public EmailMain() { InitializeComponent(); googleAPI = new GoogleAPI(); InitEmailIdList(); InitSalesReps(); RunGoogleAPI(); StartTimers(); LoadSalesButtons(); // Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.Data.Message message = googleAPI.GetMessage("MessageID"); // ZenOrder.ConvertToLineItems(message, googleAPI); }
// This will take the html body of an email with order details // and parse information into a list that can be used in a // quick manner. public List <string> ConvertToLineItems(Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.Data.Message message, GoogleAPI googleAPI) { string body = FormatBody(googleAPI.GetEmailBody(message)); string[] words = RemoveBrackets(body); List <string> productList = RemoveSkus(words); productList = FormatProductList(productList); return(productList); }