internal static List <TagCompound> SaveChests() { var list = new List <TagCompound>(); for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++) { var chest = Main.chest[k]; if (chest == null) { continue; } var itemTagList = PlayerIO.SaveInventory(chest.item); if (itemTagList == null) //doesn't need mod saving { continue; } list.Add(new TagCompound { ["items"] = itemTagList, ["x"] = chest.x, ["y"] = chest.y }); } return(list); }
internal static List <TagCompound> SaveChestInventory() { var list = new List <TagCompound>(); const short MaxChestSaveCount = 8000; //As of Vanilla for (int k = 0; k < MaxChestSaveCount; k++) { var chest = Main.chest[k]; if (chest == null) // chest doesn't exist { continue; } var itemTagListModded = PlayerIO.SaveInventory(chest.item); // list of mod only items in inventory if (itemTagListModded == null) // Doesn't need additional saving beyond vanilla { continue; } TagCompound tag = new TagCompound { ["items"] = itemTagListModded, ["x"] = chest.x, ["y"] = chest.y, }; list.Add(tag); } return(list); }