protected override void AddProperties(TokenTree parameters) { base.AddProperties(parameters); AddProperty("SelectedValue", "{Binding Selected}"); AddProperty("SelectedIndex", 0); AddProperty("ItemsSource", "{Binding Keys}"); }
/// <summary> /// Adds style information. /// </summary> /// <param name="styles">List of styles to add.</param> /// <param name="parameters">Calculation parameters.</param> protected void AddStyles(IReadOnlyList<TokenTree> styles, TokenTree parameters) { _sb.Append("<style>").AppendLine(); foreach (TokenTree tokenTree in styles) { IToken targetType = tokenTree.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetType.Text)) { _sb.Append(tokenTree.Value); } else { string key = tokenTree["Name"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) _sb.Append(".").Append(key); else { key = tokenTree["ID"]; _sb.Append("#").Append(key); } } _sb.Append(" {").AppendLine(); AddProperties(styles, parameters, tokenTree); _sb.Append("}").AppendLine(); } _sb.Append("</style>").AppendLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the xaml that is to be displayed. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data the xaml is constructed from.</param> /// <returns>The xaml representation of the input.</returns> public string GenerateXaml(TokenTree data) { if (_sb.Generated.Length <= 0) { TokenTree parameters = new TokenTree(data.GetChildren("Parameters")); DataConverter.Parameters = parameters; foreach (TokenTree child in parameters.Children) { string name = child.Name; TokenTree defaults = parameters.FindFirst("Defaults." + name); if (defaults != null) foreach (TokenTree item in child.Children) item.AddMissing(defaults); } TokenTreeList fields = data.GetAll("Fields"); TokenTreeList styles = data.GetAll("Styles"); _sb.Append( "<Border HorizontalAlignment=\"Stretch\" VerticalAlignment=\"Stretch\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:x=\"\">") .AppendLine(); if (styles != null && styles.Count > 0) AddStyles(styles, parameters); foreach (TokenTree field in fields.SelectMany(child => child.Children)) _sb.AddElement(field, 1, parameters); _sb.Append("</Border>").AppendLine(); } return _sb.Generated; }
/// <summary> /// Generates the html that is to be displayed. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data the html is constructed from.</param> /// <param name="selected">The selected item for displaying.</param> /// <param name="dataName">The name of the data structure that contains item information.</param> /// <param name="keys">List of selectable items.</param> /// <returns>The html representation of the input.</returns> public string GenerateHtml(TokenTree data, TokenTree selected, string dataName, List<string> keys) { TokenTree parameters = new TokenTree(data.GetChildren("Parameters")); foreach (TokenTree child in parameters.Children) { string name = child.Name; TokenTree defaults = parameters.FindFirst("Defaults." + name); if (defaults != null) foreach (TokenTree item in child.Children) item.AddMissing(defaults); } _sb.Clear(); TokenTree values = selected.Clone(); TokenTree defaultValues = parameters.FindFirst("Defaults." + dataName); if (defaultValues != null) values.AddMissing(defaultValues); values.SetParameters(parameters); TokenTreeList fields = data.GetAll("Fields"); TokenTreeList styles = data.GetAll("Styles").FindMatches("Style", true); AddStyles(styles, parameters); foreach (TokenTree field in fields.SelectMany(child => child.Children).Where(x => x.Name == "Field")) _sb.AddElement(field, 0, parameters, values, keys); return _sb.Generated; }
protected internal override void AddChildProperties(Field child, TokenTree parameters) { base.AddChildProperties(child, parameters); if (_columns != null) { Tuple<int, int> rowAndColumn = _positions.GetNextRowAndColumn(); int column = rowAndColumn.Item2; int row = rowAndColumn.Item1; child.AddProperty("Grid.Column", column); child.AddProperty("Grid.Row", row); TokenTreeList tokenTreeList = child.Children.FindMatches("Across"); _positions.MakeItemUsed(row, column); if (tokenTreeList != null && tokenTreeList.Count == 1) { string across = tokenTreeList[0]?.Value?.Text; if (across != null) { string[] bits = across.Split(','); int columns = int.Parse(bits[0]); for (int i = 1; i < columns; ++i) _positions.MakeItemUsed(row, column + i); child.AddProperty("Grid.ColumnSpan", columns); if (bits.Length >= 2) { int rows = int.Parse(bits[1]); child.AddProperty("Grid.RowSpan", rows); for (int col = 0; col < columns; ++col) for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) _positions.MakeItemUsed(row + i, column + col); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Converts a value. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. /// </returns> /// <param name="value">The value produced by the binding source.</param><param name="targetType">The type of the binding target property.</param><param name="parameter">The converter parameter to use.</param><param name="culture">The culture to use in the converter.</param> public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { string dataType = parameter.ToString(); TokenTree items = new TokenTree(DataConverter.Parameters?.GetChildren(dataType)); List<string> result = new List<string>(); foreach (TokenTree item in items.Children) result.Add(item.Name); return result; }
public Data() { string dataFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DataFile"); _dataName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DataName"); if (s_allValues == null) s_allValues = Parser.ParseFile(dataFile); Keys = new List<string>(); foreach (TokenTree child in s_allValues.Children) Keys.Add(child.Name); }
protected override void AddProperty(string name, IToken value, TokenTree parameters) { switch (name) { case "Content": name = "Text"; break; } base.AddProperty(name, value, parameters); }
protected override void AddChildren(TokenTree parameters, string endOfLine) { IEnumerable<TokenTree> fields = GetSubFields(); _columns = GetColumnData(); _rows = GetRowData(); if (_rows != null && _columns == null) _columns = new List<string> {_columnWidth}; if (_columns != null) _positions = new GridData(_columns.Count); foreach (TokenTree child in fields) AddChild(child, Level + 1, parameters, Builder, Offset, endOfLine, this); if (_columns != null) AddColumnsAndRows(); }
public string GenerateXaml(TokenTree data) { TokenTree parameters = new TokenTree(data.GetChildren("Parameters")); DataConverter.Parameters = parameters; foreach (TokenTree child in parameters.Children) { string name = child.Name; TokenTree defaults = DataConverter.Parameters.FindFirst("Defaults." + name); if (defaults != null) foreach (TokenTree item in child.Children) item.AddMissing(defaults); } TokenTreeList fields = data.Children.FindMatches("Fields"); foreach (TokenTree field in fields.SelectMany(child => child.Children)) Field.AddChild(field, 0, parameters, _sb, _offset, _endOfLine); return _sb.ToString(); }
public void TestMatching() { TokenTreeList children = new TokenTreeList { new TokenTree(new ListToken {new StringToken("C"), new StringToken("D")}, new StringToken("E")), new TokenTree(new StringToken("A"), new StringToken("B")), new TokenTree(new RegExToken(".*F", RegExToken.RegexType.Regex), new StringToken("G")), new TokenTree(new RegExToken("*H", RegExToken.RegexType.Wildcard), new StringToken("I")), new TokenTree(new RegExToken("%J", RegExToken.RegexType.Sql), new StringToken("K")) }; TokenTree toSearch = new TokenTree(children); Assert.AreEqual("B", toSearch["A"]); Assert.AreEqual("E", toSearch["C"]); Assert.AreEqual("E", toSearch["D"]); Assert.AreEqual("G", toSearch["IF"]); Assert.AreEqual("I", toSearch["EACH"]); Assert.AreEqual("K", toSearch["RAJ"]); }
protected override void AddProperty(string name, IToken value, TokenTree parameters) { switch (name) { case "Content": base.AddProperty("SelectedValue", value, parameters); break; case "SelectedItem": base.AddProperty("SelectedValue", new StringToken("{Binding " + value.Text + "}"), parameters); break; case "SelectionOptions": AddProperty("ItemsSource", "{Binding Values, Converter={StaticResource ListConverter}, ConverterParameter=" + value.Text + "}"); break; default: base.AddProperty(name, value, parameters); break; } }
public static Field CreateField(string fieldName, TokenTree data, int level, TokenTree parameters, Field parent) { Field field; switch (fieldName) { case "ComboBox": field = new ComboBox(parent, data, level); break; case "Selector": field = new Selector(parent, data, level); break; case "Grid": field = new Grid(parent, data, level); break; case "": case null: field = new Continuation(parent, data, level); break; case "TextBox": field = new TextBox(parent, data, level); break; default: TokenTreeList fields = parameters?.GetAll("Field"); TokenTree replacement = fields?.FindValue(fieldName); if (replacement != null) { fieldName = replacement["BasedOn"]; foreach (TokenTree child in replacement.Children.Where(x => x.Name != "BasedOn")) { if (child.Name == "Field") data.Children.Add(child); else data.Children.AddIfMissing(child); } field = CreateField(fieldName, data, level, parameters, parent); } else { field = new Field(parent, fieldName, data, level); } break; } return field; }
public TokenTree AddLine(Line line, bool ignoreErrors = false) { TokenTree tokenTree = Splitter.Split(line.Content, ignoreErrors); StringToken key = tokenTree.Key as StringToken; if (key != null && key.Text.Contains(".")) { string[] parts = key.Text.Split('.'); TokenTree tree = new TokenTree(parts[0]); TokenTree top = tree; for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length - 1; ++i) { TokenTree child = new TokenTree(parts[i]); tree.Children.Add(child); tree = child; } tree.Children.Add(new TokenTree(parts[parts.Length - 1], tokenTree.Value, tokenTree.Children)); tokenTree = top; } TokenTree parent = LastAtLevel[line.Offset - 1]; LastAtLevel[line.Offset] = tokenTree; parent.Children.Add(tokenTree); return tokenTree; }
public void TestSimpleGeneration() { TokenTree toGenerate = new TokenTree { Key = new StringToken("Field"), Value = new StringToken("Grid"), Children = { new TokenTree { Key = new StringToken("Field"), Value = new StringToken("Label"), Children = { new TokenTree {Key = new StringToken("Content"), Value = new StringToken("Hi")}, new TokenTree {Key = new StringToken("Width"), Value = new StringToken("200")} } } } }; string generated = new XamlGenerator("").GenerateXaml(toGenerate); Assert.AreEqual(XAML, generated); }
/// <summary> /// Adds style information. /// </summary> /// <param name="styles">List of styles to add.</param> /// <param name="parameters">Calculation parameters.</param> private void AddStyles(IReadOnlyList<TokenTree> styles, TokenTree parameters) { _sb.Append(" <Border.Resources>").AppendLine(); foreach (TokenTree tokenTree in styles[0].Children) { _sb.Append(" <Style "); IToken targetType = tokenTree.Value; bool hasType = false; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetType.Text)) { _sb.Append("TargetType=\"{x:Type ").Append(targetType.Text).Append("}\" "); hasType = true; } IToken key = tokenTree.Key; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key.Text)) _sb.Append("x:Key=\"").Append(key.Text).Append("\" "); string basedOn = tokenTree["BasedOn"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(basedOn)) _sb.Append("BasedOn=\"{StaticResource ").Append(basedOn).Append("}\" "); _sb.Append(">").AppendLine(); foreach (TokenTree child in tokenTree.Children.Where(x => x.Name != "Name" && x.Name != "BasedOn")) { _sb.Append(" <Setter Property=\""); if (!hasType) _sb.Append("Control."); _sb.Append(child.Name).Append("\" Value=\"") .Append(ProcessTokens(child.Value, new TokenTreeList(parameters))).Append("\"/>").AppendLine(); } _sb.Append(" </Style>").AppendLine(); } _sb.Append(" </Border.Resources>").AppendLine(); }
public void TestSimpleGeneration() { TokenTree toGenerate = new TokenTree { Key = new StringToken(""), Children = { new TokenTree { Key = new StringToken("Fields"), Children = { new TokenTree { Key = new StringToken("Field"), Value = new StringToken("Grid"), Children = { new TokenTree { Key = new StringToken("Field"), Value = new StringToken("Label"), Children = { new TokenTree {Key = new StringToken("Content"), Value = new StringToken("Hi")}, new TokenTree {Key = new StringToken("Width"), Value = new StringToken("200")} } } } } } } } }; string generated = new XamlGenerator().GenerateXaml(toGenerate); Assert.AreEqual(XAML.Replace(" ", ""), generated.Replace(" ", "").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "")); }
protected override void AddStart(string endOfLine, TokenTree parameters) { foreach (var child in Children.Where(child => child.Name == "Inputs")) parameters.Replace(child); }
protected internal override void AddChildProperties(Field child, TokenTree parameters) { Parent.AddChildProperties(child, parameters); }
public Continuation(Field parent, TokenTree data = null, int level = -1) : base(parent, "", data, level) { }
public void SetParameters(TokenTree values) { _parameters = new TokenTreeList(this) {values}; }
public TokenTree SubstituteParameters(TokenTree tree) { return new TokenTree(Key.SubstituteParameters(tree), Value.SubstituteParameters(tree)) {Children = Children.SubstituteParameters(tree)}; }
public void Replace(TokenTree inputs) { Remove(inputs.Name); Children.Add(inputs); }
public void AddMissing(TokenTree defaults) { foreach (TokenTree child in defaults.Children) { if (child.Value.Text == "ALL") { Children.Add(child.Clone()); } else { bool found = Children.Any(item => item.Name == child.Name); if (!found) Children.Add(child.Clone()); } } }
public Selector(Field parent, TokenTree data, int level) : base(parent, data, level) { }
public void TestSubstitution() { Dictionary<string, string> tests = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["$($e + '.c')"] = "d", ["$$d"] = "4", ["{b}"] = "4", ["${d}"] = "4", ["$($d)"] = "4", ["'a' $b + $d 'd'"] = "a4bd", ["{$e.$f}"] = "d", ["$a"] = "3", ["$a + $b"] = "7", ["$($e + '.c') + $b"] = "d4", // ["$($e).c + $b"] = "d4", These to be added later possibly // ["${e}.c + $b"] = "d4", ["$a.c + $b"] = "d4", ["{'a' + 'b'}"] = "5", ["{$d + $e}"] = "12" }; TokenTree parameters = new TokenTree { Children = { new TokenTree("a", "3") { Children = {new TokenTree("c", "d")} }, new TokenTree("b", "4"), new TokenTree("ab", "5"), new TokenTree("ba", "12"), new TokenTree("d", "b"), new TokenTree("e", "a"), new TokenTree("f", "c") } }; TokenGenerator tokenGenerator = new TokenGenerator(); int passedCount = 0; foreach (var test in tests) { IToken token = tokenGenerator.Parse(test.Key); token = token.Evaluate(new TokenTreeList(parameters))[0]; bool passed = test.Value == token.Text; string result = passed ? "passed" : "failed"; if (passed) ++passedCount; Console.WriteLine($"'{test.Key}' {result}."); } Assert.AreEqual(tests.Count, passedCount); }
public void Replace(TokenTree inputs) { TokenTree result = Children.FirstOrDefault(child => child.Name == inputs.Name); if (result != null) Children.Remove(result); Children.Add(inputs); }
public void UpdateFirstLeaf(TokenTree tree) { if (tree.Children.Count == 0) { Children.SetValue(tree.Name, tree.Value); } else { TokenTree found = Children.FirstOrDefault(child => child.Name == tree.Name); if (found == null) Children.Add(tree); else found.UpdateFirstLeaf(tree.Children[0]); } }
public void AddMissing(TokenTree defaults) { foreach (TokenTree child in defaults.Children) { bool found = Children.Any(item => item.Name == child.Name); if (!found) Children.Add(child.Clone()); } }
private static void Initialise() { if (s_replacements == null) { s_initialising = true; s_replacements = new TokenTree(); IInputData inputData = IOCContainer.Instance.Resolve<IInputData>(); if (inputData != null) { string optionsFile = FileUtils.GetFullFileName(inputData.OptionsFile, inputData.DefaultDirectory); if (File.Exists(optionsFile)) s_replacements = Parser.Parse(new StreamReader(optionsFile)).FindFirst("Replacements") ?? new TokenTree(); } s_initialising = false; } }