コード例 #1
        public static List <IPlanStep> ReadPlayerTrace(string directory, Domain domain, Problem problem)
            var planTrace = new List <IPlanStep>();

            string[] input = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(directory);

            foreach (var line in input)
                var opToken  = PlayerTraceUtilities.CreateOperatorToken(line);
                var iopToken = PlayerTraceUtilities.AddPreconditionsAndEffects(opToken, domain);

                // make sure we don't accidentally use.... <_<, >_>
                opToken = null;

                var newStep = new PlanStep();

                if (GroundActionFactory.GroundActions.Contains(iopToken))
                    var opIndex         = GroundActionFactory.GroundActions.IndexOf(iopToken);
                    var existingOpToken = GroundActionFactory.GroundActions[opIndex];
                    newStep = new PlanStep(existingOpToken.Clone() as IOperator);
                    newStep = new PlanStep(iopToken.Clone() as IOperator);


コード例 #2
ファイル: TestAll.cs プロジェクト: drwiner/VHPOP-PlayerTrace
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("hello world\n");

            //// Set path variables

            Parser.path = @"D:\Documents\Frostbow\VHPOP-PlayTrace\Benchmarks\Rogelio_POCL_compilation";

            // Where the Results will be inserted
            var directory = Parser.path + @"\Results";


            // Where the ground operator instances will be cached
            var problemFreezeDirectory = Parser.path + @"\Cached\";


            // Where to read the domain and problem
            var domainDirectory  = Parser.path + @"\domain.pddl";
            var problemDirectory = Parser.path + @"\prob01.pddl";

            // Where to read the player trace
            var playerTraceDirectory = Parser.path + @"\chronology_arthur156.pddl";

            //// Read Domain ////

            var domain  = Parser.GetDomain(domainDirectory, PlanType.PlanSpace);
            var problem = Parser.GetProblem(problemDirectory);

            // Create Operators
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Ground Operators");

             * For compiling the player trace, we only need just those ground instances of steps that appear in the trace
             * Whereas typically one can follow the following code to Serialize and Deserialize all ground action instances as follows...
             *  /*
             *  // To Serialize: it's a large problem, so we only want to read this once.
             *  ProblemFreezer.Serialize(domain, problem, problemFreezeDirectory);
             *  //// To Deserialize, if we're already read it and serialized
             *  ////ProblemFreezer.Deserialize(problemFreezeDirectory);
             *  //// If you want to avoid serialization/deserialization, you've got to do this every time.
             *  ////GroundActionFactory.PopulateGroundActions(domain, problem);
             *  /*
             *  Here instead we read the player trace and compile just those action instances that appear. Note then that this removes the functionality of considering "what-if" actions

            //// Read Player trace ///////////////////////////////

            // Needs to be set manually because we aren't running standard "Populate" method
            GroundActionFactory.CreateTypeDict(domain, problem);

            // playerTraceDirectory
            var PlanStepList = PlayerTraceUtilities.ReadPlayerTrace(playerTraceDirectory, domain, problem);

            // Remove those that aren't any good
            PlanStepList = PlayerTraceUtilities.RemoveUseless(PlanStepList);

            // Find Quests completed to create goal conditions.
            var goals = PlayerTraceUtilities.CreateGoalDisjunctions(problem.Initial, PlanStepList);

            problem.Goal = goals;

            // Create Causal Maps (using just those gorund actions found in the plan trace

            CacheMaps.CacheGoalLinks(GroundActionFactory.GroundActions, problem.Goal);

            // Create Initial State ///////////////////////////

            var iniTstate = new State(problem.Initial) as IState;

            // Use Initial State to Cache effort values VHPOP style

            // Create Initial Plan///////////////////////////

            // Need to modify goal state
            var initPlan = PlanSpacePlanner.CreateInitialPlan(problem);

            var lastInsertedStep = initPlan.InitialStep;

            foreach (var step in PlanStepList)
                initPlan.Orderings.Insert(lastInsertedStep, step);
                lastInsertedStep = step;

            //// Run Planner ///////////////////////////////

            // Time limit in milliseconds for search
            var cutoff = 6000000f;

            // Number of plans to return
            var k = 1;

            // Static method called
            RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(), new E0(new AddReuseHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 1);

             *  ************************************************************
             *  *************** Other ways to run the planner **************
             *  ************************************************************
             *  RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new ADstar(), new E0(new NumOpenConditionsHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 1);
             *  RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new DFS(), new Nada(new ZeroHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 1);
             *  RunPlanner(initPlan.Clone() as IPlan, new BFS(), new Nada(new ZeroHeuristic()), k, cutoff, directory, 1);