コード例 #1
ファイル: ServerController.cs プロジェクト: baochaup/TankWars
        /// <summary>
        /// Given the data that has arrived so far,
        /// potentially from multiple receive operations,
        /// determine if we have enough to make a complete message,
        /// and process it (print it and broadcast it to other clients).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The SocketState that represents the client</param>
        private void ReceiveClientData(SocketState state)
            lock (state)
                string totalData = state.GetData();
                //Console.WriteLine("Connected with stateID: " + state.ID);
                string[] parts = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");

                // Loop until we have processed all messages.
                // We may have received more than one.
                foreach (string p in parts)
                    // Ignore empty strings added by the regex splitter
                    if (p.Length == 0)
                    // The regex splitter will include the last string even if it doesn't end with a '\n',
                    // So we need to ignore it if this happens.
                    if (p[p.Length - 1] != '\n')
                    // Process the message sent by client
                    ProcessMessage(p, state);
                    // Remove it from the SocketState's growable buffer
                    state.RemoveData(0, p.Length);
                Networking.GetData(state); // continue to receive data
コード例 #2
        private string[] GetSocketDataSplitByNewlines(SocketState socketState)
            string totalData = socketState.GetData();

            string[] splitPartsByNewline = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method receives the beginning data for the world
        /// and sets up the main framework
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ss"></param>
        private void ReceiveStartup(SocketState ss)
            //Check for error
            if (ss.ErrorOccured)

            //Change network action to receive normal flow of data method
            ss.OnNetworkAction = ReceiveMessage;

            //Extract the ID data and world data for setup
            string startUp = ss.GetData();

            string[] elements = startUp.Split('\n');
            playerID = int.Parse(elements[0]);
            int worldSize = int.Parse(elements[1]);

            //Setup the world
            theWorld = new World(worldSize);

            //Clear startup data. We have what is needed

            //Call the receive message method indirectly
コード例 #4
ファイル: GameController.cs プロジェクト: BHuenemann/CS3500
        /// <summary>
        /// This method processes the data received through the socket by splitting it and deserializing
        /// each string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ss">Socket state representing the connection</param>
        private void ProcessData(SocketState ss)
            //Splits the string but keeps the '\n' characters
            string totalData = ss.GetData();

            string[] parts = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");

            lock (TheWorld)
                foreach (string p in parts)
                    //This is to ignore empty strings
                    if (p.Length == 0)
                    //This is so it ignores the last string if it doesn't end in '\n'
                    if (p[p.Length - 1] != '\n')

                    //Calls a method to deserialize the data and then removes the data from the buffer
                    ss.RemoveData(0, p.Length);
コード例 #5
ファイル: GameController.cs プロジェクト: BHuenemann/CS3500
        /// <summary>
        /// This method receives the startup data sent by the server (world size and player ID)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ss">Socket state representing the connection</param>
        private void ReceiveStartingData(SocketState ss)
            if (ss.ErrorOccured == true)
                ErrorEvent("Unable to receive tank ID and world size");
                if (ss.TheSocket.Connected)

            //Splits the data and stores it in a string array
            string[] startingInfo = Regex.Split(ss.GetData(), @"\n");

            //Parses and stores the ID and world size
            tankID             = Int32.Parse(startingInfo[0]);
            TheWorld.worldSize = Int32.Parse(startingInfo[1]);

            //Removes the ID and world size from the socket string builder and processes the other data received
            ss.RemoveData(0, tankID.ToString().Length + TheWorld.worldSize.ToString().Length + 2);

            //Changes the OnNetworkAction to the next method that will be called every frame
            ss.OnNetworkAction = ReceiveFrameData;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Private helper method to setup player ID, world size and JSON walls
        /// that are only sent once.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        private void ProcessMessages(SocketState state)
            string totalData = state.GetData();

            string[] parts = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");

            // Loop until we have processed all messages.
            // We may have received more than one.
            foreach (string p in parts)
                // Ignore empty strings added by the regex splitter
                if (p.Length == 0)

                // The regex splitter will include the last string even if it doesn't end with a '\n',
                // So we need to ignore it if this happens.
                if (p[p.Length - 1] != '\n')

                // First two messages are of type integer; Setup ID and world size
                int  n;
                bool isInt = int.TryParse(p, out n);
                if (isInt)
                    if (PlayerID == null)
                        PlayerID = n;
                        if (theWorld.size == 0)
                            theWorld.size = n;

                        // Call our connected callback and use size to load in background

                // Skipping incomplete JSONS
                if (p[0] != '{' || !p.EndsWith("\n"))

                // Load and parse the incoming JSON

                // Then remove it from the SocketState's growable buffer
                state.RemoveData(0, p.Length);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: abporter521/CS3500-TankWars
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will implement changes created from Control Commands
        /// This is an event loop that will constantly receive messages from the socket states
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        private void GetActionDataFromClient(SocketState connectionToClient)
            //Checks if error occured.  This means connection broke and so player is disconnected from server
            if (connectionToClient.ErrorOccured)
                //Show that player has disconnected
                Console.WriteLine("Player " + connections[connectionToClient].ToString() + " has disconnected");

                //Set tank stats relevant to disconnecting
                lock (connections)
                    int tankID = connections[connectionToClient];
                    serverWorld.Tanks[tankID].HasDisconnected = true;
                    serverWorld.Tanks[tankID].HasDied         = true;

            //Get JSON information from the socket state
            string wholeData = connectionToClient.GetData();
            string completeMessage;

            //Make sure data is complete
            if (!wholeData.EndsWith("\n"))
                //find the last instance of the newline and split the string at that point
                int completedPoint = wholeData.LastIndexOf('\n');
                completeMessage = wholeData.Substring(0, completedPoint);
            //Message is complete and we can move forward as normal
                completeMessage = wholeData;

            //Split string by newline
            string[] movementUpdates = completeMessage.Split('\n');
            foreach (string command in movementUpdates)
                //Skip over empty strings
                if (command == "")

                //Process command
                ControlCommand newCommand = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ControlCommand>(command);
                //Update tank based on control command
                UpdateTankState(newCommand, connectionToClient);
            //Remove old data
            connectionToClient.RemoveData(0, completeMessage.Length);

            //Begin loop again
コード例 #8
        private void ServeHttpRequest(SocketState state)
            if (state.ErrorOccured)
            string request = state.GetData();

            state.RemoveData(0, request.Length);
            string response = BuildHtmlResponse(request);

            Networking.SendAndClose(state.TheSocket, response);
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// callback method for Connect, used to receive the initial data like player's id and world size
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 private void ReceiveStartup(SocketState state)
     if (state.ErrorOccured)
     // when receiving data from server, split it into parts by \n
     string[] lines = state.GetData().Split('\n');
     theWorld.playerID     = int.Parse(lines[0]); // playerID is always sent first
     theWorld.worldSize    = int.Parse(lines[1]); // followed by worldSize
     state.OnNetworkAction = ReceiveWorld;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// callback method to continuously receive data from server and send data to server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        private void ReceiveWorld(SocketState state)
            if (state.ErrorOccured)
            string totalData = state.GetData();

            string[] parts = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");

            // Loop until we have processed all messages.
            // We may have received more than one.

            foreach (string p in parts)
                // Ignore empty strings added by the regex splitter
                if (p.Length == 0)
                // The regex splitter will include the last string even if it doesn't end with a '\n',
                // So we need to ignore it if this happens.
                if (p[p.Length - 1] != '\n')

                if (UpdateArrived != null)

                // Then remove it from the SocketState's growable buffer
                state.RemoveData(0, p.Length);

            Networking.GetData(state);             // Need to call this in order to get new string info into state
            control.Moving = moveArray[moveIndex]; // control's moving is set

            // Convert data need to send to server to JSON string
            string sendMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(control) + "\n";

            Networking.Send(state.TheSocket, sendMessage); // send data to server
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calls the appropriate methods
        /// to retrieve data from the database and respond to users
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        private void ServeHttpRequest(SocketState state)
            if (state.ErrorOccured)

            string request = state.GetData();

            // serve GET game?player request
            if (request.Contains("games?player="))
                // calculate and get the player's name from the request string
                int    firstIndex  = request.IndexOf("=") + 1;
                int    secondIndex = request.IndexOf("HTTP");
                int    nameLength  = (secondIndex - firstIndex) - 1;
                string name        = request.Substring(firstIndex, nameLength);


                                        WebViews.GetPlayerGames(name, database.gameSessions));

            // serve GET games request
            else if (request.Contains("games"))
            // serve the default request which will show the homepage
            else if (request.Contains("GET"))
コード例 #12
ファイル: ServerController.cs プロジェクト: jerryidk/for_team
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the data in current state buffer, the method will find all tokens end with \n, and make sure all data being processed(ToDo) is complete.
        /// It also saves incomplete data in the SocketState buffer and waits for the next incoming receive the complete the partial data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="ToDo"> A action that will be taken for each token(end with \n) in the data</param>>
        private static string[] ProcessData(SocketState state)
            string data = state.GetData();

            string[] jArray = data.Split('\n');

            if (data.Last() != '\n') // Meaning there is incomplete data in current buffer
                // Keep partial data
                state.RemoveData(0, data.LastIndexOf('\n') + 1);
                // Set the last element to empty string
                jArray[jArray.Length - 1] = "";
                //All data are complete, clear the whole buffer

コード例 #13
ファイル: ServerController.cs プロジェクト: baochaup/TankWars
        private void ReceivePlayerName(SocketState state)
            lock (state)
                if (state.ErrorOccured)
                string[] lines = state.GetData().Split('\n');
                playerName = lines[0]; // save player name
                PlayerNames.Add(state.ID, playerName);
                state.RemoveData(0, playerName.Length);
            Console.WriteLine(playerName + " joined the game.");

            // send ID and world size to client
            string sendMessage = state.ID + "\n" + theServerWorld.worldSize + "\n";

            Networking.Send(state.TheSocket, sendMessage);

            // Save the client state
            // Need to lock here because clients can disconnect at any time
            lock (clients)
                clients[state.ID] = state;
            SendWalls(state);    // send walls info to the client
            WallCollisionSize(); // extend the wall detection size
            Tank tank = new Tank((int)state.ID, playerName);

            theServerWorld.Tanks.Add((int)state.ID, tank);

            state.OnNetworkAction = ReceiveClientData;
            // Continue the event loop that receives messages from this client
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// This method receives a socket state from receive message, getting the socket's message
        /// and updating the world's models using Json messages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socket">Socket containing message data</param>
        private void ProcessMessage(SocketState socket)
            // Get string data from socket state
            string JsonMessage = socket.GetData();

            //This is a string that will contain all the complete data i.e. no partial Json strings at the end
            string completeMessage;

            //If the Json message does not end with newline, it means partial Json message at end so
            //we take the part that we can process
            if (!JsonMessage.EndsWith("\n"))
                //find the last instance of the newline and split the string at that point
                int completedPoint = JsonMessage.LastIndexOf('\n');
                completeMessage = JsonMessage.Substring(0, completedPoint);
            //Message is complete and we can move forward as normal
                completeMessage = JsonMessage;

            // Separate objects within Json message using new line
            string[] parsedMessage = completeMessage.Split('\n');
            JObject  curObj;
            JToken   curToken;

            // Loop through each Json segment and identify its type to update model.
            // Once object type has been found pass in the Json message along with an int
            // value that references it's type within the UpdateWorldModel method.
            foreach (string curMessage in parsedMessage)
                //Skip any strings that are empty so to not throw error
                if (curMessage == "")

                //Parse the Json object and compare to other objects
                curObj = JObject.Parse(curMessage);

                // Check if object is tank
                curToken = curObj["tank"];
                if (curToken != null)
                    UpdateWorldModel(curMessage, 0);
                    tankInfoReceived = true;

                //Update world model with walls
                curToken = curObj["wall"];
                if (curToken != null)
                    UpdateWorldModel(curMessage, 1);

                // Check if object is projectile
                curToken = curObj["proj"];
                if (curToken != null)
                    UpdateWorldModel(curMessage, 2);

                // Check if object is PowerUp
                curToken = curObj["power"];
                if (curToken != null)
                    UpdateWorldModel(curMessage, 3);

                // Check if object is Beam
                curToken = curObj["beam"];
                if (curToken != null)
                    UpdateWorldModel(curMessage, 4);

            //Send the player ID to view for drawing purposes
            //Only sends once we receive tank data about oursleves
            if (tankInfoReceived)

            //Clear old data
            socket.RemoveData(0, completeMessage.Length);

            //Notify the View to redraw the world
コード例 #15
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: samthesloth/TankWars
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the message received from the server. If it is a json object, it updates the world accordingly.
        /// Otherwise, it is either the player id or world size, and thus sets those accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessMessage(SocketState state)
            if (state.ErrorOccured)

            //Gets data and parts from data
            string totalData = state.GetData();

            string[] parts = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");

            foreach (string s in parts)
                //If the part has a length of 0, then it is not a complete message
                if (s.Length <= 0)

                //If the part does not end with newline, then the message is incomplete
                if (s[s.Length - 1] != '\n')
                //If the part is a json, deserialize
                if (s[0] == '{')
                    lock (controls)
                        //Get the json object out of the part
                        JObject obj = JObject.Parse(s);
                        JToken  type;

                        type = obj["moving"];
                        if (type != null)
                            ControlCommand c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ControlCommand>(s);
                            if (!controls.ContainsKey(users[state]))
                                controls.Add(users[state], c);
                                controls[users[state]] = c;
                //If it is not a json object, then it must be the player's name
                    lock (world)
                        Random   r       = new Random();
                        Vector2D RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                        while (CheckTankWallCollision(RandLoc))
                            RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                        world.UpdateTank((int)state.ID, RandLoc, new Vector2D(0, 1), new Vector2D(0, 1), s, 3, 0, false, false);

                lock (state)
                    //Remove the processed part
                    state.RemoveData(0, s.Length);
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the message received from the server. If it is a json object, it updates the world accordingly.
        /// Otherwise, it is either the player id or world size, and thus sets those accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessMessage(SocketState state)
            if (state.ErrorOccured)

            //Gets data and parts from data
            string totalData = state.GetData();

            string[] parts = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");

            foreach (string s in parts)
                //If the part has a length of 0, then it is not a complete message
                if (s.Length <= 0)

                //If the part does not end with newline, then the message is incomplete
                if (s[s.Length - 1] != '\n')
                //If the part is a json, deserialize
                if (s[0] == '{')
                    lock (world)
                        //Get the json object out of the part
                        JObject obj = JObject.Parse(s);
                        JToken  type;

                        //Wall is not loaded
                        if (!world.WallsLoaded)
                            type = obj["wall"];
                            if (type != null)
                                Wall w = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Wall>(s);
                                world.AddWall(w.ID, w.p1, w.p2);
                                //As soon as we reach a JSON that isn't a wall, the walls are loaded

                        //If it a tank, update the world
                        type = obj["tank"];
                        if (type != null)
                            Tank t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Tank>(s);
                            world.UpdateTank(t.ID, t.location, t.orientation, t.aiming, t.name, t.hitPoints, t.score, t.died, t.disconnected);

                        type = obj["proj"];
                        if (type != null)
                            Projectile p = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Projectile>(s);
                            world.UpdateProjectile(p.ID, p.location, p.orientation, p.owner, p.died);

                        type = obj["power"];
                        if (type != null)
                            Powerup p = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Powerup>(s);
                            world.UpdatePowerup(p.ID, p.location, p.died);

                        type = obj["beam"];
                        if (type != null)
                            Beam b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Beam>(s);
                //If it is not a json object, then it must be the world size or player id
                    //If player id is not set, then the part is the player id
                    if (PlayerID < 0)
                        PlayerID = Int32.Parse(s);
                    //Otherwise, the part must be the world
                        world = new World(Int32.Parse(s));

                lock (state)
                    //Remove the processed part
                    state.RemoveData(0, s.Length);

                //If OnUpdate is set, call it
                if (OnUpdate != null)
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the message received from the server. If it is a json object, it updates the world accordingly.
        /// Otherwise, it is either the player id or world size, and thus sets those accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessMessage(SocketState state)
            if (state.ErrorOccured)

            //Gets data and parts from data
            string totalData = state.GetData();

            string[] parts = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");

            foreach (string s in parts)
                //If the part has a length of 0, then it is not a complete message
                if (s.Length <= 0)

                //If the part does not end with newline, then the message is incomplete
                if (s[s.Length - 1] != '\n')
                //If the part is a json, deserialize
                if (s[0] == '{')
                    lock (world)
                        //Get the json object out of the part
                        JObject obj = JObject.Parse(s);
                        JToken  type;

                        type = obj["controlcommand"];
                        if (type != null)
                            ControlCommand c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ControlCommand>(s);
                            //do thing
                //If it is not a json object, then it must be the player's name
                    lock (world)
                        users.Add(state, userCount);
                        //Change position to random
                        world.UpdateTank(userCount++, new Vector2D(0, 0), new Vector2D(0, 0), new Vector2D(0, 0), s, 3, 0, false, false);

                lock (state)
                    //Remove the processed part
                    state.RemoveData(0, s.Length);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: abporter521/CS3500-TankWars
        /// <summary>
        /// We will receive the player's name and assign an ID number
        /// At this time we will also send to the client world size, the ID number
        /// and the walls
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        private void GetPlayerInfo(SocketState client)
            //Check if error occured and write message to console
            if (client.ErrorOccured)

            //Set the new callback action
            client.OnNetworkAction = GetActionDataFromClient;

            //Get the player name
            string playerName = client.GetData().Trim('\n');

            //Create a new tank representing the player at a random location
            Tank newPlayer = new Tank(playerNumber, playerName, RandomLocationGenerator())
                //Allows the tank to fire upon spawn
                FrameCount = framesBetweenShot + 1

            //We don't spawn on walls or powerups
            while (CheckForCollision(newPlayer, 1))
                newPlayer.Location = new Vector2D(RandomLocationGenerator());

            //Add player to our connections
            lock (connections)
                //Send ID and worldsize info
                Networking.Send(client.TheSocket, playerNumber.ToString() + "\n" + serverWorld.Size.ToString() + "\n");
                //Add socket state to the collection of players with their ID number
                connections.Add(client, playerNumber);

            Console.WriteLine("Player " + playerNumber.ToString() + ": " + playerName + " has connected.");

            //Add player to server world
            lock (serverWorld.Tanks)
                serverWorld.Tanks.Add(newPlayer.GetID(), newPlayer);
                //Increase player ID number

            //Create a string builder info to serialize and send all the walls
            StringBuilder wallinfo = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Wall wall in serverWorld.Walls.Values)
                wallinfo.Append(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wall) + "\n");

            //Send walls to the client
            Networking.Send(client.TheSocket, wallinfo.ToString());

            //Empty the socket state of data

            //Begin receive loop
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Process any buffered messages separated by '\n'
        /// Then inform the view
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        private void ReceiveWorld(SocketState state)
            //Gets the data from the state and splits it by a new line
            string totalData = state.GetData();

            string[] parts = Regex.Split(totalData, @"(?<=[\n])");

            // Loop until we have processed all messages.
            // We may have received more than one.

            //Gets the player number, which should only be once
            int playerNumber = 0;

            havePlayerNum = int.TryParse(parts[0], out playerNumber);
            parts[0]      = "";
            if (playerNumber != 0)
                playerNum = playerNumber;

            //Gets the dimensions of the world that should only happen once
            int dim = 0;

            haveDimension = int.TryParse(parts[1], out dim);
            parts[1]      = "";
            if (dim != 0)
                worldDimension = dim;
                world          = new World(worldDimension);

            //Iterates through all the data given by the server
            foreach (string p in parts)
                // Ignore empty strings added by the regex splitter
                if (p.Length == 0)
                // The regex splitter will include the last string even if it doesn't end with a '\n',
                // So we need to ignore it if this happens.
                if (p[p.Length - 1] != '\n')

                //Locks with a world so that we process information in a single thread
                lock (world)
                    //Parses the object with the JSON
                    JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(p);

                    //Converts the JSON object to a token based on the name of the string
                    JToken projToken  = jObject["proj"];
                    JToken beamToken  = jObject["beam"];
                    JToken tankToken  = jObject["tank"];
                    JToken wallToken  = jObject["wall"];
                    JToken powerToken = jObject["power"];

                    //If the projToken is not null, i.e. if the JSON string passed was a projectile, then it goes in this condition
                    if (projToken != null)
                        //Deserializes the string and converts it to a projectile
                        Projectile proj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Projectile>(p);

                        //Adds the projectile to the world
                        world.SetProjectile(proj.GetID(), proj);

                        //If projectile is dead, removes the projectile from the world
                        if (proj.GetDead() == true)

                    //If the beamToken is not null, i.e. if the JSON string passed was a beam, then it goes in this condition
                    if (beamToken != null)
                        //Deserializes the string and converts it to a beam
                        Beams b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Beams>(p);

                        //Adds the beam in the world's beam dictionary
                        world.SetBeams(b.GetBeamID(), b);

                    //If the tankToken is not null, i.e. if the JSON string passed was a tank, then it goes in this condition
                    if (tankToken != null)
                        //Deserializes the string and converts it to a tank
                        Tank t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Tank>(p);

                        //Sets the color of the tank based on the tank's ID

                        //Adds the tank to the world's tank dictionary
                        world.SetTanks(t.GetID(), t);

                        //If the hitpoints of the tank are 0, then it remove it from the dictionary
                        if (t.GetHitPoints() == 0)

                        //If the tank gets disconnected, then it remove it from the dictionary
                        if (t.GetDisconnected())

                        //If the tank is dead, then it remove it from the dictionary
                        if (t.GetDead())

                    //If the wallToken is not null, i.e. if the JSON string passed was a wall, then it goes in this condition
                    if (wallToken != null)
                        //Deserializes the string and converts it to a wall
                        Wall w = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Wall>(p);

                        //Adds the wall to the world's wall dictionary
                        world.SetWalls(w.GetID(), w);

                    //If the powerToken is not null, i.e. if the JSON string passed was a powerup, then it goes in this condition
                    if (powerToken != null)
                        //Deserializes the string and converts it to a powerup
                        Powerups power = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Powerups>(p);

                        //Adds the powerup to the world's powerup dictionary
                        world.SetPowerups(power.GetID(), power);

                        //If the powerup is dead, then it removes it from the dictionary
                        if (power.GetDead())

                // Then remove it from the SocketState's growable buffer
                state.RemoveData(0, p.Length);

            if (UpdateArrived != null)
                // inform the view to redraw

            //Inform the server