// constructor public Mesh(string fileName) { MeshLoader loader = new MeshLoader(); loader.Load(this, fileName); child = new List <Mesh>(); }
public float a; // variable used for rotation based on elapsed milliseconds // constructor public Mesh(string fileName, Texture texture, Light[] lights) { MeshLoader loader = new MeshLoader(); loader.Load(this, fileName); this.texture = texture; this.lights = lights; a = 0; }
// constructor public Mesh(string fileName, Mesh Parent, Shader Shader, Texture Texture) //int[,] mvMatrix { parent = Parent; shader = Shader; texture = Texture; MeshLoader loader = new MeshLoader(); loader.Load(this, fileName); }
int quadBufferId; // quad buffer // constructor, with parameters to initialize each mesh and create a ModelMatrix with the given information public Mesh(string fileName, Vector3 angle, Vector3 scale, Vector3 position, List <Mesh> children, Texture texture) { MeshLoader loader = new MeshLoader(); loader.Load(this, fileName); this.angle = angle; this.scale = scale; this.position = position; this.children = children; this.texture = texture; }
int quadBufferId; // quad buffer // constructor public Mesh(string fileName) { MeshLoader loader = new MeshLoader(); loader.Load(this, fileName); }