public PasswordCollectForm(TasksBitField tasklist, bool oldTravExists, bool oldHDExists, bool tsdataExists) { InitializeComponent(); // setup form panels and size for passwords needed this.ActiveControl = this.passHDnewP; if (!tasklist.TestTrav()) { // No traveler this.Height -= panelTrav.Height; //HD only no traveler this.Controls.Remove(panelTrav); } else if (!tasklist.TestHD()) {//Traveler only no hard drive this.Controls.Remove(panelHD); this.Height -= panelHD.Height; this.ActiveControl = this.passTravNewP; } if (tasklist.TestTrav() && !(tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTcfileOldCopy) || oldTravExists)) {// we have NO old Trav file therefore no old P this.panelTrav.Controls.Remove(panelTravOldP); this.panelTrav.Height -= panelTravOldP.Height; this.panelTrav.Top += panelTravOldP.Height; this.Height -= panelTravOldP.Height; } if (tasklist.TestHD() && !(tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcfileOldRename) || oldHDExists)) { // we have NO old HD files therefore no old P,S this.panelHD.Controls.Remove(panelHDoldP); //no HD old p ie just create new P this.Height -= panelHDoldP.Height; } if (tasklist.TestHD() && !tsdataExists) {//no HD old S drive this.panelHD.Controls.Remove(panelHDoldS); this.Height -= panelHDoldS.Height; } }
public PasswordCollectForm(TasksBitField tasklist, bool oldTravExists, bool oldHDExists, bool tsdataExists) { InitializeComponent(); // setup form panels and size for passwords needed this.ActiveControl = this.passHDnewP; if(!tasklist.TestTrav()) {// No traveler this.Height -= panelTrav.Height; //HD only no traveler this.Controls.Remove(panelTrav); } else if (!tasklist.TestHD()) {//Traveler only no hard drive this.Controls.Remove(panelHD); this.Height -= panelHD.Height; this.ActiveControl = this.passTravNewP; } if (tasklist.TestTrav() && !(tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTcfileOldCopy)|| oldTravExists)) {// we have NO old Trav file therefore no old P this.panelTrav.Controls.Remove(panelTravOldP); this.panelTrav.Height -= panelTravOldP.Height; this.panelTrav.Top += panelTravOldP.Height; this.Height -= panelTravOldP.Height; } if (tasklist.TestHD() && !(tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcfileOldRename) || oldHDExists)) {// we have NO old HD files therefore no old P,S this.panelHD.Controls.Remove(panelHDoldP); //no HD old p ie just create new P this.Height -= panelHDoldP.Height; } if (tasklist.TestHD() && !tsdataExists) {//no HD old S drive this.panelHD.Controls.Remove(panelHDoldS); this.Height -= panelHDoldS.Height; } }
private void RemoveTravelerTCFiles(string path) //for Traveler { List <string> files = new List <string>(); try { if (!tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTASwOldIsver6_2)) { files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(path, "TC*")); } files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(path, "truecrypt*")); } catch (System.NullReferenceException) { Log.WritWTime("null ref in remove Traveler files=" + path); return; } foreach (var item in files) { File.Delete(item); } File.Delete(path + "autorun.inf"); File.Delete(path + "Configuration.xml"); File.Delete(path + "StartTraveler.bat"); File.Delete(path + "IdentifyTRAV.vbs"); File.Delete(path + "decryption.ico"); File.Delete(path + "IdentifyEXT.vbs"); File.Delete(path + "StartExternal.bat"); File.Delete(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\TC stop"); if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTASwOldIsver6_2)) {//6.2 or greater DeleteFilesInDir(path); File.Delete(path.Substring(0, 3) + "autorun.inf"); File.Delete(path.Substring(0, 3) + "Start Traveler.bat"); File.Delete(path.Substring(0, 3) + "Start Traveler.exe"); } }
public void DoTasks(TasksBitField tasklistPassed,TrueCryptFile tcFileHDOld, TrueCryptFile tcFileTravOld) { tasklist = tasklistPassed; TrueCryptFile tcFileHDoldS = null; progOverall = new ProgessOverall(); //get teh progress form initialized Thread progressThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(progOverall.ProgShow)); // starts progress window in new thread initial text is in progshow method progressThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(200); //allow window to appear progUpdate = new ProgUpdateDelegate(progOverall.ProgUpdate); //delegate for later use in updating window progUpdateLin2 = new ProgUpdateDelegate(progOverall.ProgUpdate2); //used for second line in traveler section progUpdateLin2notVis = new ProgUpdateDelegate1(progOverall.ProgUpdLin2notVis); //used to make second line in traveler section not visible Log.WritSection("Starting TaskList"); #region HD Rename old TC File(s) if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcfileOldRename)) { Log.WritWTime("HD Renaming = " + tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath); tcFileHDOld.ReName(""); string fileNames = ""; //check for existence of s file if (File.Exists(tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath.Substring(0,tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath.LastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\")) {//create a new tcfile object tcFileHDoldS = new TrueCryptFile(); tcFileHDoldS.FileNamePath = tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath.Substring(0,tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath.LastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\"; Log.WritWTime("HD Renaming = " + tcFileHDoldS.FileNamePath); tcFileHDoldS.ReName(""); fileNames = tcFileHDoldS.FileNamePath +","; // we know we will be adding p } fileNames += tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath; //done to ensure order of copying later is s then P Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(regKeyName, "TFTAOld", fileNames); } #endregion // Get all passwords here After we know whether HD S exists string regKeyMigrationHD = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(regKeyName, "TFTAOld", ""); //get this here in case started with old file existing from previous run of utility string regKeyMigrationTrav = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(regKeyName, "TFTATravOld", ""); //same for Traveler, this key not set at this point in a normal run of utility PasswordCollectForm passCollect = new PasswordCollectForm(tasklist, regKeyMigrationTrav != "",regKeyMigrationHD != "",tcFileHDoldS != null); if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTCFileFormat) || tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travtcFileFormat)) {//need to get passwords passCollect.ShowDialog(); } #region HD TA SW old Delete if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTASwOldDelete)) { Log.WritWTime("Removing HD Old TA Files"); RemoveOldTaxAideFiles(); } #endregion #region HD TC SW uninstall if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcSwUninstall)) { Log.WritWTime("Upgrade TrueCrypt on the Hard Drive"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Hard Drive TrueCrypt Uninstall, re-install" }); //Close any TrueCrypt Drives Process proc1 = Process.Start(tcProgramFQN, " /q /d /f"); while (proc1.HasExited == false) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (proc1.ExitCode != 0) { MessageBox.Show(" TrueCrypt Drive Closing failed in some way before uninstall\nPlease close the TrueCrypt Drives manually and restart\n Exiting", mbCaption,MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification); Application.Exit(); } Log.WritSection("Uninstalling Hard Drive TrueCrypt Version " + FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(tcProgramFQN).FileVersion); TCWin.actionsList = new TcActionUninstall(); //sets up correct list of windows for tc uninstall StartUpDriveTC(tcProgramFQN.Substring(0, tcProgramFQN.Length - 4) + " setup.exe", " /u", "uninstall", "TrueCrypt Setup"); Thread.Sleep(2000); //Let uninstall settle //now have to make sure uninstall has really gone Process[] myProcArray = Process.GetProcessesByName("TrueCrypt Setup"); if (myProcArray.GetLength(0) > 0) {//the calling procedure is still running likely due to slow processor need to kill it. Log.WritWTime("TrueCrypt uninstall did not exit properly have to kill it"); myProcArray[0].Kill(); Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for kill to take effect } #region Delete any directories and files in truecrypt folder for 64 bit conversion string[] directories; if (Directory.Exists(tcProgramDirectory)) // make sure directory is truly gone because tc7.0 move to prog files from prog file(x86) { directories = Directory.GetDirectories(tcProgramDirectory); foreach (var dir in directories) { DeleteFilesInDir(dir); } DeleteFilesInDir(tcProgramDirectory); //finally the main directory } #endregion } #endregion #region HD TC SW Install if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcSwInstall)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Extracting TrueCrypt Setup File" }); CopyFileFromThisAssembly(tcSetupProgramName, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp")); Log.WritSection("Installing on Hard Drive " + tcSetupProgramName.Substring(0, tcSetupProgramName.Length - 4)); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "TrueCrypt Hard Drive Install" }); TCWin.actionsList = new TcActionInstall(); StartUpDriveTC(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName, "", "install", tcSetupProgramName.Substring(0, tcSetupProgramName.Length - 4)); //setup static field entries in case this is first time install tCryptRegEntry = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\TrueCryptVolume\Shell\open\command", "", ""); Log.WriteStrm.WriteLine("TrueCrypt Registry Entry = " + tCryptRegEntry); tcProgramFQN = tCryptRegEntry.Substring(1, tCryptRegEntry.Length - 10); //registry entry has a leading quote that needs to go tcProgramDirectory = tcProgramFQN.Substring(0, tcProgramFQN.Length - 14); File.Delete(Dlls.GetAllUsersDesktopFolderPath() + "\\TrueCrypt.lnk"); //gets newly installed truecrypt icon off desktop for xp if (DoTasksObj.osVer >= 6) { File.Delete(Dlls.GetSharedDesktop() + "\\TrueCrypt.lnk"); //gets newly installed truecrypt icon off desktop for vista 7 } } #endregion #region HD Tax-Aide SW Install if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTaxaideSwInstall)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Copying Tax-Aide script files" }); if (!Directory.Exists(tcProgramDirectory + "\\Tax-Aide")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tcProgramDirectory + "\\Tax-Aide"); } CopyTAFilesFromThisAssembly(tcProgramDirectory + "\\Tax-Aide"); } #endregion #region HD TC File Create/Format and OLD File Copy if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTCFileFormat)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "TrueCrypt Volume Creation" }); Log.WritSection("Start HD TrueCrypt Volume creation/Formatting"); TcActionFormat fo = new TcActionFormat(); TCWin.actionsList = fo; fo.SetEditBoxes(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewPath, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewSize.ToString(), passCollect.passHDnewP.Text + "\t" + passCollect.passHDnewP.Text); // password entry by duplicating it and separating by tab because TCAction only does single text entries. StartUpDriveTC(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt Format.exe","", "format", "Truecrypt volume creation wizard"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Migrating old Hard Drive TrueCrypt volume(s) files\r across to new Hard Drive TrueCrypt Volume" }); //test for file move due to old file if (regKeyMigrationHD != "") //thie string loaded early for password checking {//We have old files to move Log.WritSection("Have to Migrate old HD TrueCrypt volume(s) files across to new TrueCrypt Volume"); string[] oldFilePaths = regKeyMigrationHD.Split(new char[] { ',' }); //Prepare the user tcDriveOpen(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewPath, "NEW P", "", tcDriveLetter, passCollect.passHDnewP.Text); foreach (var item in oldFilePaths) { if (item.Contains("oldtsdata")) { tcDriveOpen(item, "OLD S", "", "S",passCollect.passHDoldS.Text); } else { tcDriveOpen(item, "OLD P", "", "S", passCollect.passHDoldP.Text); } try { Log.WritWTime("About to Copy old " + item); CopyDirectories("s:\\", tcDriveLetter + "\\"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritSection("Help = " + e.Message); MessageBox.Show("A problem occurred during copying. Restart the Utility to allow the recovery routines to work. The exception was\n" + e.Message); tcDriveClose("s"); tcDriveClose("p"); Environment.Exit(1); } tcDriveClose("s"); } tcDriveClose(tcDriveLetter.Substring(0,1)); //close p after copying old drives across foreach (var item in oldFilePaths) {// s already closed in loop so now delete files File.Delete(item); } Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rk = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(regsubKeyName); rk.DeleteValue("TFTAOld"); } } if (!tasklist.TestTrav()) {//no traveler progressThread.Abort(); } #endregion #region Trav TC file move to HD if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTcfileOldCopy)) { Log.WritSection("Copying Old traveler TC File to hard drive"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Copy old Traveler TrueCrypt volume to the hard drive" }); string moveLoc = TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewPath.Substring(0, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewPath.Length - GetTasksHI.tcFilename.Length) + "oldtrav" + GetTasksHI.tcFilename; // picks up path we are using on this system for tcfiles and standard new file name modified by old try { FileSystem.MoveFile(tcFileTravOld.FileNamePath, moveLoc, UIOption.AllDialogs); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritWTime("There was some kind of problem copying the existing TrueCrypt Traveler Volume. The exception is " + e.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("There was some kind of problem copying the existing TrueCrypt Traveler Volume. The exception is " + e.ToString() + "Exiting", DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } //Now let's set registry key for old file note traveler old file object path not updated by move Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(regKeyName, "TFTATravOld", moveLoc); // record in registry in case of reboot regKeyMigrationTrav = moveLoc; //setsup value for later testing for migration } #endregion #region Trav SW old delete if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTASwOldDelete)) { Log.WritWTime("Traveler TrueCrypt being upgraded=" + TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2)); //must use new filename for disk because old may not exist Log.WritWTime(" Now deleting old traveler files"); if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTASwOldIsver6_2)) { RemoveTravelerTCFiles(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\"); } else {//pre 6.2 traveler RemoveTravelerTCFiles(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 3)); } } #endregion #region Trav Sw Install if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travSwInstall)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Done deleting software, now for Traveler software install" }); Directory.CreateDirectory(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler"); //TA files copied at the end if (File.Exists(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName)) //COPY TC setup program so it is available to start script { //copies TC setup file to traveler so traveler script has it to upgrade progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Copying TrueCrypt Setup from Windows\\temp directory" }); try { File.Copy(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\" + tcSetupProgramName, true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritWTime("Exception in TC setup file Copying is " + e.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Error in Copying file see log File, Exiting", mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } } else { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Extracting TrueCrypt Setup" }); CopyFileFromThisAssembly(tcSetupProgramName, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler"); } if (tCryptRegEntry != null) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Copying TrueCrypt Software to Traveler\r from hard drive" }); try { File.Copy(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt.exe", TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\TrueCrypt.exe", true); File.Copy(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt.sys", TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\TrueCrypt.sys", true); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Copying TrueCrypt FORMATTING Software to Traveler\r from hard drive" }); File.Copy(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt Format.exe", TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\TrueCrypt Format.exe", true); File.Copy(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt-x64.sys", TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\TrueCrypt-x64.sys", true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritWTime("Exception in Truecrypt Files Copying is " + e.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Error in Copying files see log File, Exiting", mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } Log.WriteStrm.WriteLine("Traveler TrueCrypt upgraded to latest TrueCrypt release by copying host\'s files"); } else // no TC on host so must use Traveler TC { //have to extract TC files from setup since no TC on host have to cpy setup to temp progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Extracting Tax-Aide TrueCrypt Software to Traveler" }); tcProgramFQN = TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\truecrypt.exe"; tcProgramDirectory = tcProgramFQN.Substring(0, tcProgramFQN.Length - 14); CopyFileFromThisAssembly(tcSetupProgramName, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp")); Log.WritSection("Traveler TrueCrypt being upgraded to latest TrueCrypt release by extracting from TC setup"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Extracting TrueCrypt Software to Traveler" }); TcActionExtract ex = new TcActionExtract(); TCWin.actionsList = ex; ex.SetPath(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 3) + "Tax-Aide_Traveler"); StartUpDriveTC(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName, "", "extract", tcSetupProgramName.Substring(0, tcSetupProgramName.Length - 4)); } //TrueCrypt files setup copy Taxaide files here progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Extracting Tax-Aide Scripts to Traveler" }); CopyTAFilesFromThisAssembly(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 3) + "Tax-Aide_Traveler"); Log.WritSection("TrueCrypt Program Path to be used for Traveler purposes = " + tcProgramFQN); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2notVis); } #endregion #region Trav tc File Create/Format and OLD File copy if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travtcFileFormat)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Create and Format Traveler TrueCrypt Volume" }); Log.WritSection("Traveler TrueCrypt Volume formatting starting"); TcActionFormat trfo = new TcActionFormat(); TCWin.actionsList = trfo; trfo.SetEditBoxes(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewSize.ToString(), passCollect.passTravNewP.Text + "\t" + passCollect.passTravNewP.Text); // specify password as a single text entry by the use of Tab key which is recognized in TCAction later StartUpDriveTC(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt Format.exe", "", "format", "Truecrypt volume creation wizard"); //copy old files //test for file move due to old file if (regKeyMigrationTrav != "") {//We have old files to move Log.WritSection("Have to Migrate old Traveler files across to new TrueCrypt Volume"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Migrate old Traveler files across to new TrueCrypt Volume" }); tcDriveOpen(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath, "NEW P", "Traveler", tcDriveLetter, passCollect.passTravNewP.Text); tcDriveOpen(regKeyMigrationTrav, "OLD", "Traveler", "S", passCollect.passTravOldP.Text); try { Log.WritWTime("About to Copy old " + regKeyMigrationTrav); CopyDirectories("s:\\", tcDriveLetter + "\\"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritSection("Help = " + e.Message); MessageBox.Show("A problem occurred during copying. Restart the Utility to allow the recovery routines to work. The exception was\n" + e.Message); tcDriveClose("s"); tcDriveClose("p"); Environment.Exit(1); } tcDriveClose("s"); tcDriveClose(tcDriveLetter); File.Delete(regKeyMigrationTrav); Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rk = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"); rk.DeleteValue("TFTATravOld"); } } #endregion if (File.Exists(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName)) {//a little housekeeping neatness File.Delete(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName); } progressThread.Abort();//close down status window Log.WritSection("Successfully Completed TaskList"); MessageBox.Show("Tasks Successfully Completed", mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification); }
private int CheckEditBox(RadioButton radioButton, TasksBitField radBut) { int input; float inputf = 0; newFileSizeMB.Text.Trim(); if (!Int32.TryParse(newFileSizeMB.Text, out input)) { if (gBytes.Checked && Single.TryParse(newFileSizeMB.Text, out inputf)) { input = (int)(inputf * 1000); } else { MessageBox.Show("Non Numeric or non Integer Megabyte entry in Volume Size\n\n\t" + newFileSizeMB.Text, DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); newFileSizeMB.Focus(); return 0; } } if (gBytes.Checked && inputf == 0) { input *= 1000; } if (radBut.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travtcFileFormat)) {//we have traveler so must check sizing long oldFSize = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tcFileTravOldLoc.FileNamePath)) //ie have old file which is taking up flash room { oldFSize = tcFileTravOldLoc.size; } DriveInfo drv = new DriveInfo(travUSBDrv[(int)radioButton.Tag].drvName); long maxSize = drv.TotalFreeSpace - 10000000 + oldFSize; if (maxSize / 1048576 < input) { MessageBox.Show("Volume Size is larger that possible on this flash drive\n\t" + input.ToString() + " MBytes\n\nThe Maximum is " + (maxSize / 1048576).ToString() + " MBytes", DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); newFileSizeMB.Text = ""; newFileSizeMB.Focus(); return 0; } } if (radBut.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTCFileFormat) && radBut.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcfileOldRename)) {// we have to do HD format check if old files and that size is appropriate long totalOldFileSize = tcFileHDOldLoc.size; string oldSDrvpath = tcFileHDOldLoc.FileNamePath.Substring(0, tcFileHDOldLoc.FileNamePath.LastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\"; if (File.Exists(oldSDrvpath)) { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(oldSDrvpath); totalOldFileSize += f.Length; } totalOldFileSize /= 1048576; if (totalOldFileSize > input) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you meant this Volume size\n" + input.ToString() + "MBytes\n\nThis is less than the size of the existing TrueCrypt file(s) \nwhich is " + totalOldFileSize.ToString() + "MBytes", DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { newFileSizeMB.Focus(); return 0; } } } if (input > 7000) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you meant this Volume size\n" + input.ToString() + "MB will take a really long time to format", DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { newFileSizeMB.Focus(); return 0; } } if (input < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Negative entry in Volume Size\n\n\t" + newFileSizeMB.Text, DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); newFileSizeMB.Focus(); return 0; } if (input < 5) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you meant this Volume size\n\n\t" + input.ToString() + "MB is really small??", DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { newFileSizeMB.Focus(); return 0; } } if (newFileSizeMB.ForeColor == SystemColors.GrayText) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("There has been no entry in the Volume Size Box. Did you intend to use the default of " + newFileSizeMB.Text + "MBytes?", DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { newFileSizeMB.Focus(); return 0; } } if (input == 0) { return 0; } return input; }
public void DoTasks(TasksBitField tasklistPassed, TrueCryptFile tcFileHDOld, TrueCryptFile tcFileTravOld) { tasklist = tasklistPassed; TrueCryptFile tcFileHDoldS = null; progOverall = new ProgessOverall(); //get teh progress form initialized Thread progressThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(progOverall.ProgShow)); // starts progress window in new thread initial text is in progshow method progressThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(200); //allow window to appear progUpdate = new ProgUpdateDelegate(progOverall.ProgUpdate); //delegate for later use in updating window progUpdateLin2 = new ProgUpdateDelegate(progOverall.ProgUpdate2); //used for second line in traveler section progUpdateLin2notVis = new ProgUpdateDelegate1(progOverall.ProgUpdLin2notVis); //used to make second line in traveler section not visible Log.WritSection("Starting TaskList"); #region HD Rename old TC File(s) if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcfileOldRename)) { Log.WritWTime("HD Renaming = " + tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath); tcFileHDOld.ReName(""); string fileNames = ""; //check for existence of s file if (File.Exists(tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath.Substring(0, tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath.LastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\")) {//create a new tcfile object tcFileHDoldS = new TrueCryptFile(); tcFileHDoldS.FileNamePath = tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath.Substring(0, tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath.LastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\"; Log.WritWTime("HD Renaming = " + tcFileHDoldS.FileNamePath); tcFileHDoldS.ReName(""); fileNames = tcFileHDoldS.FileNamePath + ","; // we know we will be adding p } fileNames += tcFileHDOld.FileNamePath; //done to ensure order of copying later is s then P Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(regKeyName, "TFTAOld", fileNames); } #endregion // Get all passwords here After we know whether HD S exists string regKeyMigrationHD = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(regKeyName, "TFTAOld", ""); //get this here in case started with old file existing from previous run of utility string regKeyMigrationTrav = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(regKeyName, "TFTATravOld", ""); //same for Traveler, this key not set at this point in a normal run of utility PasswordCollectForm passCollect = new PasswordCollectForm(tasklist, regKeyMigrationTrav != "", regKeyMigrationHD != "", tcFileHDoldS != null); if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTCFileFormat) || tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travtcFileFormat)) {//need to get passwords passCollect.ShowDialog(); } #region HD TA SW old Delete if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTASwOldDelete)) { Log.WritWTime("Removing HD Old TA Files"); RemoveOldTaxAideFiles(); } #endregion #region HD TC SW uninstall if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcSwUninstall)) { Log.WritWTime("Upgrade TrueCrypt on the Hard Drive"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Hard Drive TrueCrypt Uninstall, re-install" }); //Close any TrueCrypt Drives Process proc1 = Process.Start(tcProgramFQN, " /q /d /f"); while (proc1.HasExited == false) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (proc1.ExitCode != 0) { MessageBox.Show(" TrueCrypt Drive Closing failed in some way before uninstall\nPlease close the TrueCrypt Drives manually and restart\n Exiting", mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification); Application.Exit(); } Log.WritSection("Uninstalling Hard Drive TrueCrypt Version " + FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(tcProgramFQN).FileVersion); TCWin.actionsList = new TcActionUninstall(); //sets up correct list of windows for tc uninstall StartUpDriveTC(tcProgramFQN.Substring(0, tcProgramFQN.Length - 4) + " setup.exe", " /u", "uninstall", "TrueCrypt Setup"); Thread.Sleep(2000); //Let uninstall settle //now have to make sure uninstall has really gone Process[] myProcArray = Process.GetProcessesByName("TrueCrypt Setup"); if (myProcArray.GetLength(0) > 0) {//the calling procedure is still running likely due to slow processor need to kill it. Log.WritWTime("TrueCrypt uninstall did not exit properly have to kill it"); myProcArray[0].Kill(); Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for kill to take effect } #region Delete any directories and files in truecrypt folder for 64 bit conversion string[] directories; if (Directory.Exists(tcProgramDirectory)) // make sure directory is truly gone because tc7.0 move to prog files from prog file(x86) { directories = Directory.GetDirectories(tcProgramDirectory); foreach (var dir in directories) { DeleteFilesInDir(dir); } DeleteFilesInDir(tcProgramDirectory); //finally the main directory } #endregion } #endregion #region HD TC SW Install if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTcSwInstall)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Extracting TrueCrypt Setup File" }); CopyFileFromThisAssembly(tcSetupProgramName, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp")); Log.WritSection("Installing on Hard Drive " + tcSetupProgramName.Substring(0, tcSetupProgramName.Length - 4)); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "TrueCrypt Hard Drive Install" }); TCWin.actionsList = new TcActionInstall(); StartUpDriveTC(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName, "", "install", tcSetupProgramName.Substring(0, tcSetupProgramName.Length - 4)); //setup static field entries in case this is first time install tCryptRegEntry = (string)Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\TrueCryptVolume\Shell\open\command", "", ""); Log.WriteStrm.WriteLine("TrueCrypt Registry Entry = " + tCryptRegEntry); tcProgramFQN = tCryptRegEntry.Substring(1, tCryptRegEntry.Length - 10); //registry entry has a leading quote that needs to go tcProgramDirectory = tcProgramFQN.Substring(0, tcProgramFQN.Length - 14); File.Delete(Dlls.GetAllUsersDesktopFolderPath() + "\\TrueCrypt.lnk"); //gets newly installed truecrypt icon off desktop for xp if (DoTasksObj.osVer >= 6) { File.Delete(Dlls.GetSharedDesktop() + "\\TrueCrypt.lnk"); //gets newly installed truecrypt icon off desktop for vista 7 } } #endregion #region HD Tax-Aide SW Install if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTaxaideSwInstall)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Copying Tax-Aide script files" }); if (!Directory.Exists(tcProgramDirectory + "\\Tax-Aide")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tcProgramDirectory + "\\Tax-Aide"); } CopyTAFilesFromThisAssembly(tcProgramDirectory + "\\Tax-Aide"); } #endregion #region HD TC File Create/Format and OLD File Copy if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.hdTCFileFormat)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "TrueCrypt Volume Creation" }); Log.WritSection("Start HD TrueCrypt Volume creation/Formatting"); TcActionFormat fo = new TcActionFormat(); TCWin.actionsList = fo; fo.SetEditBoxes(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewPath, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewSize.ToString(), passCollect.passHDnewP.Text + "\t" + passCollect.passHDnewP.Text); // password entry by duplicating it and separating by tab because TCAction only does single text entries. StartUpDriveTC(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt Format.exe", "", "format", "Truecrypt volume creation wizard"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Migrating old Hard Drive TrueCrypt volume(s) files\r across to new Hard Drive TrueCrypt Volume" }); //test for file move due to old file if (regKeyMigrationHD != "") //thie string loaded early for password checking { //We have old files to move Log.WritSection("Have to Migrate old HD TrueCrypt volume(s) files across to new TrueCrypt Volume"); string[] oldFilePaths = regKeyMigrationHD.Split(new char[] { ',' }); //Prepare the user tcDriveOpen(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewPath, "NEW P", "", tcDriveLetter, passCollect.passHDnewP.Text); foreach (var item in oldFilePaths) { if (item.Contains("oldtsdata")) { tcDriveOpen(item, "OLD S", "", "S", passCollect.passHDoldS.Text); } else { tcDriveOpen(item, "OLD P", "", "S", passCollect.passHDoldP.Text); } try { Log.WritWTime("About to Copy old " + item); CopyDirectories("s:\\", tcDriveLetter + "\\"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritSection("Help = " + e.Message); MessageBox.Show("A problem occurred during copying. Restart the Utility to allow the recovery routines to work. The exception was\n" + e.Message); tcDriveClose("s"); tcDriveClose("p"); Environment.Exit(1); } tcDriveClose("s"); } tcDriveClose(tcDriveLetter.Substring(0, 1)); //close p after copying old drives across foreach (var item in oldFilePaths) { // s already closed in loop so now delete files File.Delete(item); } Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rk = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(regsubKeyName); rk.DeleteValue("TFTAOld"); } } if (!tasklist.TestTrav()) {//no traveler progressThread.Abort(); } #endregion #region Trav TC file move to HD if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTcfileOldCopy)) { Log.WritSection("Copying Old traveler TC File to hard drive"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Copy old Traveler TrueCrypt volume to the hard drive" }); string moveLoc = TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewPath.Substring(0, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileHDNewPath.Length - GetTasksHI.tcFilename.Length) + "oldtrav" + GetTasksHI.tcFilename; // picks up path we are using on this system for tcfiles and standard new file name modified by old try { FileSystem.MoveFile(tcFileTravOld.FileNamePath, moveLoc, UIOption.AllDialogs); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritWTime("There was some kind of problem copying the existing TrueCrypt Traveler Volume. The exception is " + e.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("There was some kind of problem copying the existing TrueCrypt Traveler Volume. The exception is " + e.ToString() + "Exiting", DoTasksObj.mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } //Now let's set registry key for old file note traveler old file object path not updated by move Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(regKeyName, "TFTATravOld", moveLoc); // record in registry in case of reboot regKeyMigrationTrav = moveLoc; //setsup value for later testing for migration } #endregion #region Trav SW old delete if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTASwOldDelete)) { Log.WritWTime("Traveler TrueCrypt being upgraded=" + TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2)); //must use new filename for disk because old may not exist Log.WritWTime(" Now deleting old traveler files"); if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travTASwOldIsver6_2)) { RemoveTravelerTCFiles(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\"); } else {//pre 6.2 traveler RemoveTravelerTCFiles(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 3)); } } #endregion #region Trav Sw Install if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travSwInstall)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Done deleting software, now for Traveler software install" }); Directory.CreateDirectory(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler"); //TA files copied at the end if (File.Exists(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName)) //COPY TC setup program so it is available to start script { //copies TC setup file to traveler so traveler script has it to upgrade progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Copying TrueCrypt Setup from Windows\\temp directory" }); try { File.Copy(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\" + tcSetupProgramName, true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritWTime("Exception in TC setup file Copying is " + e.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Error in Copying file see log File, Exiting", mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } } else { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Extracting TrueCrypt Setup" }); CopyFileFromThisAssembly(tcSetupProgramName, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler"); } if (tCryptRegEntry != null) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Copying TrueCrypt Software to Traveler\r from hard drive" }); try { File.Copy(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt.exe", TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\TrueCrypt.exe", true); File.Copy(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt.sys", TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\TrueCrypt.sys", true); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Copying TrueCrypt FORMATTING Software to Traveler\r from hard drive" }); File.Copy(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt Format.exe", TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\TrueCrypt Format.exe", true); File.Copy(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt-x64.sys", TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\TrueCrypt-x64.sys", true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritWTime("Exception in Truecrypt Files Copying is " + e.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Error in Copying files see log File, Exiting", mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } Log.WriteStrm.WriteLine("Traveler TrueCrypt upgraded to latest TrueCrypt release by copying host\'s files"); } else // no TC on host so must use Traveler TC { //have to extract TC files from setup since no TC on host have to cpy setup to temp progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Extracting Tax-Aide TrueCrypt Software to Traveler" }); tcProgramFQN = TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 2) + "\\Tax-Aide_Traveler\\truecrypt.exe"; tcProgramDirectory = tcProgramFQN.Substring(0, tcProgramFQN.Length - 14); CopyFileFromThisAssembly(tcSetupProgramName, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp")); Log.WritSection("Traveler TrueCrypt being upgraded to latest TrueCrypt release by extracting from TC setup"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Extracting TrueCrypt Software to Traveler" }); TcActionExtract ex = new TcActionExtract(); TCWin.actionsList = ex; ex.SetPath(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 3) + "Tax-Aide_Traveler"); StartUpDriveTC(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName, "", "extract", tcSetupProgramName.Substring(0, tcSetupProgramName.Length - 4)); } //TrueCrypt files setup copy Taxaide files here progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2, new object[] { "Extracting Tax-Aide Scripts to Traveler" }); CopyTAFilesFromThisAssembly(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath.Substring(0, 3) + "Tax-Aide_Traveler"); Log.WritSection("TrueCrypt Program Path to be used for Traveler purposes = " + tcProgramFQN); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdateLin2notVis); } #endregion #region Trav tc File Create/Format and OLD File copy if (tasklist.IsOn(TasksBitField.Flag.travtcFileFormat)) { progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Create and Format Traveler TrueCrypt Volume" }); Log.WritSection("Traveler TrueCrypt Volume formatting starting"); TcActionFormat trfo = new TcActionFormat(); TCWin.actionsList = trfo; trfo.SetEditBoxes(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath, TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewSize.ToString(), passCollect.passTravNewP.Text + "\t" + passCollect.passTravNewP.Text); // specify password as a single text entry by the use of Tab key which is recognized in TCAction later StartUpDriveTC(tcProgramDirectory + "\\TrueCrypt Format.exe", "", "format", "Truecrypt volume creation wizard"); //copy old files //test for file move due to old file if (regKeyMigrationTrav != "") {//We have old files to move Log.WritSection("Have to Migrate old Traveler files across to new TrueCrypt Volume"); progOverall.Invoke(progUpdate, new object[] { "Migrate old Traveler files across to new TrueCrypt Volume" }); tcDriveOpen(TrueCryptFilesNew.tcFileTravNewPath, "NEW P", "Traveler", tcDriveLetter, passCollect.passTravNewP.Text); tcDriveOpen(regKeyMigrationTrav, "OLD", "Traveler", "S", passCollect.passTravOldP.Text); try { Log.WritWTime("About to Copy old " + regKeyMigrationTrav); CopyDirectories("s:\\", tcDriveLetter + "\\"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WritSection("Help = " + e.Message); MessageBox.Show("A problem occurred during copying. Restart the Utility to allow the recovery routines to work. The exception was\n" + e.Message); tcDriveClose("s"); tcDriveClose("p"); Environment.Exit(1); } tcDriveClose("s"); tcDriveClose(tcDriveLetter); File.Delete(regKeyMigrationTrav); Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rk = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"); rk.DeleteValue("TFTATravOld"); } } #endregion if (File.Exists(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName)) {//a little housekeeping neatness File.Delete(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp") + "\\" + tcSetupProgramName); } progressThread.Abort();//close down status window Log.WritSection("Successfully Completed TaskList"); MessageBox.Show("Tasks Successfully Completed", mbCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification); }