public string Molpay(OrderRecord order, string country, string firstName, string lastName, string email, string state, string phone, double deliveryCost) { var setting = _paymentSettingsService.GetAllSettigns() .FirstOrDefault(s => s.CountryRecord.Id == _countryService.GetCountryByCulture(_cultureUsed).Id); //var merchantId = "teeyoot1_Dev"; //var verifyKey = "856287426298f7e8508eae9896c09c03"; var merchantId = setting.MerchantIdMol; var verifyKey = setting.VerifyKey; //var Total = order.TotalPrice; var total = ((order.TotalPriceWithPromo != 0 ? order.TotalPriceWithPromo : order.TotalPrice) + deliveryCost) .ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var OrderNumber = order.Id; var campaign = _campaignService.GetCampaignById(order.Products.First().CampaignProductRecord.CampaignRecord_Id); var title = campaign.Title; var campId = campaign.Id; var name = firstName + " " + lastName; var Email = email; var Phone = phone; var description = campId + ", " + title + "," + "\nOrdered from Teeyoot " + country + " " + state; var vCode = GetVCode(total + merchantId + OrderNumber + verifyKey); //var paymentUrl = ""; //if (method == "credit") // { // paymentUrl = "" + merchantId + "?amount=" + // Total + "&orderid=" + OrderNumber + // "&bill_name=" + Name + "&channel=credit&bill_email=" + Email + "&bill_mobile=" + Phone + // "&bill_desc=" + Description + "&vcode=" + vCode; // } else { var paymentUrl = "" + merchantId + "?amount=" + total + "&orderid=" + OrderNumber + "&bill_name=" + name + "&bill_email=" + Email + "&bill_mobile=" + Phone + "&bill_desc=" + description + "&vcode=" + vCode; //} return paymentUrl; }
private MandrillMessage InitMandrillMessage(OrderRecord order) { var mandrillMessage = new MandrillMessage() { }; mandrillMessage.MergeLanguage = MandrillMessageMergeLanguage.Handlebars; mandrillMessage.FromEmail = ADMIN_EMAIL; mandrillMessage.Subject = "Your order"; List<MandrillMailAddress> emails = new List<MandrillMailAddress>(); emails.Add(new MandrillMailAddress(order.Email)); mandrillMessage.To = emails; return mandrillMessage; }
private void FillUserMergeVars(MandrillMessage message, OrderRecord record, string adminEmail) { message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "FNAME", record.FirstName); message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "LNAME", record.LastName); message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "CITY", record.City); message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "CLIENT_EMAIL", record.Email); message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "STATE", record.State); message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "PHONE", record.PhoneNumber); message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "STREET_ADDRESS", record.StreetAddress); message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "COUNTRY", record.Country); double totalPrice; if (record.TotalPriceWithPromo > 0.0) { totalPrice = record.TotalPriceWithPromo + record.Delivery; message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "TOTALPRICE", totalPrice.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { totalPrice = record.TotalPrice + record.Delivery; message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "TOTALPRICE", totalPrice.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (record.Delivery > 0.0) { message.AddRcptMergeVars(adminEmail, "DELIVERYPRICE", record.Delivery.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (record.Promotion > 0.0) { message.AddRcptMergeVars(record.Email, "PROMOTIONSIZE", record.Promotion.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } }
public OrderRecord CreateOrder(IEnumerable<OrderProductViewModel> products) { try { var order = new OrderRecord() { Created = DateTime.UtcNow, CurrencyRecord = _currencyRepository.Get(products.First().CurrencyId), OrderStatusRecord = _orderStatusRepository.Get(int.Parse(OrderStatus.Approved.ToString("d"))), OrderPublicId = "", IsActive = false }; _orderRepository.Create(order); var ticks = DateTime.Now.Date.Ticks; while (ticks%10 == 0) { ticks = ticks/10; } order.OrderPublicId = (ticks + order.Id).ToString(); _orderRepository.Update(order); var productsList = new List<LinkOrderCampaignProductRecord>(); double totalPrice = 0; foreach (var product in products) { var campaignProduct = _campaignService.GetCampaignProductById(product.ProductId); var orderProduct = new LinkOrderCampaignProductRecord() { Count = product.Count, ProductSizeRecord = _sizeRepository.Get(product.SizeId), CampaignProductRecord = campaignProduct, OrderRecord = order, ProductColorRecord = product.ColorId == null || product.ColorId == 0 ? null : _colorRepository.Get(product.ColorId) }; totalPrice = totalPrice + product.Price*product.Count; _ocpRepository.Create(orderProduct); productsList.Add(orderProduct); } order.TotalPrice = totalPrice; order.Products = productsList; var campaignId = order.Products.First().CampaignProductRecord.CampaignRecord_Id; var campaign = _campaignRepository.Get(campaignId); // It is impossible that TeeyootUserId equals null if (campaign.TeeyootUserId == null) { throw new ApplicationException( "It is impossible that TeeyootUserId equals null but this finally has happened."); } var teeyootUser = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get<TeeyootUserPart>(campaign.TeeyootUserId.Value); order.SellerCountry = teeyootUser.CountryRecord; _orderRepository.Update(order); return order; } catch { throw; } }
public void UpdateOrder(OrderRecord order) { _orderRepository.Update(order); }
public void UpdateOrder(OrderRecord order, OrderStatus status) { order.OrderStatusRecord = _orderStatusRepository.Get(int.Parse(status.ToString("d"))); _orderRepository.Update(order); }