コード例 #1
ファイル: Gherkin.cs プロジェクト: ColinOrr/penfold
        public CalculatorFeature()
            var calculator = new Calculator();

            comment = @"
                as a math idiot
                I want to use a calculator
                so I don't make mistakes with simple arithmetic

            Scenario["Addition"] = () =>
                Given["I have pressed clear"]    = () => calculator.Clear();
                When["I key in two"]             = () => calculator.Key(2);
                When["I add three"]              = () => calculator.Add(3);
                Then["the total is five"]        = () => calculator.Total.ShouldEqual(5);
                Then["the equation history is:"] = () => log(calculator.Equation.ShouldEqual("2 + 3"));

            Scenario["Division"] = () =>
                Given["I have pressed clear"]    = () => calculator.Clear();
                When["I key in twelve"]          = () => calculator.Key(12);
                When["I divide by four"]         = () => calculator.Divide(4);
                Then["the total is three"]       = () => calculator.Total.ShouldEqual(3);
                Then["the equation history is:"] = () => log(calculator.Equation.ShouldEqual("12 / 4"));
コード例 #2
ファイル: RSpec.cs プロジェクト: ColinOrr/penfold
        public CalculatorSpecification()
            var calculator = new Calculator();

            before_each = () => calculator.Clear();

            describe["Addition"] = () =>
                context["adding two and three"] = () =>
                    before = () => calculator.Key(2).Add(3);

                    it["sets the total to five"] = () =>

                    it["sets the equation history to:"] = () =>
                        log(calculator.Equation.ShouldEqual("2 + 3"));

                context["adding two, three and four"] = () =>
                    before = () => calculator.Key(2).Add(3).Add(4);

                    it["sets the total to nine"] = () =>

                    it["sets the equation history to:"] = () =>
                        log(calculator.Equation.ShouldEqual("2 + 3 + 4"));

            describe["Division"] = () =>
                context["dividing four from twelve"] = () =>
                    before = () => calculator.Key(12).Divide(4);

                    it["sets the total three"] = () =>

                    it["sets the equation history to:"] = () =>
                        log(calculator.Equation.ShouldEqual("12 / 4"));

                context["dividing by zero"] = () =>
                    it["explodes 💣💥☠️"] = () =>
                        Catch(() => calculator.Key(2).Divide(0)).ShouldBeOfExactType<DivideByZeroException>();