コード例 #1
        public void GetStringContent_WithInlineEditingAttribute_TextElementProperlyCreated()
            // Arrange
            var htmlProcessor = new HtmlProcessor();
            var dummyWidgetModel = new DummyWidgetModel { EditableContent = this.dummyContent, NonEditableContent = this.dummyContent };

            var fieldName = "DummyWidget";
            var type = "LongText";

            // Act
            string inlineeditingAwareContent = htmlProcessor.GetStringContent(dummyWidgetModel, "EditableContent");

            // Assert
            using (var parser = new HtmlParser(inlineeditingAwareContent))
                HtmlChunk chunk = parser.ParseNext();

                // checks if the HTML tag is of type div and if it has the required attributes
                Assert.IsTrue(chunk.TagName.Equals(this.htmlWrapperTag, StringComparison.Ordinal), "There is no wrapper div appended to the property representation.");
                Assert.IsTrue(chunk.HasAttribute(this.fieldAttribute), "The field attribute is not appended correctly.");
                Assert.IsTrue(chunk.HasAttribute(this.fieldTypeAttribute), "The field type attribute is not appended correctly.");

                // checks if the required attributes has proper values assigned to them
                Assert.AreEqual(fieldName, chunk.GetParamValue(this.fieldAttribute), "The value of the field attribute is not correct.");
                Assert.AreEqual(type, chunk.GetParamValue(this.fieldTypeAttribute), "The value of the fieldType attribute is not correct.");

コード例 #2
        public void GetStringContent_WithoutInlineEditingAttribute_PreservesContent()
            // Arrange
            var htmlProcessor = new HtmlProcessor();
            var dummyWidgetModel = new DummyWidgetModel { EditableContent = this.dummyContent, NonEditableContent = this.dummyContent };

            // Act
            var nonInlineeditingAwareContent = htmlProcessor.GetStringContent(dummyWidgetModel, "NonEditableContent");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(this.dummyContent, nonInlineeditingAwareContent, "The content is not preserved correctly.");