public void Run(TestRunArguments arguments) { PrintVersion(); try { var testResult = _testExecutor.Run(arguments.ExePath, arguments.Exercise); PrintTestResult(testResult); } catch (SwpTestToolException e) { _logger.Fatal(e.Message, e); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Fatal("uncaught exception", e); } System.Console.ReadKey(); }
public bool TryParse(string[] args, out TestRunArguments testRunArguments) { string exePath = null; string exercise = null; var p = new OptionSet() { {"e|exercise=", "the name of the exercise. (ue1|ue2|ue3)", v => { exercise = v; }}, {"p|path=", "the path to the executable.", v => exePath = v} }; p.Parse(args); if (exercise == null || exePath == null) { PrintUsage(p); testRunArguments = new TestRunArguments(null, null); return false; } testRunArguments = new TestRunArguments(exercise.ToLower(), exePath); return true; }