コード例 #1
		* Sometimes an unexpected exception happens further down in the pipeline, this is why we 
		* wrap them inside an UnexpectedElasticsearchClientException so that information about where 
		* in the pipeline the unexpected exception is not lost, here a call to 9200 fails using a webexception.
		* It then falls over to 9201 which throws an hard exception from within IConnection. We assert that we 
		* can still see the audit trail for the whole coordinated request.

		[U] public async Task WillFailOverKnowConnectionExceptionButNotUnexpected()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9200).FailAlways(new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException("recover")))
				.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9200).FailAlways(new WebException("recover")))
				.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9201).FailAlways(new Exception("boom!")))
				.Settings(s => s.DisablePing())

			audit = await audit.TraceUnexpectedException(
				new ClientCall {
					{ AuditEvent.BadResponse, 9200 },
					{ AuditEvent.BadResponse, 9201 },
				(e) =>
コード例 #2
		/** == Unexpected exceptions 
		* When a client call throws an exception that the IConnction can not handle, this exception will bubble
		* out the client as an UnexpectedElasticsearchClientException, regardless whether the client is configured to throw or not.
		* An IConnection is in charge of knowning what exceptions it can recover from or not. The default IConnection that is based on WebRequest can and 
		* will recover from WebExceptions but others will be grounds for immediately exiting the pipeline.

		[U] public async Task UnexpectedExceptionsBubbleOut()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9201).FailAlways(new Exception("boom!")))
				.Settings(s => s.DisablePing())

			audit = await audit.TraceCall(
				new ClientCall {
					{ AuditEvent.HealthyResponse, 9200 },

			audit = await audit.TraceUnexpectedException(
				new ClientCall {
					{ AuditEvent.BadResponse, 9201 },
				(e) =>
コード例 #3
		* An unexpected hard exception on ping and sniff is something we *do* try to revover from and failover.
		* Here pinging nodes on first use is enabled and 9200 throws on ping, we still fallover to 9201's ping succeeds.
		* However the client call on 9201 throws a hard exception we can not recover from

		[U] public async Task PingUnexceptedExceptionDoesFailOver()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.Ping(r => r.OnPort(9200).FailAlways(new Exception("ping exception")))
				.Ping(r => r.OnPort(9201).SucceedAlways())
				.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9201).FailAlways(new Exception("boom!")))

			audit = await audit.TraceUnexpectedException(
				new ClientCall {
					{ AuditEvent.PingFailure, 9200 },
					{ AuditEvent.PingSuccess, 9201 },
					{ AuditEvent.BadResponse, 9201 },
				(e) =>

					/** InnerException is the exception that brought the request down */

					/** The hard exception that happened on ping is still available though */
					var pipelineException = e.SeenExceptions.First();
					pipelineException.InnerException.Message.Should().Be("ping exception");

					/** Seen exception is hard to relate back to a point in time, the exception is also 
					* available on the audit trail
					var pingException = e.AuditTrail.First(a => a.Event == AuditEvent.PingFailure).Exception;
					pingException.Message.Should().Be("ping exception");
