コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Subscription Invoke the provisioning API to get a dedicated mobile number for an account or application.  Note that Free Trial apps will have a 30-Day Limit for their provisioned number. If the Provisioning call is made several times within that 30-Day period, it will return the &#x60;expiryDate&#x60; in the Unix format and will not add any activeDays until after that &#x60;expiryDate&#x60;. After the &#x60;expiryDate&#x60;, you may make another Provisioning call to extend the activeDays by another 30-Days.  For paid apps, a provisioned number can be allotted for a maximum of 5 years. If a Provisioning call is made which will result to activeDays &gt; 1825, a 409 &#x60;Active Days Max&#x60; response will be returned to indicate that the provisioned number is already valid for more than 5 years and that no update to activeDays has been made.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="body">A JSON payload containing the required attributes</param>
        /// <returns>ApiResponse of ProvisionNumberResponse</returns>
        public Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiResponse <ProvisionNumberResponse> CreateSubscriptionWithHttpInfo(ProvisionNumberRequest body)
            // verify the required parameter 'body' is set
            if (body == null)
                throw new Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'body' when calling ProvisioningApi->CreateSubscription");

            Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions localVarRequestOptions = new Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions();

            String[] _contentTypes = new String[] {

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] _accepts = new String[] {

            var localVarContentType = Telstra.Messaging.Client.ClientUtils.SelectHeaderContentType(_contentTypes);

            if (localVarContentType != null)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Content-Type", localVarContentType);

            var localVarAccept = Telstra.Messaging.Client.ClientUtils.SelectHeaderAccept(_accepts);

            if (localVarAccept != null)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);

            localVarRequestOptions.Data = body;

            // authentication (auth) required
            // oauth required
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Configuration.AccessToken))
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.Configuration.AccessToken);

            // make the HTTP request
            var localVarResponse = this.Client.Post <ProvisionNumberResponse>("/messages/provisioning/subscriptions", localVarRequestOptions, this.Configuration);

            if (this.ExceptionFactory != null)
                Exception _exception = this.ExceptionFactory("CreateSubscription", localVarResponse);
                if (_exception != null)
                    throw _exception;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Subscription Invoke the provisioning API to get a dedicated mobile number for an account or application.  Note that Free Trial apps will have a 30-Day Limit for their provisioned number. If the Provisioning call is made several times within that 30-Day period, it will return the &#x60;expiryDate&#x60; in the Unix format and will not add any activeDays until after that &#x60;expiryDate&#x60;. After the &#x60;expiryDate&#x60;, you may make another Provisioning call to extend the activeDays by another 30-Days.  For paid apps, a provisioned number can be allotted for a maximum of 5 years. If a Provisioning call is made which will result to activeDays &gt; 1825, a 409 &#x60;Active Days Max&#x60; response will be returned to indicate that the provisioned number is already valid for more than 5 years and that no update to activeDays has been made.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="body">A JSON payload containing the required attributes</param>
        /// <returns>Task of ApiResponse (ProvisionNumberResponse)</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiResponse <ProvisionNumberResponse> > CreateSubscriptionAsyncWithHttpInfo(ProvisionNumberRequest body)
            // verify the required parameter 'body' is set
            if (body == null)
                throw new Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'body' when calling ProvisioningApi->CreateSubscription");

            Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions localVarRequestOptions = new Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions();

            String[] _contentTypes = new String[] {

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] _accepts = new String[] {

            foreach (var _contentType in _contentTypes)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Content-Type", _contentType);

            foreach (var _accept in _accepts)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", _accept);

            localVarRequestOptions.Data = body;

            // authentication (auth) required
            // oauth required
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Configuration.AccessToken))
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.Configuration.AccessToken);

            // make the HTTP request

            var localVarResponse = await this.AsynchronousClient.PostAsync <ProvisionNumberResponse>("/messages/provisioning/subscriptions", localVarRequestOptions, this.Configuration);

            if (this.ExceptionFactory != null)
                Exception _exception = this.ExceptionFactory("CreateSubscription", localVarResponse);
                if (_exception != null)
                    throw _exception;

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Subscription Get mobile number subscription for an account
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <returns>ApiResponse of GetSubscriptionResponse</returns>
        public Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiResponse <GetSubscriptionResponse> GetSubscriptionWithHttpInfo()
            Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions localVarRequestOptions = new Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions();

            String[] _contentTypes = new String[] {

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] _accepts = new String[] {

            var localVarContentType = Telstra.Messaging.Client.ClientUtils.SelectHeaderContentType(_contentTypes);

            if (localVarContentType != null)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Content-Type", localVarContentType);

            var localVarAccept = Telstra.Messaging.Client.ClientUtils.SelectHeaderAccept(_accepts);

            if (localVarAccept != null)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);

            // authentication (auth) required
            // oauth required
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Configuration.AccessToken))
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.Configuration.AccessToken);

            // make the HTTP request
            var localVarResponse = this.Client.Get <GetSubscriptionResponse>("/messages/provisioning/subscriptions", localVarRequestOptions, this.Configuration);

            if (this.ExceptionFactory != null)
                Exception _exception = this.ExceptionFactory("GetSubscription", localVarResponse);
                if (_exception != null)
                    throw _exception;

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Subscription Get mobile number subscription for an account
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <returns>Task of ApiResponse (GetSubscriptionResponse)</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiResponse <GetSubscriptionResponse> > GetSubscriptionAsyncWithHttpInfo()
            Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions localVarRequestOptions = new Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions();

            String[] _contentTypes = new String[] {

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] _accepts = new String[] {

            foreach (var _contentType in _contentTypes)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Content-Type", _contentType);

            foreach (var _accept in _accepts)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", _accept);

            // authentication (auth) required
            // oauth required
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Configuration.AccessToken))
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.Configuration.AccessToken);

            // make the HTTP request

            var localVarResponse = await this.AsynchronousClient.GetAsync <GetSubscriptionResponse>("/messages/provisioning/subscriptions", localVarRequestOptions, this.Configuration);

            if (this.ExceptionFactory != null)
                Exception _exception = this.ExceptionFactory("GetSubscription", localVarResponse);
                if (_exception != null)
                    throw _exception;

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate OAuth2 token To generate an OAuth2 Authentication token, pass through your &#x60;Client key&#x60; and &#x60;Client secret&#x60; that you received when you registered for the **API Free Trial** Product.  The grant_type should be left as &#x60;client_credentials&#x60; and the scope as &#x60;NSMS&#x60;.  The token will expire in one hour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="clientId"></param>
        /// <param name="clientSecret"></param>
        /// <param name="grantType"></param>
        /// <param name="scope">NSMS (optional)</param>
        /// <returns>Task of ApiResponse (OAuthResponse)</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiResponse <OAuthResponse> > AuthTokenAsyncWithHttpInfo(string clientId, string clientSecret, string grantType, string scope = default(string))
            // verify the required parameter 'clientId' is set
            if (clientId == null)
                throw new Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'clientId' when calling AuthenticationApi->AuthToken");

            // verify the required parameter 'clientSecret' is set
            if (clientSecret == null)
                throw new Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'clientSecret' when calling AuthenticationApi->AuthToken");

            // verify the required parameter 'grantType' is set
            if (grantType == null)
                throw new Telstra.Messaging.Client.ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'grantType' when calling AuthenticationApi->AuthToken");

            Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions localVarRequestOptions = new Telstra.Messaging.Client.RequestOptions();

            String[] _contentTypes = new String[] {

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] _accepts = new String[] {

            foreach (var _contentType in _contentTypes)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Content-Type", _contentType);

            foreach (var _accept in _accepts)
                localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", _accept);

            if (clientId != null)
                localVarRequestOptions.FormParameters.Add("client_id", Telstra.Messaging.Client.ClientUtils.ParameterToString(clientId)); // form parameter
            if (clientSecret != null)
                localVarRequestOptions.FormParameters.Add("client_secret", Telstra.Messaging.Client.ClientUtils.ParameterToString(clientSecret)); // form parameter
            if (grantType != null)
                localVarRequestOptions.FormParameters.Add("grant_type", Telstra.Messaging.Client.ClientUtils.ParameterToString(grantType)); // form parameter
            if (scope != null)
                localVarRequestOptions.FormParameters.Add("scope", Telstra.Messaging.Client.ClientUtils.ParameterToString(scope)); // form parameter

            // make the HTTP request

            var localVarResponse = await this.AsynchronousClient.PostAsync <OAuthResponse>("/oauth/token", localVarRequestOptions, this.Configuration);

            if (this.ExceptionFactory != null)
                Exception _exception = this.ExceptionFactory("AuthToken", localVarResponse);
                if (_exception != null)
                    throw _exception;
