public void SetMod(ModLoader.LoadingMod mod) { if (modFile == null || modFile.version != mod.modFile.version || !modFile.hash.SequenceEqual(mod.modFile.hash)) SetNeedsReload(); modFile = mod.modFile; properties =; }
//internal static void AddSettingsMenuButtons(Main main, int selectedMenu, string[] buttonNames, float[] buttonScales, int[] virticalSpacing, ref int offY, ref int spacing, ref int buttonIndex, ref int numButtons) //{ // buttonIndex++; // numButtons++; // buttonNames[buttonIndex] = "Mod " +[66]; // if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) // { // Main.PlaySound(10, -1, -1, 1); // Main.menuMode = modControlsID; // } // for (int k = 0; k < numButtons; k++) // { // buttonScales[k] = 0.73f; // virticalSpacing[k] = 0; // } // virticalSpacing[numButtons - 1] = 8; //} //add to end of if else chain of Main.menuMode in Terraria.Main.DrawMenu //Interface.ModLoaderMenus(this, this.selectedMenu, array9, array7, array4, ref num2, ref num4, ref num5, ref flag5); internal static void ModLoaderMenus(Main main, int selectedMenu, string[] buttonNames, float[] buttonScales, int[] buttonVerticalSpacing, ref int offY, ref int spacing, ref int numButtons, ref bool backButtonDown) { if (Main.menuMode == modsMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modsMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == modSourcesID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modSources); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == loadModsID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(loadMods); Main.menuMode = 888; ModLoader.Load(); } else if (Main.menuMode == buildModID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(buildMod); Main.menuMode = 888; ModLoader.BuildMod(); } else if (Main.menuMode == buildAllModsID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(buildMod); Main.menuMode = 888; ModLoader.BuildAllMods(); } else if (Main.menuMode == errorMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(errorMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == reloadModsID) { ModLoader.Reload(); } else if (Main.menuMode == modBrowserID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modBrowser); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == modInfoID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modInfo); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == downloadModID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(downloadMod); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == downloadModsID) { Main.menuMode = 888; Main.MenuUI.SetState(downloadMods); } else if (Main.menuMode == managePublishedID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(managePublished); Main.menuMode = 888; } //else if (Main.menuMode == modControlsID) //{ // UIModControls.ModLoaderMenus(main, selectedMenu, buttonNames, buttonScales, buttonVerticalSpacing, ref offY, ref spacing, ref numButtons); //} else if (Main.menuMode == updateMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(updateMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == infoMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(infoMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == advancedInfoMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(advancedInfoMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == enterPassphraseMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(enterPassphraseMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == enterSteamIDMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(enterSteamIDMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == modPacksMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modPacksMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == extractModID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(extractMod); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == uploadModID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(uploadMod); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == tModLoaderSettingsID) { offY = 210; spacing = 42; numButtons = 7; buttonVerticalSpacing[numButtons - 1] = 18; for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { buttonScales[i] = 0.75f; } int buttonIndex = 0; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (ModNet.downloadModsFromServers ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.DownloadFromServersYes") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.DownloadFromServersNo")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModNet.downloadModsFromServers = !ModNet.downloadModsFromServers; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (ModNet.onlyDownloadSignedMods ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.DownloadSignedYes") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.DownloadSignedNo")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModNet.onlyDownloadSignedMods = !ModNet.onlyDownloadSignedMods; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (ModLoader.musicStreamMode == 0 ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MusicStreamModeConvert") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MusicStreamModeStream")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModLoader.musicStreamMode = (byte)((ModLoader.musicStreamMode + 1) % 2); } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (ModLoader.alwaysLogExceptions ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.AlwaysLogExceptionsYes") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.AlwaysLogExceptionsNo")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModLoader.alwaysLogExceptions = !ModLoader.alwaysLogExceptions; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (Main.UseExperimentalFeatures ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ExperimentalFeaturesYes") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ExperimentalFeaturesNo")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); Main.UseExperimentalFeatures = !Main.UseExperimentalFeatures; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ClearMBCredentials"); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase = ""; ModLoader.SteamID64 = ""; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] =[5].Value; if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex || backButtonDown) { backButtonDown = false; Main.menuMode = 11; Main.PlaySound(11, -1, -1, 1); } } }
// Receive a mod when connecting to server internal static void ReceiveMod(BinaryReader reader) { if (downloadingMod == null) { return; } try { if (downloadingFile == null) { Interface.progress.Show(displayText: reader.ReadString(), cancel: CancelDownload); ModLoader.GetMod(; downloadingLength = reader.ReadInt64(); downloadingFile = new FileStream(downloadingMod.path, FileMode.Create); return; } var bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)Math.Min(downloadingLength - downloadingFile.Position, CHUNK_SIZE)); downloadingFile.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); Interface.progress.Progress = downloadingFile.Position / (float)downloadingLength; if (downloadingFile.Position == downloadingLength) { downloadingFile.Close(); var mod = new TmodFile(downloadingMod.path); using (mod.Open()) { } if (!downloadingMod.Matches(mod)) { throw new Exception(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModHashMismatch")); } if (downloadingMod.signed && !mod.ValidModBrowserSignature) { throw new Exception(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModNotSigned")); } ModLoader.EnableMod(; if (downloadQueue.Count > 0) { DownloadNextMod(); } else { OnModsDownloaded(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { try { downloadingFile?.Close(); File.Delete(downloadingMod.path); } catch (Exception exc2) { Logging.tML.Error("Unknown error during mod sync", exc2); } var msg = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModDownloadError",; Logging.tML.Error(msg, e); Interface.errorMessage.Show(msg + e, 0); Netplay.disconnect = true; downloadingMod = null; } }
//change initial size of Terraria.Player.ownedProjectileCounts to ProjectileLoader.ProjectileCount() internal static void ResizeArrays() { Array.Resize(ref Main.projectileLoaded, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref Main.projectileTexture, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref Main.projHostile, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref Main.projHook, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref Main.projFrames, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref Main.projPet, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref Main.projName, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosLifeTimeMultiplier, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosMaximumRange, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosTopSpeed, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.CanDistortWater, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.MinionShot, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.SentryShot, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.ForcePlateDetection, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.LightPet, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.Homing, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.IsADD2Turret, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.TurretFeature, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.MinionTargettingFeature, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.MinionSacrificable, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.DontAttachHideToAlpha, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.NeedsUUID, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.StardustDragon, nextProjectile); Array.Resize(ref ProjectileID.Sets.NoLiquidDistortion, nextProjectile); for (int k = ProjectileID.Count; k < nextProjectile; k++) { ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosLifeTimeMultiplier[k] = -1; ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosMaximumRange[k] = 200f; ProjectileID.Sets.YoyosTopSpeed[k] = 10f; ProjectileID.Sets.CanDistortWater[k] = true; Main.projectileLoaded[k] = true; Main.projFrames[k] = 1; ProjectileID.Sets.TrailingMode[k] = -1; ProjectileID.Sets.TrailCacheLength[k] = 10; } Array.Resize(ref Projectile.perIDStaticNPCImmunity, nextProjectile); for (int i = 0; i < nextProjectile; i++) { Projectile.perIDStaticNPCImmunity[i] = new int[200]; } ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSetDefaults, globalProjectiles, g => g.SetDefaults); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPreAI, globalProjectiles, g => g.PreAI); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookAI, globalProjectiles, g => g.AI); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPostAI, globalProjectiles, g => g.PostAI); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookShouldUpdatePosition, globalProjectiles, g => g.ShouldUpdatePosition); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookTileCollideStyle, globalProjectiles, g => g.TileCollideStyle); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookOnTileCollide, globalProjectiles, g => g.OnTileCollide); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanCutTiles, globalProjectiles, g => g.CanCutTiles); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCutTiles, globalProjectiles, g => g.CutTiles); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPreKill, globalProjectiles, g => g.PreKill); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookKill, globalProjectiles, g => g.Kill); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanDamage, globalProjectiles, g => g.CanDamage); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookMinionContactDamage, globalProjectiles, g => g.MinionContactDamage); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanHitNPC, globalProjectiles, g => g.CanHitNPC); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookModifyHitNPC, globalProjectiles, g => g.ModifyHitNPC); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookOnHitNPC, globalProjectiles, g => g.OnHitNPC); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanHitPvp, globalProjectiles, g => g.CanHitPvp); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookModifyHitPvp, globalProjectiles, g => g.ModifyHitPvp); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookOnHitPvp, globalProjectiles, g => g.OnHitPvp); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanHitPlayer, globalProjectiles, g => g.CanHitPlayer); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookModifyHitPlayer, globalProjectiles, g => g.ModifyHitPlayer); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookOnHitPlayer, globalProjectiles, g => g.OnHitPlayer); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookColliding, globalProjectiles, g => g.Colliding); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookGetAlpha, globalProjectiles, g => g.GetAlpha); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPreDrawExtras, globalProjectiles, g => g.PreDrawExtras); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPreDraw, globalProjectiles, g => g.PreDraw); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPostDraw, globalProjectiles, g => g.PostDraw); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanUseGrapple, globalProjectiles, g => g.CanUseGrapple); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSingleGrappleHook, globalProjectiles, g => g.SingleGrappleHook); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookUseGrapple, globalProjectiles, g => g.UseGrapple); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookNumGrappleHooks, globalProjectiles, g => g.NumGrappleHooks); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookGrappleRetreatSpeed, globalProjectiles, g => g.GrappleRetreatSpeed); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookGrapplePullSpeed, globalProjectiles, g => g.GrapplePullSpeed); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDrawBehind, globalProjectiles, g => g.DrawBehind); }
internal static void ServerModMenu() { bool exit = false; while (!exit) { Console.WriteLine("Terraria Server " + Main.versionNumber2 + " - " + ModLoader.versionedName); Console.WriteLine(); TmodFile[] mods = ModLoader.FindMods(); for (int k = 0; k < mods.Length; k++) { BuildProperties properties = BuildProperties.ReadModFile(mods[k]); string name = properties.displayName; name = mods[k].name; string line = (k + 1) + "\t\t" + name + "("; line += (ModLoader.IsEnabled(mods[k]) ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ")"; Console.WriteLine(line); } Console.WriteLine("e\t\tEnable All"); Console.WriteLine("d\t\tDisable All"); Console.WriteLine("r\t\tReload and return to world menu"); Console.WriteLine("Type a number to switch between enabled/disabled"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Type a command: "); string command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command == null) { command = ""; } command = command.ToLower(); Console.Clear(); if (command == "e") { foreach (TmodFile mod in mods) { ModLoader.EnableMod(mod); } } else if (command == "d") { foreach (TmodFile mod in mods) { ModLoader.DisableMod(mod); } } else if (command == "r") { Console.WriteLine("Unloading mods..."); ModLoader.Unload(); ModLoader.do_Load(null); exit = true; } else { int value; if (Int32.TryParse(command, out value)) { value--; if (value >= 0 && value < mods.Length) { ModLoader.SetModActive(mods[value], !ModLoader.IsEnabled(mods[value])); } } } } }
internal static void ResizeArrays(bool unloading = false) { Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSetsLoaded, nextTile); for (int k = TileID.Count; k < nextTile; k++) { Main.tileSetsLoaded[k] = true; } Array.Resize(ref Main.highlightMaskTexture, nextTile); Resize2DArray(ref Main.tileAltTexture, nextTile); Resize2DArray(ref Main.tileAltTextureInit, nextTile); Resize2DArray(ref Main.tileAltTextureDrawn, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileTexture, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileLighted, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileMergeDirt, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileCut, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileAlch, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileShine, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileShine2, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileStone, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileAxe, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileHammer, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileWaterDeath, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileLavaDeath, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileTable, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileBlockLight, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileNoSunLight, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileDungeon, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSpelunker, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSolidTop, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSolid, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileBouncy, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileValue, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileLargeFrames, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileRope, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileBrick, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileMoss, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileNoAttach, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileNoFail, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileObsidianKill, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileFrameImportant, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tilePile, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileBlendAll, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileGlowMask, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileContainer, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSign, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileMerge, nextTile); for (int k = 0; k < nextTile; k++) //oh dear { Array.Resize(ref Main.tileMerge[k], nextTile); } Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSand, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileFlame, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileFrame, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileFrameCounter, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref WorldGen.tileCounts, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref WorldGen.houseTile, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref GameContent.Biomes.CaveHouseBiome._blacklistedTiles, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref GameContent.Biomes.CorruptionPitBiome.ValidTiles, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Conversion.Grass, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Conversion.Stone, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Conversion.Ice, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Conversion.Sand, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Conversion.HardenedSand, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Conversion.Sandstone, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Conversion.Thorn, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Conversion.Moss, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Platforms, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.GemsparkFramingTypes, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.TeamTiles, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.ConveyorDirection, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.HasSlopeFrames, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.TileInteractRead, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.HasOutlines, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.AllTiles, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Mud, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Snow, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Ices, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.IcesSlush, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.IcesSnow, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.GrassSpecial, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.JungleSpecial, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.HellSpecial, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Leaves, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.GeneralPlacementTiles, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.CanBeClearedDuringGeneration, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Corrupt, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Hallow, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Crimson, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.BlocksStairs, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.BlocksStairsAbove, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.NotReallySolid, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.ChecksForMerge, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.FramesOnKillWall, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.AvoidedByNPCs, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.InteractibleByNPCs, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.HousingWalls, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.BreakableWhenPlacing, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.TouchDamageVines, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.TouchDamageSands, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.TouchDamageHot, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.TouchDamageOther, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Falling, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.Ore, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TileID.Sets.ForceObsidianKill, nextTile); for (int k = TileID.Count; k < nextTile; k++) { TileID.Sets.AllTiles[k] = true; TileID.Sets.GeneralPlacementTiles[k] = true; TileID.Sets.CanBeClearedDuringGeneration[k] = true; } while (TileObjectData._data.Count < nextTile) { TileObjectData._data.Add(null); } ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookKillSound, globalTiles, g => g.KillSound); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookNumDust, globalTiles, g => g.NumDust); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCreateDust, globalTiles, g => g.CreateDust); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDropCritterChance, globalTiles, g => g.DropCritterChance); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDrop, globalTiles, g => g.Drop); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanKillTile, globalTiles, g => g.CanKillTile); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookKillTile, globalTiles, g => g.KillTile); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanExplode, globalTiles, g => g.CanExplode); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookNearbyEffects, globalTiles, g => g.NearbyEffects); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookModifyLight, globalTiles, g => g.ModifyLight); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDangersense, globalTiles, g => g.Dangersense); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSetSpriteEffects, globalTiles, g => g.SetSpriteEffects); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookAnimateTile, globalTiles, g => g.AnimateTile); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPreDraw, globalTiles, g => g.PreDraw); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDrawEffects, globalTiles, g => g.DrawEffects); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPostDraw, globalTiles, g => g.PostDraw); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookRandomUpdate, globalTiles, g => g.RandomUpdate); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookTileFrame, globalTiles, g => g.TileFrame); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanPlace, globalTiles, g => g.CanPlace); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookAdjTiles, globalTiles, g => g.AdjTiles); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookRightClick, globalTiles, g => g.RightClick); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookMouseOver, globalTiles, g => g.MouseOver); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookMouseOverFar, globalTiles, g => g.MouseOverFar); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookAutoSelect, globalTiles, g => g.AutoSelect); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookHitWire, globalTiles, g => g.HitWire); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSlope, globalTiles, g => g.Slope); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookChangeWaterfallStyle, globalTiles, g => g.ChangeWaterfallStyle); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSaplingGrowthType, globalTiles, g => g.SaplingGrowthType); if (!unloading) { loaded = true; } }
public bool SoundExists(string name) { return(ModLoader.SoundExists(FileName(name))); }
public void AddTexture(string name, Texture2D texture) { ModLoader.AddTexture(FileName(name), texture); }
public void TestVersionRequirements() { //test version on missing mod var list1 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "[email protected]" }) }; ModLoader.EnsureTargetVersionsMet(list1); //test passed version check var list2 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "[email protected]" }), Make("B", version: "1.2") }; ModLoader.EnsureTargetVersionsMet(list2); //test failed version check var list3 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "[email protected]" }), Make("B") }; AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureTargetVersionsMet(list3), new[] { "A" }, "A requires version 1.2+ of B but version is installed"); //test one pass, two fail version check var list4 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A"), Make("B", refs: new[] { "[email protected]" }), Make("C", refs: new[] { "[email protected]" }), Make("D", refs: new[] { "[email protected]" }) }; AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureTargetVersionsMet(list4), new[] { "C", "D" }, "C requires version 1.1+ of A but version is installed\r\n" + "D requires version of A but version is installed"); //test weak version check (missing) var list5 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", weakRefs: new[] { "[email protected]" }) }; ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list5, false); ModLoader.EnsureTargetVersionsMet(list5); //test weak version check (too low) var list6 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", weakRefs: new[] { "[email protected]" }), Make("B") }; AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureTargetVersionsMet(list6), new[] { "A" }, "A requires version 1.1+ of B but version is installed"); }
public void TestDependenciesExist() { //test A -> B var list1 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "B" }), Make("B"), }; ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list1, false); //test A -> B (missing) var list2 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "B" }) }; AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list2, false), new[] { "A" }, "Missing mod: B required by A"); //test multi reference var list3 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "B" }), Make("B"), Make("C", refs: new[] { "A" }) }; ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list3, false); //test one missing reference var list4 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "B" }), Make("B", refs: new[] { "C" }) }; AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list4, false), new[] { "B" }, "Missing mod: C required by B"); //test weak reference (missing) var list5 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", weakRefs: new[] { "B" }) }; ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list5, false); AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list5, true), new[] { "A" }, "Missing mod: B required by A"); //test weak reference (found) var list6 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", weakRefs: new[] { "B" }), Make("B") }; ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list6, true); //test strong (found) and weak (missing) var list7 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "B" }), Make("B", weakRefs: new[] { "C" }) }; ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list7, false); AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list7, true), new[] { "B" }, "Missing mod: C required by B"); //multi test case (missing) var list8 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "X" }), Make("B", refs: new[] { "Y" }), Make("C", refs: new[] { "D" }), Make("D", weakRefs: new[] { "E" }), Make("E", weakRefs: new[] { "Z" }), Make("F", weakRefs: new[] { "Z" }) }; AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list8, false), new[] { "A", "B" }, "Missing mod: X required by A\r\n" + "Missing mod: Y required by B"); AssertModException( () => ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list8, true), new[] { "A", "B", "E", "F" }, "Missing mod: X required by A\r\n" + "Missing mod: Y required by B\r\n" + "Missing mod: Z required by E\r\n" + "Missing mod: Z required by F"); //multi test case (found) var list9 = new List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> { Make("A", refs: new[] { "C" }), Make("B", refs: new[] { "C" }), Make("C", refs: new[] { "D" }), Make("D", weakRefs: new[] { "E" }), Make("E", weakRefs: new[] { "F" }), Make("F") }; ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list9, false); ModLoader.EnsureDependenciesExist(list9, true); }
internal static List <Mod> InstantiateMods(List <ModLoader.LoadingMod> modsToLoad) { var modList = new List <LoadedMod>(); foreach (var loading in modsToLoad) { LoadedMod mod; if (!loadedMods.TryGetValue(loading.Name, out mod)) { mod = loadedMods[loading.Name] = new LoadedMod(); } mod.SetMod(loading); modList.Add(mod); } RecalculateReferences(); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { ModLoader.isModder = true; foreach (var mod in modList.Where(mod => && mod.CanEaC)) { mod.EnableEaC(); } } var modInstances = new List <Mod>(); int i = 0; foreach (var mod in modList) { Interface.loadMods.SetProgressCompatibility(mod.Name, i++, modsToLoad.Count); try { Interface.loadMods.SetProgressReading(mod.Name, 0, 1); mod.LoadAssemblies(); Interface.loadMods.SetProgressReading(mod.Name, 1, 2); Type modType; try { modType = mod.assembly.GetTypes().Single(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Mod))); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("It looks like this mod doesn't have a class extending Mod. Mods need a Mod class to function.", e) { HelpLink = "" }; } var m = (Mod)Activator.CreateInstance(modType); m.File = mod.modFile; m.Code = mod.assembly; m.Side =; m.DisplayName =; modInstances.Add(m); } catch (Exception e) { ModLoader.DisableMod(mod.modFile); ErrorLogger.LogLoadingError(mod.Name, mod.modFile.tModLoaderVersion, e); return(null); } } return(modInstances); }
internal static void SyncClientMods(BinaryReader reader) { AllowVanillaClients = reader.ReadBoolean(); Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPSyncingMods"); var clientMods = ModLoader.Mods; var modFiles = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); var needsReload = false; downloadQueue.Clear(); var syncSet = new HashSet <string>(); var blockedList = new List <ModHeader>(); int n = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var header = new ModHeader(reader.ReadString(), new Version(reader.ReadString()), reader.ReadBytes(20), reader.ReadBoolean()); syncSet.Add(; var clientMod = clientMods.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Name ==; if (clientMod != null) { if (header.Matches(clientMod.File)) { continue; } header.path = clientMod.File.path; } else { var disabledVersions = modFiles.Where(m => m.Name ==; var matching = disabledVersions.FirstOrDefault(mod => header.Matches(mod.modFile)); if (matching != null) { matching.Enabled = true; needsReload = true; continue; } if (disabledVersions.Length > 0) { header.path = disabledVersions[0].modFile.path; } } if (downloadModsFromServers && (header.signed || !onlyDownloadSignedMods)) { downloadQueue.Enqueue(header); } else { blockedList.Add(header); } } foreach (var mod in clientMods) { if (mod.Side == ModSide.Both && !syncSet.Contains(mod.Name)) { ModLoader.DisableMod(mod.Name); needsReload = true; } } if (blockedList.Count > 0) { var msg = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPServerModsCantDownload"); msg += downloadModsFromServers ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPServerModsCantDownloadReasonSigned") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPServerModsCantDownloadReasonAutomaticDownloadDisabled"); msg += ".\n" + Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPServerModsCantDownloadChangeSettingsHint") + "\n"; foreach (var mod in blockedList) { msg += "\n " + mod; } Logging.tML.Warn(msg); Interface.errorMessage.SetMessage(msg); Interface.errorMessage.SetGotoMenu(0); Main.gameMenu = true; Main.menuMode = Interface.errorMessageID; return; } if (downloadQueue.Count > 0) { DownloadNextMod(); } else { OnModsDownloaded(needsReload); } }
internal static void ReceiveMod(BinaryReader reader) { if (downloadingMod == null) { return; } try { if (downloadingFile == null) { Interface.downloadMod.SetDownloading(reader.ReadString()); Interface.downloadMod.SetCancel(() => { downloadingFile?.Close(); downloadingMod = null; Netplay.disconnect = true; Main.menuMode = 0; }); Main.menuMode = Interface.downloadModID; downloadingLength = reader.ReadInt64(); downloadingFile = new FileStream(downloadingMod.path, FileMode.Create); return; } var bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)Math.Min(downloadingLength - downloadingFile.Position, CHUNK_SIZE)); downloadingFile.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); Interface.downloadMod.SetProgress(downloadingFile.Position, downloadingLength); if (downloadingFile.Position == downloadingLength) { downloadingFile.Close(); var mod = new TmodFile(downloadingMod.path); mod.Read(TmodFile.LoadedState.Info); if (!downloadingMod.Matches(mod)) { throw new Exception(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModHashMismatch")); } if (downloadingMod.signed && !mod.ValidModBrowserSignature) { throw new Exception(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModNotSigned")); } ModLoader.EnableMod(; if (downloadQueue.Count > 0) { DownloadNextMod(); } else { OnModsDownloaded(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { try { downloadingFile?.Close(); } catch { } File.Delete(downloadingMod.path); Logging.tML.Error(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModDownloadError",, e); downloadingMod = null; } }
//internal static void AddSettingsMenuButtons(Main main, int selectedMenu, string[] buttonNames, float[] buttonScales, int[] virticalSpacing, ref int offY, ref int spacing, ref int buttonIndex, ref int numButtons) //{ // buttonIndex++; // numButtons++; // buttonNames[buttonIndex] = "Mod " +[66]; // if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) // { // Main.PlaySound(10, -1, -1, 1); // Main.menuMode = modControlsID; // } // for (int k = 0; k < numButtons; k++) // { // buttonScales[k] = 0.73f; // virticalSpacing[k] = 0; // } // virticalSpacing[numButtons - 1] = 8; //} //add to end of if else chain of Main.menuMode in Terraria.Main.DrawMenu //Interface.ModLoaderMenus(this, this.selectedMenu, array9, array7, array4, ref num2, ref num4, ref num5, ref flag5); internal static void ModLoaderMenus(Main main, int selectedMenu, string[] buttonNames, float[] buttonScales, int[] buttonVerticalSpacing, ref int offY, ref int spacing, ref int numButtons, ref bool backButtonDown) { if (Main.menuMode == modsMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modsMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == modSourcesID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modSources); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == createModID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(createMod); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == developerModeHelpID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(developerModeHelp); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == loadModsProgressID) { Main.menuMode = 888; Main.MenuUI.SetState(loadModsProgress); } else if (Main.menuMode == buildModProgressID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(buildMod); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == errorMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(errorMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == reloadModsID) { ModLoader.Reload(); } else if (Main.menuMode == modBrowserID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modBrowser); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == modInfoID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modInfo); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == managePublishedID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(managePublished); Main.menuMode = 888; } //else if (Main.menuMode == modControlsID) //{ // UIModControls.ModLoaderMenus(main, selectedMenu, buttonNames, buttonScales, buttonVerticalSpacing, ref offY, ref spacing, ref numButtons); //} else if (Main.menuMode == updateMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(updateMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == infoMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(infoMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == enterPassphraseMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(enterPassphraseMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == enterSteamIDMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(enterSteamIDMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == modPacksMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modPacksMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == extractModProgressID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(extractMod); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == uploadModProgressID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(uploadModProgress); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == progressID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(progress); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == downloadProgressID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(downloadProgress); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == unloadModsID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(unloadModsProgress); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == tModLoaderSettingsID) { offY = 210; spacing = 42; numButtons = 11; buttonVerticalSpacing[numButtons - 1] = 18; for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { buttonScales[i] = 0.75f; } int buttonIndex = 0; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (ModNet.downloadModsFromServers ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.DownloadFromServersYes") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.DownloadFromServersNo")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModNet.downloadModsFromServers = !ModNet.downloadModsFromServers; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (ModNet.onlyDownloadSignedMods ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.DownloadSignedYes") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.DownloadSignedNo")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModNet.onlyDownloadSignedMods = !ModNet.onlyDownloadSignedMods; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (ModLoader.autoReloadAndEnableModsLeavingModBrowser ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.AutomaticallyReloadAndEnableModsLeavingModBrowserYes") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.AutomaticallyReloadAndEnableModsLeavingModBrowserNo")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModLoader.autoReloadAndEnableModsLeavingModBrowser = !ModLoader.autoReloadAndEnableModsLeavingModBrowser; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = (Main.UseExperimentalFeatures ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ExperimentalFeaturesYes") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ExperimentalFeaturesNo")); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); Main.UseExperimentalFeatures = !Main.UseExperimentalFeatures; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = Language.GetTextValue($"tModLoader.RemoveForcedMinimumZoom{(ModLoader.removeForcedMinimumZoom ? "Yes" : "No")}"); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModLoader.removeForcedMinimumZoom = !ModLoader.removeForcedMinimumZoom; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = Language.GetTextValue($"tModLoader.ShowMemoryEstimates{(ModLoader.showMemoryEstimates ? "Yes" : "No")}"); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModLoader.showMemoryEstimates = !ModLoader.showMemoryEstimates; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ClearMBCredentials"); if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase = ""; ModLoader.SteamID64 = ""; } buttonIndex++; buttonNames[buttonIndex] =[5].Value; if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex || backButtonDown) { backButtonDown = false; Main.menuMode = 11; Main.PlaySound(11, -1, -1, 1); } } else if (Main.menuMode == modConfigID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modConfig); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == exitID) { Environment.Exit(0); } }
internal static void ResizeArrays() { NetWorlds = ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook <ModWorld, Action <BinaryWriter> >(worlds, w => w.NetSend); }
public bool TextureExists(string name) { return(ModLoader.TextureExists(FileName(name))); }
internal static void ReceiveMod(BinaryReader reader) { if (downloadingMod == null) { return; } try { if (downloadingFile == null) { Interface.downloadMod.SetDownloading(reader.ReadString()); Interface.downloadMod.SetCancel(() => { downloadingFile?.Close(); downloadingMod = null; Netplay.disconnect = true; Main.menuMode = 0; }); Main.menuMode = Interface.downloadModID; downloadingLength = reader.ReadInt64(); downloadingFile = new FileStream(downloadingMod.path, FileMode.Create); return; } var bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)Math.Min(downloadingLength - downloadingFile.Position, CHUNK_SIZE)); downloadingFile.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); Interface.downloadMod.SetProgress(downloadingFile.Position, downloadingLength); if (downloadingFile.Position == downloadingLength) { downloadingFile.Close(); var mod = new TmodFile(downloadingMod.path); mod.Read(); var ex = mod.ValidMod(); if (ex != null) { throw ex; } if (!downloadingMod.Matches(mod)) { throw new Exception("Hash mismatch"); } if (downloadingMod.signed && !mod.ValidModBrowserSignature) { throw new Exception("Mod was not signed by the Mod Browser"); } ModLoader.EnableMod(mod); if (downloadQueue.Count > 0) { DownloadNextMod(); } else { OnModsDownloaded(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { try { downloadingFile?.Close(); } catch { } File.Delete(downloadingMod.path); ErrorLogger.LogException(e, "An error occured while downloading " +; downloadingMod = null; } }
public SoundEffect GetSound(string name) { return(ModLoader.GetSound(FileName(name))); }
internal static void SyncClientMods(BinaryReader reader) { AllowVanillaClients = reader.ReadBoolean(); Main.statusText = "Syncing Mods"; var clientMods = ModLoader.LoadedMods; var modFiles = ModLoader.FindMods(); var needsReload = false; downloadQueue.Clear(); var syncSet = new HashSet <string>(); var blockedList = new List <ModHeader>(); int n = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var header = new ModHeader(reader.ReadString(), new Version(reader.ReadString()), reader.ReadBytes(20), reader.ReadBoolean()); syncSet.Add(; var clientMod = clientMods.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Name ==; if (clientMod != null) { if (header.Matches(clientMod.File)) { continue; } header.path = clientMod.File.path; } else { var disabledVersions = modFiles.Where(m => ==; var matching = disabledVersions.FirstOrDefault(header.Matches); if (matching != null) { ModLoader.EnableMod(matching); needsReload = true; continue; } if (disabledVersions.Length > 0) { header.path = disabledVersions[0].path; } } if (downloadModsFromServers && (header.signed || !onlyDownloadSignedMods)) { downloadQueue.Enqueue(header); } else { blockedList.Add(header); } } foreach (var mod in clientMods) { if (mod.Side == ModSide.Both && !syncSet.Contains(mod.Name)) { ModLoader.DisableMod(mod.File); needsReload = true; } } if (blockedList.Count > 0) { var msg = "The following mods are installed on the server but cannot be downloaded "; msg += downloadModsFromServers ? "because you only accept mods signed by the mod browser" : "because you have disabled automatic mod downloading"; msg += ".\nYou will need to change your settings or acquire the mods from the server owner.\n"; foreach (var mod in blockedList) { msg += "\n " + mod; } ErrorLogger.LogMissingMods(msg); return; } if (downloadQueue.Count > 0) { DownloadNextMod(); } else { OnModsDownloaded(needsReload); } }
public void AddFlameTexture(ModItem item, string texture) { ModLoader.GetTexture(texture); item.flameTexture = texture; }
public void AddMount(string name, ModMountData mount, string texture, IDictionary <MountTextureType, string> extraTextures = null) { int id; if (Mount.mounts == null || Mount.mounts.Length == MountID.Count) { Mount.Initialize(); } id = MountLoader.ReserveMountID(); mount.Name = name; mount.Type = id; mountDatas[name] = mount; MountLoader.mountDatas[id] = mount; mount.texture = texture; mount.mod = this; if (extraTextures != null) { foreach (MountTextureType textureType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MountTextureType))) { if (extraTextures.ContainsKey(textureType) && ModLoader.TextureExists(extraTextures[textureType])) { Texture2D extraTexture = ModLoader.GetTexture(extraTextures[textureType]); switch (textureType) { case MountTextureType.Back: mount.mountData.backTexture = extraTexture; break; case MountTextureType.BackGlow: mount.mountData.backTextureGlow = extraTexture; break; case MountTextureType.BackExtra: mount.mountData.backTextureExtra = extraTexture; break; case MountTextureType.BackExtraGlow: mount.mountData.backTextureExtraGlow = extraTexture; break; case MountTextureType.Front: mount.mountData.frontTexture = extraTexture; break; case MountTextureType.FrontGlow: mount.mountData.frontTextureGlow = extraTexture; break; case MountTextureType.FrontExtra: mount.mountData.frontTextureExtra = extraTexture; break; case MountTextureType.FrontExtraGlow: mount.mountData.frontTextureExtraGlow = extraTexture; break; } } } } }
internal static void ResizeArrays(bool unloading = false) { //Textures Array.Resize(ref TextureAssets.Tile, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref TextureAssets.HighlightMask, nextTile); //Sets LoaderUtils.ResetStaticMembers(typeof(TileID), true); //Etc Array.Resize(ref Main.SceneMetrics._tileCounts, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.PylonSystem._sceneMetrics._tileCounts, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileLighted, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileMergeDirt, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileCut, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileAlch, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileShine, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileShine2, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileStone, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileAxe, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileHammer, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileWaterDeath, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileLavaDeath, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileTable, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileBlockLight, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileNoSunLight, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileDungeon, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSpelunker, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSolidTop, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSolid, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileBouncy, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileLargeFrames, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileRope, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileBrick, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileMoss, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileNoAttach, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileNoFail, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileObsidianKill, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileFrameImportant, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tilePile, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileBlendAll, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileContainer, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSign, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileSand, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileFlame, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileFrame, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileFrameCounter, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileMerge, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileOreFinderPriority, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileGlowMask, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref Main.tileCracked, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref WorldGen.tileCounts, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref WorldGen.houseTile, nextTile); //Array.Resize(ref GameContent.Biomes.CaveHouseBiome._blacklistedTiles, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref GameContent.Biomes.CorruptionPitBiome.ValidTiles, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref HouseUtils.BlacklistedTiles, nextTile); Array.Resize(ref HouseUtils.BeelistedTiles, nextTile); for (int i = 0; i < nextTile; i++) //oh dear { Array.Resize(ref Main.tileMerge[i], nextTile); } for (int i = TileID.Count; i < nextTile; i++) { Main.tileGlowMask[i] = -1; //If we don't this, every modded tile will have a glowmask by default. } while (TileObjectData._data.Count < nextTile) { TileObjectData._data.Add(null); } //Hooks ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookKillSound, globalTiles, g => g.KillSound); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookNumDust, globalTiles, g => g.NumDust); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCreateDust, globalTiles, g => g.CreateDust); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDropCritterChance, globalTiles, g => g.DropCritterChance); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDrop, globalTiles, g => g.Drop); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanKillTile, globalTiles, g => g.CanKillTile); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookKillTile, globalTiles, g => g.KillTile); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanExplode, globalTiles, g => g.CanExplode); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookNearbyEffects, globalTiles, g => g.NearbyEffects); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookModifyLight, globalTiles, g => g.ModifyLight); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDangersense, globalTiles, g => g.Dangersense); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSetSpriteEffects, globalTiles, g => g.SetSpriteEffects); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookAnimateTile, globalTiles, g => g.AnimateTile); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPreDraw, globalTiles, g => g.PreDraw); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookDrawEffects, globalTiles, g => g.DrawEffects); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPostDraw, globalTiles, g => g.PostDraw); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSpecialDraw, globalTiles, g => g.SpecialDraw); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookRandomUpdate, globalTiles, g => g.RandomUpdate); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookTileFrame, globalTiles, g => g.TileFrame); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookCanPlace, globalTiles, g => g.CanPlace); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookAdjTiles, globalTiles, g => g.AdjTiles); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookRightClick, globalTiles, g => g.RightClick); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookMouseOver, globalTiles, g => g.MouseOver); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookMouseOverFar, globalTiles, g => g.MouseOverFar); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookAutoSelect, globalTiles, g => g.AutoSelect); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPreHitWire, globalTiles, g => g.PreHitWire); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookHitWire, globalTiles, g => g.HitWire); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSlope, globalTiles, g => g.Slope); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookFloorVisuals, globalTiles, g => g.FloorVisuals); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookChangeWaterfallStyle, globalTiles, g => g.ChangeWaterfallStyle); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookSaplingGrowthType, globalTiles, g => g.SaplingGrowthType); ModLoader.BuildGlobalHook(ref HookPlaceInWorld, globalTiles, g => g.PlaceInWorld); if (!unloading) { loaded = true; } }
public void RegisterHotKey(string name, string defaultKey) { ModLoader.RegisterHotKey(this, name, defaultKey); }
//internal static void AddSettingsMenuButtons(Main main, int selectedMenu, string[] buttonNames, float[] buttonScales, int[] virticalSpacing, ref int offY, ref int spacing, ref int buttonIndex, ref int numButtons) //{ // buttonIndex++; // numButtons++; // buttonNames[buttonIndex] = "Mod " +[66]; // if (selectedMenu == buttonIndex) // { // Main.PlaySound(10, -1, -1, 1); // Main.menuMode = modControlsID; // } // for (int k = 0; k < numButtons; k++) // { // buttonScales[k] = 0.73f; // virticalSpacing[k] = 0; // } // virticalSpacing[numButtons - 1] = 8; //} //add to end of if else chain of Main.menuMode in Terraria.Main.DrawMenu //Interface.ModLoaderMenus(this, this.selectedMenu, array9, array7, ref num, ref num3, ref num4); internal static void ModLoaderMenus(Main main, int selectedMenu, string[] buttonNames, float[] buttonScales, int[] buttonVerticalSpacing, ref int offY, ref int spacing, ref int numButtons) { if (Main.menuMode == modsMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modsMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == modSourcesID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modSources); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == loadModsID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(loadMods); Main.menuMode = 888; ModLoader.Load(); } else if (Main.menuMode == buildModID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(buildMod); Main.menuMode = 888; ModLoader.BuildMod(); } else if (Main.menuMode == buildAllModsID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(buildMod); Main.menuMode = 888; ModLoader.BuildAllMods(); } else if (Main.menuMode == errorMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(errorMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == reloadModsID) { ModLoader.Reload(); } else if (Main.menuMode == modBrowserID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modBrowser); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == modInfoID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(modInfo); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == downloadModID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(downloadMod); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == managePublishedID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(managePublished); Main.menuMode = 888; } //else if (Main.menuMode == modControlsID) //{ // UIModControls.ModLoaderMenus(main, selectedMenu, buttonNames, buttonScales, buttonVerticalSpacing, ref offY, ref spacing, ref numButtons); //} else if (Main.menuMode == updateMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(updateMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == infoMessageID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(infoMessage); Main.menuMode = 888; } else if (Main.menuMode == enterPassphraseMenuID) { Main.MenuUI.SetState(enterPassphraseMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; } }
internal void SetupContent() { foreach (ModItem item in items.Values) { Main.itemTexture[item.item.type] = ModLoader.GetTexture(item.texture); Main.itemName[item.item.type] =; EquipLoader.SetSlot(item.item); item.SetDefaults(); DrawAnimation animation = item.GetAnimation(); if (animation != null) { Main.RegisterItemAnimation(item.item.type, animation); ItemLoader.animations.Add(item.item.type); } if (item.flameTexture.Length > 0) { Main.itemFlameTexture[item.item.type] = ModLoader.GetTexture(item.flameTexture); } } foreach (ModDust dust in dusts.Values) { dust.SetDefaults(); } foreach (ModTile tile in tiles.Values) { Main.tileTexture[tile.Type] = ModLoader.GetTexture(tile.texture); TileLoader.SetDefaults(tile); } foreach (GlobalTile globalTile in globalTiles.Values) { globalTile.SetDefaults(); } foreach (ModWall wall in walls.Values) { Main.wallTexture[wall.Type] = ModLoader.GetTexture(wall.texture); wall.SetDefaults(); } foreach (GlobalWall globalWall in globalWalls.Values) { globalWall.SetDefaults(); } foreach (ModProjectile projectile in projectiles.Values) { Main.projectileTexture[projectile.projectile.type] = ModLoader.GetTexture(projectile.texture); Main.projFrames[projectile.projectile.type] = 1; projectile.SetDefaults(); if (projectile.projectile.hostile) { Main.projHostile[projectile.projectile.type] = true; } if (projectile.projectile.aiStyle == 7) { Main.projHook[projectile.projectile.type] = true; } } foreach (ModNPC npc in npcs.Values) { Main.npcTexture[npc.npc.type] = ModLoader.GetTexture(npc.texture); Main.npcName[npc.npc.type] =; npc.SetDefaults(); if (npc.npc.lifeMax > 32767 || npc.npc.boss) { Main.npcLifeBytes[npc.npc.type] = 4; } else if (npc.npc.lifeMax > 127) { Main.npcLifeBytes[npc.npc.type] = 2; } else { Main.npcLifeBytes[npc.npc.type] = 1; } } foreach (ModMountData modMountData in mountDatas.Values) { Mount.MountData temp = modMountData.mountData; temp.modMountData = modMountData; MountLoader.SetupMount(modMountData.mountData); Mount.mounts[modMountData.Type] = temp; } foreach (ModBuff buff in buffs.Values) { Main.buffTexture[buff.Type] = ModLoader.GetTexture(buff.texture); Main.buffName[buff.Type] = buff.Name; buff.SetDefaults(); } }
// This method is split so that the local variables aren't held by the GC when reloading internal static bool SyncClientMods(BinaryReader reader, out bool needsReload) { AllowVanillaClients = reader.ReadBoolean(); Logging.tML.Info($"Server reports AllowVanillaClients set to {AllowVanillaClients}"); Main.statusText = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPSyncingMods"); var clientMods = ModLoader.Mods; var modFiles = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); needsReload = false; downloadQueue.Clear(); pendingConfigs.Clear(); var syncSet = new HashSet <string>(); var blockedList = new List <ModHeader>(); int n = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var header = new ModHeader(reader.ReadString(), new Version(reader.ReadString()), reader.ReadBytes(20), reader.ReadBoolean()); syncSet.Add(; int configCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int c = 0; c < configCount; c++) { pendingConfigs.Add(new NetConfig(, reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadString())); } var clientMod = clientMods.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Name ==; if (clientMod != null && header.Matches(clientMod.File)) { continue; } needsReload = true; var localVersions = modFiles.Where(m => m.Name ==; var matching = Array.Find(localVersions, mod => header.Matches(mod.modFile)); if (matching != null) { matching.Enabled = true; continue; } // overwrite an existing version of the mod if there is one if (localVersions.Length > 0) { header.path = localVersions[0].modFile.path; } if (downloadModsFromServers && (header.signed || !onlyDownloadSignedMods)) { downloadQueue.Enqueue(header); } else { blockedList.Add(header); } } foreach (var mod in clientMods) { if (mod.Side == ModSide.Both && !syncSet.Contains(mod.Name)) { ModLoader.DisableMod(mod.Name); needsReload = true; } } if (blockedList.Count > 0) { var msg = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPServerModsCantDownload"); msg += downloadModsFromServers ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPServerModsCantDownloadReasonSigned") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPServerModsCantDownloadReasonAutomaticDownloadDisabled"); msg += ".\n" + Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPServerModsCantDownloadChangeSettingsHint") + "\n"; foreach (var mod in blockedList) { msg += "\n " + mod; } Logging.tML.Warn(msg); Interface.errorMessage.Show(msg, 0); return(false); } // ready to connect, apply configs. Config manager will apply the configs on reload automatically if (!needsReload) { foreach (var pendingConfig in pendingConfigs) { JsonConvert.PopulateObject(pendingConfig.json, ConfigManager.GetConfig(pendingConfig), ConfigManager.serializerSettingsCompact); } if (ConfigManager.AnyModNeedsReload()) { needsReload = true; } else { foreach (var pendingConfig in pendingConfigs) { ConfigManager.GetConfig(pendingConfig).OnChanged(); } } } return(true); }
public byte[] GetFileBytes(string name) { return(ModLoader.GetFileBytes(FileName(name))); }
internal static List <Mod> InstantiateMods(List <LocalMod> modsToLoad) { var modList = new List <LoadedMod>(); foreach (var loading in modsToLoad) { if (!loadedMods.TryGetValue(loading.Name, out LoadedMod mod)) { mod = loadedMods[loading.Name] = new LoadedMod(); } mod.SetMod(loading); modList.Add(mod); } RecalculateReferences(); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { ModLoader.isModder = true; foreach (var mod in modList.Where(mod => && mod.CanEaC)) { mod.EnableEaC(); } } if (ModLoader.alwaysLogExceptions) { ModCompile.ActivateExceptionReporting(); } try { //load all the assemblies in parallel. Interface.loadMods.SetLoadStage("tModLoader.MSSandboxing", modsToLoad.Count); int i = 0; Parallel.ForEach(modList, mod => { Interface.loadMods.SetCurrentMod(i++, mod.Name); mod.LoadAssemblies(); }); Interface.loadMods.SetLoadStage("tModLoader.MSInstantiating"); //Assemblies must be loaded before any instantiation occurs to satisfy dependencies return(modList.Select(Instantiate).ToList()); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ErrorLogger.LogMulti(ae.InnerExceptions.Select(e => new Action(() => { var mod = modList.Single(m => m.Name == (string)e.Data["mod"]); ModLoader.DisableMod(mod.Name); ErrorLogger.LogLoadingError(mod.Name, mod.modFile.tModLoaderVersion, e); }))); Main.menuMode = Interface.errorMessageID; return(null); } catch (Exception e) { var mod = modList.Single(m => m.Name == (string)e.Data["mod"]); ModLoader.DisableMod(mod.Name); ErrorLogger.LogLoadingError(mod.Name, mod.modFile.tModLoaderVersion, e); Main.menuMode = Interface.errorMessageID; return(null); } }
public Texture2D GetTexture(string name) { return(ModLoader.GetTexture(FileName(name))); }
internal static void ServerModMenu() { bool exit = false; while (!exit) { Console.WriteLine("Terraria Server " + Main.versionNumber2 + " - " + ModLoader.versionedName); Console.WriteLine(); TmodFile[] mods = ModLoader.FindMods(); for (int k = 0; k < mods.Length; k++) { BuildProperties properties = BuildProperties.ReadModFile(mods[k]); string name = properties.displayName; name = mods[k].name; string line = (k + 1) + "\t\t" + name + "("; line += (ModLoader.IsEnabled(mods[k]) ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ")"; Console.WriteLine(line); } if (mods.Length == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine($"No mods were found in: \"{ModLoader.ModPath}\"\nIf you are running a dedicated server, you may wish to use the 'modpath' command line switch or server config setting to specify a custom mods directory.\n"); Console.ResetColor(); } Console.WriteLine("e\t\tEnable All"); Console.WriteLine("d\t\tDisable All"); Console.WriteLine("r\t\tReload and return to world menu"); Console.WriteLine("Type a number to switch between enabled/disabled"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Type a command: "); string command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command == null) { command = ""; } command = command.ToLower(); Console.Clear(); if (command == "e") { foreach (TmodFile mod in mods) { ModLoader.EnableMod(mod); } } else if (command == "d") { foreach (TmodFile mod in mods) { ModLoader.DisableMod(mod); } } else if (command == "r") { Console.WriteLine("Unloading mods..."); ModLoader.Unload(); ModLoader.do_Load(null); exit = true; } else { int value; if (Int32.TryParse(command, out value)) { value--; if (value >= 0 && value < mods.Length) { ModLoader.SetModActive(mods[value], !ModLoader.IsEnabled(mods[value])); } } } } }
internal static void ResizeAndFillArrays() { Array.Resize(ref Main.armorHeadLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Head]); Array.Resize(ref Main.armorBodyLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Body]); Array.Resize(ref Main.armorLegsLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Legs]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accHandsOnLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.HandsOn]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accHandsOffLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.HandsOff]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accBackLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Back]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accFrontLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Front]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accShoesLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Shoes]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accWaistLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Waist]); Array.Resize(ref Main.wingsLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Wings]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accShieldLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Shield]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accNeckLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Neck]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accFaceLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Face]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accballoonLoaded, nextEquip[EquipType.Balloon]); foreach (EquipType type in EquipTypes) { for (int k = GetNumVanilla(type); k < nextEquip[type]; k++) { GetLoadedArray(type)[k] = true; } } Array.Resize(ref Main.armorHeadTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Head]); Array.Resize(ref Main.armorBodyTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Body]); Array.Resize(ref Main.femaleBodyTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Body]); Array.Resize(ref Main.armorArmTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Body]); Array.Resize(ref Main.armorLegTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Legs]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accHandsOnTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.HandsOn]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accHandsOffTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.HandsOff]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accBackTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Back]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accFrontTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Front]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accShoesTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Shoes]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accWaistTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Waist]); Array.Resize(ref Main.wingsTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Wings]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accShieldTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Shield]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accNeckTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Neck]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accFaceTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Face]); Array.Resize(ref Main.accBalloonTexture, nextEquip[EquipType.Balloon]); foreach (EquipType type in EquipTypes) { foreach (var entry in equipTextures[type]) { int slot = entry.Key; EquipTexture texture = entry.Value; GetTextureArray(type)[slot] = ModLoader.GetTexture(texture.Texture); if (type == EquipType.Body) { Main.femaleBodyTexture[slot] = ModLoader.GetTexture(femaleTextures[slot]); Main.armorArmTexture[slot] = ModLoader.GetTexture(armTextures[slot]); } } } Array.Resize(ref Item.headType, nextEquip[EquipType.Head]); foreach (var entry in slotToId[EquipType.Head]) { Item.headType[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } Array.Resize(ref Item.bodyType, nextEquip[EquipType.Body]); foreach (var entry in slotToId[EquipType.Body]) { Item.bodyType[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } Array.Resize(ref Item.legType, nextEquip[EquipType.Legs]); foreach (var entry in slotToId[EquipType.Legs]) { Item.legType[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } }