コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a foreign key constraint on two tables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataModelSchema">The parent data model schema.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlSchemaKeyref">The XmlSchema object that describes the foreignn key relation.</param>
        public RelationSchema(DataModelSchema dataModelSchema, XmlSchemaKeyref xmlSchemaKeyref)
            // Initialize the object.
            this.name = xmlSchemaKeyref.Name;

            // This will search through each of the tables looking for the parent and child components of the relation.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TableSchema> keyValuePair in dataModelSchema.Tables)
                ConstraintSchema constraintSchema;

                // This is the parent component of the relation.
                if (keyValuePair.Value.Constraints.TryGetValue(xmlSchemaKeyref.Refer.Name, out constraintSchema))
                    UniqueConstraintSchema uniqueConstraintSchema = constraintSchema as UniqueConstraintSchema;
                    this.parentColumns       = uniqueConstraintSchema.Columns;
                    this.parentTable         = uniqueConstraintSchema.Table;
                    this.parentKeyConstraint = uniqueConstraintSchema;

                // This is the child part of the relation.
                if (keyValuePair.Value.Constraints.TryGetValue(xmlSchemaKeyref.Name, out constraintSchema))
                    ForeignKeyConstraintSchema foreignKeyConstraintSchema = constraintSchema as ForeignKeyConstraintSchema;
                    this.childTable         = foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Table;
                    this.childColumns       = foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Columns;
                    this.childKeyConstraint = foreignKeyConstraintSchema;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an array of values from a unique constraint that can be used for finding records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniqueConstraintSchema">A description of a unique constraint.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of expressions that can be used as a key for finding records in a table.</returns>
        public CodeExpression[] CreateKey(UniqueConstraintSchema uniqueConstraintSchema)
            // This will cycle through all the foreign and simple parameters looking for any columns that match up to the child
            // columns of the constraint.  When found, they are placed in the array in the proper order to match up against the
            // given unique constraint.
            List <CodeExpression> keys = new List <CodeExpression>();

            foreach (ColumnSchema uniqueColumn in uniqueConstraintSchema.Columns)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ExternalParameterItem> parameterPair in this.ExternalParameterItems)
                    // This correlates the unique constraint columns with the variables that have been created in the method to
                    // hold the key values from the foreign tables.  These variables exist outside of the conditional logic that
                    // finds the parent row, so if the parent key is null, these values will also be null.  However, since they're
                    // still declared, they can be used to construct keys, which is useful when they're optional values.
                    if (parameterPair.Value is ForeignKeyConstraintParameterItem)
                        ForeignKeyConstraintParameterItem foreignKeyConstraintParameterItem = parameterPair.Value as ForeignKeyConstraintParameterItem;
                        ForeignKeyConstraintSchema        foreignKeyConstraintSchema        = foreignKeyConstraintParameterItem.ForeignKeyConstraintSchema;
                        for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Columns.Length; columnIndex++)
                            if (uniqueColumn == foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Columns[columnIndex])
                                foreach (ForeignKeyVariableItem foreignKeyVariableItem in foreignKeyConstraintParameterItem.ForeignKeyVariables)
                                    if (foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Columns[columnIndex] == foreignKeyVariableItem.ColumnSchema)

                    // This will match the columns described in the simple parameters to the columns in the unique constraint.
                    if (parameterPair.Value is SimpleParameterItem)
                        SimpleParameterItem simpleParameterItem = parameterPair.Value as SimpleParameterItem;
                        if (uniqueColumn == simpleParameterItem.ColumnSchema)
                            keys.Add(new CodeVariableReferenceExpression(CommonConversion.ToCamelCase(simpleParameterItem.ColumnSchema.Name)));

            // This array can be used as a key to find the record in a table.
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The foreign constraints can only be evaluated after all the tables, keys and unique constraints have been evaluated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSchema"></param>
        private void SecondPass(XmlSchemaSet xmlSchemaSet)
            // This is the second pass through the schemas.  Once the tables, keys and unique constraints have been evaluated,
            // then the foreign constraints can be constructed and applied to the parent and child tables.
            foreach (XmlSchemaElement xmlSchemaElement in xmlSchemaSet.GlobalElements.Values)
                // Only the Microsoft DataSet element is evaluated for foreign keys.
                if (ObjectSchema.IsDataSetElement(xmlSchemaElement))
                    // This will examine each of the constraints looking for a foreign key description.
                    foreach (XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint xmlSchemaIdentityConstraint in xmlSchemaElement.Constraints)
                        // Evaluate the foreign keys in the data model.
                        if (xmlSchemaIdentityConstraint is XmlSchemaKeyref)
                            // This object can be used as a foreign key constraint and, optionally, can be used to describe a
                            // parent/child relationship.
                            XmlSchemaKeyref xmlSchemaKeyref = xmlSchemaIdentityConstraint as XmlSchemaKeyref;

                            // This creates a foreign key.
                            ForeignKeyConstraintSchema foreignKeyConstraintSchema = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(this, xmlSchemaIdentityConstraint as XmlSchemaKeyref);

                            // Foreign constraint schemas are always added to the list of constraints on a table.  They can also
                            // conditionally become the source for a relationship between two tables.

                            // Unless specifically instructed to supress the relation, it will be created add added to both the
                            // parent and child tables as well as the data model.
                            XmlAttribute isConstraintOnlyAttribute = ObjectSchema.GetUnhandledAttribute(xmlSchemaIdentityConstraint, QualifiedName.ConstraintOnly);
                            if (isConstraintOnlyAttribute == null || !Convert.ToBoolean(isConstraintOnlyAttribute.Value))
                                RelationSchema relationSchema = new RelationSchema(this, xmlSchemaKeyref);
                                relationSchema.ParentTable.ChildRelations.Add(relationSchema.Name, relationSchema);
                                relationSchema.ChildTable.ParentRelations.Add(relationSchema.Name, relationSchema);
                                this.Relations.Add(relationSchema.Name, relationSchema);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the element that describes a foreign constraint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foreignConstraintSchema">A description of a foreign constraint.</param>
        /// <returns>An element that can be used in an XML Schema document to describe a foreign constraint.</returns>
        private static XElement CreateForeignKey(ForeignKeyConstraintSchema foreignKeyConstraintSchema)
            //    <xs:keyref name="FK_Entity_AccessControl" refer="EntityKey" msprop:rel_Generator_UserRelationName="FK_Entity_AccessControl"
            //		msprop:rel_Generator_RelationVarName="relationFK_Entity_AccessControl" msprop:rel_Generator_UserChildTable="AccessControl"
            //		msprop:rel_Generator_UserParentTable="Entity" msprop:rel_Generator_ParentPropName="EntityRow"
            //		msprop:rel_Generator_ChildPropName="GetAccessControlRows">
            //      <xs:selector xpath=".//mstns:AccessControl" />
            //      <xs:field xpath="mstns:EntityId" />
            //    </xs:keyref>
            XElement foreignElement = new XElement(
                SchemaScrubber.xs + "keyref",
                new XAttribute("name", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Name),
                new XAttribute("refer", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.RelatedTable.GetUniqueConstraint(foreignKeyConstraintSchema.RelatedColumns).Name),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "rel_Generator_UserRelationName", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Name),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "rel_Generator_RelationVarName", String.Format("relation{0}", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Name)),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "rel_Generator_UserChildTable", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Table.Name),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "rel_Generator_UserParentTable", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.RelatedTable.Name),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "rel_Generator_ParentPropName", String.Format("{0}Row", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.RelatedTable.Name)),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "rel_Generator_ChildPropName", String.Format("Get{0}Rows", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Table.Name)));

                new XElement(
                    SchemaScrubber.xs + "selector",
                    new XAttribute("xpath", String.Format(".//mstns:{0}", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Table.Name))));

            foreach (ColumnSchema columnSchema in foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Columns)
                    new XElement(
                        SchemaScrubber.xs + "field",
                        new XAttribute("xpath", String.Format("mstns:{0}", columnSchema.Name))));

            // This describes a foreign constraint on a table.
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the DDL for a table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamWriter">The file to which the DDL is written.</param>
        /// <param name="tableSchema">The schema description of the table.</param>
        private static void GenerateTable(StreamWriter streamWriter, TableSchema tableSchema)
            // Generate the prolog for this table.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("/* The {0} Table */", tableSchema.Name);

            // Generate a prolog showing the time of creation and the current version of the table for the log file.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("if not exists (select * from \"VersionControl\" where \"Name\" = '{0}')", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	print convert(varchar, getdate(), 120) + 'Z <Undefined>: \"{0}\" doesn''t exist in the catalogs.'", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	declare @revision \"decimal\"");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	select @revision = \"Revision\" from \"VersionControl\" where \"Name\" = '{0}'", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	print convert(varchar, getdate(), 120) + 'Z Table: \"{0}\", Initial revision: ' + convert(varchar, @revision)", tableSchema.Name);

            // The table schema is only run if the version control table indicates that the update is needed.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("/* This checks the version control table to determine if an update is needed. */");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("declare @currentRevision \"decimal\"");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("declare @requiredRevision \"decimal\"");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("select @currentRevision = isnull((select \"Revision\" from \"VersionControl\" where \"VersionControl\".\"Name\" = '{0}'), -1.0)", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("select @requiredRevision = isnull((select \"Revision\" from \"VersionHistory\", \"VersionTag\"");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	where \"VersionHistory\".\"Active\" = 1 and \"VersionHistory\".\"Label\" = \"VersionTag\".\"Label\" and	\"VersionTag\".\"Name\" = '{0}'), {1})", tableSchema.Name, tableSchema.DataModel.Version);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("if @currentRevision < {0} and {0} <= @requiredRevision", tableSchema.DataModel.Version);

            // This transaction will remove the previous version of the table and create the new version.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	/* The revision must be completed as a unit. */");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	begin transaction");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	/* Remove the object and any dependancies. */");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ConstraintSchema> constraintPair in tableSchema.Constraints)
                if (constraintPair.Value is ForeignKeyConstraintSchema)
                    ForeignKeyConstraintSchema foreignKeyConstraintSchema = constraintPair.Value as ForeignKeyConstraintSchema;
                    streamWriter.WriteLine("	if exists (select * from sysobjects where type = 'F' and name = '{0}')", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Name);
                    streamWriter.WriteLine("		alter table \"{0}\" drop constraint \"{1}\"", foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Table.Name, foreignKeyConstraintSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	if exists (select * from sysobjects where type = 'U' and name = '{0}')", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("		drop table \"{0}\"", tableSchema.Name);

            // The table is described here.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	/* Create the table. */");
            streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("	create table \"{0}\" (", tableSchema.Name));

            // Generate each of the column descriptions.
            foreach (ColumnSchema columnSchema in tableSchema.Columns.Values)
                streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("		\"{0}\" {1} {2},", columnSchema.Name, GetSqlDataType(columnSchema),
                                                     columnSchema.IsNullable ? "null" : "not null"));

            // These columns are always included for house keeping.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("		\"IsArchived\" \"bit\" not null,");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("		\"IsDeleted\" \"bit\" not null,");

            // The table is always generated on the primary (default) device.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	) on \"PRIMARY\"");

            // Generate the keys, indices and defaults for this table.
            GenerateKeys(streamWriter, tableSchema);
            GenerateIndices(streamWriter, tableSchema);
            GenerateDefaults(streamWriter, tableSchema);

            // This will update the version control table to indicate that the table was updated to the new version.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	/* Update the versionControl table to reflect the change. */");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	if exists (select * from \"VersionControl\" where \"Name\" = '{0}')", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("		update \"VersionControl\" set \"Revision\" = {0} where \"Name\" = '{1}'", tableSchema.DataModel.Version, tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	else");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("		insert \"VersionControl\" (\"Name\", \"Revision\") select '{0}', {1}", tableSchema.Name, tableSchema.DataModel.Version);

            // Commit or reject the changes to the table.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	/* Commit the changes to the table. */");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	commit transaction");

            // Generate the epilog for a successful update.
            streamWriter.WriteLine("if @@error = 0");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	declare @newRevision \"decimal\"");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	select @newRevision = \"Revision\" from \"VersionControl\" where \"Name\" = '{0}'", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	print convert(varchar, getdate(), 120) + 'Z Table: \"{0}\", Final revision: ' + convert(varchar, @newRevision)", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	declare @oldRevision \"decimal\"");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	select @oldRevision = isnull((select \"Revision\" from \"VersionControl\" where \"Name\" = '{0}'), 0.0)", tableSchema.Name);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("	print convert(varchar, getdate(), 120) + 'Z Table: \"{0}\", Error upgrading from revision: ' + convert(varchar, @oldRevision)", tableSchema.Name);