private void VoRegistrySearch(string keyword) { try { lastKeyword = keyword; string filename = string.Format(@"{0}\NVOREG.XML", Path.GetTempPath()); string url = String.Format("'%25{0}%25'%20or%20shortname%20like%20'%25{0}%25')&capability={1}", keyword, coneSearch ? "ConeSearch" : "SIAP"); if (!FileDownload.DownloadFile(url, filename, true)) { return; } if (!File.Exists(filename)) { return; } string data = File.ReadAllText(filename); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); registry = new VoTable(doc); LoadRegistryResults(); } catch { fromRegistry.Checked = false; fromRegistry.Enabled = false; ResourceList.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(Language.GetLocalizedText(915, "Can't access NVO Registry at this time"))); } }
static void client_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { complete = true; if (dialog != null) { if (dialog.DownloadComplete != null) { dialog.DownloadComplete.Invoke(sender, e); } dialog = null; } }
public static void DownloadNewMPSCoreFile() { string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "\\data\\MPCCORB.DAT.gz"; string url = ""; if (!FileDownload.DownloadFile(url, filename, true)) { return; } try { Stream fs = File.OpenRead(filename); Stream s = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress); MPCList.Clear(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s); bool dataFound = false; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string data = sr.ReadLine(); if (dataFound && data.Length > 150) { CAAEllipticalObjectElements ee = new CAAEllipticalObjectElements(); ee.a = Convert.ToDouble(data.Substring(92, 11)); ee.e = Convert.ToDouble(data.Substring(70, 9)); ee.i = Convert.ToDouble(data.Substring(59, 9)); = Convert.ToDouble(data.Substring(48, 9)); ee.w = Convert.ToDouble(data.Substring(37, 9)); ee.JDEquinox = UnpackEpoch(data.Substring(20, 5)); double M = Convert.ToDouble(data.Substring(26, 9)); double n = Convert.ToDouble(data.Substring(80, 11)); ee.T = ee.JDEquinox - (M / n); MPCList.Add(ee); } else { if (data.Length > 3 && data.Substring(0, 4) == "----") { dataFound = true; } } } sr.Close(); WriteBinaryMPCData(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "\\data\\mpc.bin"); } catch { UiTools.ShowMessageBox(Language.GetLocalizedText(1003, "The image file did not download or is invalid."), Language.GetLocalizedText(3, "Microsoft WorldWide Telescope")); } }
public static bool DownloadFile(string url, string filename, bool forceDownload) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { if (!forceDownload) { return(true); } File.Delete(filename); } Uri uri = new Uri(url); if (uri.IsFile) { string source = uri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); File.Copy(source, filename); return(true); } complete = false; canceled = false; client.DownloadFileAsync(uri, filename); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); if (!complete) { dialog = new FileDownload(); dialog.ShowDialog(); } if (canceled) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } } return(!canceled); }
public static bool DownloadFile(string url, string filename, bool forceDownload) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { if (!forceDownload) { return true; } File.Delete(filename); } Uri uri = new Uri(url); if (uri.IsFile) { string source = uri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped); File.Copy(source, filename); return true; } complete = false; canceled = false; client.DownloadFileAsync( uri, filename); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); if (!complete) { dialog = new FileDownload(); dialog.ShowDialog(); } if (canceled) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } } return !canceled; }
private static void LaunchTour(ITourResult result) { string url = String.Format("{0}", result.Id); if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "tourcache\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "tourcache\\"); } string tempFile = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "tourcache\\" + result.Id.ToString() + ".wtt"; if (FileDownload.DownloadFile(url, tempFile, false)) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(tempFile); if (fi.Length == 0) { File.Delete(tempFile); MessageBox.Show("The tour file could not be downloaded and is not in cache.Check you network connection.", "WorldWide Telescope Tours"); return; } Earth3d.MainWindow.LoadTourFromFile(tempFile, false, result.Id); } }
private void showMinorPlanets_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ignoreChanges) { return; } if (this.showMinorPlanets.Checked && !File.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "\\data\\mpc.bin")) { if (UiTools.ShowMessageBox("WorldWide Telescope needs to download the latest Minor Planet Center data file (about 12MB). Do you want to proceed?", "Minor Planet Center Data Download", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { this.showMinorPlanets.Checked = false; return; } string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "\\data\\mpc.bin"; if (!FileDownload.DownloadFile("", filename, true)) { this.showMinorPlanets.Checked = false; return; } } Properties.Settings.Default.SolarSystemMinorPlanets.TargetState = this.showMinorPlanets.Checked; }
private void ShowCapababilities(bool download) { if (ServerList.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } add.Enabled = false; LayersTree.Nodes.Clear(); Abstract.Text = ""; WmsServerEntry wse = (WmsServerEntry)ServerList.SelectedItem; string req = "REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0"; if (wse.Url.Contains("?")) { req = "&" + req; } else { req = "?" + req; } string url = wse.Url + req; string filename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "data\\wms\\" + ((uint)url.GetHashCode32()).ToString() + ".xml"; string tiledFilename = Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + "data\\wms\\" + ((uint)url.GetHashCode32()).ToString() + ".tiled.xml"; if (!File.Exists(filename) && !download) { LayersTree.Nodes.Add(Language.GetLocalizedText(910, "Not loaded - Click Get Layers to download now")); return; } if (!FileDownload.DownloadFile(url, filename, download)) { return; } bool tiled = false; string tiledUrl = ""; try { using (Stream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)) { WMS_Capabilities caps = WMS_Capabilities.LoadFromSream(stream); serviceUrl = caps.Capability.Request.GetMap.DCPType[0].HTTP.Get.OnlineResource.href; if (!serviceUrl.Contains("?")) { serviceUrl += "?"; } wmsVersion = caps.version; stream.Close(); if (caps.Capability.Request.GetTileService != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(caps.Capability.Request.GetTileService.DCPType[0].HTTP.Get.OnlineResource.href)) { tiled = true; tiledUrl = caps.Capability.Request.GetTileService.DCPType[0].HTTP.Get.OnlineResource.href + "request=GetTileService"; serviceUrl = caps.Capability.Request.GetTileService.DCPType[0].HTTP.Get.OnlineResource.href; if (!serviceUrl.Contains("?")) { serviceUrl += "?"; } } if (!tiled) { AddChildren(caps.Capability.Layer, LayersTree.Nodes); } } } catch { try { using (Stream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)) { WMT_MS_Capabilities caps = WMT_MS_Capabilities.LoadFromSream(stream); serviceUrl = caps.Capability.Request.GetMap.DCPType[0].HTTP.Get.OnlineResource.href; if (!serviceUrl.Contains("?")) { serviceUrl += "?"; } wmsVersion = caps.version; stream.Close(); if (caps.Capability.Request.GetTileService != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(caps.Capability.Request.GetTileService.DCPType[0].HTTP.Get.OnlineResource.href)) { tiled = true; tiledUrl = caps.Capability.Request.GetTileService.DCPType[0].HTTP.Get.OnlineResource.href + "request=GetTileService"; serviceUrl = caps.Capability.Request.GetTileService.DCPType[0].HTTP.Get.OnlineResource.href; if (!serviceUrl.Contains("?")) { serviceUrl += "?"; } } if (!tiled) { AddChildren(caps.Capability.Layer, LayersTree.Nodes); } } } catch { } } // Add Tiled if supported try { if (tiled) { if (!FileDownload.DownloadFile(tiledUrl, tiledFilename, false)) { return; } using (Stream stream = File.Open(tiledFilename, FileMode.Open)) { WMS_Tile_Service wts = WMS_Tile_Service.LoadFromSream(stream); AddChildren(wts.TiledPatterns[0].TiledGroup, LayersTree.Nodes); } } } catch { } }