コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the ORDER BY clause of the SQL query using the <see cref="OrderBy"/> argument: ORDER BY ABC
        /// </summary>
        private string PrepareOrderBy(JoinTree joinTree)
            List <string> orderbys = new List <string>(OrderBy?.Count() ?? 0);

            if (OrderBy != null)
                foreach (var atom in OrderBy)
                    var join = joinTree[atom.Path];
                    if (join == null)
                        // Developer mistake
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The path '{string.Join('/', atom.Path)}' was not found in the joinTree");
                    var    symbol  = join.Symbol;
                    string orderby = $"[{symbol}].[{atom.Property}] {(atom.Desc ? "DESC" : "ASC")}";

            string orderbySql = ""; // Default order by

            if (orderbys.Count > 0)
                orderbySql = "ORDER BY " + string.Join(", ", orderbys);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the ORDER BY clause of the SQL query using the <see cref="Select"/> argument: ORDER BY ABC
        /// </summary>
        private string PrepareOrderBy(JoinTree joinTree)
            var orderByAtoms      = Select.Where(e => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.OrderDirection));
            var orderByAtomsCount = orderByAtoms.Count();

            if (orderByAtomsCount == 0)

            List <string> orderbys = new List <string>(orderByAtomsCount);

            foreach (var atom in orderByAtoms)
                var join = joinTree[atom.Path];
                if (join == null)
                    // Developer mistake
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"The path '{string.Join('/', atom.Path)}' was not found in the joinTree");
                var    symbol  = join.Symbol;
                string orderby = QueryTools.AtomSql(symbol, atom.Property, atom.Aggregation, atom.Modifier) + $" {atom.OrderDirection.ToUpper()}";

            string orderbySql = ""; //  "ORDER BY Id DESC"; // Default order by

            if (orderbys.Count > 0)
                orderbySql = "ORDER BY " + string.Join(", ", orderbys);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares a data structure containing all the information needed to construct the SELECT and GROUP BY clauses of the aggregate query
        /// </summary>
        private SqlSelectGroupByClause PrepareSelect(JoinTree joinTree)
            var selects = new HashSet <(string Symbol, string PropName, string Aggregate, string Modifier)>(); // To ensure uniqueness
            var columns = new List <(string Symbol, ArraySegment <string> Path, string PropName, string Aggregate, string Modifier)>();

            foreach (var select in Select)
                // Add the property
                string[] path        = select.Path;
                var      join        = joinTree[path];
                var      symbol      = join.Symbol;
                var      propName    = select.Property; // Can be null
                var      aggregation = select.Aggregation;
                var      modifier    = select.Modifier;

                // If the select doesn't exist: add it, or if it is not original and it shows up again as original: upgrade it
                if (selects.Add((symbol, propName, aggregation, modifier)))
                    columns.Add((symbol, path, propName, aggregation, modifier));

            // Change the hash set to a list so that the order is well defined
            return(new SqlSelectGroupByClause(columns.ToList(), Top ?? 0));
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the SQL WHERE clause of the current query
 /// </summary>
 public string WhereSql(
     Func <Type, string> sources,
     JoinTree joins,
     SqlStatementParameters ps,
     int userId,
     return(PrepareWhere(sources, joins, ps, userId, userToday));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the WHERE clause of the SQL query from the <see cref="Filter"/> argument: WHERE ABC
        /// </summary>
        private string PrepareWhere(Func <Type, string> sources, JoinTree joinTree, SqlStatementParameters ps, int userId, DateTime?userToday)
            string whereSql = QueryTools.FilterToSql(Filter, sources, ps, joinTree, userId, userToday) ?? "";

            // Add the "WHERE" keyword
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereSql))
                whereSql = "WHERE " + whereSql;

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="SqlStatement"/> that contains all the needed information to execute the query
        /// as an INNER JOIN of any one of the other queries that uses it as a principal query
        /// IMPORTANT: Calling this method will keep a permanent cache of some parts of the result, therefore
        /// if the arguments need to change after that, a new <see cref="QueryInternal"/> must be created
        /// </summary>
        private string PrepareStatementAsPrincipal(
            Func <Type, string> sources,
            SqlStatementParameters ps,
            bool isAncestorExpand,
            ArraySegment <string> pathToCollectionProperty,
            int userId,
            // (1) Prepare the JOIN's clause
            JoinTree joinTree = PrepareJoin(pathToCollectionProperty);
            var      joinSql  = joinTree.GetSql(sources, FromSql);

            // (2) Prepare the SELECT clause
            SqlSelectClause selectClause = PrepareSelectAsPrincipal(joinTree, pathToCollectionProperty, isAncestorExpand);
            var             selectSql    = selectClause.ToSql(IsAncestorExpand);

            // (3) Prepare the inner join with the principal query (if any)
            string principalQuerySql = PreparePrincipalQuery(sources, ps, userId, userToday);

            // (4) Prepare the WHERE clause
            string whereSql = PrepareWhere(sources, joinTree, ps, userId, userToday);

            // (5) Prepare the ORDERBY clause
            string orderbySql = PrepareOrderBy(joinTree);

            // (6) Prepare the OFFSET and FETCH clauses
            string offsetFetchSql = PrepareOffsetFetch();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(offsetFetchSql))
                // In a principal query, order by is only added if there is an offset-fetch (usually in the root query)
                orderbySql = "";

            // (7) Finally put together the final SQL statement and return it
            string sql = QueryTools.CombineSql(
                selectSql: selectSql,
                joinSql: joinSql,
                principalQuerySql: principalQuerySql,
                whereSql: whereSql,
                orderbySql: orderbySql,
                offsetFetchSql: offsetFetchSql,
                groupbySql: null

            // (8) Return the result
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the join tree
        /// </summary>
        private JoinTree PrepareJoin()
            // construct the join tree
            var allPaths = new List <string[]>();

            if (Select != null)
                allPaths.AddRange(Select.Select(e => e.Path));

            if (Filter != null)
                allPaths.AddRange(Filter.Select(e => e.Path));

            // This will represent the mapping from paths to symbols
            var joinTree = JoinTree.Make(ResultType, allPaths);

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the <see cref="JoinTree"/> from the paths in all the arguments
        /// </summary>
        private JoinTree PrepareJoin(ArraySegment <string>?pathToCollection = null)
            // construct the join tree
            var allPaths = new List <string[]>();

            if (Select != null)
                allPaths.AddRange(Select.Select(e => e.Path));

            if (Expand != null)
                allPaths.AddRange(Expand.Select(e => e.Path));

            if (Filter != null)
                allPaths.AddRange(Filter.Select(e => e.Path));

            if (OrderBy != null)
                allPaths.AddRange(OrderBy.Select(e => e.Path));

            if (pathToCollection != null)
                var pathToCollectionEntity = new ArraySegment <string>(
                    pathToCollection.Value.Count - 1);


            // This will represent the mapping from paths to symbols
            return(JoinTree.Make(ResultType, allPaths));
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the SELECT statement and the column map, as it would appear in the INNER JOIN of another query that relies on this as its principal
        /// </summary>
        private SqlSelectClause PrepareSelectAsPrincipal(JoinTree joinTree, ArraySegment <string> pathToCollection, bool isAncestorExpand)
            // Take the segment without the last item
            var pathToCollectionEntity = new ArraySegment <string>(
                pathToCollection.Count - 1);

            string symbol = joinTree[pathToCollectionEntity]?.Symbol;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(symbol))
                // Developer mistake
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find the path {string.Join("/", pathToCollectionEntity)} in the joinTree");

            var columns = new List <(string Symbol, ArraySegment <string> Path, string PropName)>
                (symbol, pathToCollectionEntity, isAncestorExpand ? "Node" : "Id")

            return(new SqlSelectClause(columns));
コード例 #10
ファイル: QueryTools.cs プロジェクト: azhkhn/tellma
        /// <summary>
        /// Turns a filter expression into an SQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword), adds all required parameters into the <see cref="SqlStatementParameters"/>
        /// </summary>
        public static string FilterToSql(FilterExpression e, Func <Type, string> sources, SqlStatementParameters ps, JoinTree joinTree, int userId, DateTime?userToday)
            if (e == null)

            // This inner function just relieves us of having to pass all the above parameters each time, they just become part of its closure
            string FilterToSqlInner(FilterExpression exp)
                if (exp is FilterConjunction conExp)
                    return($"({FilterToSqlInner(conExp.Left)}) AND ({FilterToSqlInner(conExp.Right)})");

                if (exp is FilterDisjunction disExp)
                    return($"({FilterToSqlInner(disExp.Left)}) OR ({FilterToSqlInner(disExp.Right)})");

                if (exp is FilterNegation notExp)
                    return($"NOT ({FilterToSqlInner(notExp.Inner)})");

                if (exp is FilterAtom atom)
                    // (A) Prepare the symbol corresponding to the path, e.g. P1
                    var join = joinTree[atom.Path];
                    if (join == null)
                        // Developer mistake
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The path '{string.Join('/', atom.Path)}' was not found in the joinTree");
                    var symbol = join.Symbol;

                    // (B) Determine the type of the property and its value
                    var propName = atom.Property;
                    var prop     = join.Type.GetProperty(propName);
                    if (prop == null)
                        // Developer mistake
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find property {propName} on type {join.Type}");

                    // The type of the first operand
                    var propType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType) ?? prop.PropertyType;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(atom.Modifier))
                        // So far all modifiers are only applicable for date properties
                        if (propType != typeof(DateTime) && propType != typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                            // Developer mistake
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"The modifier {atom.Modifier} is not valid for property {propName} since it is not of type DateTime or DateTimeOffset");

                        // So far all modifiers are date modifiers that return INT
                        propType = typeof(int);

                    // The expected type of the second operand (different in the case of hierarchyId)
                    var expectedValueType = propType;
                    if (expectedValueType == typeof(HierarchyId))
                        var idType = join.Type.GetProperty("Id")?.PropertyType;
                        if (idType == null)
                            // Programmer mistake
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Type {join.Type} is a tree structure but has no Id property");

                        expectedValueType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(idType) ?? idType;

                    // (C) Prepare the value (e.g. "'Huntington Rd.'")
                    var    valueString = atom.Value;
                    object value;
                    bool   isNull = false;
                    switch (valueString?.ToLower())
                    // This checks all built-in values
                    case "null":
                        value  = null;
                        isNull = true;

                    case "me":
                        value = userId;

                    // Relative DateTime values
                    case "startofyear":
                        EnsureTypeDateTime(atom, propName, propType);

                        value = StartOfYear(userToday);

                    case "endofyear":
                        EnsureTypeDateTime(atom, propName, propType);

                        value = StartOfYear(userToday).AddYears(1);

                    case "startofquarter":
                        EnsureTypeDateTime(atom, propName, propType);

                        value = StartOfQuarter(userToday);

                    case "endofquarter":
                        EnsureTypeDateTime(atom, propName, propType);

                        value = StartOfQuarter(userToday).AddMonths(3);

                    case "startofmonth":
                        EnsureTypeDateTime(atom, propName, propType);

                        value = StartOfMonth(userToday);

                    case "endofmonth":
                        EnsureTypeDateTime(atom, propName, propType);

                        value = StartOfMonth(userToday).AddMonths(1);

                    case "today":
                        EnsureTypeDateTime(atom, propName, propType);

                        value = Today(userToday);

                    case "endofday":
                        EnsureTypeDateTime(atom, propName, propType);

                        value = Today(userToday).AddDays(1);

                    case "now":
                        EnsureTypeDateTimeOffset(atom, propName, propType);

                        var now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                        value = now;

                        if (expectedValueType == typeof(string) || expectedValueType == typeof(char))
                            if (!valueString.StartsWith("'") || !valueString.EndsWith("'"))
                                // Developer mistake
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Property {propName} is of type String, therefore the value it is compared to must be enclosed in single quotation marks");

                            valueString = valueString[1..^ 1];
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the WHERE clause of the SQL query from the <see cref="Filter"/> argument: WHERE ABC
        /// </summary>
        private string PrepareWhere(Func <Type, string> sources, JoinTree joinTree, SqlStatementParameters ps, int userId, DateTime?userToday)
            // WHERE is cached
            if (_cachedWhere == null)
                string whereFilter      = null;
                string whereInIds       = null;
                string whereInParentIds = null;

                if (Filter != null)
                    whereFilter = QueryTools.FilterToSql(Filter, sources, ps, joinTree, userId, userToday);

                if (Ids != null && Ids.Count() >= 1)
                    if (Ids.Count() == 1)
                        string paramName = ps.AddParameter(Ids.Single());
                        whereInIds = $"[P].[Id] = @{paramName}";
                        var isIntKey    = (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(KeyType) ?? KeyType) == typeof(int);
                        var isStringKey = KeyType == typeof(string);

                        // Prepare the ids table
                        DataTable idsTable = isIntKey ? RepositoryUtilities.DataTable(Ids.Select(id => new { Id = (int)id }))
                            : isStringKey?RepositoryUtilities.DataTable(Ids.Select(id => new { Id = id.ToString() }))
                                                 : throw new InvalidOperationException("Only string and Integer Ids are supported");

                        var idsTvp = new SqlParameter("@Ids", idsTable)
                            TypeName = isIntKey ? "[dbo].[IdList]" : isStringKey ? "[dbo].[StringList]" : throw new InvalidOperationException("Only string and Integer Ids are supported"),
                                             SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured

                        whereInIds = $"[P].[Id] IN (SELECT Id FROM @Ids)";

                if (ParentIds != null)
                    if (!ParentIds.Any())
                        if (IncludeRoots)
                            whereInParentIds = $"[P].[ParentId] IS NULL";
                    else if (ParentIds.Count() == 1)
                        string paramName = ps.AddParameter(ParentIds.Single());
                        whereInParentIds = $"[P].[ParentId] = @{paramName}";
                        if (IncludeRoots)
                            whereInParentIds += " OR [P].[ParentId] IS NULL";
                        var isIntKey    = (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(KeyType) ?? KeyType) == typeof(int);
                        var isStringKey = KeyType == typeof(string);

                        // Prepare the data table
                        DataTable parentIdsTable = new DataTable();
                        string    propName       = "Id";
                        var       column         = new DataColumn(propName, KeyType);
                        if (isStringKey)
                            column.MaxLength = 450; // Just for performance
                        foreach (var id in ParentIds.Where(e => e != null))
                            DataRow row = parentIdsTable.NewRow();
                            row[propName] = id;

                        // Prepare the TVP
                        var parentIdsTvp = new SqlParameter("@ParentIds", parentIdsTable)
                            TypeName = isIntKey ? "[dbo].[IdList]" : isStringKey ? "[dbo].[StringList]" : throw new InvalidOperationException("Only string and Integer ParentIds are supported"),
                                             SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured

                        whereInParentIds = $"[P].[ParentId] IN (SELECT Id FROM @ParentIds)";
                        if (IncludeRoots)
                            whereInParentIds += " OR [P].[ParentId] IS NULL";

                // The final WHERE clause (if any)
                string whereSql = "";

                var clauses = new List <string> {
                    whereFilter, whereInIds, whereInParentIds
                }.Where(e => e != null);
                if (clauses.Any())
                    whereSql = clauses.Aggregate((c1, c2) => $"{c1}) AND ({c2}");
                    whereSql = $"WHERE ({whereSql})";

                _cachedWhere = whereSql;

コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the SELECT statement and the column map, using the <see cref="Select"/> argument
        /// </summary>
        private SqlSelectClause PrepareSelect(JoinTree joinTree)
            var selects = new HashSet <(string Symbol, string PropName)>();
            var columns = new List <(string Symbol, ArraySegment <string> Path, string PropName)>();

            void AddSelect(string symbol, ArraySegment <string> path, string propName)
                // NULL happens when there is a select that has been segmented from the middle
                // and the first section of the segment no longer terminates with a simple property
                // propName = propName ?? "Id";
                if (propName == null)

                if (selects.Add((symbol, propName)))
                    columns.Add((symbol, path, propName));

            // Any path step that is touched by a select (which has a property) ignores the expand, the joinTree below
            // allows us to efficiently check if any particular step is touched by a select
            JoinTree overridingSelectTree = Select == null ? null : JoinTree.Make(ResultType, Select.Select(e => e.Path)); // Overriding select paths

            // Optimization: remember the joins that have been selected and don't select them again
            HashSet <JoinTree> selectedJoins = new HashSet <JoinTree>();

            // For every expanded entity that has not been tainted by a select argument, we add all its properties to the list of selects
            Expand ??= ExpandExpression.Empty;
            foreach (var expand in Expand.Union(ExpandExpression.RootSingleton))
                string[] path = expand.Path;
                for (int i = 0; i <= path.Length; i++)
                    var subpath     = new ArraySegment <string>(path, 0, i);
                    var selectMatch = overridingSelectTree?[subpath];
                    if (selectMatch == null) // This expand is not overridden by a select
                        var join = joinTree[subpath];
                        if (join == null)
                            // Developer mistake
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"The path '{string.Join('/', subpath)}' was not found in the joinTree");
                        else if (selectedJoins.Contains(join))

                        foreach (var prop in join.Type.GetMappedProperties())
                            AddSelect(join.Symbol, subpath, prop.Name);

            if (Select != null)
                foreach (var select in Select)
                    // Add the property
                    string[] path = select.Path;
                        var join     = joinTree[path];
                        var propName = select.Property; // Can be null
                        AddSelect(join.Symbol, path, propName);

                    // In this loop we ensure all levels to the selected properties
                    // have their Ids and Foreign Keys added to the select collection
                    for (int i = 0; i <= path.Length; i++)
                        var subpath = new ArraySegment <string>(path, 0, i);
                        var join    = joinTree[subpath];
                        if (join == null)
                            // Developer mistake
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"The path '{string.Join('/', subpath)}' was not found in the joinTree");
                        else if (selectedJoins.Contains(join))
                            // All properties were added earlier in an expand

                        // The Id is ALWAYS required in every EntityWithKey
                        if (join.Type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EntityWithKey)))
                            AddSelect(join.Symbol, subpath, "Id");

                        // Add all the foreign keys to the next level down
                        foreach (var nextJoin in join.Values)
                            AddSelect(join.Symbol, subpath, nextJoin.ForeignKeyName);

            // If the foreign key to the principal query is specified, then always include that
            // otherwise there will be no way to link the collection to the principal query once we load the data
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ForeignKeyToPrincipalQuery))
                var path = new string[0];
                AddSelect(joinTree.Symbol, path, ForeignKeyToPrincipalQuery);

            // Deals with trees
            foreach (var path in PathsToParentEntitiesWithExpandedAncestors)
                var join = joinTree[path];
                AddSelect(join.Symbol, path, "ParentId");

            if (IsAncestorExpand)
                var path = new string[0];
                AddSelect(joinTree.Symbol, path, "ParentId");

            // Change the hash set to a list so that the order is well defined
            return(new SqlSelectClause(columns));