public Server(World World, int PlayerCap, String myWhiteList, String myBanList, String myOpList) { Main.maxNetplayers = PlayerCap; world = World; world.Server = this; pluginManager = new PluginManager(Statics.PluginPath, this); WhiteList = new DataRegister(myWhiteList); WhiteList.Load(); BanList = new DataRegister(myBanList); BanList.Load(); OpList = new DataRegister(myOpList); OpList.Load(); }
public Server(World World, int PlayerCap, string WhiteList, string BanList, string OpList) { Main.maxNetplayers = PlayerCap; world = World; world.setServer(this); pluginManager = new PluginManager(Statics.getPluginPath, this); whiteList = new DataRegister(WhiteList); whiteList.Load(); banList = new DataRegister(BanList); banList.Load(); opList = new DataRegister(OpList); opList.Load(); }
public Server(World World, int PlayerCap, String myWhiteList, String myBanList, String myOpList) { Main.maxNetplayers = PlayerCap; world = World; world.Server = this; pluginManager = new PluginManager(Statics.PluginPath, this); WhiteList = new DataRegister(myWhiteList); WhiteList.Load(); BanList = new DataRegister(myBanList); BanList.Load(); OpList = new DataRegister(myOpList); OpList.Load(); RejectedItems = new List<String>(); String[] rejItem =','); for (int i = 0; i < rejItem.Length; i++) { if (rejItem[i].Trim().Length > 0) { RejectedItems.Add(rejItem[i].Trim()); } } }
private int getValue(String key, World.MAP_SIZE mapSize) { return getValue(key, (int)mapSize); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.Title = "Terraria's Dedicated Server Mod. (" + Statics.versionNumber + " {" + Statics.currentRelease + "}) #" + + " r" + Statics.revision; Console.WriteLine("Setting up Paths."); if (!setupPaths()) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); LuaManager.Initialise("Scripts/Default.lua"); if (Statics.isLinux) { Console.WriteLine("Detected Linux OS."); Statics.platform = 1; } else if (Statics.isMac) { Console.WriteLine("Detected Mac OS."); Statics.platform = 2; } else if (Statics.isWindows == false) { Console.WriteLine("Unknown OS."); Statics.platform = 3; } tConsole = new TConsole(Statics.getDataPath + Statics.systemSeperator + "server.log"); if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { string CmdMessage = args[0].Trim(); if (CmdMessage.Length > 0) { // 0 for Ops if (CmdMessage.ToLower().Equals("-ignoremessages:0")) { Statics.cmdMessages = false; } } } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Setting up Properties."); if (!System.IO.File.Exists("")) { Console.Write("Properties not found, Create and exit? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "y") { setupProperties(); Console.WriteLine("Complete, Press any Key to Exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } } setupProperties(); Statics.debugMode = properties.debugMode(); if (Statics.debugMode) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine("CAUTION: Running Debug Mode! Unexpected errors may occur!"); } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Preparing Server Data..."); string worldFile = properties.getInitialWorldPath(); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(worldFile); if (!file.Exists) { try { file.Directory.Create(); } catch (Exception exception) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine(exception.ToString()); Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Generating World '" + worldFile + "'"); int seed = properties.getSeed(); if (seed == -1) { Console.Write("Generating Seed..."); seed = new Random().Next(100); Console.Write(seed.ToString() + "\n"); } int worldX = properties.getMapSizes()[0]; int worldY = properties.getMapSizes()[1]; if (properties.isUsingCutomTiles()) { int X = properties.getMaxTilesX(); int Y = properties.getMaxTilesY(); if (X > 0 && Y > 0) { worldX = X; worldY = Y; } if (worldX < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X || worldY < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine("World dimensions need to be equal to or larger than " + (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X + " by " + (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y + "; using built-in 'small'"); worldX = (int)((int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y * 3.5); worldY = (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y; } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Generating World with Custom Map Size { " + worldX.ToString() + ", " + worldY.ToString() + " }"); } Server.maxTilesX = worldX; Server.maxTilesY = worldY; Server.tile = new Tile[Server.maxTilesX + 1, Server.maxTilesY + 1]; WorldGen.clearWorld(); (new Server()).Initialize(); if (properties.getUsingCustomGenOpts()) { WorldGen.numDungeons = properties.getDungeonAmount(); WorldGen.ficount = properties.getFloatingIslandAmount(); } else { WorldGen.numDungeons = 1; WorldGen.ficount = (int)((double)Server.maxTilesX * 0.0008); //The Statics one was generating with default values, We want it to use the actual tileX for the world } WorldGen.generateWorld(seed); WorldGen.saveWorld(worldFile, true); } int worldXtiles = properties.getMapSizes()[0]; int worldYtiles = properties.getMapSizes()[1]; if (properties.isUsingCutomTiles()) { int X = properties.getMaxTilesX(); int Y = properties.getMaxTilesY(); if (X > 0 && Y > 0) { worldXtiles = X; worldYtiles = Y; } if (worldXtiles < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X || worldYtiles < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine("World dimensions need to be equal to or larger than " + (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X + " by " + (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y + "; using built-in 'small'"); worldXtiles = (int)((int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y * 3.5); worldYtiles = (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y; } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Using World with Custom Map Size { " + worldXtiles.ToString() + ", " + worldYtiles.ToString() + " }"); } World world = new World(worldXtiles, worldYtiles); world.setSavePath(worldFile); server = new Server(world, properties.getMaxPlayers(), Statics.getDataPath + Statics.systemSeperator + "whitelist.txt", Statics.getDataPath + Statics.systemSeperator + "banlist.txt", Statics.getDataPath + Statics.systemSeperator + "oplist.txt"); server.setOpPassword(properties.getOpPassword()); server.setPort(properties.getPort()); server.setIP(properties.getServerIP()); server.Initialize(); WorldGen.loadWorld(); server.StartServer(); updateThread = new Thread(Program.Updater); Statics.IsActive = true; while (!Statics.serverStarted) { } commandParser = new CommandParser(server); Program.tConsole.WriteLine("You can now insert Commands."); while (Statics.IsActive) { try { string line = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower(); if (line.Length > 0) { commandParser.parseConsoleCommand(line, server); } } catch(Exception) { } } while (Statics.serverStarted) { } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Exiting..."); } catch (Exception e) { try { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(Statics.getDataPath + Statics.systemSeperator + "crashlog.txt", true)) { streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); streamWriter.WriteLine("Crash Log Generated by TDSM #" + + " r" + Statics.revision + " for " + Statics.versionNumber + " {" + Statics.currentRelease + "}"); streamWriter.WriteLine(e); streamWriter.WriteLine(""); } Debug.WriteLine("Server crash: " + DateTime.Now); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(e.Message); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(e.InnerException.Message); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(""); Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Please send crashlog.txt to"); } catch { //Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Lol You crashed your crash log, Good work."); } } if (Program.tConsole != null) { Program.tConsole.Close(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main"; try { string MODInfo = "Terraria's Dedicated Server Mod. (" + VERSION_NUMBER + " {" + Statics.CURRENT_TERRARIA_RELEASE + "}) #" + Statics.BUILD; try { Console.Title = MODInfo; } catch { } var lis = new Logging.LogTraceListener (); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Clear (); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Add (lis); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners.Clear (); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners.Add (lis); ProgramLog.Log ("Initializing " + MODInfo); ProgramLog.Log ("Setting up Paths."); if (!SetupPaths()) { return; } Platform.InitPlatform(); ProgramLog.Log ("Setting up Properties."); bool propertiesExist = File.Exists(""); SetupProperties(); if (!propertiesExist) { ProgramLog.Console.Print ("New properties file created. Would you like to exit for editing? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "y") { ProgramLog.Console.Print ("Complete, Press any Key to Exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } } var logFile = Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "server.log"; ProgramLog.OpenLogFile (logFile); string PIDFile = properties.PIDFile.Trim(); if (PIDFile.Length > 0) { string ProcessUID = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString(); bool Issue = false; if (File.Exists(PIDFile)) { try { File.Delete(PIDFile); } catch (Exception) { ProgramLog.Console.Print ("Issue deleting PID file, Continue? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "n") { ProgramLog.Console.Print ("Press any Key to Exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } Issue = true; } } if (!Issue) { try { File.WriteAllText(PIDFile, ProcessUID); } catch (Exception) { ProgramLog.Console.Print ("Issue creating PID file, Continue? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "n") { ProgramLog.Console.Print ("Press any Key to Exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } } ProgramLog.Log ("PID File Created, Process ID: " + ProcessUID); } } ParseArgs(args); try { if (UpdateManager.performProcess()) { ProgramLog.Log ("Restarting into new update!"); return; } } catch (UpdateCompleted) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log (e, "Error updating"); } LoadMonitor.Start (); ProgramLog.Log ("Starting remote console server"); RemoteConsole.RConServer.Start (""); ProgramLog.Log("Starting permissions manager"); permissionManager = new PermissionManager(); ProgramLog.Log ("Preparing Server Data..."); using (var prog = new ProgressLogger (1, "Loading item definitions")) Collections.Registries.Item.Load (); using (var prog = new ProgressLogger (1, "Loading NPC definitions")) Collections.Registries.NPC.Load (Collections.Registries.NPC_FILE); using (var prog = new ProgressLogger (1, "Loading projectile definitions")) Collections.Registries.Projectile.Load (Collections.Registries.PROJECTILE_FILE); commandParser = new CommandParser(); commandParser.ReadPermissionNodes(); ProgramLog.Log("Loading plugins..."); Terraria_Server.Plugins.PluginManager.Initialize(Statics.PluginPath, Statics.LibrariesPath); var ctx = new HookContext() { Sender = new ConsoleSender() }; var eArgs = new HookArgs.ServerStateChange() { ServerChangeState = ServerState.INITIALIZING }; HookPoints.ServerStateChange.Invoke(ref ctx, ref eArgs); PluginManager.LoadPlugins (); ProgramLog.Log("Plugins loaded: " + PluginManager.PluginCount); string worldFile = properties.WorldPath; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(worldFile); if (!file.Exists) { try { file.Directory.Create(); } catch (Exception exception) { ProgramLog.Log (exception); ProgramLog.Console.Print ("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } ctx = new HookContext { Sender = new WorldSender(), }; eArgs = new HookArgs.ServerStateChange { ServerChangeState = ServerState.GENERATING }; HookPoints.ServerStateChange.Invoke(ref ctx, ref eArgs); ProgramLog.Log ("Generating world '{0}'", worldFile); string seed = properties.Seed; if (seed == "-1") { seed = new Random().Next(100).ToString(); ProgramLog.Log ("Generated seed: {0}", seed); } int worldX = properties.GetMapSizes()[0]; int worldY = properties.GetMapSizes()[1]; if (properties.UseCustomTiles) { int X = properties.MaxTilesX; int Y = properties.MaxTilesY; if (X > 0 && Y > 0) { worldX = X; worldY = Y; } if (worldX < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X || worldY < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y) { ProgramLog.Log ("World dimensions need to be equal to or larger than {0} by {1}; using built-in 'small'", (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X, (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y); worldX = (int)((int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y * 3.5); worldY = (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y; } ProgramLog.Log ("Generating world with custom map size: {0}x{1}", worldX, worldY); } Terraria_Server.Main.maxTilesX = worldX; Terraria_Server.Main.maxTilesY = worldY; WorldIO.clearWorld(); Terraria_Server.Main.Initialize(); if (properties.UseCustomGenOpts) { WorldGen.numDungeons = properties.DungeonAmount; WorldModify.ficount = properties.FloatingIslandAmount; } else { WorldGen.numDungeons = 1; WorldModify.ficount = (int)((double)Terraria_Server.Main.maxTilesX * 0.0008); //The Statics one was generating with default values, We want it to use the actual tileX for the world } WorldGen.GenerateWorld(seed); WorldIO.saveWorld(worldFile, true); } ctx = new HookContext { Sender = new WorldSender(), }; eArgs = new HookArgs.ServerStateChange { ServerChangeState = ServerState.LOADING }; HookPoints.ServerStateChange.Invoke(ref ctx, ref eArgs); // TODO: read map size from world file instead of config int worldXtiles = properties.GetMapSizes()[0]; int worldYtiles = properties.GetMapSizes()[1]; if (properties.UseCustomTiles) { int X = properties.MaxTilesX; int Y = properties.MaxTilesY; if (X > 0 && Y > 0) { worldXtiles = X; worldYtiles = Y; } if (worldXtiles < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X || worldYtiles < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y) { ProgramLog.Log ("World dimensions need to be equal to or larger than {0} by {1}; using built-in 'small'", (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X, (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y); worldXtiles = (int)((int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y * 3.5); worldYtiles = (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y; } ProgramLog.Log ("Using world with custom map size: {0}x{1}", worldXtiles, worldYtiles); } World world = new World(worldXtiles, worldYtiles); world.SavePath = worldFile; Server.InitializeData(world, properties.MaxPlayers, Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "whitelist.txt", Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "banlist.txt", Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "oplist.txt"); NetPlay.password = properties.Password; NetPlay.serverPort = properties.Port; NetPlay.serverSIP = properties.ServerIP; Terraria_Server.Main.Initialize(); Terraria_Server.Main.maxTilesX = worldXtiles; Terraria_Server.Main.maxTilesY = worldYtiles; Terraria_Server.Main.maxSectionsX = worldXtiles / 200; Terraria_Server.Main.maxSectionsY = worldYtiles / 150; WorldIO.LoadWorld(Server.World.SavePath); ctx = new HookContext { Sender = new WorldSender(), }; eArgs = new HookArgs.ServerStateChange { ServerChangeState = ServerState.LOADED }; HookPoints.ServerStateChange.Invoke(ref ctx, ref eArgs); updateThread = new ProgramThread ("Updt", Program.UpdateLoop); ProgramLog.Log ("Starting the Server"); NetPlay.StartServer(); while (!NetPlay.ServerUp) { } ProgramLog.Console.Print ("You can now insert Commands."); while (!Statics.Exit) { try { string line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line.Length > 0) { commandParser.ParseConsoleCommand(line); } } catch (ExitException e) { ProgramLog.Log(e.Message); break; } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log (e, "Issue parsing console command"); } } while(WorldModify.saveLock || NetPlay.ServerUp) Thread.Sleep(100); ProgramLog.Log("Exiting..."); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (UpdateCompleted) { } catch (Exception e) { try { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "crashlog.txt", true)) { streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); streamWriter.WriteLine("Crash Log Generated by TDSM #" + Statics.BUILD + " for " + //+ " r" + Statics.revision + " for " + VERSION_NUMBER + " {" + Statics.CURRENT_TERRARIA_RELEASE + "}"); streamWriter.WriteLine(e); streamWriter.WriteLine(""); } ProgramLog.Log(e, "Program crash"); ProgramLog.Log("Please send crashlog.txt to"); } catch { } } if (File.Exists(properties.PIDFile.Trim())) { File.Delete(properties.PIDFile.Trim()); } Thread.Sleep (500); ProgramLog.Log ("Log end."); ProgramLog.Close(); RemoteConsole.RConServer.Stop (); }
public static void Main(String[] args) { try { String MODInfo = "Terraria's Dedicated Server Mod. (" + VERSION_NUMBER + " {" + Statics.CURRENT_TERRARIA_RELEASE + "}) #" + Statics.BUILD; Console.Title = MODInfo; Console.WriteLine("Initializing " + MODInfo); Console.WriteLine("Setting up Paths."); if (!SetupPaths()) { return; } Platform.InitPlatform(); tConsole = new TConsole(Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "server.log", Platform.Type); Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Setting up Properties."); bool propertiesExist = File.Exists(""); SetupProperties(); if (!propertiesExist) { Console.Write("New properties file created. Would you like to exit for editing? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "y") { Console.WriteLine("Complete, Press any Key to Exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } } String PIDFile = properties.PIDFile.ToString(); if (PIDFile.Length > 0) { String ProcessUID = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString(); bool Issue = false; if (File.Exists(PIDFile)) { try { File.Delete(PIDFile); } catch (Exception) { Console.Write("Issue deleting PID file, Continue? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to Exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } Issue = true; } } if (!Issue) { try { File.WriteAllText(PIDFile, ProcessUID); } catch (Exception) { Console.Write("Issue creating PID file, Continue? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to Exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } } Console.WriteLine("PID File Created, Process ID: " + ProcessUID); } } ParseArgs(args); #if (DEBUG == false) //I'll comment this for each release, Updates are annoying when testing :3 try { if (UpdateManager.performProcess()) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Restarting into new update!"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Error updating!"); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(e.Message); } #endif Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Preparing Server Data..."); String worldFile = properties.WorldPath; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(worldFile); if (!file.Exists) { try { file.Directory.Create(); } catch (Exception exception) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine(exception.ToString()); Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Generating World '" + worldFile + "'"); int seed = properties.Seed; if (seed == -1) { Console.Write("Generating Seed..."); seed = new Random().Next(100); Console.Write(seed.ToString() + "\n"); } int worldX = properties.getMapSizes()[0]; int worldY = properties.getMapSizes()[1]; if (properties.UseCustomTiles) { int X = properties.MaxTilesX; int Y = properties.MaxTilesY; if (X > 0 && Y > 0) { worldX = X; worldY = Y; } if (worldX < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X || worldY < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine("World dimensions need to be equal to or larger than " + (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X + " by " + (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y + "; using built-in 'small'"); worldX = (int)((int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y * 3.5); worldY = (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y; } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Generating World with Custom Map Size { " + worldX.ToString() + ", " + worldY.ToString() + " }"); } Server.maxTilesX = worldX; Server.maxTilesY = worldY; Server.tile = new TileCollection(Server.maxTilesX, Server.maxTilesY); WorldGen.clearWorld(); (new Server()).Initialize(); if (properties.UseCustomGenOpts) { WorldGen.numDungeons = properties.DungeonAmount; WorldGen.ficount = properties.FloatingIslandAmount; } else { WorldGen.numDungeons = 1; WorldGen.ficount = (int)((double)Server.maxTilesX * 0.0008); //The Statics one was generating with default values, We want it to use the actual tileX for the world } WorldGen.generateWorld(seed); WorldGen.saveWorld(worldFile, true); } int worldXtiles = properties.getMapSizes()[0]; int worldYtiles = properties.getMapSizes()[1]; if (properties.UseCustomTiles) { int X = properties.MaxTilesX; int Y = properties.MaxTilesY; if (X > 0 && Y > 0) { worldXtiles = X; worldYtiles = Y; } if (worldXtiles < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X || worldYtiles < (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine("World dimensions need to be equal to or larger than " + (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_X + " by " + (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y + "; using built-in 'small'"); worldXtiles = (int)((int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y * 3.5); worldYtiles = (int)World.MAP_SIZE.SMALL_Y; } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Using World with Custom Map Size { " + worldXtiles.ToString() + ", " + worldYtiles.ToString() + " }"); } World world = new World(worldXtiles, worldYtiles); world.SavePath = worldFile; server = new Server(world, properties.MaxPlayers, Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "whitelist.txt", Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "banlist.txt", Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "oplist.txt"); server.OpPassword = properties.Password; server.Port = properties.Port; server.ServerIP = properties.ServerIP; server.Initialize(); Server.tile = new TileCollection(worldXtiles, worldYtiles); WorldGen.loadWorld(); tConsole.WriteLine("Starting the Server"); server.StartServer(); updateThread = new Thread(Program.UpdateLoop); updateThread.Name = "UpdateLoop"; Statics.IsActive = true; while (!Statics.serverStarted) { } commandParser = new CommandParser(server); Program.tConsole.WriteLine("You can now insert Commands."); while (Statics.IsActive) { try { String line = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (line.Length > 0) { commandParser.parseConsoleCommand(line, server); } } catch (Exception e) { Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Issue parsing Console Command"); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } while (Statics.serverStarted) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Exiting..."); Program.tConsole.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { try { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(Statics.DataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "crashlog.txt", true)) { streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); streamWriter.WriteLine("Crash Log Generated by TDSM #" + Statics.BUILD + " for " + //+ " r" + Statics.revision + " for " + VERSION_NUMBER + " {" + Statics.CURRENT_TERRARIA_RELEASE + "}"); streamWriter.WriteLine(e); streamWriter.WriteLine(""); } Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Server crash: " + DateTime.Now); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(e.Message); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(e.InnerException.Message); Program.tConsole.WriteLine(""); Program.tConsole.WriteLine("Please send crashlog.txt to"); } catch { } } if (Program.tConsole != null) { Program.tConsole.Close(); } }