public void ReloadFromData(SplineCanvasData data) { // Clear everything Reset(); bulbs.Clear(); foreach (BulbData bData in data.bulbs) { // Make bulbs at all the saved positions with the saved radii DraggablePoint pt = AddBulb(bData.position.GetVector()); pt.SetSize(bData.radius); pt.containingCanvas = this; if (bData.type == PointType.Spline) { pt.SwitchBulbType(PointType.Bulb); } else { pt.SwitchBulbType(bData.type); } } foreach (SplineData sData in data.splines) { // Convert the serialized vectors to Unity vectors List <Vector3> posList = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (V3Serialize v3s in sData.points) { posList.Add(v3s.GetVector()); } // Make a spline with the same control points CatmullRomSpline spline = CatmullRomSpline.SplineOfPoints(posList); AddExistingSpline(spline); // Set the begin/end bulbs if (sData.startBulb >= 0) { spline.StartBulb = bulbs[sData.startBulb]; } if (sData.endBulb >= 0) { spline.EndBulb = bulbs[sData.endBulb]; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("ToggleMode")) { if (currentMode == DesignerMode.Shell) { currentMode = DesignerMode.Curve; modeText.text = "Curve mode"; } else if (currentMode == DesignerMode.Curve) { currentMode = DesignerMode.Curvature; modeText.text = "Curvature mode"; } else if (currentMode == DesignerMode.Curvature) { currentMode = DesignerMode.Shell; modeText.text = "Shell mode"; } } RaycastHit hitInfo = new RaycastHit(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && RaycastShells(Input.mousePosition, out hitInfo)) { TelescopeShell selection = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent <TelescopeShell>(); DraggablePoint draggablePt = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent <DraggablePoint>(); if (selection) { SelectShell(selection); } else if (draggablePt) { draggable = draggablePt; selectedDepth = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(draggablePt.transform.position).z; } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("r") && RaycastShells(Input.mousePosition, out hitInfo)) { DraggablePoint draggablePt = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent <DraggablePoint>(); if (draggablePt && draggablePt.parentSpline) { Debug.Log("Reverse " +; draggablePt.parentSpline.Reverse(); } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("j") && RaycastShells(Input.mousePosition, out hitInfo)) { DraggablePoint draggablePt = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent <DraggablePoint>(); if (draggablePt) { if (draggablePt.Type == PointType.Bulb) { draggablePt.SwitchBulbType(PointType.EmptyJuncture); } else if (draggablePt.Type == PointType.EmptyJuncture) { draggablePt.SwitchBulbType(PointType.Bulb); } } } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && draggable) { Vector3 clickPos = Input.mousePosition; clickPos.z = selectedDepth; Vector3 worldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(clickPos); DraggablePoint intersectedBulb = splineCanvas.IntersectedBulb(worldPos); if (draggable.Type == PointType.Spline && draggable.IsEndPoint() && intersectedBulb) { draggable.AttachToBulb(intersectedBulb); } else { draggable.Move(worldPos); } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && RaycastShells(Input.mousePosition, out hitInfo)) { Vector3 clickPos = Input.mousePosition; DraggablePoint clicked = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent <DraggablePoint>(); if (clicked) { if (Input.GetKey("left ctrl")) { clicked.Delete(); } else { clicked.Duplicate(); } } // Store the eye-space position of the click. // Use eye space because we always want moving up/down to correspond // to bigger or smaller, regardless of camera orientation. lastMousePos = clickPos; lastMousePos.z = selectedDepth; lastMousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(lastMousePos); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2) && RaycastShells(Input.mousePosition, out hitInfo)) { Vector3 clickPos = Input.mousePosition; // Store the eye-space position of the click. // Use eye space because we always want moving up/down to correspond // to bigger or smaller, regardless of camera orientation. lastMousePos = clickPos; lastMousePos.z = selectedDepth; lastMousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(lastMousePos); } else if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0 && RaycastShells(Input.mousePosition, out hitInfo)) { DraggablePoint draggablePt = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent <DraggablePoint>(); if (draggablePt) { float change = Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * 0.05f; draggablePt.Resize(change); } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("delete") && RaycastShells(Input.mousePosition, out hitInfo)) { DraggablePoint draggablePt = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent <DraggablePoint>(); if (draggablePt) { draggablePt.Delete(); } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("b") && RaycastShells(Input.mousePosition, out hitInfo)) { DraggablePoint draggablePt = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent <DraggablePoint>(); if (draggablePt) { draggablePt.ReplaceWithBulb(); } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2)) { draggable = null; } else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel")) { Deselect(); } else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Submit")) { Debug.Log("submit"); } shootTime += Time.deltaTime; if (shootTime > shootDelay && Input.GetKey("z")) { ShootSphere(); } }