private static void invokeTest(nac.Forms.Form parentForm, model.TestEntry test) {$"Test: [name={test.Name}] starting"); try { if (test.SetupChildForm) { parentForm.DisplayChildForm(childForm => { test.CodeToRun(childForm); }, useIsolatedModelForThisChildForm: true) .ContinueWith(t => {$"Test: [name={test.Name}] is complete"); }); } else { // just run it directly test.CodeToRun(parentForm); } } catch (Exception ex) { string errorMessage = $"Error, trying [{test.Name}]. Exception: {ex}"; model.LogEntry.error(errorMessage); writeLineError(errorMessage); } }
static void mainUI(Form f) { model.TestEntry selectedTestEntry = null; // setup test methods var methods = new List <model.TestEntry> { new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test1", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test1 }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Button with click count", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test2_ButtonWithClickCount }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Display what is typed", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test3_DisplayWhatIsTyped }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Layout: Horizontal Group", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestLayout1_SimpleHorizontal }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Layout: Vertical Group", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestVerticalGroup_Simple1 }, new model.TestEntry() { Name = "Test Layout: Vertical Dock", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestVerticalDock_Simple1 }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Layout: Vertical Group Split", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestLayout_VerticalSplit }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Layout: Horizontal Group Split", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestLayout_HorizontalSplit }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Layout: Visibility of Horizontal", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestControllingVisibilityOfControls_HorizontalGroup }, new model.TestEntry() { Name = "Test Layout: Visibility of Vertical", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestControlVisibilityOfControls_VerticalGroup }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test List: Simple Items Control", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestCollections_SimpleItemsControl }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test List: Button Counter via Model", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestList_ButtonCounterExample }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test List: Just Strings", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestList_JustStrings }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Menu: Simple", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestMenu_Simple }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Button: Close on click", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestButton_CloseForm, SetupChildForm = false }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Event: OnDisplay", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestEvent_OnDisplay, SetupChildForm = false }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Textbox: Multiline", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestTextBox_Multiline }, new model.TestEntry { Name = "Test Textbox: Password", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestTextBox_Password }, new TestEntry { Name = "Test Style: TextBlock: Basic font changes", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestStyle_TextBlock_BasicFontChanges }, new TestEntry { Name = "Test Style: Change button color", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestStyle_Button_ChangeButtonBackground }, new TestEntry { Name = "Test FilePickerFor: Test file picker basics", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestFilePickerFor_Basic }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Test FilePickerFor: Test save file dialog (New File)", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestFilePickerFor_NewFile }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Test DirectoryPathFor: Simple example", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestDirectoryPathFor_Simple }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Test DirectoryPathFor: Class Model binding Directory Path", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.TestDirectoryPathFor_ClassBinding }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Tabs: Basic Test", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_Tabs_BasicTest }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Tabs: Header from Template", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_Tabs_HeaderFromTemplate }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Test DataContext: Hello World!", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_DataContext_HelloWorld }, new TestEntry { Name = "Test DataContext: Contact Class Model", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_DataContext_ContactClassModel }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Test Loading Indicator: Text Display", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_LoadingIndicator_TextDisplay }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Test Dropdown: Simple Text Selection", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_DropDown_SimpleTextSelection }, new TestEntry { Name = "Test Dropdown: DataContext SelectedItem Binding", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_DropDown_DataContext_SelectedItemBinding }, new TestEntry() { Name = "Threading: Modify UI in another thread", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_Threading_ModifyUIInThread }, new TestEntry { Name = "Child Form: Show and ShowDialog", CodeToRun = lib.TestFunctions.Test_ChildForm_ShowAndShowDialog } }; f.Tabs(new[] { new nac.Forms.model.TabCreationInfo { Header = "Methods", Populate = (t) => { t.SimpleDropDown(methods, (i) => { selectedTestEntry = i; invokeTest(f, selectedTestEntry); }) .Button("Run", _args => { invokeTest(f, selectedTestEntry); }); } }, new nac.Forms.model.TabCreationInfo { Header = "Log", Populate = (t) => { lib.UIElementsUtility.logViewer(t); } } }) .Display(); }