コード例 #1
        private static async Task Main()
            _server = new Server(CancellationTokenSource);

            var listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, Port);


            Console.WriteLine($"Server started on port: {Port}.");

            var requestTasks = new HashSet <Task>();

            while (!CancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    //With wait cancellation allows to cancel the acceptTcpClientAsync, if the server is currently
                    //waiting for more connections and someone already shut it down
                    var client = await listener

                    //used to let the client know that he is now connected
                    //server "handshake"
                    await WriteResponse(client.GetStream(),
                                        ResponseFactory.SuccessResponse("Connection established with success."));

                    Console.WriteLine($"connection accepted with id: {_connectionIdCounter++}.\n");

                    //add the client to a task container "requestTasks" that will be awaited on server shutdown
                    requestTasks.Add(HandleResponse(client, _connectionIdCounter));

                    //if the server limit was reached stop receiving more requests until one of the current ones finishes
                    if (requestTasks.Count == MaximumConcurrentClients)
                        requestTasks.Remove(await Task.WhenAny(requestTasks));
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    //on cancellation a shutdown is occurring, no need to handle the exception
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Unknown error: {e.Message}");

            //wait for all tasks to be completed except the one that initiated the shutdown
            while (requestTasks.Count > 1)
                requestTasks.Remove(await Task.WhenAny(requestTasks));

            //terminates the timeout on server shutdown

            //Wait for the last task to complete
            await Task.WhenAny(requestTasks);


            Console.Write("Server shutdown successful.\n");