public ActionResult Menu(string TypeMenu) { if (Session["isLoginAdmin"] != null && bool.Parse(Session["isLoginAdmin"].ToString()) == true) { switch (TypeMenu) { case "User": ViewBag.DataList = UserAPIController.GetAllUser(); break; case "Category": ViewBag.DataList = CategoryAPIController.getAllCategoryAdmin(); break; case "Product": ViewBag.DataList = ProductAPIController.GetAllProduct(); break; } ViewBag.Type = TypeMenu; ViewBag.Size = ViewBag.DataList.Count; return(View()); } else { return(Redirect("/Admin/Login")); } }
public ActionResult ProductAdmin(int productID) { if (productID == 0) { ViewBag.Product = new Product(); } else { ViewBag.Product = ProductAPIController.GetProductByID(productID); } ViewBag.ImageURL = "~/images/" + ViewBag.Product.ImageName; ViewBag.CategoryList = CategoryAPIController.getAllCategoryAdmin(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult CategoryAdmin(int categoryID) { if (categoryID == 0) { List <Category> data = new List <Category>(); data.Add(new Category()); ViewBag.Category = data; } else { ViewBag.Category = CategoryAPIController.getCategory(categoryID, ""); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult ProductAdmin(int productID, string productName, string description, int price, int categoryid, HttpPostedFileBase ImageURL) { if (ImageURL != null && ImageURL.ContentLength > 0) { // create file name mapping with product name var fileName = Path.GetFileName(ImageURL.FileName); // store the file inside ~/App_Data/uploads folder var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images"), fileName); checkFileExist(path); ImageURL.SaveAs(path); } ViewBag.Product = new Product() { ProductID = productID, ProductName = productName, Description = description, Price = price, CategoryID = categoryid, ImageName = Path.GetFileName(ImageURL.FileName) }; HttpResult result = ProductAPIController.ProductMerge(ViewBag.Product); if (result.Result) { ViewBag.Success = true; } else { ViewBag.Error = result.Message; } ViewBag.CategoryList = CategoryAPIController.getAllCategoryAdmin(); foreach (Category c in ViewBag.CategoryList) { if (c.CategoryID == ViewBag.Product.CategoryID) { ViewBag.Product.CategoryName = c.CategoryName; } } return(View()); }
public ActionResult CategoryAdmin(int categoryID, string categoryName) { Category category = new Category() { CategoryID = categoryID, CategoryName = categoryName }; HttpResult result = CategoryAPIController.CategoryMerge(category); if (result.Result) { ViewBag.Success = true; } else { ViewBag.Error = result.Message; } List <Category> data = new List <Category>(); data.Add(category); ViewBag.Category = data; return(View()); }