                   ">" + linkText + "</a>" + m.Groups["post"].Value;
コード例 #11
        static string ImageFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
            string atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "");

            if (m.Groups["algn"].Length > 0)
                atts += " align=\"" + Globals.ImageAlign[m.Groups["algn"].Value] + "\"";
            if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
                atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
                atts += " alt=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
                atts += " alt=\"\"";
            // Get Image Size?

            string res = "<img src=\"" + m.Groups["url"].Value + "\"" + atts + " />";

            if (m.Groups["href"].Length > 0)
                string href     = m.Groups["href"].Value;
                string end      = string.Empty;
                Match  endMatch = Regex.Match(href, @"(.*)(?<end>\.|,|;|\))$");
                if (m.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endMatch.Groups["end"].Value))
                    href = href.Substring(0, href.Length - 1);
                    end  = endMatch.Groups["end"].Value;
                res = "<a href=\"" + Globals.EncodeHTMLLink(href) + "\">" + res + "</a>" + end;

コード例 #12
        internal static string BuildImageElementString
            (string attsValue, string algn, string title, string url, string href)
            string atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(attsValue, "");

            if (algn.Length > 0)
                atts += " align=\"" + Globals.ImageAlign[algn] + "\"";
            if (title.Length > 0)
                atts += " title=\"" + title + "\"";
                atts += " alt=\"" + title + "\"";
                atts += " alt=\"\"";
            // Get Image Size?

            string res = "<img src=\"" + url + "\"" + atts + " />";

            if (href.Length > 0)
                string end      = string.Empty;
                Match  endMatch = Regex.Match(href, @"(.*)(?<end>\.|,|;|\))$");
                if (endMatch.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endMatch.Groups["end"].Value))
                    href = href.Substring(0, href.Length - 1);
                    end  = endMatch.Groups["end"].Value;
                res = "<a href=\"" + Globals.EncodeHTMLLink(href) + "\">" + res + "</a>" + end;

コード例 #13
        private static string Eval(Match m, string tag, bool restrictedMode)
            if (m.Groups["content"].Length == 0)
                // It's possible that the "atts" match groups eats the contents
                // when the user didn't want to give block attributes, but the content
                // happens to match the syntax. For example: "*(blah)*".
                if (m.Groups["atts"].Length == 0)


            var atts = BlockAttributesParser.Parse(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "", restrictedMode);

            if (m.Groups["cite"].Length > 0)
                atts += $" cite=\"{m.Groups["cite"]}\"";
