コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an object that translates the parameters used for external methods to parameters for internal methods.
        /// </summary>
        public CreateParameterMatrix(TableSchema tableSchema)
            // Initialize the object.
            this.ExternalParameterItems = new SortedList <string, ExternalParameterItem>();

            // This will create an interface for the 'Create' method.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ColumnSchema> columnPair in tableSchema.Columns)
                // This column is turned into a simple parameter.
                ColumnSchema columnSchema = columnPair.Value;

                // If a column requires special processing, it is not handled with the rest of the parameters.
                bool isOrdinaryColumn = true;

                // The row version is not used in the set of Create parameters.
                if (columnSchema.IsRowVersion)
                    isOrdinaryColumn = false;

                // AutoIncremented columns can only be specified as output parameters.
                if (columnSchema.IsAutoIncrement)
                    isOrdinaryColumn = false;
                    SimpleParameterItem simpleParameterItem = new SimpleParameterItem();
                    simpleParameterItem.ActualDataType   = columnSchema.DataType;
                    simpleParameterItem.ColumnSchema     = columnSchema;
                    simpleParameterItem.DeclaredDataType = columnSchema.DataType;
                    simpleParameterItem.Description      = String.Format("The generated value for the {0} column.", columnSchema.Name);
                    simpleParameterItem.FieldDirection   = FieldDirection.Out;
                    simpleParameterItem.Name             = CommonConversion.ToCamelCase(columnSchema.Name);
                    this.ExternalParameterItems.Add(simpleParameterItem.Name, simpleParameterItem);

                // The only complication for ordinary parameters is whether the data type can accept a default or not.
                if (isOrdinaryColumn)
                    SimpleParameterItem simpleParameterItem = new SimpleParameterItem();
                    bool isOptional = columnSchema.IsNullable || columnSchema.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value;
                    simpleParameterItem.ActualDataType   = columnSchema.DataType;
                    simpleParameterItem.ColumnSchema     = columnSchema;
                    simpleParameterItem.DeclaredDataType = isOptional ? typeof(Object) : columnSchema.DataType;
                    simpleParameterItem.Description      = String.Format("The {0} value for the {1} column.", isOptional ? "optional" : "required", columnSchema.Name);
                    simpleParameterItem.FieldDirection   = FieldDirection.In;
                    simpleParameterItem.Name             = CommonConversion.ToCamelCase(columnSchema.Name);
                    this.ExternalParameterItems.Add(simpleParameterItem.Name, simpleParameterItem);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a table schema from the XML Schema specification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataModelSchema">The data model to which this table belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlSchemaElement">The root of the XmlSchema element that describes the table.</param>
        public TableSchema(DataModelSchema dataModelSchema, XmlSchemaElement xmlSchemaElement)
            : base(dataModelSchema, xmlSchemaElement)
            // Initialize the object.
            this.dataModelSchema    = dataModelSchema;
            this.isPersistent       = GetPersistentIndicator(xmlSchemaElement);
            this.name               = xmlSchemaElement.Name;
            this.columnList         = new SortedList <String, ColumnSchema>();
            this.constraintList     = new SortedList <String, ConstraintSchema>();
            this.childRelationList  = new SortedList <String, RelationSchema>();
            this.parentRelationList = new SortedList <String, RelationSchema>();

            // Every table has a row version column which tracks the history of changes to the row.
            ColumnSchema rowVersionSchema = new ColumnSchema(this, "RowVersion", typeof(long), false, true,
                                                             DBNull.Value, int.MaxValue);

            this.columnList.Add(rowVersionSchema.Name, rowVersionSchema);

            // Initialize the columns of the table.
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the keys on a table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamWriter">The file to which the DDL is written.</param>
        /// <param name="tableSchema">The schema description of the table.</param>
        private static void GenerateIndices(StreamWriter streamWriter, TableSchema tableSchema)
            bool isCommentEmitted = false;

            // This will add any additional keys to the table.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ConstraintSchema> constraintPair in tableSchema.Constraints)
                if (constraintPair.Value is UniqueConstraintSchema)
                    UniqueConstraintSchema uniqueConstraintSchema = constraintPair.Value as UniqueConstraintSchema;

                    if (!uniqueConstraintSchema.IsNullable)

                    if (!isCommentEmitted)
                        isCommentEmitted = true;

                        // This architecture foregoes the 'query' mechanism for finding records in favor of a more direct record identifier.
                        // Every table has an implicit key created on the row identifier used to quickly find any given record.
                        streamWriter.WriteLine("	/* Non-Unique Indices */");

                    streamWriter.WriteLine("	create index \"{0}\"", uniqueConstraintSchema.Name);
                    streamWriter.WriteLine("		on \"{0}\"", tableSchema.Name);
                    streamWriter.WriteLine("		(");
                    ColumnSchema[] keyFields = uniqueConstraintSchema.Columns;
                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < keyFields.Length; columnIndex++)
                        ColumnSchema columnSchema = keyFields[columnIndex];
                        streamWriter.Write("			\"{0}\"", columnSchema.Name);
                        streamWriter.WriteLine(columnIndex == keyFields.Length - 1 ? "" : ",");
                    streamWriter.WriteLine("		)  on \"PRIMARY\" ");
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the system type into an equivalent Sql data type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Represents a system type declaration.</param>
        /// <returns>An equivalent SQL datatype.</returns>
        private static string GetSqlDataType(ColumnSchema columnSchema)
            // This will convert the system datatype into the SQL equivalent.
            switch (columnSchema.DataType.ToString())
            case "System.Object":
            case "System.Boolean":
            case "System.Int16":
            case "System.Int32":
            case "System.Int64":
            case "System.Decimal":
            case "System.Single":
            case "System.Double":
            case "System.DateTime":
            case "System.Byte[]":


            case "System.Guid":


            case "System.String":
                return(String.Format("\"nvarchar\"({0})", columnSchema.MaximumLength == int.MaxValue ? "max" : Convert.ToString(columnSchema.MaximumLength)));


                if (columnSchema.DataType.IsEnum)

            // Failure to convert a data type generates an exception.
            throw new Exception(String.Format("The type {0} can't be converted to an SQL data type", columnSchema.DataType));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the element that describes a column in a table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnSchema">A description of a column.</param>
        /// <returns>An element that can be used in an XML Schema document to describe a column.</returns>
        private static XElement CreateColumn(ColumnSchema columnSchema)
            string dataType     = String.Empty;
            string xmlType      = String.Empty;
            object defaultValue = null;

            switch (columnSchema.DataType.ToString())
            case "System.Object":

                xmlType = "xs:anyType";

            case "System.Int32":

                defaultValue = 0;
                xmlType      = "xs:int";

            case "System.Int64":

                defaultValue = 0L;
                xmlType      = "xs:long";

            case "System.Decimal":

                defaultValue = 0.0M;
                xmlType      = "xs:decimal";

            case "System.Boolean":

                defaultValue = false;
                xmlType      = "xs:boolean";

            case "System.String":

                defaultValue = String.Empty;
                xmlType      = "xs:string";

            case "System.DateTime":

                xmlType = "xs:dateTime";

            case "System.Byte[]":

                xmlType = "xs:base64Binary";


                dataType = columnSchema.DataType.AssemblyQualifiedName;
                xmlType  = "xs:anyType";

            //			              <xs:element name="UserId" msdata:DataType="System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
            //							msprop:Generator_UserColumnName="UserId" msprop:Generator_ColumnVarNameInTable="columnUserId" msprop:Generator_ColumnPropNameInRow="UserId"
            //							msprop:Generator_ColumnPropNameInTable="UserIdColumn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
            XElement columnElement = new XElement(
                SchemaScrubber.xs + "element",
                new XAttribute("name", columnSchema.Name));

            // Microsoft uses a custom decoration to describe data types that are not part of the cannon XML Schema datatypes.
            if (dataType != string.Empty)
                columnElement.Add(new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msdata + "DataType", dataType));

            // These are Microsoft added decorations for the schema that describe how a generated DataSet should name the internal and external values.
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "Generator_UserColumnName", columnSchema.Name),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "Generator_ColumnPropNameInRow", columnSchema.Name),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "Generator_ColumnVarNameInTable", String.Format("column{0}", columnSchema.Name)),
                new XAttribute(SchemaScrubber.msprop + "Generator_ColumnPropNameInTable", String.Format("{0}Column", columnSchema.Name)));

            if (columnSchema.MaximumLength == int.MaxValue)
                columnElement.Add(new XAttribute("type", xmlType));
                //                <xs:simpleType>
                //                  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                //                    <xs:maxLength value="128" />
                //                  </xs:restriction>
                //                </xs:simpleType>
                    new XElement(
                        SchemaScrubber.xs + "simpleType",
                        new XElement(
                            SchemaScrubber.xs + "restriction",
                            new XAttribute("base", xmlType),
                            new XElement(
                                SchemaScrubber.xs + "maxLength",
                                new XAttribute("value", columnSchema.MaximumLength)))));

            // An optional column is identified with a 'minOccurs=0' attribute.
            if (columnSchema.IsNullable)
                columnElement.Add(new XAttribute("minOccurs", 0));

            // Provide an explicit default value for all column elements.
            if (!columnSchema.IsNullable && defaultValue != null)
                columnElement.Add(new XAttribute("default", defaultValue));

            // This describes the column of a table.