private void ViewProjBtn_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { ViewProjUC.projInfo.Hide(); ViewProjUC.editProj.Hide(); ViewEmpUC.editData.Hide(); ViewProjUC.tasksPanel.Hide(); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Clear(); flowLayoutPanel1.BringToFront(); OnHome.Visible = false; OnAddMng.Visible = false; OnAddProj.Visible = false; OnViewEmp.Visible = false; OnViewProj.Visible = true; AdminClass projectlist = new AdminClass(); List <ProjectClass> list = new List <ProjectClass>(); projectlist.projectview(ref list); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].status == "Finish") { ViewProjUC view = new ViewProjUC(list[i]); view.EditLabelBtn.Visible = false; view.ProjectName.Text = list[i].name; view.TaskEmpLabel.Text = list[i].manger_name; view.startDuration.Text = "Start on " + list[i].start_time.Day + " / " + list[i].start_time.Month + " / " + list[i].start_time.Year; view.endDuration.Text = "End on " + list[i].end_time.Day + " / " + list[i].end_time.Month + " / " + list[i].end_time.Year; flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(view); } } //ProjectClass pro = new ProjectClass(); //ViewProjUC viewTasks = new ViewProjUC(pro); //viewTasks.EditLabelBtn.Visible = false; //flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(viewTasks); }
public bool loginadmin(string user_name, string pass, ref AdminClass admin) { SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectstr); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from fn_login_admin('" + user_name + "','" + pass + "')", connect); try { connect.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // cmd.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect; while (reader.Read()) { = (int)reader["id_admin"]; admin.username = user_name; admin.password = pass; reader.Close(); connect.Close(); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return(false); }
public void HomeBtn_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Clear(); flowLayoutPanel1.BringToFront(); OnHome.Visible = true; OnAddMng.Visible = false; OnAddProj.Visible = false; OnViewEmp.Visible = false; OnViewProj.Visible = false; AdminClass projectlist = new AdminClass(); List <ProjectClass> list = new List <ProjectClass>(); projectlist.projectview(ref list); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].status != "Finish") { ViewProjUC view = new ViewProjUC(list[i]); view.ProjectName.Text = list[i].name; view.TaskEmpLabel.Text = list[i].manger_name; view.startDuration.Text = "Start on " + list[i].start_time.Day + " / " + list[i].start_time.Month + " / " + list[i].start_time.Year; view.endDuration.Text = "End on " + list[i].end_time.Day + " / " + list[i].end_time.Month + " / " + list[i].end_time.Year; flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(view); } } }
private void FinishEmpBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { = FnameTextbox.Text + " " + LnameTextbox.Text; emp.password = PassTextbox.Text; = PhoneNumTextbox.Text; emp.rank = RankTextBox.Text; emp.salary = Convert.ToInt16(SalaryTextbox.Text); emp.gender = gender; emp.address = AddressTextbox.Text; emp.admin_id = 1; emp.join_date = Convert.ToDateTime(JoinDatePicker.Text); // MessageBox.Show(emp.join_date.ToString()); emp.mail = EmailTextbox.Text; AdminClass newmanger = new AdminClass(); newmanger.addmanager(emp); FnameTextbox.Clear(); LnameTextbox.Clear(); PassTextbox.Clear(); PhoneNumTextbox.Clear(); SalaryTextbox.Clear(); MaleCheck.Checked = false; FemaleCheck.Checked = false; AddressTextbox.Clear(); EmailTextbox.Clear(); RankTextBox.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("Employee Added Successfully"); }
public AdminForm() { InitializeComponent(); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Clear(); OnHome.Visible = true; OnAddMng.Visible = false; OnAddProj.Visible = false; OnViewEmp.Visible = false; OnViewProj.Visible = false; AdminClass projectlist = new AdminClass(); List <ProjectClass> list = new List <ProjectClass>(); projectlist.projectview(ref list); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].status != "Finish") { ViewProjUC view = new ViewProjUC(list[i]); view.ProjectName.Text = list[i].name; view.TaskEmpLabel.Text = list[i].manger_name; view.startDuration.Text = "Start on " + list[i].start_time.Day + " / " + list[i].start_time.Month + " / " + list[i].start_time.Year; view.endDuration.Text = "End on " + list[i].end_time.Day + " / " + list[i].end_time.Month + " / " + list[i].end_time.Year; flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(view); } } }
private void deleteEmpLabelBtn_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); adm.delete_employee(_id); MessageBox.Show("Deleted Successfully"); }
public void finishproject(int id) { AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); ProjectClass pro = new ProjectClass(); adm.projectview(ref list); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].id == id) { pro = list[i]; break; } } SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectstr); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select dbo.check_finish('" + + "')", connect); try { connect.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { pro.status = reader.GetString(0); } reader.Close(); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("execute edit_project '" + + "', '" + + "', '" + pro.description + "', '" + pro.start_time + "', '" + pro.end_time + "', '" + pro.status + "'", connect); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); connect.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void deleteprojectbtn_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); adm.delete_project(_id); MessageBox.Show("Deleted Successfully"); }
private void FinishProjBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProjectClass pro = new ProjectClass(); = ProjNameTextbox.Text; pro.start_time = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime.Text); pro.end_time = Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime.Text); pro.clinet_name = cNameBox.Text; pro.client_mail = cMailBox.Text; pro.status = "running"; pro.client_phone = cPhoneBox.Text; for (int i = 0; i < managername.Count; i++) { if (managername[i].name == comboBox1.Text) { pro.id_manger = managername[i].id; break; } } pro.description = ProjDescription.Text; AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); adm.addproject(pro); ProjNameTextbox.Clear(); cNameBox.Clear(); cMailBox.Clear(); cPhoneBox.Clear(); ProjDescription.Clear(); comboBox1.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("Project Added Successfully"); }
private void MoreLabelBtn_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { projInfo.Hide(); editProj.Hide(); tasksPanel.Size = new Size(850, 400); tasksPanel.AutoScroll = true; tasksPanel.Location = new Point(350, 200); tasksPanel.BackColor = Color.Silver; ParentForm.Controls.Add(tasksPanel); tasksPanel.Controls.Clear(); tasksPanel.Show(); tasksPanel.BringToFront(); //here AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); List <TaskClass> tasklist = new List <TaskClass>(); adm.showtask(ref tasklist,; for (int i = 0; i < tasklist.Count; i++) { ViewTasksUC task = new ViewTasksUC(); task.taskStatus.Visible = true; task.InfoLabelBtn.Visible = false; task.AssignLabelBtn.Visible = false; task.CommentLabelBtn.Visible = false; task.TaskFinishedBtn.Visible = false; //here task.TaskName.Text = tasklist[i].name; task.ProjectName.Text = tasklist[i].project_name; task.TaskEmpLabel.Text = tasklist[i].employee_name; task.startDuration.Text = "Start on " + tasklist[i].start_time.Day + " / " + tasklist[i].start_time.Month + " / " + tasklist[i].start_time.Year; task.endDuration.Text = "End on " + tasklist[i].end_time.Day + " / " + tasklist[i].end_time.Month + " / " + tasklist[i].end_time.Year; task.taskStatus.Text = tasklist[i].status; tasksPanel.Controls.Add(task); } }
private void loginBtn_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (isAdmin) { AdminClass admin = new AdminClass(); bool isadmin = admin.loginadmin(usernameTextbox.Text, passwordTextbox.Text, ref admin); if (isadmin) { this.Hide(); AdminForm showAdmin = new AdminForm(); showAdmin.WelcomeLabel.Text = "Welcome, " + admin.username; showAdmin.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("invalid name and password"); } } else if (isManager) { EmployeeClass manager = new EmployeeClass(); bool isemanager = manager.login(usernameTextbox.Text, passwordTextbox.Text, "Manager", ref manager); if (isemanager == true) { this.Hide(); ManagerForm showManager = new ManagerForm(; showManager.empnow = manager; showManager.WelcomeLabel.Text = "welcome, " +; showManager.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("invalid username and password"); } } else if (isEmployee) { EmployeeClass employee = new EmployeeClass(); bool isemanager = employee.login(usernameTextbox.Text, passwordTextbox.Text, "Employee", ref employee); if (isemanager == true) { this.Hide(); EmployeeForm showEmployee = new EmployeeForm(employee); showEmployee.empnow = employee; showEmployee.WelcomeLabel.Text = "welcome, " +; showEmployee.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("invalid username and password"); } } }
private void AddProjUC_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); managername = adm.viewmanager(); for (int i = 0; i < managername.Count; i++) { if (managername[i].rank == "Manager") { comboBox1.Items.Add(managername[i].name); } } }
private void Finisheditbtn_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { ProjectClass pro = new ProjectClass(); = project_id; = ProjNameTextbox.Text; pro.start_time = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime.Text); pro.end_time = Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime.Text); pro.description = ProjDescription.Text; AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); adm.editproject(pro); MessageBox.Show("Edited Successfully"); this.Hide(); }
private void editemployee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { = FnameTextbox.Text + " " + LnameTextbox.Text; emp.password = PassTextbox.Text; = PhoneNumTextbox.Text; emp.rank = RankTextBox.Text; emp.salary = Convert.ToInt16(SalaryTextbox.Text); emp.gender = gender; emp.address = AddressTextbox.Text; emp.join_date = Convert.ToDateTime(JoinDatePicker.Text); emp.admin_id = 1; AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); adm.edit_employee(emp); MessageBox.Show("Employee Edited Successfully"); }
private void ViewMngBtn_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { FlowLayoutPanel empViewPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); AdminClass adm = new AdminClass(); List <EmployeeClass> emplist = adm.viewmanager(); ViewProjUC.projInfo.Hide(); ViewProjUC.editProj.Hide(); ViewEmpUC.editData.Hide(); ViewProjUC.tasksPanel.Hide(); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Clear(); flowLayoutPanel1.BringToFront(); OnHome.Visible = false; OnAddMng.Visible = false; OnAddProj.Visible = false; OnViewEmp.Visible = true; OnViewProj.Visible = false; SplitContainer empViewCont = new SplitContainer(); empViewCont.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; empViewCont.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; empViewCont.SplitterDistance = 50; empViewCont.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; empViewCont.FixedPanel = FixedPanel.Panel1; splitContainer2.Panel2.Controls.Add(empViewCont); empViewCont.BringToFront(); TextBox search = new TextBox(); search.Size = new Size(300, 25); search.Text = "Search"; search.Location = new Point(450, 13); empViewCont.Panel1.Controls.Add(search); //search.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txtFilter_TextChanged); ////search //void txtFilter_TextChanged(object textsender, EventArgs texte) //{ // empViewPanel.Controls.Clear(); // // Never get here // for (int i = 0; i < emplist.Count; i++) // { // if (emplist[i].name.Contains(search.Text)) // { // ViewEmpUC viewEmp = new ViewEmpUC(); // string fname = "", lname = ""; // int j; // for (j = 0; j < emplist[i].name.Length; j++) // { // if (emplist[i].name[j] == ' ') // break; // fname += emplist[i].name[j]; // } // for (; j < emplist[i].name.Length; j++) // { // lname += emplist[i].name[j]; // } // viewEmp.ViewFName.Text = "First name : " + fname; // viewEmp.ViewLName.Text = "Last name : " + lname; // viewEmp.ViewGender.Text = "Gender : " + emplist[i].gender; // viewEmp.ViewHours.Text = "Hours : " + emplist[i].hours; // viewEmp.ViewJoinDate.Text = "Join Date : " + emplist[i].join_date.ToString(); // viewEmp.ViewSalary.Text = "Salary : " + (emplist[i].hours * emplist[i].salary).ToString(); // viewEmp.viewRank.Text = "Rank : " + emplist[i].rank; // viewEmp.ViewPhoneNum.Text = "Phone : " + emplist[i].phone; // viewEmp.ViewEmail.Text = "Email : " + emplist[i].mail; // viewEmp.ViewAddress.Text = "Address : " + emplist[i].address; // viewEmp.closeBtn.Visible = false; // if (emplist[i].rank == "Manager") // viewEmp.deleteEmpLabelBtn.Visible = false; // viewEmp._id = emplist[i].id; // viewEmp.emp = emplist[i]; // empViewPanel.Controls.Add(viewEmp); // } // } //} empViewPanel.Controls.Clear(); empViewPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; empViewPanel.AutoScroll = true; empViewPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; empViewCont.Panel2.Controls.Add(empViewPanel); // ViewEmpUC viewEmp = new ViewEmpUC(); //empViewPanel.Controls.Add(viewEmp); for (int i = 0; i < emplist.Count; i++) { ViewEmpUC viewEmp = new ViewEmpUC(); string fname = "", lname = ""; int j; for (j = 0; j < emplist[i].name.Length; j++) { if (emplist[i].name[j] == ' ') { break; } fname += emplist[i].name[j]; } for (; j < emplist[i].name.Length; j++) { lname += emplist[i].name[j]; } viewEmp.ViewFName.Text = "First name : " + fname; viewEmp.ViewLName.Text = "Last name : " + lname; viewEmp.ViewGender.Text = "Gender : " + emplist[i].gender; viewEmp.ViewHours.Text = "Hours : " + emplist[i].hours; viewEmp.ViewJoinDate.Text = "Join Date : " + emplist[i].join_date.Day + " / " + emplist[i].join_date.Month + " / " + emplist[i].join_date.Year; viewEmp.ViewSalary.Text = "Salary : " + (emplist[i].hours * emplist[i].salary).ToString(); viewEmp.viewRank.Text = "Rank : " + emplist[i].rank; viewEmp.ViewPhoneNum.Text = "Phone : " + emplist[i].phone; viewEmp.ViewEmail.Text = "Email : " + emplist[i].mail; viewEmp.ViewAddress.Text = "Address : " + emplist[i].address; viewEmp.closeBtn.Visible = false; if (emplist[i].rank == "Manager") { viewEmp.deleteEmpLabelBtn.Visible = false; } viewEmp._id = emplist[i].id; viewEmp.emp = emplist[i]; empViewPanel.Controls.Add(viewEmp); } }