コード例 #1
        private Vector3 CastPrimaryRay(Ray ray, Scene scene, int depth = 0)
            foreach (Primitive p in scene.primitives)
            //Nu alleen nog de kleur van het object, geen shadow rays e.d.
            if (ray.objectHit == null) //If no object has been hit load the skybox.
                return Vector3.Zero;

            if (ray.D.Y < .01f && ray.D.Y > -.01f)
                if (depth != 0)

            Vector3 intersection = ray.GetPoint();
            Vector3 color = ray.objectHit.GetTexture(intersection);

            if (ray.objectHit.specular && depth < 20)
                //Object is een spiegel, cast een tweede primary ray
                Vector3 N = ray.objectHit.GetNormal(ray.GetPoint());
                Vector3 R = ray.D - 2 * (Vector3.Dot(ray.D, N) * N);
                Ray secondaryRay = new Ray(intersection, R, float.MaxValue);
                return color * CastPrimaryRay(secondaryRay, scene, depth + 1);
            //Object weerkaatst licht diffuus, cast shadowrays naar lampen OF max depth is gehaald en meer primary rays tekenen wordt te duur
            return color * CastShadowRay(intersection, ray.objectHit, scene);
コード例 #2
        public Ray4( Ray[] rays )
            int l = rays.Length;
            float[] ox4 = new float[l], oy4 = new float[l], oz4 = new float[l];
            float[] dx4 = new float[l], dy4 = new float[l], dz4 = new float[l];
            float[] t = new float[l];
            float[] nx4 = new float[l], ny4 = new float[l], nz4 = new float[l];
            int[] objIdx = new int[l];
            int[] inside = new int[l];
            for (int i = 0; i < rays.Length; i++)
                ox4[i] = rays[i].O.X; oy4[i] = rays[i].O.Y; oz4[i] = rays[i].O.Z;
                dx4[i] = rays[i].D.X; dy4[i] = rays[i].D.Y; dz4[i] = rays[i].D.Z;
                t[i] = rays[i].t;
                nx4[i] = rays[i].N.X; ny4[i] = rays[i].N.Y; nz4[i] = rays[i].N.Z;
                objIdx[i] = rays[i].objIdx;
                inside[i] = rays[i].inside ? 1 : 0;

            Ox4 = new Vector<float>(ox4); Oy4 = new Vector<float>(oy4); Oz4 = new Vector<float>(oz4);
            Dx4 = new Vector<float>(dx4); Dy4 = new Vector<float>(dy4); Dz4 = new Vector<float>(dz4);
            t4 = new Vector<float>(t);
            Nx4 = new Vector<float>(nx4); Ny4 = new Vector<float>(ny4); Nz4 = new Vector<float>(nz4);
            objIdx4 = new Vector<int>(objIdx);
            inside4 = new Vector<int>(inside);
            returnMask = new Vector<int>(0);
コード例 #3
ファイル: scene.cs プロジェクト: arianvp/RayTracerLinux
		private static void IntersectSphere (int idx, Sphere sphere, Ray ray)
			Vector3 L = sphere.pos - ray.O;
			float tca = Vector3.Dot (L, ray.D);
			if (tca < 0)
			float d2 = Vector3.Dot (L, L) - tca * tca;
			if (d2 > sphere.r)
			float thc = (float)Math.Sqrt (sphere.r - d2);
			float t0 = tca - thc;
			float t1 = tca + thc;
			if (t0 > 0) {
				if (t0 > ray.t)
				ray.N = Vector3.Normalize (ray.O + t0 * ray.D - sphere.pos);
				ray.objIdx = idx;
				ray.t = t0;
			} else {
				if ((t1 > ray.t) || (t1 < 0))
				ray.N = Vector3.Normalize (sphere.pos - (ray.O + t1 * ray.D));
				ray.objIdx = idx;
				ray.t = t1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: scene.cs プロジェクト: PyotrRomanov/RHS
 public static void Intersect( Ray ray )
     IntersectSphere( 0, plane1, ray );
     IntersectSphere( 1, plane2, ray );
     for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) IntersectSphere( i + 2, sphere[i], ray );
     IntersectSphere( 8, light, ray );
コード例 #5
        public Ray this[int index]
                Vector3 O = new Vector3(Ox4[index], Oy4[index], Oz4[index]);
                Vector3 D = new Vector3(Dx4[index], Dy4[index], Dz4[index]);
                Ray ray = new Ray(O, D, t4[index]);
                ray.N = new Vector3(Nx4[index], Ny4[index], Nz4[index]);
                ray.objIdx = objIdx4[index];
                ray.inside = inside4[index] == 1 ? true : false;
                return ray;
コード例 #6
        public void RenderPixel(Camera cam, Surface screen, Scene scene, float hi, float wi, int x, int y)
            Vector3[] points = cam.GetPoints;
            Vector3 direction = new Vector3();
            Vector3 result;
            Ray ray;

            if (AntiAlias)

                float offX = 1 / 2f * 1 / screen.width;
                float offY = 1 / 2f * 1 / screen.height;

                Vector3 directionLB = points[0] + wi * (points[1] - points[0]) + hi * (points[2] - points[0]);
                Vector3 directionRB = points[0] + (wi + offX) * (points[1] - points[0]) + hi * (points[2] - points[0]);
                Vector3 directionLO = points[0] + wi * (points[1] - points[0]) + (hi + offY) * (points[2] - points[0]);
                Vector3 directionRO = points[0] + (wi + offX) * (points[1] - points[0]) +
                                      (hi + offY) * (points[2] - points[0]);

                ray = new Ray(cam.Position, directionLB, float.MaxValue);
                Ray ray2 = new Ray(cam.Position, directionRB, float.MaxValue);
                Ray ray3 = new Ray(cam.Position, directionLO, float.MaxValue);
                Ray ray4 = new Ray(cam.Position, directionRO, float.MaxValue);

                Vector3 res1 = CastPrimaryRay(ray, scene);
                Vector3 res2 = CastPrimaryRay(ray2, scene);
                Vector3 res3 = CastPrimaryRay(ray3, scene);
                Vector3 res4 = CastPrimaryRay(ray4, scene);

                result = (res1 + res2 + res3 + res4) / 4;
                direction = points[0] + wi * (points[1] - points[0]) + hi * (points[2] - points[0]);

                ray = new Ray(cam.Position, direction, float.MaxValue);
                result = CastPrimaryRay(ray, scene);

            if (ray.D.Y < .01f && ray.D.Y > -.01f && x % 10 == 0)

            //screen.pixels[x + y * screen.width] = VectorToColor(CastPrimaryRay(ray, screen, scene, 0));
            screen.pixels[x + y * screen.width] = VectorToColor(result);
コード例 #7
ファイル: game.cs プロジェクト: Marcanius/Concurrency03
 // sample: samples a single path up to a maximum depth
 private Vector3 Sample( Ray ray, int depth )
     // find nearest ray/scene intersection
     Scene.Intersect( ray );
     if ( ray.objIdx == -1 )
         // no scene primitive encountered; skybox
         return 1.0f * scene.SampleSkydome( ray.D );
     // calculate intersection point
     Vector3 I = ray.O + ray.t * ray.D;
     // get material at intersection point
     Material material = scene.GetMaterial( ray.objIdx, I );
     if ( material.emissive )
         // hit light
         return material.diffuse;
     // terminate if path is too long
     if ( depth >= MAXDEPTH )
         return Vector3.Zero;
     // handle material interaction
     float r0 = RTTools.RandomFloat();
     Vector3 R = Vector3.Zero;
     if ( r0 < material.refr )
         // dielectric: refract or reflect
         RTTools.Refraction( ray.inside, ray.D, ray.N, ref R );
         Ray extensionRay = new Ray( I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f );
         extensionRay.inside = (Vector3.Dot( ray.N, R ) < 0);
         return material.diffuse * Sample( extensionRay, depth + 1 );
     else if ( (r0 < (material.refl + material.refr)) && (depth < MAXDEPTH) )
         // pure specular reflection
         R = Vector3.Reflect( ray.D, ray.N );
         Ray extensionRay = new Ray( I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f );
         return material.diffuse * Sample( extensionRay, depth + 1 );
         // diffuse reflection
         R = RTTools.DiffuseReflection( RTTools.GetRNG(), ray.N );
         Ray extensionRay = new Ray( I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f );
         return Vector3.Dot( R, ray.N ) * material.diffuse * Sample( extensionRay, depth + 1 );
コード例 #8
	public void Update()
		// construct a look-at matrix
		E = Vector3.Normalize( target - pos );
		up = Vector3.UnitY;
		right = Vector3.Cross( up, E );
		up = Vector3.Cross( E, right );
		// calculate focal distance
		Ray ray = new Ray( pos, E, 1e34f );
		Scene.Intersect( ray );
		focalDistance = Math.Min( 20, ray.t );
		// calculate virtual screen corners
		Vector3 C = pos + focalDistance * E;
		p1 = C - 0.5f * focalDistance * aspectRatio * right + 0.5f * focalDistance * up;
		p2 = C + 0.5f * focalDistance * aspectRatio * right + 0.5f * focalDistance * up;
		p3 = C - 0.5f * focalDistance * aspectRatio * right - 0.5f * focalDistance * up;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Sphere.cs プロジェクト: Fortunos/CVAlexLeestemaker
 //Code overgenomen uit slides
 public override void Intersect(Ray ray)
     //possibly have to change this to incorporate intersecting the orb from inside
     Vector3 c = this.position - ray.O;
     float t = Vector3.Dot(c, ray.D);
     Vector3 q = c - t * ray.D;
     float p2 = Vector3.Dot(q, q);
     float r2 = radius * radius;
     if (p2 > r2) return;
     t -= (float)Math.Sqrt(r2 - p2);
     if ((t < ray.l) && (t > 0))
         ray.l = t;
         ray.objectHit = this;
     // or: ray.t = min( ray.t, max( 0, t ) );
コード例 #10
        public override void Intersect(Ray ray)
            float eps = 0.000001f;
            Vector3 P = Vector3.Cross(ray.D, e2);
            float det = Vector3.Dot(e1, P);

            if (det > -eps && det < eps)

            Vector3 T = ray.O - p;
            float inv_det = 1 / det;
            float u = Vector3.Dot(T, P) * inv_det;

            if (u < 0 || u > 1)

            Vector3 Q = Vector3.Cross(T, e1);
            float v = Vector3.Dot(ray.D, Q) * inv_det;

            if (v < 0 || u + v > 1)

            float t = Vector3.Dot(e2, Q) * inv_det;

            if (t > eps && t < ray.l)
                ray.l = t;
                ray.objectHit = this;
コード例 #11
ファイル: game.cs プロジェクト: Aerometiz/Conc-3
        private Vector3 SampleIterative2(Ray _ray)
            int depth = 0;
            Vector3 currentMaterial = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Ray ray = _ray;

            while (true)
                if (ray.objIdx == -1)
                    return currentMaterial * (scene.SampleSkydome(ray.D));

                Vector3 I = ray.O + ray.t * ray.D;

                Material material = scene.GetMaterial(ray.objIdx, I);
                if (material.emissive)
                    return material.diffuse;

                if (depth >= MAXDEPTH)
                    return Vector3.Zero;

                float r0 = RTTools.RandomFloat();
                Vector3 R = Vector3.Zero;

                if (r0 < material.refr)
                    RTTools.Refraction(ray.inside, ray.D, ray.N, ref R);
                    Ray extensionRay = new Ray(I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f);
                    extensionRay.inside = (Vector3.Dot(ray.N, R) < 0);
                    currentMaterial *= material.diffuse;
                    ray = extensionRay;
                else if ((r0 < (material.refl + material.refr)) && (depth < MAXDEPTH))
                    R = Vector3.Reflect(ray.D, ray.N);
                    Ray extensionRay = new Ray(I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f);
                    currentMaterial *= material.diffuse;
                    ray = extensionRay;
                    R = RTTools.DiffuseReflection(RTTools.GetRNG(), ray.N);
                    Ray extensionRay = new Ray(I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f);
                    currentMaterial *= material.diffuse;
                    ray = extensionRay;


            return Vector3.Zero;
コード例 #12
ファイル: game.cs プロジェクト: Aerometiz/Conc-3
        private Vector3 SampleIterative(Ray inputRay)
            int depth = inputRay.testingDepth;
            Ray workingRay = inputRay;
            Vector3 returnObj = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);                                  // to save iterations over the material

            while (depth <= MAXDEPTH)
                Scene.Intersect(workingRay);                                                    // find nearest ray/scene intersection
                if (workingRay.objIdx == -1)                                                    // no scene primitive encountered; skybox
                    return 1.0f * scene.SampleSkydome(workingRay.D) * returnObj;
                Vector3 I = workingRay.O + workingRay.t * workingRay.D;                         // calculate intersection point
                Material material = scene.GetMaterial(workingRay.objIdx, I);                    // get material at intersection point
                if (material.emissive)                                                          // hit light
                    return material.diffuse * returnObj;
                float r0 = RTTools.RandomFloat();
                Vector3 R = Vector3.Zero;

                if (r0 < material.refr)                                                         // dielectric: refract or reflect
                    RTTools.Refraction(workingRay.inside, workingRay.D, workingRay.N, ref R);
                    Ray extensionRay = new Ray(I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f, depth + 1);
                    extensionRay.inside = (Vector3.Dot(workingRay.N, R) < 0);
                    workingRay = extensionRay;

                    if (returnObj == new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
                        returnObj = (material.diffuse);
                        returnObj *= material.diffuse;
                    if (depth == MAXDEPTH)
                        return returnObj * (workingRay.O + workingRay.t * workingRay.D);

                else if ((r0 < (material.refl + material.refr)) && (depth < MAXDEPTH))          // pure specular reflection
                    R = Vector3.Reflect(workingRay.D, workingRay.N);
                    Ray extensionRay = new Ray(I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f, depth + 1);
                    workingRay = extensionRay;

                    if (returnObj == Vector3.Zero)
                        returnObj = (material.diffuse);
                        returnObj *= material.diffuse;
                    if (depth == MAXDEPTH)
                        return returnObj * (workingRay.O + workingRay.t * workingRay.D);
                else                                                                            // diffuse reflection
                    R = RTTools.DiffuseReflection(RTTools.GetRNG(), workingRay.N);
                    Ray extensionRay = new Ray(I + R * EPSILON, R, 1e34f, depth + 1);
                    workingRay = extensionRay;

                    if (returnObj == Vector3.Zero)
                        returnObj = (material.diffuse);
                        returnObj *= material.diffuse;
                    if (depth == MAXDEPTH)
                        return Vector3.Dot(R, workingRay.N) * (workingRay.O + workingRay.t * workingRay.D);
            return Vector3.Zero;

コード例 #13
        private Vector3 CastShadowRay(Vector3 intersection, Primitive prim, Scene scene)
            Vector3 light = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            foreach (Light l in scene.lights)
                //Richting van de ray is van lamp naar object
                Vector3 toLight = intersection - l.pos;
                float tmax = toLight.Length - 2 * Epsilon;
                Ray shadowRay = new Ray(l.pos - toLight * Epsilon, toLight, float.MaxValue);

                //Negatief, omdat de shadowray van lamp naar object gaat ipv andersom
                Vector3 N = -1f * prim.GetNormal(intersection);
                float incidence = Vector3.Dot(N, shadowRay.D);

                if (incidence > 0)
                    foreach (Primitive p in scene.primitives)
                        //Als de ray iets raakt tussen de lamp en het object, abort mission
                        if (shadowRay.l < tmax)
                    //Check of er geen objecten tussen de lamp en het object zitten
                    if (shadowRay.l >= tmax)
                        light += (l.color * (1 / (shadowRay.l * shadowRay.l))) * incidence;

            foreach (Spotlight spot in scene.spots)
                //Richting van de ray is van lamp naar object
                Vector3 toLight = intersection - spot.pos;
                float tmax = toLight.Length - 2 * Epsilon;
                Ray shadowRay = new Ray(spot.pos - toLight * Epsilon, toLight, float.MaxValue);

                //Negatief, omdat de shadowray van lamp naar object gaat ipv andersom
                Vector3 N = -1f * prim.GetNormal(intersection);
                float incidence = Vector3.Dot(N, shadowRay.D);
                float incidenceOnSpot = Vector3.Dot(shadowRay.D, spot.D);

                if (incidence > 0 && incidenceOnSpot > spot.minDot)
                    foreach (Primitive p in scene.primitives)
                        //Als de ray iets raakt tussen de lamp en het object, abort mission
                        if (shadowRay.l < tmax)
                    //Check of er geen objecten tussen de lamp en het object zitten
                    if (shadowRay.l >= tmax)
                        light += (spot.color * (1 / (shadowRay.l * shadowRay.l))) * incidence;

            return light;
コード例 #14
        //All virtual methods are implemented in the children classes with override methods.
        public virtual void Intersect(Ray ray) //For the intersection.
