public ActionResult Edit(int id, Session updatedSession) { SessionModelContainer ctx = new SessionModelContainer(); Session currentSession = ctx.Sessions.First(s => s.Id == id); String message = currentSession.Code + ": "; bool changed = false; currentSession.Code = updatedSession.Code; if (currentSession.Title != updatedSession.Title) { currentSession.Title = updatedSession.Title; message += "Title changed to "+updatedSession.Title; changed = true; } if (currentSession.Room != updatedSession.Room) { currentSession.Room = updatedSession.Room; message += "Room changed to "+updatedSession.Room; changed = true; } if (changed) { // send a push notification message to the device string host = ""; int port = 2195; // load the certificate file string certPath = @"c:\temp\teched_APN.p12"; X509Certificate2 clientCert = new X509Certificate2(certPath, "Password"); X509Certificate2Collection certCollection = new X509Certificate2Collection(clientCert); // open connection and connect TcpClient client = new TcpClient(host, port); SslStream sslStream = new SslStream(client.GetStream(), false); try { sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(host, certCollection, SslProtocols.Tls, false); } catch (AuthenticationException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.ToString()); Console.In.Read(); client.Close(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); // construct the message writer.Write((byte)0); // Command writer.Write((byte)0); // First byte of device ID length writer.Write((byte)32); // Device id length String deviceId = "e18ac3b8a408e4e972e171a05cdba8f046ff3724ef999093c2b479397b8c40fe"; //Simon's iPhone // convert to hex and write to message byte[] deviceToken = new byte[deviceId.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < deviceToken.Length; i++) deviceToken[i] = byte.Parse(deviceId.Substring(i * 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); writer.Write(deviceToken); // construct payload within JSON message framework String payload = "{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\""+message+"\",\"badge\":1}}"; // write payload data writer.Write((byte)0); // First byte of payload length writer.Write((byte)payload.Length); // Actual payload length byte[] b1 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload); writer.Write(b1); writer.Flush(); // send across the wire byte[] array = memoryStream.ToArray(); sslStream.Write(array); sslStream.Flush(); // Close the client connection. client.Close(); // Success Console.WriteLine("Message has been sent! Please check device."); Console.In.Read(); } ctx.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public ActionResult Reset() { SessionModelContainer ctx = new SessionModelContainer(); // First let's get rid of the old data List<Session> sessionsToBeDeleted = ctx.Sessions.ToList(); foreach (Session session in sessionsToBeDeleted) { session.PrimarySpeakers.Clear(); session.AssistantSpeakers.Clear(); ctx.SaveChanges(); ctx.DeleteObject(session); } ctx.SaveChanges(); List<Speaker> speakersToBeDeleted = ctx.Speakers.ToList(); foreach (Speaker speaker in speakersToBeDeleted) { ctx.DeleteObject(speaker); } ctx.SaveChanges(); List<Timeslot> timeslotsToBeDeleted = ctx.Timeslots.ToList(); foreach (Timeslot timeslot in timeslotsToBeDeleted) { ctx.DeleteObject(timeslot); } ctx.SaveChanges(); // Create the new sample data for the demo Timeslot mySlot = new Timeslot() { Name = "Timeslot 15", Start = new DateTime(2011, 5, 17, 13, 30, 0), End = new DateTime(2011, 5, 17, 14, 45, 0) }; mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "BOF06-DEV", Title = "How on Earth Do I Keep Up with All the New Technologies That Come Along?", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Peter Mourfield") }, Room = "B209" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "BOF06-ITP", Title = "When Is Cloud an Option?", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Dmitry Sotnikov") }, Room = "B210" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "COS315", Title = "Building Windows Phone Applications with the Windows Azure Platform", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Wade Wegner") }, Room = "C211" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DBI211", Title = "What’s New in Microsoft SQL Server Code-Named Denali for Reporting Services", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Ariel Netz") }, Room = "C203" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DBI304", Title = "What's New in Manageability for Microsoft SQL Server Code- Named Denali", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Denny Cherry") }, Room = "B207" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DBI323", Title = "Using Cloud (Microsoft SQL Azure) and PowerPivot to Deliver Data and Self-Service BI at Microsoft", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Diana Putnam") }, Room = "C208" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DEV209", Title = "From Zero to Silverlight in 75 Minutes", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Paul Sheriff") }, Room = "C305" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DEV304", Title = "Advanced Programming Patterns for Windows 7", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Kate Gregory") }, Room = "B103" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DEV306", Title = "Branching and Merging for Parallel Development", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Jeff Levinson") }, Room = "B101" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DEV345", Title = "Writing an ASP.NET MVC View Engine", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Louis DeJardin") }, Room = "B211" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DEV355", Title = "Orchard 1.1: Build, Customize, Extend, Ship", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Sebastien Ros") }, Room = "C205" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DPR209", Title = "Fundamental Design Principles for UI Developers", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Billy Hollis") }, Room = "B406" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "DPR304", Title = "My Customers Are Using iPhone/Android, but I'm a Microsoft Guy. Now What?", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Simon Guest") }, Room = "Georgia Ballroom 1" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "EXL307", Title = "Load Balancing with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Andrew Ehrensing") }, Room = "B206" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "MID201", Title = "An Overview of the Microsoft Middleware Strategy", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Robert Dimpsey") }, Room = "B314" }); mySlot.Sessions.Add(new Session() { Code = "OSP213", Title = "What Do Existing BPOS Customers Need to Do to Prepare for Microsoft Office 365?", PrimarySpeakers = new EntityCollection<Speaker>() { new Speaker("Erik Ashby") }, Room = "B314" }); // create context and add ctx.AddToTimeslots(mySlot); ctx.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Message = "Sample data reset and loaded."; return View("Index"); }