Max() public static method

Get the max of both Example: a = (1, 6) b = (4, 5) return (4, 6)
public static Max ( Point a, Point b ) : Point
a Point
b Point
return Point
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paintAll"></param>
        internal override void Paint(bool paintAll)
            if (component.Terrain == null)
            if (component.TerrainData.detailPrototypes.Length < 2)

            int       brushSize, halfBrushSize;
            Point     position, startPosition;
            Texture2D alphaTexture = null;

            if (paintAll)
            { // Select whole terrain
                startPosition.x = startPosition.y = 0;
                position.x      = position.y = 0;
                halfBrushSize   = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(brushSize = component.TerrainData.detailResolution) / 2.0f);
            { // Select selected part of terrain
                if (component.Alpha == null || component.Alpha.alphaBrushes == null || component.Alpha.alphaBrushes.Count < 1)
                alphaTexture = (Texture2D)component.Alpha;
                try { alphaTexture.GetPixel(0, 0); }
                catch { throw new AccessViolationException(TP.ErrorMessages.TEXTURE_NOT_ACCESSABLE); }

                brushSize     = tp_Utilities.WorldToDetail(component.BrushSize * component.BrushSizeMultiplier, component.TerrainData);
                halfBrushSize = brushSize / 2;

                Point center = new Point(
                    tp_Utilities.WorldToDetail(component.brushPosition.x - component.Transform.position.x, component.TerrainData),
                    tp_Utilities.WorldToDetail(component.brushPosition.z - component.Transform.position.z, component.TerrainData.size.z, component.TerrainData));

                position      = center - * halfBrushSize;
                startPosition = Point.Max(position,;

            // Set human readable format to an easier modifiable format
            float opacity = component.Opacity / 100.0f;

            // get offset middle brush position to upper left brush position
            Point offset = startPosition - position;

            // Some memory stuff, see tp_SplatmapEditor.cs for reason
            Point current;
            float height, angle, alpha;
            float detailmapResolution = component.TerrainData.detailResolution;
            int   x, y;

            for (int i = 0; i < component.TerrainData.detailPrototypes.Length; i++)
            { // For all details
                if (!component.Foliages.IsSelected(i))
                int[,] data = component.TerrainData.GetDetailLayer(
                    startPosition.x, startPosition.y,
                    Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(position.x + brushSize, component.TerrainData.detailResolution) - startPosition.x),
                    Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(position.y + brushSize, component.TerrainData.detailResolution) - startPosition.y), i);
                for (y = 0; y < data.GetLength(1); y++)
                    for (x = 0; x < data.GetLength(0); x++)
                        current = new Point(y, x);
                        alpha   = paintAll ? 1.0f : opacity *GetAlpha((current + offset), new Point(brushSize, brushSize), alphaTexture);

                        if (component.Foliages.UseRandom)
                            alpha *= UnityEngine.Random.value;

                        if (component.Foliages.Erase)
                        { // Erase, no need for calculating all the other stuff
                            data[x, y] = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Lerp(data[x, y], -component.CurrentFoliageStrength, alpha));

                        // Get height and angle
                        GetBaseData(current + startPosition, detailmapResolution, out height, out angle);

                        // Mutliply angle value
                        alpha *= 1.0f - angle;
                        // Mulktiply noise value
                        alpha *= GetNoiseValue(current + startPosition, detailmapResolution);
                        // Aplly "pixel"
                        data[x, y] = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Lerp(data[x, y], component.CurrentFoliageStrength, alpha));//(int)(Mathf.Clamp((paintAll ? 0 : data[x, y]) + alpha * 5.0f, 0.0f, 3.1f));
                // Apply
                component.TerrainData.SetDetailLayer(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, i, data);
コード例 #2
ファイル: tp_SplatmapEditor.cs プロジェクト: yazici/RoverGame
        /// <summary>
        /// Mail paint method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paintAll"></param>
        internal override void Paint(bool paintAll)
            #region Init
            // Safety
            if (component.Terrain == null)
            if (component.TerrainData.splatPrototypes.Length < 2)
            if (component.SplatmapLock)
            if (component.SplatTool == SplatTool.HeightBased && component.Heights.Count < 1)

            // Data
            int       brushSize, halfBrushSize;
            Point     position, startPosition;
            Texture2D alphaTexture         = null;
            int       splatPrototypesCount = component.TerrainData.splatPrototypes.Length;
            int[]     texIndexes           = component.Heights.GetAvailablePaintTextures();

            if (paintAll)
            { // Get whole terrain
                startPosition.x = startPosition.y = 0;
                position.x      = position.y = 0;
                halfBrushSize   = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(brushSize = component.TerrainData.alphamapResolution) / 2.0f);
            { // Get selected part of terrain
                if (component.Alpha == null || component.Alpha.alphaBrushes == null || component.Alpha.alphaBrushes.Count < 1)

                // Get alpha texture, and test if it can be used
                alphaTexture = (Texture2D)component.Alpha;
                try { alphaTexture.GetPixel(0, 0); }
                catch { throw new AccessViolationException(TP.ErrorMessages.TEXTURE_NOT_ACCESSABLE); }

                // Brush size
                brushSize     = tp_Utilities.WorldToSplat(component.BrushSize * component.BrushSizeMultiplier, component.TerrainData);
                halfBrushSize = brushSize / 2;//Utilities.WorldToSplat(m_size / 2.0f, TerrainData);

                Point center = new Point(
                    tp_Utilities.WorldToSplat(component.brushPosition.x - component.Transform.position.x, component.TerrainData),
                    tp_Utilities.WorldToSplat(component.brushPosition.z - component.Transform.position.z, component.TerrainData.size.z, component.TerrainData));

                position      = center - * halfBrushSize;
                startPosition = Point.Max(position,;

            // Get current data
            Point offset = startPosition - position;
            float[,,] alphaMaps = component.TerrainData.GetAlphamaps(
                startPosition.x, startPosition.y,
                Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(position.x + brushSize, component.TerrainData.alphamapResolution) - startPosition.x),
                Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(position.y + brushSize, component.TerrainData.alphamapResolution) - startPosition.y));

            // Safety
            if (component.Noise.Texture != null)
                if (component.Noise.Texture.width != component.TerrainData.alphamapWidth || component.Noise.Texture.height != component.TerrainData.alphamapHeight || !component.Noise.Enabled)
                    component.Noise.Texture = null;

             * I am not completely sure if this makes any difference
             * Or if the compiler does this automaticly..
             * But this is for optimasation;
             *      we don't want to create a float 1000000 times, so thats why we do it here
            float[] prevAlpha = new float[splatPrototypesCount];
            float   opacity   = component.Opacity / 100.0f;

            Point current;
            float height, angle, alpha, strength;
            float alphamapResolution = (float)component.TerrainData.alphamapResolution;

            int y, x;
            for (y = 0; y < alphaMaps.GetLength(0); y++)
                for (x = 0; x < alphaMaps.GetLength(1); x++)
                    current = new Point(x, y);
                    GetBaseData(current + startPosition, alphamapResolution, out height, out angle);

                    // Alpha
                    alpha = paintAll ? 1.0f : opacity *GetAlpha(current + offset, *brushSize, alphaTexture);

                    strength = paintAll ? 1.0f : 1.0f;

                    if (alpha <= 0.0f)
                    strength *= GetNoiseValue(current + startPosition, alphamapResolution);
                    if (component.SplatTool == SplatTool.AngleBased && (alphaMaps[y, x, component.Textures.SelectedCliffBrush] > angle * strength || strength * angle <= 0.0f))
                    if (component.SplatTool == SplatTool.OneTexture)
                        if (alphaMaps[y, x, component.Textures.SelectedTexture] >= (1.0f - angle) * strength &&
                            alphaMaps[y, x, component.Textures.SelectedCliffBrush] >= angle * strength)
                    for (int i = 0; i < splatPrototypesCount; i++)
                        prevAlpha[i]       = alphaMaps[y, x, i];
                        alphaMaps[y, x, i] = 0.0f;

                    switch (component.SplatTool)
                    case SplatTool.OneTexture:
                        alphaMaps[y, x, component.Textures.SelectedTexture] = 1.0f - (alphaMaps[y, x, component.Textures.SelectedCliffBrush] = angle);
                        alpha *= strength;

                    case SplatTool.HeightBased:
                        alphaMaps[y, x, component.Textures.SelectedCliffBrush] = angle;
                        angle = 1.0f - angle;

                        for (int a = 0; a < texIndexes.Length; a++)
                            int i = texIndexes[a];

                            if (height < component.Heights[0].y || a == texIndexes.Length - 1)
                                alphaMaps[y, x, i] += angle;
                                int b = a + 1;
                                int j = texIndexes[b];

                                if (height >= component.Heights[a].y && height < component.Heights[b].x)
                                    float damp = Mathf.InverseLerp(component.Heights[a].y, component.Heights[b].x, height);
                                    damp *= Mathf.Lerp(strength, 1.0f, damp);
                                    //damp += strength * 2.0f * (Mathf.Abs(damp - 0.5f));

                                    alphaMaps[y, x, i] += angle * (1.0f - damp);
                                    alphaMaps[y, x, j] += angle * damp;
                                else if (height >= component.Heights[a].x && height < component.Heights[a].y)
                                    alphaMaps[y, x, i] += angle;

                    case SplatTool.AngleBased:
                        alpha = Mathf.Clamp(alpha * angle, 0.0f, strength);
                        alphaMaps[y, x, component.Textures.SelectedCliffBrush] = 1.0f;

                    case SplatTool.Sharpen:
                        float total = 0.0f;
                        for (int i = 0; i < splatPrototypesCount; i++)
                            alphaMaps[y, x, i] = prevAlpha[i];
                            if (component.Textures.IsMultiSelect && !component.Textures.IsSelected(i))
                                total += alphaMaps[y, x, i];
                            prevAlpha[i]       = Mathf.Pow(prevAlpha[i], component.SharpenStrength);
                            alphaMaps[y, x, i] = Mathf.Lerp(alphaMaps[y, x, i], prevAlpha[i], alpha);
                            total += alphaMaps[y, x, i];
                        for (int i = 0; i < splatPrototypesCount; i++)
                            alphaMaps[y, x, i] /= total;

                    case SplatTool.Blur:
                        int   halfRadius = component.SmoothStrength;
                        int   radius     = halfRadius + halfRadius;
                        float totalb     = 0.0f;
                        for (int i = 0; i < splatPrototypesCount; i++)
                            // if not selected i then continue
                            alphaMaps[y, x, i] = prevAlpha[i];
                            if (component.Textures.IsMultiSelect && !component.Textures.IsSelected(i))
                                totalb += alphaMaps[y, x, i];

                            float val = 0.0f;
                            float sum = 0.0f;
                            for (int j = -halfRadius; j <= halfRadius; j++) // y
                                int yj = y + j;
                                if (yj < 0 || yj >= alphaMaps.GetLength(0))

                                for (int k = -halfRadius; k <= halfRadius; k++) // x
                                    int xk = x + k;
                                    if (xk < 0 || xk >= alphaMaps.GetLength(1))
                                    float dsq = j * j * k * k;
                                    float whg = Mathf.Exp(-dsq / (2.0f * radius * radius)) / (Mathf.PI * 2.0f * radius * radius);
                                    val += alphaMaps[yj, xk, i] * whg;
                                    sum += whg;
                            alphaMaps[y, x, i] = Mathf.Lerp(alphaMaps[y, x, i], val / sum, alpha);
                            totalb            += alphaMaps[y, x, i];
                        for (int i = 0; i < splatPrototypesCount; i++)
                            alphaMaps[y, x, i] /= totalb;

                    // Set alpha map
                    for (int i = 0; i < splatPrototypesCount; i++)
                        alphaMaps[y, x, i] *= alpha;
                        alphaMaps[y, x, i] += prevAlpha[i] * (1.0f - alpha);
            component.TerrainData.SetAlphamaps(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, alphaMaps);