コード例 #1
        private static void CreateTests(EfDbContext context)
            DateTime creationDate     = new DateTime(2018, 03, 01, 12, 00, 00);
            DateTime modificationDate = DateTime.Now;

            var authorId = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == "Admin")?.Id;

            var num = 27;

            for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
                CreateSampleTest(context, i, authorId, num - 1, 3, 3, 3, creationDate.AddDays(-num));

            EntityEntry <Test> e1 = context.Tests.Add(new Test
                UserId               = authorId,
                CreationDate         = creationDate,
                LastModificationDate = modificationDate,
                Title       = "Generation X, Y or Z?",
                Description = "Get know, to which generation fit you the most.",
                Text        = "Do you feel good in your generation ? " +
                              "In which year should you be born ? " +
                              "Answer few questions and let's find out!",
                ViewCount = 1280

            EntityEntry <Test> e2 = context.Tests.Add(new Test
                UserId               = authorId,
                CreationDate         = creationDate,
                LastModificationDate = modificationDate,
                Title       = "Which football player are you?",
                Description = "Get know which football player is similar to you.",
                Text        = "Do you think, that you are similar to Leo Messi ? " +
                              "Maybe do you think that you have similar character as Cristiano Ronaldo ? " +
                              "Answer few questions and let's find out!",
                ViewCount = 4510

            EntityEntry <Test> e3 = context.Tests.Add(new Test
                UserId               = authorId,
                CreationDate         = creationDate,
                LastModificationDate = modificationDate,
                Title       = "History master",
                Description = "Check yourself in short history test",
                Text        = "",
                ViewCount   = 110

コード例 #2
        private static void CreateSampleTest(EfDbContext context,
                                             int num,
                                             string authorId,
                                             int viewCount,
                                             int numberOfQuestions,
                                             int numberOfAnswersPerQuestions,
                                             int numberOfResults,
                                             DateTime createdDate)
            var test = new Test
                UserId      = authorId,
                Title       = $"Title of the test {num}",
                Description = $"This is sample test {num}",
                Text        = $"This is sample test created using DbSeeder class. All questions, answers and results were generated " +
                              $"using this class as well.",
                ViewCount            = viewCount,
                CreationDate         = createdDate,
                LastModificationDate = createdDate


            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfQuestions; i++)
                var question = new Question
                    TestId               = test.Id,
                    Text                 = $"Sample qeustion {i + 1}",
                    CreationDate         = createdDate,
                    LastModificationDate = createdDate


                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAnswersPerQuestions; j++)
                    var a1 = context.Answers.Add(new Answer
                        QuestionId           = question.Id,
                        Text                 = $"Sample answer {j + 1}",
                        Value                = j,
                        CreationDate         = createdDate,
                        LastModificationDate = createdDate

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfResults; i++)
                context.Results.Add(new Result
                    TestId               = test.Id,
                    Text                 = $"Sample result {i + 1}",
                    MinValue             = 0,
                    MaxValue             = numberOfQuestions + 2,
                    CreationDate         = createdDate,
                    LastModificationDate = createdDate
