flatRate() public static method

public static flatRate ( Date today, Quote forward, DayCounter dc ) : QLNet.YieldTermStructure
today Date
forward QLNet.Quote
dc DayCounter
return QLNet.YieldTermStructure
コード例 #1
            // setup
            public CommonVars()
                calendar = new TARGET();

                today = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);

                dayCounter     = new Actual360();
                frequency      = Frequency.Annual;
                settlementDays = 3;

                issueDate    = calendar.advance(today, 2, TimeUnit.Days);
                maturityDate = calendar.advance(issueDate, 10, TimeUnit.Years);
                // reset to avoid inconsistencies as the schedule is backwards
                issueDate = calendar.advance(maturityDate, -10, TimeUnit.Years);

                underlying.linkTo(new SimpleQuote(50.0));
                dividendYield.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(today, 0.02, dayCounter));
                riskFreeRate.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(today, 0.05, dayCounter));
                volatility.linkTo(Utilities.flatVol(today, 0.15, dayCounter));

                process = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(underlying, dividendYield, riskFreeRate, volatility);

                creditSpread.linkTo(new SimpleQuote(0.005));

                // it fails with 1000000
                // faceAmount = 1000000.0;
                faceAmount      = 100.0;
                redemption      = 100.0;
                conversionRatio = redemption / underlying.link.value();
コード例 #2
        // Reference pg. 253 - Hull - Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives 5th ed
        // Exercise 12.8
        // Doesn't quite work.  Need to deal with date conventions
        private void testEuropeanKnownValue()
            // Testing dividend European option values with known value...
            using (SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings())
                double tolerance = 1.0e-2;
                double expected  = 3.67;

                DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
                Date       today = Date.Today;

                SimpleQuote spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
                SimpleQuote qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> qTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(qRate, dc));
                SimpleQuote rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> rTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(rRate, dc));
                SimpleQuote vol = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
                Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> volTS = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(Utilities.flatVol(vol, dc));

                Date     exDate   = today + new Period(6, TimeUnit.Months);
                Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);

                List <Date>   dividendDates = new List <Date>();
                List <double> dividends     = new List <double>();
                dividendDates.Add(today + new Period(2, TimeUnit.Months));
                dividendDates.Add(today + new Period(5, TimeUnit.Months));

                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Type.Call, 40.0);

                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                                       qTS, rTS, volTS);

                IPricingEngine engine = new AnalyticDividendEuropeanEngine(stochProcess);

                DividendVanillaOption option = new DividendVanillaOption(payoff, exercise, dividendDates, dividends);

                double u = 40.0;
                double q = 0.0, r = 0.09;
                double v = 0.30;

                double calculated = option.NPV();
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - expected);
                if (error > tolerance)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("value start limit",
                                   payoff, exercise,
                                   u, q, r, today, v,
                                   expected, calculated,
                                   error, tolerance);
コード例 #3
        public void testCachedValue()
            // Testing vanilla-swap calculation against cached value
            CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

            vars.today = new Date(17, Month.June, 2002);
            vars.settlement = vars.calendar.advance(vars.today, vars.settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
            vars.termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(vars.settlement, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));

            VanillaSwap swap = vars.makeSwap(10, 0.06, 0.001);

            double cachedNPV = -5.872342992212;
            double cachedNPV = -5.872863313209;

            if (Math.Abs(swap.NPV() - cachedNPV) > 1.0e-11)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached swap value:\n"
                             + "    calculated: " + swap.NPV() + "\n"
                             + "    expected:   " + cachedNPV);
コード例 #4
ファイル: T_ForwardOption.cs プロジェクト: scchess/QLNet
        public void testPerformanceValues()
            // Testing forward performance option values...

            /* The data below are the performance equivalent of the
             * forward options tested above and taken from
             * "Option pricing formulas", E.G. Haug, McGraw-Hill 1998
            ForwardOptionData[] values =
                //  type, moneyness, spot,  div, rate,start, maturity,  vol,                       result, tol
                new ForwardOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 1.1, 60.0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.25, 1.0, 0.30, 4.4064 / 60 * Math.Exp(-0.04 * 0.25), 1.0e-4),
                new ForwardOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  1.1, 60.0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.25, 1.0, 0.30, 8.2971 / 60 * Math.Exp(-0.04 * 0.25), 1.0e-4)

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;

            SimpleQuote spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> qTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc));
            SimpleQuote rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc));
            SimpleQuote vol = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> volTS = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc));

            BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                                   new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS), new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                                   new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

            IPricingEngine engine = new ForwardPerformanceVanillaEngine(stochProcess, process => new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(process));  // AnalyticEuropeanEngine

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(values[i].type, 0.0);
                Date     exDate          = today + Convert.ToInt32(values[i].t * 360 + 0.5);
                Exercise exercise        = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);
                Date     reset           = today + Convert.ToInt32(values[i].start * 360 + 0.5);


                ForwardVanillaOption option = new ForwardVanillaOption(values[i].moneyness, reset, payoff, exercise);

                double calculated = option.NPV();
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - values[i].result);
                double tolerance  = 1e-4;
                if (error > tolerance)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, exercise, values[i].s,
                                   values[i].q, values[i].r, today,
                                   values[i].v, values[i].moneyness, reset,
                                   values[i].result, calculated,
                                   error, tolerance);
コード例 #5
        public void testCachedValue()
            //"Testing swaption value against cached value...");

            CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

            vars.today      = new Date(13, 3, 2002);
            vars.settlement = new Date(15, 3, 2002);
            vars.termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(vars.settlement, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));
            Date exerciseDate = vars.calendar.advance(vars.settlement, new Period(5, TimeUnit.Years));
            Date startDate    = vars.calendar.advance(exerciseDate,
                                                      vars.settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
            VanillaSwap swap =
                new MakeVanillaSwap(new Period(10, TimeUnit.Years), vars.index, 0.06)

            Swaption swaption =
                vars.makeSwaption(swap, exerciseDate, 0.20);
            //#if QL_USE_INDEXED_COUPON
            double cachedNPV = 0.036418158579;

            //    double cachedNPV = 0.036421429684;

            if (Math.Abs(swaption.NPV() - cachedNPV) > 1.0e-12)
                Assert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached swaption value:\n" +
                            //QL_FIXED + std::setprecision(12) +
                            "\ncalculated: " + swaption.NPV() +
                            "\nexpected:   " + cachedNPV);
コード例 #6
        public void testPathGenerator()
            //"Testing 1-D path generation against cached values...");

            //SavedSettings backup;

            Settings.setEvaluationDate(new Date(26, 4, 2005));

            Handle <Quote> x0 = new Handle <Quote> (new SimpleQuote(100.0));
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    r     = new Handle <YieldTermStructure> (Utilities.flatRate(0.05, new Actual360()));
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    q     = new Handle <YieldTermStructure> (Utilities.flatRate(0.02, new Actual360()));
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> sigma = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(Utilities.flatVol(0.20, new Actual360()));

            // commented values must be used when Halley's correction is enabled
            testSingle(new BlackScholesMertonProcess(x0, q, r, sigma),
                       "Black-Scholes", false, 26.13784357783, 467.2928561411);
            // 26.13784357783, 467.2928562519);
            //Error make the borwnian bridge test first
            testSingle(new BlackScholesMertonProcess(x0, q, r, sigma),
                       "Black-Scholes", true, 60.28215549393, 202.6143139999);
            // 60.28215551021, 202.6143139437);

            testSingle(new GeometricBrownianMotionProcess(100.0, 0.03, 0.20),
                       "geometric Brownian", false, 27.62223714065, 483.6026514084);
            // 27.62223714065, 483.602651493);

            testSingle(new OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(0.1, 0.20),
                       "Ornstein-Uhlenbeck", false, -0.8372003433557, 0.8372003433557);

            testSingle(new SquareRootProcess(0.1, 0.1, 0.20, 10.0),
                       "square-root", false, 1.70608664108, 6.024200546031);
コード例 #7
        public void testBjerksundStenslandValues()
            // ("Testing Bjerksund and Stensland approximation for American options...");

            AmericanOptionData[] values = new AmericanOptionData[] {
                //      type, strike,   spot,    q,    r,    t,  vol,   value, tol
                // from "Option pricing formulas", Haug, McGraw-Hill 1998, pag 27
                new AmericanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 40.00, 42.00, 0.08, 0.04, 0.75, 0.35, 5.2704),
                // from "Option pricing formulas", Haug, McGraw-Hill 1998, VBA code
                new AmericanOptionData(Option.Type.Put, 40.00, 36.00, 0.00, 0.06, 1.00, 0.20, 4.4531)

            Date               today = Date.Today;
            DayCounter         dc    = new Actual360();
            SimpleQuote        spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote        qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);

            SimpleQuote           rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           vol   = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc);

            double tolerance = 3.0e-3;

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(values[i].type, values[i].strike);
                Date     exDate          = today + Convert.ToInt32(values[i].t * 360 + 0.5);
                Exercise exercise        = new AmericanExercise(today, exDate);


                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                                       new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                                                       new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                                       new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

                IPricingEngine engine = new BjerksundStenslandApproximationEngine(stochProcess);

                VanillaOption option = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercise);

                double calculated = option.NPV();
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - values[i].result);
                if (error > tolerance)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, exercise, values[i].s, values[i].q,
                                   values[i].r, today, values[i].v, values[i].result,
                                   calculated, error, tolerance);
コード例 #8
        public void testCashOrNothingEuropeanValues()
            // Testing European cash-or-nothing digital option

            DigitalOptionData[] values =
                // "Option pricing formulas", E.G. Haug, McGraw-Hill 1998 - pag 88
                //        type, strike,  spot,    q,    r,    t,  vol,  value, tol
                new DigitalOptionData(Option.Type.Put, 80.00, 100.0, 0.06, 0.06, 0.75, 0.35, 2.6710, 1e-4, true)

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;

            SimpleQuote           spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote           qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure    qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           vol   = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc);

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new CashOrNothingPayoff(values[i].type, values[i].strike, 10.0);

                Date     exDate   = today + Convert.ToInt32(values[i].t * 360 + 0.5);
                Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);


                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                                       new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                                                       new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                                       new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

                IPricingEngine engine = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(stochProcess);

                VanillaOption opt = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercise);

                double calculated = opt.NPV();
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - values[i].result);
                if (error > values[i].tol)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, exercise, values[i].s, values[i].q,
                                   values[i].r, today, values[i].v, values[i].result,
                                   calculated, error, values[i].tol, values[i].knockin);
コード例 #9
ファイル: T_FdHeston.cs プロジェクト: OpenDerivatives/QLCore
        public void testFdmHestonEuropeanWithDividends()
            //Testing FDM with European option with dividends in Heston model...
            using (SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings())
                Handle <Quote> s0 = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(100.0));

                Handle <YieldTermStructure> rTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> qTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(0.0, new Actual365Fixed()));

                HestonProcess hestonProcess = new HestonProcess(rTS, qTS, s0, 0.04, 2.5, 0.04, 0.66, -0.8);

                Settings.Instance.setEvaluationDate(new Date(28, 3, 2004));
                Date              exerciseDate = new Date(28, 3, 2005);
                Exercise          exercise     = new AmericanExercise(exerciseDate);
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff       = new PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Type.Put, 100);

                List <double> dividends     = new InitializedList <double>(1, 5);
                List <Date>   dividendDates = new InitializedList <Date>(1, new Date(28, 9, 2004));

                DividendVanillaOption option = new DividendVanillaOption(payoff, exercise, dividendDates, dividends);
                IPricingEngine        engine = new FdHestonVanillaEngine(new HestonModel(hestonProcess), 50, 100, 50);

                double tol           = 0.01;
                double gammaTol      = 0.001;
                double npvExpected   = 7.365075;
                double deltaExpected = -0.396678;
                double gammaExpected = 0.027681;

                if (Math.Abs(option.NPV() - npvExpected) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce expected npv"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + option.NPV()
                                 + "\n    expected:   " + npvExpected
                                 + "\n    tolerance:  " + tol);
                if (Math.Abs(option.delta() - deltaExpected) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce expected delta"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + option.delta()
                                 + "\n    expected:   " + deltaExpected
                                 + "\n    tolerance:  " + tol);
                if (Math.Abs(option.gamma() - gammaExpected) > gammaTol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce expected gamma"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + option.gamma()
                                 + "\n    expected:   " + gammaExpected
                                 + "\n    tolerance:  " + tol);
コード例 #10
ファイル: T_CliquetOption.cs プロジェクト: scchess/QLNet
        public void testValues()
            // Testing Cliquet option values

            Date       today = Date.Today;
            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();

            SimpleQuote           spot  = new SimpleQuote(60.0);
            SimpleQuote           qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.04);
            YieldTermStructure    qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.08);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           vol   = new SimpleQuote(0.30);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc);

            BlackScholesMertonProcess process = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(
                new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));
            IPricingEngine engine = new AnalyticCliquetEngine(process);

            List <Date> reset = new List <Date>();

            reset.Add(today + 90);
            Date maturity = today + 360;

            Option.Type type      = Option.Type.Call;
            double      moneyness = 1.1;

            PercentageStrikePayoff payoff   = new PercentageStrikePayoff(type, moneyness);
            EuropeanExercise       exercise = new EuropeanExercise(maturity);

            CliquetOption option = new CliquetOption(payoff, exercise, reset);


            double calculated = option.NPV();
            double expected   = 4.4064; // Haug, p.37
            double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - expected);
            double tolerance  = 1e-4;

            if (error > tolerance)
                REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, exercise, spot.value(),
                               qRate.value(), rRate.value(), today,
                               vol.value(), expected, calculated,
                               error, tolerance);
コード例 #11
ファイル: T_FdHeston.cs プロジェクト: OpenDerivatives/QLCore
        public void testFdmHestonBarrier()
            //Testing FDM with barrier option for Heston model vs Black-Scholes model...
            using (SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings())
                Handle <Quote> s0 = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(100.0));

                Handle <YieldTermStructure> rTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> qTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(0.0, new Actual365Fixed()));

                HestonProcess hestonProcess =
                    new HestonProcess(rTS, qTS, s0, 0.04, 2.5, 0.04, 0.66, -0.8);

                Settings.Instance.setEvaluationDate(new Date(28, 3, 2004));
                Date exerciseDate = new Date(28, 3, 2005);

                Exercise          exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exerciseDate);
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff   = new PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Type.Call, 100);

                BarrierOption barrierOption = new BarrierOption(Barrier.Type.UpOut, 135, 0.0, payoff, exercise);
                barrierOption.setPricingEngine(new FdHestonBarrierEngine(new HestonModel(hestonProcess), 50, 400, 100));

                double tol           = 0.01;
                double npvExpected   = 9.1530;
                double deltaExpected = 0.5218;
                double gammaExpected = -0.0354;

                if (Math.Abs(barrierOption.NPV() - npvExpected) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce expected npv"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + barrierOption.NPV()
                                 + "\n    expected:   " + npvExpected
                                 + "\n    tolerance:  " + tol);
                if (Math.Abs(barrierOption.delta() - deltaExpected) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce expected delta"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + barrierOption.delta()
                                 + "\n    expected:   " + deltaExpected
                                 + "\n    tolerance:  " + tol);
                if (Math.Abs(barrierOption.gamma() - gammaExpected) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce expected gamma"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + barrierOption.gamma()
                                 + "\n    expected:   " + gammaExpected
                                 + "\n    tolerance:  " + tol);
コード例 #12
ファイル: T_DividendOption.cs プロジェクト: tzhdingli/qlnet
        void testFdDegenerate <Engine>(Date today, Exercise exercise) where Engine : IFDEngine, new()
            DayCounter  dc   = new Actual360();
            SimpleQuote spot = new SimpleQuote(54.625);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    rTS   = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(0.052706, dc));
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    qTS   = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(0.0, dc));
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> volTS = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(Utilities.flatVol(0.282922, dc));

            BlackScholesMertonProcess process = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                              qTS, rTS, volTS);

            int timeSteps  = 300;
            int gridPoints = 300;

            IPricingEngine engine = new Engine().factory(process, timeSteps, gridPoints);

            StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Type.Call, 55.0);

            double tolerance = 3.0e-3;

            List <double> dividends     = new List <double>();
            List <Date>   dividendDates = new List <Date>();

            DividendVanillaOption option1 = new DividendVanillaOption(payoff, exercise, dividendDates, dividends);


            double refValue = option1.NPV();

            for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
                dividendDates.Add(today + i);

                DividendVanillaOption option = new DividendVanillaOption(payoff, exercise, dividendDates, dividends);
                double value = option.NPV();

                if (Math.Abs(refValue - value) > tolerance)
                    Assert.Fail("NPV changed by null dividend :\n"
                                + "    previous value: " + value + "\n"
                                + "    current value:  " + refValue + "\n"
                                + "    change:         " + (value - refValue));
コード例 #13
        public void testFdValues()
            //("Testing finite-difference engine for American options...");

            Date               today = Date.Today;
            DayCounter         dc    = new Actual360();
            SimpleQuote        spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote        qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);

            SimpleQuote           rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           vol   = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc);

            double tolerance = 8.0e-2;

            for (int i = 0; i < juValues.Length; i++)
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(juValues[i].type, juValues[i].strike);
                Date     exDate          = today + Convert.ToInt32(juValues[i].t * 360 + 0.5);
                Exercise exercise        = new AmericanExercise(today, exDate);


                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                                       new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                                                       new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                                       new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

                IPricingEngine engine = new FDAmericanEngine(stochProcess, 100, 100);

                VanillaOption option = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercise);

                double calculated = option.NPV();
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - juValues[i].result);
                if (error > tolerance)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, exercise, juValues[i].s, juValues[i].q,
                                   juValues[i].r, today, juValues[i].v, juValues[i].result,
                                   calculated, error, tolerance);
コード例 #14
        public void testInitialisation()
            //"Testing caplet LMM process initialisation..."

            //SavedSettings backup;

            DayCounter dayCounter = new Actual360();
            RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure> termStructure = new RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure>();;

            termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(Date.Today, 0.04, dayCounter));

            IborIndex index = new Euribor6M(termStructure);
            OptionletVolatilityStructure capletVol = new ConstantOptionletVolatility(

            Calendar calendar = index.fixingCalendar();

            for (int daysOffset = 0; daysOffset < 1825 /* 5 year*/; daysOffset += 8)
                Date todaysDate = calendar.adjust(Date.Today + daysOffset);
                Date settlementDate =
                    calendar.advance(todaysDate, index.fixingDays(), TimeUnit.Days);

                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(settlementDate, 0.04, dayCounter));

                LiborForwardModelProcess process = new LiborForwardModelProcess(60, index);

                List <double> fixings = process.fixingTimes();
                for (int i = 1; i < fixings.Count - 1; ++i)
                    int ileft  = process.nextIndexReset(fixings[i] - 0.000001);
                    int iright = process.nextIndexReset(fixings[i] + 0.000001);
                    int ii     = process.nextIndexReset(fixings[i]);

                    if ((ileft != i) || (iright != i + 1) || (ii != i + 1))
                        Assert.Fail("Failed to next index resets");
コード例 #15
ファイル: T_CashFlows.cs プロジェクト: tzhdingli/qlnet
        public void testAccessViolation()
            // Testing dynamic cast of coupon in Black pricer...

            SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings();

            Date todaysDate     = new Date(7, Month.April, 2010);
            Date settlementDate = new Date(9, Month.April, 2010);

            Calendar calendar = new TARGET();

            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rhTermStructure = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(
                Utilities.flatRate(settlementDate, 0.04875825, new Actual365Fixed()));

            double volatility = 0.10;
            Handle <OptionletVolatilityStructure> vol = new Handle <OptionletVolatilityStructure>(
                new ConstantOptionletVolatility(2,
                                                new Actual365Fixed()));

            IborIndex index3m = new USDLibor(new Period(3, TimeUnit.Months), rhTermStructure);

            Date               payDate   = new Date(20, Month.December, 2013);
            Date               startDate = new Date(20, Month.September, 2013);
            Date               endDate   = new Date(20, Month.December, 2013);
            double             spread    = 0.0115;
            IborCouponPricer   pricer    = new BlackIborCouponPricer(vol);
            FloatingRateCoupon coupon    = new FloatingRateCoupon(100, payDate, startDate, endDate, 2,
                                                                  index3m, 1.0, spread / 100);


                // this caused an access violation in version 1.0
            catch (Exception)
                // ok; proper exception thrown
コード例 #16
            public CommonVars()
                settlementDays  = 2;
                nominal         = 1000000.0;
                fixedConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;

                fixedFrequency = Frequency.Annual;
                fixedDayCount  = new Thirty360();

                index = new Euribor6M(termStructure);
                floatingConvention = index.businessDayConvention();
                floatingTenor      = index.tenor();
                calendar           = index.fixingCalendar();
                today = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);
                settlement = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);

                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(settlement, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));
コード例 #17
ファイル: T_FdHeston.cs プロジェクト: OpenDerivatives/QLCore
        public void testFdmHestonIkonenToivanen()
            //Testing FDM Heston for Ikonen and Toivanen tests...

            /* check prices of american puts as given in:
             * From Efficient numerical methods for pricing American options under
             * stochastic volatility, Samuli Ikonen, Jari Toivanen,
             * http://users.jyu.fi/~tene/papers/reportB12-05.pdf
            using (SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings())
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> rTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(0.10, new Actual360()));
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> qTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(0.0, new Actual360()));

                Settings.Instance.setEvaluationDate(new Date(28, 3, 2004));
                Date              exerciseDate = new Date(26, 6, 2004);
                Exercise          exercise     = new AmericanExercise(exerciseDate);
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff       = new PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Type.Put, 10);
                VanillaOption     option       = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercise);

                double[] strikes  = new double[] { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };
                double[] expected = new double[] { 2.00000, 1.10763, 0.520038, 0.213681, 0.082046 };
                double   tol      = 0.001;

                for (int i = 0; i < strikes.Length; ++i)
                    Handle <Quote> s0            = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(strikes[i]));
                    HestonProcess  hestonProcess = new HestonProcess(rTS, qTS, s0, 0.0625, 5, 0.16, 0.9, 0.1);
                    IPricingEngine engine        = new FdHestonVanillaEngine(new HestonModel(hestonProcess), 100, 400);

                    double calculated = option.NPV();
                    if (Math.Abs(calculated - expected[i]) > tol)
                        QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce expected npv"
                                     + "\n    strike:     " + strikes[i]
                                     + "\n    calculated: " + calculated
                                     + "\n    expected:   " + expected[i]
                                     + "\n    tolerance:  " + tol);
コード例 #18
ファイル: T_CapFlooredCoupon.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/QLNet
 // setup
 public CommonVars()
     termStructure = new RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure>();
     backup        = new SavedSettings();
     length        = 20; //years
     volatility    = 0.20;
     nominal       = 100.0;
     nominals      = new InitializedList <double>(length, nominal);
     frequency     = Frequency.Annual;
     index         = new Euribor1Y(termStructure);
     calendar      = index.fixingCalendar();
     convention    = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
     today         = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);
     settlementDays = 2;
     fixingDays     = 2;
     settlement     = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
     startDate      = settlement;
     termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(settlement, 0.05, new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.ISDA)));
コード例 #19
            // setup
            public CommonVars()
                nominals = new List <double>()
                frequency  = Frequency.Semiannual;
                index      = (IborIndex) new Euribor6M(termStructure);
                calendar   = index.fixingCalendar();
                convention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
                Date today = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);

                int settlementDays = 2;

                fixingDays = 2;
                settlement = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(settlement, 0.05,
                                                        new ActualActual(ActualActual.Convention.ISDA)));
コード例 #20
            public CommonVars()
                type               = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
                settlementDays     = 2;
                nominal            = 100.0;
                fixedConvention    = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
                floatingConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
                fixedFrequency     = Frequency.Annual;
                floatingFrequency  = Frequency.Semiannual;
                fixedDayCount      = new Thirty360();

                index = new Euribor(new Period(floatingFrequency), termStructure);

                calendar = index.fixingCalendar();
                today    = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);
                settlement = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);

                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(settlement, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));
コード例 #21
            public CommonVars()
                Settings.setEvaluationDate(new Date(16, Month.September, 2015));

                // ATM swaptionvolmatrix

                atmVolMatrix = new RelinkableHandle <SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(
                    new SwaptionVolatilityMatrix(conventions.calendar, conventions.optionBdc, atm.tenors.options,
                                                 atm.tenors.swaps, atm.volsHandle, conventions.dayCounter));
                // Swaptionvolcube

                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));

                swapIndexBase      = new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(new Period(2, TimeUnit.Years), termStructure);
                shortSwapIndexBase = new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years), termStructure);

                vegaWeighedSmileFit = false;
コード例 #22
ファイル: T_Bermudanswaption.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/QLNet
            // setup
            public CommonVars()
                startYears         = 1;
                length             = 5;
                type               = VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;
                nominal            = 1000.0;
                settlementDays     = 2;
                fixedConvention    = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted;
                floatingConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
                fixedFrequency     = Frequency.Annual;
                floatingFrequency  = Frequency.Semiannual;
                fixedDayCount      = new Thirty360();

                termStructure = new RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure>();
                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(new Date(19, Month.February, 2002), 0.04875825, new Actual365Fixed()));

                index      = new Euribor6M(termStructure);
                calendar   = index.fixingCalendar();
                today      = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);
                settlement = calendar.advance(today, settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
コード例 #23
 public CommonVars()
     type                    = OvernightIndexedSwap.Type.Payer;
     settlementDays          = 2;
     nominal                 = 100.0;
     fixedEoniaConvention    = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
     floatingEoniaConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
     fixedEoniaPeriod        = new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years);
     floatingEoniaPeriod     = new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years);
     fixedEoniaDayCount      = new Actual360();
     eoniaIndex              = new Eonia(eoniaTermStructure);
     fixedSwapConvention     = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
     fixedSwapFrequency      = Frequency.Annual;
     fixedSwapDayCount       = new Thirty360();
     swapIndex               = (IborIndex) new Euribor3M(swapTermStructure);
     calendar                = eoniaIndex.fixingCalendar();
     today                   = new Date(5, Month.February, 2009);
     //today = calendar.adjust(Date::todaysDate());
     settlement = calendar.advance(today, new Period(settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days), BusinessDayConvention.Following);
     eoniaTermStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(settlement, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));
コード例 #24
        public void testCachedValue()
            CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

            Date cachedToday      = new Date(14, Month.March, 2002),
                 cachedSettlement = new Date(18, Month.March, 2002);

            vars.termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(cachedSettlement, 0.05, new Actual360()));
            Date            startDate = vars.termStructure.link.referenceDate();
            List <CashFlow> leg       = vars.makeLeg(startDate, 20);
            Instrument      cap       = vars.makeCapFloor(CapFloorType.Cap, leg, 0.07, 0.20);
            Instrument      floor     = vars.makeCapFloor(CapFloorType.Floor, leg, 0.03, 0.20);

            // par coupon price
            double cachedCapNPV   = 6.87570026732,
                   cachedFloorNPV = 2.65812927959;

            // index fixing price
            //Real cachedCapNPV   = 6.87630307745,
            //   cachedFloorNPV = 2.65796764715;

            // test Black cap price against cached value
            if (Math.Abs(cap.NPV() - cachedCapNPV) > 1.0e-11)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached cap value:\n"
                             + "    calculated: " + cap.NPV() + "\n"
                             + "    expected:   " + cachedCapNPV);

            // test Black floor price against cached value
            if (Math.Abs(floor.NPV() - cachedFloorNPV) > 1.0e-11)
                QAssert.Fail("failed to reproduce cached floor value:\n"
                             + "    calculated: " + floor.NPV() + "\n"
                             + "    expected:   " + cachedFloorNPV);
コード例 #25
        public void testCachedValue()
            // Testing Eonia-swap calculation against cached value...
            CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

            vars.settlement = vars.calendar.advance(vars.today, vars.settlementDays, TimeUnit.Days);
            double flat = 0.05;

            vars.eoniaTermStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(vars.settlement, flat, new Actual360()));
            double fixedRate          = Math.Exp(flat) - 1;
            OvernightIndexedSwap swap = vars.makeSwap(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years), fixedRate, 0.0);
            double cachedNPV          = 0.001730450147;
            double tolerance          = 1.0e-11;

            if (Math.Abs(swap.NPV() - cachedNPV) > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nfailed to reproduce cached swap value:" +
                             "\ncalculated: " + swap.NPV() +
                             "\n  expected: " + cachedNPV +
                             "\n tolerance:" + tolerance);
コード例 #26
            // setup
            public CommonVars()
                backup = new SavedSettings();

                Calendar calendar = new TARGET();

                Date referenceDate = calendar.adjust(Date.Today);


                termStructure = new RelinkableHandle <YieldTermStructure>();
                termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(referenceDate, 0.05, new Actual365Fixed()));

                // ATM Volatility structure
                List <Period> atmOptionTenors = new List <Period>();

                atmOptionTenors.Add(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Months));
                atmOptionTenors.Add(new Period(6, TimeUnit.Months));
                atmOptionTenors.Add(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years));
                atmOptionTenors.Add(new Period(5, TimeUnit.Years));
                atmOptionTenors.Add(new Period(10, TimeUnit.Years));
                atmOptionTenors.Add(new Period(30, TimeUnit.Years));

                List <Period> atmSwapTenors = new List <Period>();

                atmSwapTenors.Add(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years));
                atmSwapTenors.Add(new Period(5, TimeUnit.Years));
                atmSwapTenors.Add(new Period(10, TimeUnit.Years));
                atmSwapTenors.Add(new Period(30, TimeUnit.Years));

                Matrix m = new Matrix(atmOptionTenors.Count, atmSwapTenors.Count);

                m[0, 0] = 0.1300; m[0, 1] = 0.1560; m[0, 2] = 0.1390; m[0, 3] = 0.1220;
                m[1, 0] = 0.1440; m[1, 1] = 0.1580; m[1, 2] = 0.1460; m[1, 3] = 0.1260;
                m[2, 0] = 0.1600; m[2, 1] = 0.1590; m[2, 2] = 0.1470; m[2, 3] = 0.1290;
                m[3, 0] = 0.1640; m[3, 1] = 0.1470; m[3, 2] = 0.1370; m[3, 3] = 0.1220;
                m[4, 0] = 0.1400; m[4, 1] = 0.1300; m[4, 2] = 0.1250; m[4, 3] = 0.1100;
                m[5, 0] = 0.1130; m[5, 1] = 0.1090; m[5, 2] = 0.1070; m[5, 3] = 0.0930;

                atmVol = new Handle <SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(
                    new SwaptionVolatilityMatrix(calendar, BusinessDayConvention.Following, atmOptionTenors,
                                                 atmSwapTenors, m, new Actual365Fixed()));

                // Vol cubes
                List <Period> optionTenors = new List <Period>();

                optionTenors.Add(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years));
                optionTenors.Add(new Period(10, TimeUnit.Years));
                optionTenors.Add(new Period(30, TimeUnit.Years));

                List <Period> swapTenors = new List <Period>();

                swapTenors.Add(new Period(2, TimeUnit.Years));
                swapTenors.Add(new Period(10, TimeUnit.Years));
                swapTenors.Add(new Period(30, TimeUnit.Years));

                List <double> strikeSpreads = new List <double>();


                int    nRows            = optionTenors.Count * swapTenors.Count;
                int    nCols            = strikeSpreads.Count;
                Matrix volSpreadsMatrix = new Matrix(nRows, nCols);

                volSpreadsMatrix[0, 0] = 0.0599;
                volSpreadsMatrix[0, 1] = 0.0049;
                volSpreadsMatrix[0, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[0, 3] = -0.0001;
                volSpreadsMatrix[0, 4] = 0.0127;

                volSpreadsMatrix[1, 0] = 0.0729;
                volSpreadsMatrix[1, 1] = 0.0086;
                volSpreadsMatrix[1, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[1, 3] = -0.0024;
                volSpreadsMatrix[1, 4] = 0.0098;

                volSpreadsMatrix[2, 0] = 0.0738;
                volSpreadsMatrix[2, 1] = 0.0102;
                volSpreadsMatrix[2, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[2, 3] = -0.0039;
                volSpreadsMatrix[2, 4] = 0.0065;

                volSpreadsMatrix[3, 0] = 0.0465;
                volSpreadsMatrix[3, 1] = 0.0063;
                volSpreadsMatrix[3, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[3, 3] = -0.0032;
                volSpreadsMatrix[3, 4] = -0.0010;

                volSpreadsMatrix[4, 0] = 0.0558;
                volSpreadsMatrix[4, 1] = 0.0084;
                volSpreadsMatrix[4, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[4, 3] = -0.0050;
                volSpreadsMatrix[4, 4] = -0.0057;

                volSpreadsMatrix[5, 0] = 0.0576;
                volSpreadsMatrix[5, 1] = 0.0083;
                volSpreadsMatrix[5, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[5, 3] = -0.0043;
                volSpreadsMatrix[5, 4] = -0.0014;

                volSpreadsMatrix[6, 0] = 0.0437;
                volSpreadsMatrix[6, 1] = 0.0059;
                volSpreadsMatrix[6, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[6, 3] = -0.0030;
                volSpreadsMatrix[6, 4] = -0.0006;

                volSpreadsMatrix[7, 0] = 0.0533;
                volSpreadsMatrix[7, 1] = 0.0078;
                volSpreadsMatrix[7, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[7, 3] = -0.0045;
                volSpreadsMatrix[7, 4] = -0.0046;

                volSpreadsMatrix[8, 0] = 0.0545;
                volSpreadsMatrix[8, 1] = 0.0079;
                volSpreadsMatrix[8, 2] = 0.0000;
                volSpreadsMatrix[8, 3] = -0.0042;
                volSpreadsMatrix[8, 4] = -0.0020;

                List <List <Handle <Quote> > > volSpreads = new InitializedList <List <Handle <Quote> > >(nRows);

                for (int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i)
                    volSpreads[i] = new InitializedList <Handle <Quote> >(nCols);
                    for (int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j)
                        volSpreads[i][j] = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(volSpreadsMatrix[i, j]));

                iborIndex = new Euribor6M(termStructure);
                SwapIndex swapIndexBase      = new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(new Period(10, TimeUnit.Years), termStructure);
                SwapIndex shortSwapIndexBase = new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(new Period(2, TimeUnit.Years), termStructure);

                bool vegaWeightedSmileFit = false;

                SabrVolCube2 = new Handle <SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(
                    new SwaptionVolCube2(atmVol,

                List <List <Handle <Quote> > > guess = new InitializedList <List <Handle <Quote> > >(nRows);

                for (int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i)
                    guess[i]    = new InitializedList <Handle <Quote> >(4);
                    guess[i][0] = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.2));
                    guess[i][1] = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.5));
                    guess[i][2] = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.4));
                    guess[i][3] = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.0));
                List <bool> isParameterFixed = new InitializedList <bool>(4, false);

                isParameterFixed[1] = true;

                // FIXME
                bool isAtmCalibrated = false;

                SabrVolCube1 = new Handle <SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(
                    new SwaptionVolCube1x(atmVol,

                yieldCurveModels = new List <GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel>();
                yieldCurveModels.Add(GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.NonParallelShifts); // for linear tsr model

                Handle <Quote> zeroMeanRev = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.0));

                numericalPricers = new List <CmsCouponPricer>();
                analyticPricers  = new List <CmsCouponPricer>();
                for (int j = 0; j < yieldCurveModels.Count; ++j)
                    if (j < yieldCurveModels.Count - 1)
                        numericalPricers.Add(new NumericHaganPricer(atmVol, yieldCurveModels[j], zeroMeanRev));
                        numericalPricers.Add(new LinearTsrPricer(atmVol, zeroMeanRev));

                    analyticPricers.Add(new AnalyticHaganPricer(atmVol, yieldCurveModels[j], zeroMeanRev));
コード例 #27
        public void testCrankNicolsonWithDamping()
            SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings();

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;

            SimpleQuote           spot  = new SimpleQuote(100.0);
            YieldTermStructure    qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, 0.06, dc);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, 0.06, dc);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, 0.35, dc);

            StrikedTypePayoff payoff =
                new CashOrNothingPayoff(Option.Type.Put, 100, 10.0);

            double   maturity = 0.75;
            Date     exDate   = today + Convert.ToInt32(maturity * 360 + 0.5);
            Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);

            BlackScholesMertonProcess process = new
                                                BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                          new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                                          new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                          new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));
            IPricingEngine engine =
                new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(process);

            VanillaOption opt = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercise);

            double expectedPV    = opt.NPV();
            double expectedGamma = opt.gamma();

            // fd pricing using implicit damping steps and Crank Nicolson
            int        csSteps = 25, dampingSteps = 3, xGrid = 400;
            List <int> dim = new InitializedList <int>(1, xGrid);

            FdmLinearOpLayout layout       = new FdmLinearOpLayout(dim);
            Fdm1dMesher       equityMesher =
                new FdmBlackScholesMesher(
                    dim[0], process, maturity, payoff.strike(),
                    null, null, 0.0001, 1.5,
                    new Pair <double?, double?>(payoff.strike(), 0.01));

            FdmMesher mesher =
                new FdmMesherComposite(equityMesher);

            FdmBlackScholesOp map =
                new FdmBlackScholesOp(mesher, process, payoff.strike());

            FdmInnerValueCalculator calculator =
                new FdmLogInnerValue(payoff, mesher, 0);

            object rhs = new Vector(layout.size());
            Vector x   = new Vector(layout.size());
            FdmLinearOpIterator endIter = layout.end();

            for (FdmLinearOpIterator iter = layout.begin(); iter != endIter;
                (rhs as Vector)[iter.index()] = calculator.avgInnerValue(iter, maturity);
                x[iter.index()] = mesher.location(iter, 0);

            FdmBackwardSolver solver = new FdmBackwardSolver(map, new FdmBoundaryConditionSet(),
                                                             new FdmStepConditionComposite(),
                                                             new FdmSchemeDesc().Douglas());

            solver.rollback(ref rhs, maturity, 0.0, csSteps, dampingSteps);

            MonotonicCubicNaturalSpline spline = new MonotonicCubicNaturalSpline(x, x.Count, rhs as Vector);

            double s               = spot.value();
            double calculatedPV    = spline.value(Math.Log(s));
            double calculatedGamma = (spline.secondDerivative(Math.Log(s))
                                      - spline.derivative(Math.Log(s))) / (s * s);

            double relTol = 2e-3;

            if (Math.Abs(calculatedPV - expectedPV) > relTol * expectedPV)
                QAssert.Fail("Error calculating the PV of the digital option" +
                             "\n rel. tolerance:  " + relTol +
                             "\n expected:        " + expectedPV +
                             "\n calculated:      " + calculatedPV);
            if (Math.Abs(calculatedGamma - expectedGamma) > relTol * expectedGamma)
                QAssert.Fail("Error calculating the Gamma of the digital option" +
                             "\n rel. tolerance:  " + relTol +
                             "\n expected:        " + expectedGamma +
                             "\n calculated:      " + calculatedGamma);
コード例 #28
        public void testVannaVolgaDoubleBarrierValues()
            // Testing double-barrier FX options against Vanna/Volga values
            SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings();

            DoubleBarrierFxOptionData[] values =
                //                             BarrierType,                    barr.1, barr.2, rebate,         type,    strike,          s,         q,         r,  t, vol25Put,    volAtm,vol25Call,      vol,    result,   tol
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.13321, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.11638, 0.14413, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.22687, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.10088, 0.07456, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.31179, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.08925, 0.02710, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.38843, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.08463, 0.00569, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.46047, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.08412, 0.00013, 1.0e-4),

                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.13321, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.11638, 0.00017, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.22687, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.10088, 0.00353, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.31179, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.08925, 0.02221, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.38843, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.08463, 0.06049, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.1, 1.5, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.46047, 1.30265, 0.0003541, 0.0033871, 1.0, 0.10087, 0.08925, 0.08463, 0.08412, 0.11103, 1.0e-4),

                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.06145, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.12511, 0.19981, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.19545, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.10890, 0.10389, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.32238, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.09444, 0.03555, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.44298, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.09197, 0.00634, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Call, 1.56345, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.09261, 0.00000, 1.0e-4),

                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.06145, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.12511, 0.00000, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.19545, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.10890, 0.00436, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.32238, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.09444, 0.03173, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.44298, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.09197, 0.09346, 1.0e-4),
                new DoubleBarrierFxOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 1.0, 1.6, 0.0, Option.Type.Put,  1.56345, 1.30265, 0.0009418, 0.0039788, 2.0, 0.10891, 0.09525, 0.09197, 0.09261, 0.17704, 1.0e-4),

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = new Date(05, Month.Mar, 2013);


            SimpleQuote        spot      = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote        qRate     = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure qTS       = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote        rRate     = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure rTS       = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote        vol25Put  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote        volAtm    = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote        vol25Call = new SimpleQuote(0.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
                    DoubleBarrier.Type barrierType = (DoubleBarrier.Type)j;

                    StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(values[i].type, values[i].strike);

                    Date     exDate   = today + (int)(values[i].t * 365 + 0.5);
                    Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);

                    Handle <DeltaVolQuote> volAtmQuote = new Handle <DeltaVolQuote>(
                        new DeltaVolQuote(new Handle <Quote>(volAtm), DeltaVolQuote.DeltaType.Fwd, values[i].t,

                    //always delta neutral atm
                    Handle <DeltaVolQuote> vol25PutQuote = new Handle <DeltaVolQuote>(new DeltaVolQuote(-0.25,
                                                                                                        new Handle <Quote>(vol25Put), values[i].t, DeltaVolQuote.DeltaType.Fwd));

                    Handle <DeltaVolQuote> vol25CallQuote = new Handle <DeltaVolQuote>(new DeltaVolQuote(0.25,
                                                                                                         new Handle <Quote>(vol25Call), values[i].t, DeltaVolQuote.DeltaType.Fwd));

                    DoubleBarrierOption doubleBarrierOption = new DoubleBarrierOption(barrierType,
                                                                                      values[i].barrier1, values[i].barrier2, values[i].rebate, payoff, exercise);

                    double bsVanillaPrice = Utils.blackFormula(values[i].type, values[i].strike,
                                                               spot.value() * qTS.discount(values[i].t) / rTS.discount(values[i].t),
                                                               values[i].v * Math.Sqrt(values[i].t), rTS.discount(values[i].t));

                    IPricingEngine vannaVolgaEngine;

                    vannaVolgaEngine = new VannaVolgaDoubleBarrierEngine(volAtmQuote, vol25PutQuote, vol25CallQuote,
                                                                         new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                         new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                         new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                                         (process, series) => new WulinYongDoubleBarrierEngine(process, series),

                    double expected = 0;
                    if (barrierType == DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut)
                        expected = values[i].result;
                    else if (barrierType == DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn)
                        expected = (bsVanillaPrice - values[i].result);

                    double calculated = doubleBarrierOption.NPV();
                    double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - expected);
                    if (error > values[i].tol)
                        REPORT_FAILURE_VANNAVOLGA("value", values[i].barrierType,
                                                  values[i].barrier1, values[i].barrier2,
                                                  values[i].rebate, payoff, exercise, values[i].s,
                                                  values[i].q, values[i].r, today, values[i].vol25Put,
                                                  values[i].volAtm, values[i].vol25Call, values[i].v,
                                                  expected, calculated, error, values[i].tol);

                    vannaVolgaEngine = new VannaVolgaDoubleBarrierEngine(volAtmQuote, vol25PutQuote, vol25CallQuote,
                                                                         new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                         new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                         new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                                         (process, series) => new AnalyticDoubleBarrierEngine(process, series),

                    calculated = doubleBarrierOption.NPV();
                    error      = Math.Abs(calculated - expected);
                    double maxtol = 5.0e-3; // different engines have somewhat different results
                    if (error > maxtol)
                        REPORT_FAILURE_VANNAVOLGA("value", values[i].barrierType,
                                                  values[i].barrier1, values[i].barrier2,
                                                  values[i].rebate, payoff, exercise, values[i].s,
                                                  values[i].q, values[i].r, today, values[i].vol25Put,
                                                  values[i].volAtm, values[i].vol25Call, values[i].v,
                                                  expected, calculated, error, values[i].tol);
コード例 #29
        public void testMultiPathGenerator()
            //("Testing n-D path generation against cached values...");

            //SavedSettings backup;

            Settings.setEvaluationDate(new Date(26, 4, 2005));

            Handle <Quote> x0 = new Handle <Quote> (new SimpleQuote(100.0));
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    r     = new Handle <YieldTermStructure> (Utilities.flatRate(0.05, new Actual360()));
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    q     = new Handle <YieldTermStructure> (Utilities.flatRate(0.02, new Actual360()));
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> sigma = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> (Utilities.flatVol(0.20, new Actual360()));

            Matrix correlation = new Matrix(3, 3);

            correlation[0, 0] = 1.0; correlation[0, 1] = 0.9; correlation[0, 2] = 0.7;
            correlation[1, 0] = 0.9; correlation[1, 1] = 1.0; correlation[1, 2] = 0.4;
            correlation[2, 0] = 0.7; correlation[2, 1] = 0.4; correlation[2, 2] = 1.0;

            List <StochasticProcess1D> processes = new List <StochasticProcess1D>(3);
            StochasticProcess          process;

            processes.Add(new BlackScholesMertonProcess(x0, q, r, sigma));
            processes.Add(new BlackScholesMertonProcess(x0, q, r, sigma));
            processes.Add(new BlackScholesMertonProcess(x0, q, r, sigma));
            process = new StochasticProcessArray(processes, correlation);
            // commented values must be used when Halley's correction is enabled
            double[] result1 =
            // Real result1[] = {
            //     188.2235869273,
            //     270.6713071508,
            //     113.0431145652 };
            double[] result1a =
            // Real result1a[] = {
            //     64.89105739157,
            //     45.12494401537,
            //     108.0475146914 };
            testMultiple(process, "Black-Scholes", result1, result1a);

            processes[0] = new GeometricBrownianMotionProcess(100.0, 0.03, 0.20);
            processes[1] = new GeometricBrownianMotionProcess(100.0, 0.03, 0.20);
            processes[2] = new GeometricBrownianMotionProcess(100.0, 0.03, 0.20);
            process      = new StochasticProcessArray(processes, correlation);
            double[] result2 =
            // Real result2[] = {
            //     174.8266132344,
            //     237.2692444869,
            //     119.1168555605 };
            double[] result2a =
            // Real result2a[] = {
            //     57.69082387657,
            //     38.50016858691,
            //     116.4056510107 };
            testMultiple(process, "geometric Brownian", result2, result2a);

            processes[0] = new OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(0.1, 0.20);
            processes[1] = new OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(0.1, 0.20);
            processes[2] = new OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(0.1, 0.20);
            process      = new StochasticProcessArray(processes, correlation);
            double[] result3 =
            double[] result3a =
            testMultiple(process, "Ornstein-Uhlenbeck", result3, result3a);

            processes[0] = new SquareRootProcess(0.1, 0.1, 0.20, 10.0);
            processes[1] = new SquareRootProcess(0.1, 0.1, 0.20, 10.0);
            processes[2] = new SquareRootProcess(0.1, 0.1, 0.20, 10.0);
            process      = new StochasticProcessArray(processes, correlation);
            double[] result4 =
            double[] result4a =
            testMultiple(process, "square-root", result4, result4a);
コード例 #30
        public void testEuropeanHaugValues()
            // Testing double barrier european options against Haug's values

            Exercise.Type          european = Exercise.Type.European;
            NewBarrierOptionData[] values   =
                /* The data below are from
                 * "The complete guide to option pricing formulas 2nd Ed",E.G. Haug, McGraw-Hill, p.156 and following.
                 * Note:
                 * The book uses b instead of q (q=r-b)
                //           BarrierType, barr.lo,  barr.hi,         type, exercise,strk,     s,   q,   r,    t,    v,  result, tol
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  4.3515, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  6.1644, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  7.0373, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  6.9853, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  7.9336, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  6.5088, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  4.3505, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  5.8500, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  5.7726, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  6.8082, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  6.3383, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  4.3841, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  4.3139, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  4.8293, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  3.7765, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  5.9697, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  4.0004, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  2.2563, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  3.7516, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  2.6387, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  1.4903, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  3.5805, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  1.5098, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  0.5635, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  1.2055, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  0.3098, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  0.0477, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  0.5537, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  0.0441, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  0.0011, 1.0e-4),

                //           BarrierType, barr.lo,  barr.hi,         type, exercise,strk,     s,   q,   r,    t,    v,  result, tol
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  1.8825, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  3.7855, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  5.7191, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  2.1374, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  4.7033, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  7.1683, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  1.8825, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  3.7845, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  5.6060, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  2.1374, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  4.6236, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  6.1062, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  1.8825, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  3.7014, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  4.6472, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  2.1325, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  3.8944, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  3.5868, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  1.8600, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  2.6866, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  2.0719, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  1.8883, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  1.7851, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  0.8244, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  0.9473, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  0.3449, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  0.0578, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  0.4555, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  0.0491, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockOut, 90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Put,  european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  0.0013, 1.0e-4),

                //           BarrierType, barr.lo,  barr.hi,         type,  strk,     s,   q,   r,    t,    v,  result, tol
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  0.0000, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  0.0900, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  1.1537, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  0.0292, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  1.6487, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  50.0, 150.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  5.7321, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  0.0010, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  0.4045, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  2.4184, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  0.2062, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  3.2439, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  60.0, 140.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  7.8569, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  0.0376, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  1.4252, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  4.4145, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  1.0447, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  5.5818, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  70.0, 130.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35,  9.9846, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  0.5999, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  3.6158, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  6.7007, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  3.4340, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  8.0724, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  80.0, 120.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35, 11.6774, 1.0e-4),

                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15,  3.1460, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25,  5.9447, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.35,  8.1432, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.15,  6.4608, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.25,  9.5382, 1.0e-4),
                new NewBarrierOptionData(DoubleBarrier.Type.KnockIn,  90.0, 110.0, Option.Type.Call, european, 100, 100.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.50, 0.35, 12.2398, 1.0e-4),

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;

            SimpleQuote           spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote           qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure    qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           vol   = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc);

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                Date     exDate   = today + (int)(values[i].t * 360 + 0.5);
                Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);


                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(values[i].type, values[i].strike);

                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(
                    new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                    new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                    new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

                DoubleBarrierOption opt = new DoubleBarrierOption(values[i].barrierType, values[i].barrierlo,
                                                                  values[i].barrierhi, 0, // no rebate
                                                                  payoff, exercise);

                // Ikeda/Kunitomo engine
                IPricingEngine engine = new AnalyticDoubleBarrierEngine(stochProcess);

                double calculated = opt.NPV();
                double expected   = values[i].result;
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - expected);
                if (error > values[i].tol)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("Ikeda/Kunitomo value", values[i].barrierType, values[i].barrierlo,
                                   values[i].barrierhi, payoff, exercise, values[i].s,
                                   values[i].q, values[i].r, today, values[i].v,
                                   expected, calculated, error, values[i].tol);

                // Wulin Suo/Yong Wang engine
                engine = new WulinYongDoubleBarrierEngine(stochProcess);

                calculated = opt.NPV();
                expected   = values[i].result;
                error      = Math.Abs(calculated - expected);
                if (error > values[i].tol)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("Wulin/Yong value", values[i].barrierType, values[i].barrierlo,
                                   values[i].barrierhi, payoff, exercise, values[i].s,
                                   values[i].q, values[i].r, today, values[i].v,
                                   expected, calculated, error, values[i].tol);