コード例 #1
ファイル: FlyByMotionFitter.cs プロジェクト: aschweiz/tangra3
        public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotFastFlyby(
            Dictionary <int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements,
            FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext,
            FittingContext fittingContext,
            FittingValue fittingValue,
            GetFrameStateDataCallback getFrameStateDataCallback,
            Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth, int imageHeight,
            out double motionRate)
            // Do linear regression, use residual based exclusion rules
            // Two possible modes: (A) non trailed and (B) trailed images
            // A) Non Trailed Images
            // Report interpolated times for video normal position [How to use the MPC page for this?]
            // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file
            // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections (in both integrated and non integrated modes)
            // B) Trailed Images
            // TODO: R&D Required

            if (fittingContext.ObjectExposureQuality == ObjectExposureQuality.GoodSignal)
                           measurements, meaContext, fittingContext, fittingValue, getFrameStateDataCallback,
                           g, plottingContext, xScale, yScale, imageWidth, imageHeight, out motionRate));
                MessageBox.Show("This operation is currently not suppored.");
                motionRate = double.NaN;
                return(new ProcessingReturnValues());
コード例 #2
ファイル: FlyByMotionFitter.cs プロジェクト: hpavlov/tangra3
        public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotSlowMotion(
            Dictionary<int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements,
            FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext,
            GetProcessingValueCallback getValueCallback,
            Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth)
            // Compute median, use median based exclusion rules
            // Report the median position for the time at the middle of the measured interval
            // Do not expect elongated image (no corrections from the exposure)
            // May apply instrumental delay corrections for the frame time

            var rv = new ProcessingReturnValues();

            double sum = 0;
            double userSum = 0;
            double stdDevUserSum = 0;
            int numFramesUser = 0;

            double userMidFrom = meaContext.UserMidValue - meaContext.MaxStdDev;
            double userMidTo = meaContext.UserMidValue + meaContext.MaxStdDev;

            rv.EarliestFrame = int.MaxValue;
            rv.LatestFrame = int.MinValue;

            List<double> medianList = new List<double>();
            foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                float x = (measurement.FrameNo - meaContext.MinFrameNo) * xScale + 5;
                ProcessingValues val = getValueCallback(measurement);
                double valueFrom = val.Value - val.StdDev;
                double valueTo = val.Value + val.StdDev;

                float yFrom = (float)(valueFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                float yTo = (float)(valueTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                sum += val.Value;

                Pen mPen = plottingContext.IncludedPen;
                if (!double.IsNaN(meaContext.UserMidValue))
                    if ((valueFrom >= userMidFrom && valueFrom <= userMidTo) ||
                        (valueTo >= userMidFrom && valueTo <= userMidTo))
                        userSum += val.Value;
                        stdDevUserSum += val.StdDev * val.StdDev;
                        if (rv.EarliestFrame > measurement.FrameNo) rv.EarliestFrame = measurement.FrameNo;
                        if (rv.LatestFrame < measurement.FrameNo) rv.LatestFrame = measurement.FrameNo;
                        mPen = plottingContext.ExcludedPen;

                g.DrawLine(mPen, x, yFrom, x, yTo);
                g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 1, yFrom, x + 1, yFrom);
                g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 1, yTo, x + 1, yTo);

            if (!double.IsNaN(meaContext.UserMidValue) && numFramesUser > 0)
                double average = userSum / numFramesUser;
                double err = Math.Sqrt(stdDevUserSum) / (numFramesUser - 1);
                float yAve = (float)(average - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve - 1, imageWidth - 5, yAve - 1);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve, imageWidth - 5, yAve);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve + 1, imageWidth - 5, yAve + 1);

                float yMin = (float)(userMidFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                float yMax = (float)(userMidTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yMin, imageWidth - 5, yMin);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yMax, imageWidth - 5, yMax);

                // TODO: Use weighted median
                double median = 0;
                if (numFramesUser % 2 == 1)
                    median = medianList[numFramesUser / 2];
                    median = (medianList[numFramesUser / 2] + medianList[(numFramesUser / 2) - 1]) / 2;

                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}; Included: {1}; Average: {2}; Median: {3}",
                    numFramesUser, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(average, "+HH MM SS.T"),
                    AstroConvert.ToStringValue(median, "+HH MM SS.T")));

                rv.FittedValue = median;
                // TODO: Use StdDev/SQRT(N)
                rv.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.AssumedPositionUncertaintyPixels * meaContext.ArsSecsInPixel;
                rv.IsVideoNormalPosition = false;
                double average = sum / measurements.Count;
                float yAve = (float)(average - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.WhiteSmoke, 5, yAve, imageWidth - 5, yAve);

                rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;

            return rv;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FlyByMotionFitter.cs プロジェクト: hpavlov/tangra3
        public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotSlowFlyby(
            Dictionary<int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements,
            FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext,
            FittingContext fittingContext,
            FittingValue fittingValue,
            GetFrameStateDataCallback getFrameStateDataCallback,
            Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth, int imageHight,
            out double motionRate)
                #region Building Test Cases
                if (m_DumpTestCaseData)
                    var mvSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FlybyMeasurementContext));
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    using (var wrt = new StringWriter(sb))
                        mvSer.Serialize(wrt, meaContext);
                    var fcSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FittingContext));
                    using (var wrt = new StringWriter(sb))
                        fcSer.Serialize(wrt, fittingContext);

                    var smfmSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SingleMultiFrameMeasurement));
                    foreach (int key in measurements.Keys)
                        using (var wrt2 = new StringWriter(sb))
                            smfmSer.Serialize(wrt2, measurements[key]);
                            if (measurements[key].FrameNo != key)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException();

                // Do linear regression, use residual based exclusion rules
                // Report the interpolated position at the middle of the measured interva
                // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file
                // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections

                motionRate = double.NaN;

                var rv = new ProcessingReturnValues();

                int numFramesUser = 0;

                rv.EarliestFrame = int.MaxValue;
                rv.LatestFrame = int.MinValue;

                var intervalValues = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<List<double>, List<double>>>();
                var intervalMedians = new Dictionary<double, double>();
                var intervalWeights = new Dictionary<double, double>();

                LinearRegression regression = null;
                if (measurements.Values.Count > 1)
                    rv.EarliestFrame = measurements.Values.Select(m => m.FrameNo).Min();
                    rv.LatestFrame = measurements.Values.Select(m => m.FrameNo).Max();

                    var minUncertainty = meaContext.MinPositionUncertaintyPixels * meaContext.ArsSecsInPixel;

                    foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                        int integrationInterval = (measurement.FrameNo - fittingContext.FirstFrameIdInIntegrationPeroid) / fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount;

                        Tuple<List<double>,List<double>> intPoints;
                        if (!intervalValues.TryGetValue(integrationInterval, out intPoints))
                            intPoints = Tuple.Create(new List<double>(), new List<double>());
                            intervalValues.Add(integrationInterval, intPoints);

                        if (fittingValue == FittingValue.RA)
                            intPoints.Item2.Add(ComputePositionWeight(measurement.SolutionUncertaintyRACosDEArcSec, measurement, minUncertainty, fittingContext.Weighting));
                            intPoints.Item2.Add(ComputePositionWeight(measurement.SolutionUncertaintyDEArcSec, measurement, minUncertainty, fittingContext.Weighting));

                    if (intervalValues.Count > 2)
                        regression = new LinearRegression();

                        foreach (int integratedFrameNo in intervalValues.Keys)
                            Tuple<List<double>, List<double>> data = intervalValues[integratedFrameNo];

                            double median;
                            double medianWeight;

                            WeightedMedian(data, out median, out medianWeight);

                            // Assign the data point to the middle of the integration interval (using frame numbers)
                            // |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
                            // |           |           |
                            // Because the time associated with the first frame is the middle of the frame, but the
                            // time associated with the middle of the interval is the end of the field then the correction
                            // is (N / 2) - 0.5 frames

                            double dataPointFrameNo =
                                rv.EarliestFrame +
                                fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount * integratedFrameNo
                                + (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount / 2)
                                - 0.5;

                            intervalMedians.Add(dataPointFrameNo, median);
                            intervalWeights.Add(dataPointFrameNo, medianWeight);
                            if (fittingContext.Weighting != WeightingMode.None)
                                regression.AddDataPoint(dataPointFrameNo, median, medianWeight);
                                regression.AddDataPoint(dataPointFrameNo, median);


                        var firstPos = measurements[rv.EarliestFrame];
                        var lastPos = measurements[rv.LatestFrame];
                        double distanceArcSec = AngleUtility.Elongation(firstPos.RADeg, firstPos.DEDeg, lastPos.RADeg, lastPos.DEDeg) * 3600;
                        var firstTime = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, rv.EarliestFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, firstPos.OCRedTimeStamp);
                        var lastTime = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, rv.LatestFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, lastPos.OCRedTimeStamp);
                        double elapsedSec = new TimeSpan(lastTime.UT.Ticks - firstTime.UT.Ticks).TotalSeconds;
                        motionRate = distanceArcSec / elapsedSec;

                FrameTime resolvedTime = null;
                if (int.MinValue != meaContext.UserMidFrame)
                    // Find the closest video 'normal' MPC time and compute the frame number for it
                    // Now compute the RA/DE for the computed 'normal' frame
                    resolvedTime = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, meaContext.UserMidFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, measurements[meaContext.UserMidFrame].OCRedTimeStamp);

                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        float xPosBeg = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalIntervalFirstFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;
                        float xPosEnd = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalIntervalLastFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;

                        g.FillRectangle(s_NormalTimeIntervalHighlightBrush, xPosBeg, 1, (xPosEnd - xPosBeg), imageHight - 2);

                Dictionary<double, double> secondPassData = new Dictionary<double, double>();

                int minFrameId = measurements.Keys.Min();

                #region Plotting Code
                if (g != null)
                    foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                        float x = (measurement.FrameNo - minFrameId) * xScale + 5;

                        ProcessingValues val = new ProcessingValues()
                            Value = fittingValue == FittingValue.RA ? measurement.RADeg : measurement.DEDeg,
                            StdDev = fittingValue == FittingValue.RA ? measurement.StdDevRAArcSec / 3600.0 : measurement.StdDevDEArcSec / 3600.0

                        double valueFrom = val.Value - val.StdDev;
                        double valueTo = val.Value + val.StdDev;

                        float yFrom = (float)(valueFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float yTo = (float)(valueTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x, yFrom, x, yTo);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x - 1, yFrom, x + 1, yFrom);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x - 1, yTo, x + 1, yTo);

                foreach (double integrFrameNo in intervalMedians.Keys)
                    double val = intervalMedians[integrFrameNo];

                    double fittedValAtFrame = regression != null
                        ? regression.ComputeY(integrFrameNo)
                        : double.NaN;

                    bool included = Math.Abs(fittedValAtFrame - val) < 3 * regression.StdDev;

                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        if (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount > 1)
                            Pen mPen = included ? plottingContext.IncludedPen : plottingContext.ExcludedPen;

                            float x = (float)(integrFrameNo - minFrameId) * xScale + 5;
                            float y = (float)(val - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                            g.DrawEllipse(mPen, x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6);
                            g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 5, y - 5, x + 5, y + 5);
                            g.DrawLine(mPen, x + 5, y - 5, x - 5, y + 5);

                    if (included) secondPassData.Add(integrFrameNo, val);

                #region Second Pass
                regression = null;
                if (secondPassData.Count > 2)
                    regression = new LinearRegression();
                    foreach (double frameNo in secondPassData.Keys)
                        if (fittingContext.Weighting != WeightingMode.None)
                            regression.AddDataPoint(frameNo, secondPassData[frameNo], intervalWeights[frameNo]);
                            regression.AddDataPoint(frameNo, secondPassData[frameNo]);

                if (regression != null)
                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        double leftFittedVal = regression.ComputeY(rv.EarliestFrame);
                        double rightFittedVal = regression.ComputeY(rv.LatestFrame);

                        double err = 3 * regression.StdDev;

                        float leftAve = (float)(leftFittedVal - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightAve = (float)(rightFittedVal - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float leftX = 5 + (float)(rv.EarliestFrame - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale;
                        float rightX = 5 + (float)(rv.LatestFrame - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve - 1, rightX, rightAve - 1);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve, rightX, rightAve);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve + 1, rightX, rightAve + 1);

                        float leftMin = (float)(leftFittedVal - err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float leftMax = (float)(leftFittedVal + err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightMin = (float)(rightFittedVal - err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightMax = (float)(rightFittedVal + err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftMin, rightX, rightMin);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftMax, rightX, rightMax);

                    if (int.MinValue != meaContext.UserMidFrame &&
                        resolvedTime != null)
                        // Find the closest video 'normal' MPC time and compute the frame number for it
                        // Now compute the RA/DE for the computed 'normal' frame

                        double fittedValueUncertainty;
                        double fittedValueAtMiddleFrame = regression.ComputeYWithError(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo, out fittedValueUncertainty);

                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}; Included: {1}; Normal Frame No: {2}; Fitted Val: {3} +/- {4:0.00}",
                            numFramesUser, resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo,
                            AstroConvert.ToStringValue(fittedValueAtMiddleFrame, "+HH MM SS.T"),
                            regression.StdDev * 60 * 60));

                        // Report the interpolated position at the middle of the measured interval
                        // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file
                        // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections

                        rv.FittedValue = fittedValueAtMiddleFrame;
                        rv.FittedValueTime = resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameTime;
                        rv.IsVideoNormalPosition = true;
                        rv.FittedNormalFrame = resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo;
                        rv.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec = fittedValueUncertainty * 60 * 60;

                        #region Plotting Code
                        if (g != null)
                            // Plot the frame
                            float xPos = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;
                            float yPos = (float)(rv.FittedValue - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                            g.DrawLine(Pens.Yellow, xPos, 1, xPos, imageHight - 2);
                            g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, xPos - 3, yPos - 3, 6, 6);
                        rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;
                    rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;

                return rv;
            catch (Exception ex)
                motionRate = 0;
                return null;
コード例 #4
ファイル: FlyByMotionFitter.cs プロジェクト: hpavlov/tangra3
        public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotFastFlyby(
            Dictionary<int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements,
            FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext,
            FittingContext fittingContext,
            FittingValue fittingValue,
            GetFrameStateDataCallback getFrameStateDataCallback,
            Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth, int imageHeight,
            out double motionRate)
            // Do linear regression, use residual based exclusion rules
            // Two possible modes: (A) non trailed and (B) trailed images
            // A) Non Trailed Images
            // Report interpolated times for video normal position [How to use the MPC page for this?]
            // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file
            // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections (in both integrated and non integrated modes)
            // B) Trailed Images
            // TODO: R&D Required

            if (fittingContext.ObjectExposureQuality == ObjectExposureQuality.GoodSignal)
                return FitAndPlotSlowFlyby(
                    measurements, meaContext, fittingContext, fittingValue, getFrameStateDataCallback,
                    g, plottingContext, xScale, yScale, imageWidth, imageHeight, out motionRate);
                MessageBox.Show("This operation is currently not suppored.");
                motionRate = double.NaN;
                return new ProcessingReturnValues();
コード例 #5
ファイル: FlyByMotionFitter.cs プロジェクト: aschweiz/tangra3
        public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotSlowMotion(
            Dictionary <int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements,
            FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext,
            GetProcessingValueCallback getValueCallback,
            Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth)
            // Compute median, use median based exclusion rules
            // Report the median position for the time at the middle of the measured interval
            // Do not expect elongated image (no corrections from the exposure)
            // May apply instrumental delay corrections for the frame time

            var rv = new ProcessingReturnValues();

            double sum           = 0;
            double userSum       = 0;
            double stdDevUserSum = 0;
            int    numFramesUser = 0;

            double userMidFrom = meaContext.UserMidValue - meaContext.MaxStdDev;
            double userMidTo   = meaContext.UserMidValue + meaContext.MaxStdDev;

            rv.EarliestFrame = int.MaxValue;
            rv.LatestFrame   = int.MinValue;

            List <double> medianList              = new List <double>();
            List <double> medianWeightsList       = new List <double>();
            var           minPosUncertaintyArcSec = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.AssumedPositionUncertaintyPixels * meaContext.ArsSecsInPixel;

            foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                float            x         = (measurement.FrameNo - meaContext.MinFrameNo) * xScale + 5;
                ProcessingValues val       = getValueCallback(measurement);
                double           valueFrom = val.Value - val.StdDev;
                double           valueTo   = val.Value + val.StdDev;

                float yFrom = (float)(valueFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                float yTo   = (float)(valueTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                sum += val.Value;

                Pen mPen = plottingContext.IncludedPen;
                if (!double.IsNaN(meaContext.UserMidValue))
                    if ((valueFrom >= userMidFrom && valueFrom <= userMidTo) ||
                        (valueTo >= userMidFrom && valueTo <= userMidTo))
                        userSum += val.Value;
                        medianWeightsList.Add(ComputePositionWeight(val.StdDev, measurement, minPosUncertaintyArcSec, WeightingMode.SNR));

                        stdDevUserSum += val.StdDev * val.StdDev;
                        if (rv.EarliestFrame > measurement.FrameNo)
                            rv.EarliestFrame = measurement.FrameNo;
                        if (rv.LatestFrame < measurement.FrameNo)
                            rv.LatestFrame = measurement.FrameNo;
                        mPen = plottingContext.ExcludedPen;

                g.DrawLine(mPen, x, yFrom, x, yTo);
                g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 1, yFrom, x + 1, yFrom);
                g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 1, yTo, x + 1, yTo);

            if (!double.IsNaN(meaContext.UserMidValue) && numFramesUser > 0)
                double average = userSum / numFramesUser;
                double err     = Math.Sqrt(stdDevUserSum) / (numFramesUser - 1);
                float  yAve    = (float)(average - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve - 1, imageWidth - 5, yAve - 1);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve, imageWidth - 5, yAve);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve + 1, imageWidth - 5, yAve + 1);

                float yMin = (float)(userMidFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                float yMax = (float)(userMidTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yMin, imageWidth - 5, yMin);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yMax, imageWidth - 5, yMax);

                double median;
                double medianWeight;

                WeightedMedian(Tuple.Create(medianList, medianWeightsList), out median, out medianWeight);

                double standardMedian = medianList.Median();

                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}; Included: {1}; Average: {2}; Wighted Median: {3}; Standard Median: {4}",
                                              numFramesUser, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(average, "+HH MM SS.TTT"),
                                              AstroConvert.ToStringValue(median, "+HH MM SS.TTT"),
                                              AstroConvert.ToStringValue(standardMedian, "+HH MM SS.TTT")));

                rv.FittedValue = median;

                var stdDevArcSec = 3600 * Math.Sqrt(medianList.Sum(x => (x - median) * (x - median)) / (medianList.Count - 1));
                var tCoeff95     = TDistribution.CalculateCriticalValue(medianList.Count, (1 - 0.95), 0.0001);
                var error95      = 1.253 * tCoeff95 * stdDevArcSec / Math.Sqrt(medianList.Count);
                rv.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec = error95;
                rv.IsVideoNormalPosition        = false;
                double average = sum / measurements.Count;
                float  yAve    = (float)(average - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.WhiteSmoke, 5, yAve, imageWidth - 5, yAve);

                rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;

コード例 #6
ファイル: FlyByMotionFitter.cs プロジェクト: aschweiz/tangra3
        public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotSlowFlyby(
            Dictionary <int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements,
            FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext,
            FittingContext fittingContext,
            FittingValue fittingValue,
            GetFrameStateDataCallback getFrameStateDataCallback,
            Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth, int imageHight,
            out double motionRate)
                #region Building Test Cases
                if (m_DumpTestCaseData)
                    var mvSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FlybyMeasurementContext));
                    var sb    = new StringBuilder();
                    using (var wrt = new StringWriter(sb))
                        mvSer.Serialize(wrt, meaContext);
                    var fcSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FittingContext));
                    using (var wrt = new StringWriter(sb))
                        fcSer.Serialize(wrt, fittingContext);

                    var smfmSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SingleMultiFrameMeasurement));
                    foreach (int key in measurements.Keys)
                        using (var wrt2 = new StringWriter(sb))
                            smfmSer.Serialize(wrt2, measurements[key]);
                            if (measurements[key].FrameNo != key)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException();

                // Do linear regression, use residual based exclusion rules
                // Report the interpolated position at the middle of the measured interva
                // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file
                // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections

                motionRate = double.NaN;

                var rv = new ProcessingReturnValues();

                int numFramesUser = 0;

                rv.EarliestFrame = int.MaxValue;
                rv.LatestFrame   = int.MinValue;

                var intervalValues  = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > >();
                var intervalMedians = new Dictionary <double, double>();
                var intervalWeights = new Dictionary <double, double>();

                LinearRegression regression = null;
                if (measurements.Values.Count > 1)
                    rv.EarliestFrame = measurements.Values.Select(m => m.FrameNo).Min();
                    rv.LatestFrame   = measurements.Values.Select(m => m.FrameNo).Max();

                    var minUncertainty = meaContext.MinPositionUncertaintyPixels * meaContext.ArsSecsInPixel;

                    foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                        int integrationInterval = (measurement.FrameNo - fittingContext.FirstFrameIdInIntegrationPeroid) / fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount;

                        Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > intPoints;
                        if (!intervalValues.TryGetValue(integrationInterval, out intPoints))
                            intPoints = Tuple.Create(new List <double>(), new List <double>());
                            intervalValues.Add(integrationInterval, intPoints);

                        if (fittingValue == FittingValue.RA)
                            intPoints.Item2.Add(ComputePositionWeight(measurement.SolutionUncertaintyRACosDEArcSec, measurement, minUncertainty, fittingContext.Weighting));
                            intPoints.Item2.Add(ComputePositionWeight(measurement.SolutionUncertaintyDEArcSec, measurement, minUncertainty, fittingContext.Weighting));

                    if (intervalValues.Count > 2)
                        regression = new LinearRegression();

                        foreach (int integratedFrameNo in intervalValues.Keys)
                            Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > data = intervalValues[integratedFrameNo];

                            double median;
                            double medianWeight;

                            WeightedMedian(data, out median, out medianWeight);

                            // Assign the data point to the middle of the integration interval (using frame numbers)
                            // |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
                            // |           |           |
                            // Because the time associated with the first frame is the middle of the frame, but the
                            // time associated with the middle of the interval is the end of the field then the correction
                            // is (N / 2) - 0.5 frames when integration is used or no correction when integration of x1 is used.

                            double dataPointFrameNo =
                                rv.EarliestFrame +
                                fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount * integratedFrameNo
                                + (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount / 2)
                                - (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount > 1 ? 0.5 : 0);

                            intervalMedians.Add(dataPointFrameNo, median);
                            intervalWeights.Add(dataPointFrameNo, medianWeight);
                            if (fittingContext.Weighting != WeightingMode.None)
                                regression.AddDataPoint(dataPointFrameNo, median, medianWeight);
                                regression.AddDataPoint(dataPointFrameNo, median);


                        var    firstPos       = measurements[rv.EarliestFrame];
                        var    lastPos        = measurements[rv.LatestFrame];
                        double distanceArcSec = AngleUtility.Elongation(firstPos.RADeg, firstPos.DEDeg, lastPos.RADeg, lastPos.DEDeg) * 3600;
                        var    firstTime      = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, rv.EarliestFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, firstPos.FrameTimeStamp);
                        var    lastTime       = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, rv.LatestFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, lastPos.FrameTimeStamp);
                        double elapsedSec     = new TimeSpan(lastTime.UT.Ticks - firstTime.UT.Ticks).TotalSeconds;
                        motionRate = distanceArcSec / elapsedSec;

                FrameTime resolvedTime = null;
                if (int.MinValue != meaContext.UserMidFrame)
                    // Find the closest video 'normal' MPC time and compute the frame number for it
                    // Now compute the RA/DE for the computed 'normal' frame
                    resolvedTime = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, meaContext.UserMidFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, measurements[meaContext.UserMidFrame].FrameTimeStamp);

                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        float xPosBeg = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalIntervalFirstFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;
                        float xPosEnd = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalIntervalLastFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;

                        g.FillRectangle(s_NormalTimeIntervalHighlightBrush, xPosBeg, 1, (xPosEnd - xPosBeg), imageHight - 2);

                Dictionary <double, double> secondPassData = new Dictionary <double, double>();

                int minFrameId = measurements.Keys.Min();

                #region Plotting Code
                if (g != null)
                    foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                        float x = (measurement.FrameNo - minFrameId) * xScale + 5;

                        ProcessingValues val = new ProcessingValues()
                            Value  = fittingValue == FittingValue.RA ? measurement.RADeg : measurement.DEDeg,
                            StdDev = fittingValue == FittingValue.RA ? measurement.StdDevRAArcSec / 3600.0 : measurement.StdDevDEArcSec / 3600.0

                        double valueFrom = val.Value - val.StdDev;
                        double valueTo   = val.Value + val.StdDev;

                        float yFrom = (float)(valueFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float yTo   = (float)(valueTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x, yFrom, x, yTo);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x - 1, yFrom, x + 1, yFrom);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x - 1, yTo, x + 1, yTo);

                foreach (double integrFrameNo in intervalMedians.Keys)
                    double val = intervalMedians[integrFrameNo];

                    double fittedValAtFrame = regression != null
                        ? regression.ComputeY(integrFrameNo)
                        : double.NaN;

                    bool included = Math.Abs(fittedValAtFrame - val) < 3 * regression.StdDev;

                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        if (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount > 1)
                            Pen mPen = included ? plottingContext.IncludedPen : plottingContext.ExcludedPen;

                            float x = (float)(integrFrameNo - minFrameId) * xScale + 5;
                            float y = (float)(val - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                            g.DrawEllipse(mPen, x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6);
                            g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 5, y - 5, x + 5, y + 5);
                            g.DrawLine(mPen, x + 5, y - 5, x - 5, y + 5);

                    if (included)
                        secondPassData.Add(integrFrameNo, val);

                #region Second Pass
                regression = null;
                if (secondPassData.Count > 2)
                    regression = new LinearRegression();
                    foreach (double frameNo in secondPassData.Keys)
                        if (fittingContext.Weighting != WeightingMode.None)
                            regression.AddDataPoint(frameNo, secondPassData[frameNo], intervalWeights[frameNo]);
                            regression.AddDataPoint(frameNo, secondPassData[frameNo]);

                if (regression != null)
                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        double leftFittedVal  = regression.ComputeY(rv.EarliestFrame);
                        double rightFittedVal = regression.ComputeY(rv.LatestFrame);

                        double err = 3 * regression.StdDev;

                        float leftAve  = (float)(leftFittedVal - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightAve = (float)(rightFittedVal - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float leftX    = 5 + (float)(rv.EarliestFrame - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale;
                        float rightX   = 5 + (float)(rv.LatestFrame - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve - 1, rightX, rightAve - 1);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve, rightX, rightAve);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve + 1, rightX, rightAve + 1);

                        float leftMin  = (float)(leftFittedVal - err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float leftMax  = (float)(leftFittedVal + err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightMin = (float)(rightFittedVal - err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightMax = (float)(rightFittedVal + err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftMin, rightX, rightMin);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftMax, rightX, rightMax);

                    if (int.MinValue != meaContext.UserMidFrame &&
                        resolvedTime != null)
                        // Find the closest video 'normal' MPC time and compute the frame number for it
                        // Now compute the RA/DE for the computed 'normal' frame

                        double fittedValueUncertainty;
                        double fittedValueAtMiddleFrame = regression.ComputeYWithError(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo, out fittedValueUncertainty);

                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}; Included: {1}; Normal Frame No: {2}; Fitted Val: {3} +/- {4:0.00}",
                                                      numFramesUser, resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo,
                                                      AstroConvert.ToStringValue(fittedValueAtMiddleFrame, "+HH MM SS.T"),
                                                      regression.StdDev * 60 * 60));

                        // Report the interpolated position at the middle of the measured interval
                        // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file
                        // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections

                        rv.FittedValue                  = fittedValueAtMiddleFrame;
                        rv.FittedValueTime              = resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameTime;
                        rv.IsVideoNormalPosition        = true;
                        rv.FittedNormalFrame            = resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo;
                        rv.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec = fittedValueUncertainty * 60 * 60;

                        #region Plotting Code
                        if (g != null)
                            // Plot the frame
                            float xPos = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;
                            float yPos = (float)(rv.FittedValue - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                            g.DrawLine(Pens.Yellow, xPos, 1, xPos, imageHight - 2);
                            g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, xPos - 3, yPos - 3, 6, 6);
                        rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;
                    rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;

            catch (Exception ex)
                motionRate = 0;
コード例 #7
        private ProcessingReturnValues DrawRAPanel()
            ProcessingReturnValues retVal = null;

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(m_RAImage))

                int midY = m_RAImage.Height / 2;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, 5, midY, m_RAImage.Width - 5, midY);

                int minFrame = m_AllMeasurements.Keys.Min();
                int maxFrame = m_AllMeasurements.Keys.Max();
                int frames = 1 +  maxFrame - minFrame;

                if (m_AllMeasurements.Count > 0)
                    float xScale = m_RAImage.Width * 1.0f / frames;
                    float yScale = (m_RAImage.Height - 10) / (float)(m_MaxRA - m_MinRA);

                    double from = m_MinRA - (6 / 3600.0);
                    double to = m_MaxRA + (6 / 3600.0);
                    double curr = Math.Truncate((from * 3600.0) / 5) * 5 / (3600.0);
                    while (curr < to)
                        float y = (float)(curr - m_MinRA) * yScale + 5;
                        g.DrawLine(s_SecondLinesPen, 5, y, m_RAImage.Width - 5, y);
                        curr += (1 / 3600.0);

                    var meaContext = new FlybyMeasurementContext
                        UserMidValue = m_UserRAMid,
                        UserMidFrame = m_UserFrame,
                        MaxStdDev = m_MeasurementContext.MaxStdDev/3600.0,
                        FirstVideoFrame = m_VideoController.VideoFirstFrame,
                        ArsSecsInPixel = m_AstrometryController.GetCurrentAstroPlate().GetDistanceInArcSec(0, 0, 1, 1),
                        MinPositionUncertaintyPixels = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.AssumedPositionUncertaintyPixels,
                        MinFrameNo = minFrame,
                        MaxFrameNo = maxFrame

                    var fittingContext = m_MeasurementContext.ToFittingContext();
                    fittingContext.Weighting = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.MotionFitWeightingMode;

                    var plottingContext = new FlybyPlottingContext
                        MinValue = m_MinRA,
                        IncludedPen = Pens.SkyBlue,
                        ExcludedPen = Pens.Tomato,
                        AveragePen = s_RAAveragePen,

                    #region Compute the RA or DE value at the middle of the interval

                    GetProcessingValueCallback processingValueCallback =
                        delegate(SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement)
                            return new ProcessingValues
                                StdDev = measurement.StdDevRAArcSec / 3600.0,
                                Value = measurement.RADeg

                    switch (m_MeasurementContext.MovementExpectation)
                        case MovementExpectation.Slow:
                            retVal = m_FlyByMotionFitter.FitAndPlotSlowMotion(
                                        m_AllMeasurements, meaContext, processingValueCallback,
                                        g, plottingContext, xScale, yScale, m_RAImage.Width);

                        case MovementExpectation.SlowFlyby:
                            double motionRate;
                            retVal = m_FlyByMotionFitter.FitAndPlotSlowFlyby(
                                        m_AllMeasurements, meaContext, fittingContext, FittingValue.RA, (frameId) => m_AstrometryController.GetFrameTimeInfo(frameId),
                                        g, plottingContext, xScale, yScale, m_RAImage.Width, m_RAImage.Height, out motionRate);
                            m_MotionRate = motionRate;

                        case MovementExpectation.FastFlyby:
                            retVal = m_FlyByMotionFitter.FitAndPlotFastFlyby(
                                        m_AllMeasurements, meaContext, fittingContext, FittingValue.RA, (frameId) => m_AstrometryController.GetFrameTimeInfo(frameId),
                                        g, plottingContext, xScale, yScale, m_RAImage.Width, m_RAImage.Height, out motionRate);


                            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();


                    if (retVal != null)
                        m_EarliestDEFrame = retVal.EarliestFrame;
                        m_LatestDEFrame = retVal.LatestFrame;

                        if (!double.IsNaN(retVal.FittedValue))
                            lblAstRA.Text = string.Format("{0}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(retVal.FittedValue / 15, "HH MM SS.TT"));
                            lblAlpha.Visible = true;
                            m_RADeg = retVal.FittedValue;
                            m_RAUncertaintyArcSec = retVal.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec;
                            if (TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.ExportUncertainties) m_MPCRAUncertainty = retVal.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec;
                            lblAstUncertainty.Text = string.Format("({0:0.00}, {1:0.00})\"", m_RAUncertaintyArcSec * Math.Cos(m_DEDeg * Math.PI / 180), m_DEUncertaintyArcSec);
                            lblUncert.Visible = true;
                            m_MPCRAHours = m_RADeg / 15;
                            m_MPCTime = retVal.FittedValueTime;
                            m_MPCTimePrecission = TimeSpan.MinValue;
                            m_MPCIsVideoNormalPosition = retVal.IsVideoNormalPosition;


                g.DrawString("a", s_SymbolFont12, Brushes.Yellow, 5, 5);

            pnlRASeries.Image = m_RAImage;
            if (m_AstrometricState.MeasuringState != AstrometryInFramesState.RunningMeasurements)

            return retVal;
コード例 #8
        public void TestInstrumentalDelayInAVI(int integratedFrames, int measureFramesPerInterval, double frameRate, double instrumentalDelaySec, bool missFirstFrame, int? clickedFrameIndex)
            // Simulated 10 integrated frames with integration starting at frame 100
            // Simulated motion in RA with rate 2.34567s per minute
            // Simulated motion in DEC with rate 34.5678" per minute

            double frameDurationSec = 1.0 / frameRate;
            const double raArcSecRatePerMinute = 2.34567;
            double raArcSecRatePerIntegrationPeriod = integratedFrames * frameDurationSec * raArcSecRatePerMinute / 60.0;
            const double startingRaDeg = 123.0;
            const int firstFrameId = 100;
            const int numIntegrationIntervalsMeasured = 10;
            DateTime firstIntegratedFrameRealMidExposureUT = DateTime.ParseExact("2016 09 08 13:45:04.718", "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            const double decArcSecRatePerMinute = 34.5678;
            double decArcSecRatePerIntegrationPeriod = integratedFrames * frameDurationSec * decArcSecRatePerMinute / 60.0;
            const double startingDecDeg = 42.0;

            DateTime midExpWithDelay = firstIntegratedFrameRealMidExposureUT.AddSeconds(instrumentalDelaySec);
            DateTime endFirstFieldTimeStamp = midExpWithDelay;

            var measurements = new Dictionary<int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement>();

            var fittingContext = new FittingContext()
                AavStackedMode = false,
                FirstFrameIdInIntegrationPeroid = firstFrameId,
                FirstFrameUtcTime = endFirstFieldTimeStamp,
                FrameRate = frameRate,
                FrameTimeType = FrameTimeType.TimeStampOfFirstIntegratedFrame,
                InstrumentalDelay = instrumentalDelaySec,
                InstrumentalDelayUnits = InstrumentalDelayUnits.Seconds,
                IntegratedFramesCount = integratedFrames,
                MovementExpectation = MovementExpectation.SlowFlyby,
                NativeVideoFormat = null,
                ObjectExposureQuality = ObjectExposureQuality.GoodSignal

            var meaContext = new FlybyMeasurementContext()
                FirstVideoFrame = 0, /* First frame is in the whole video file */
                MaxStdDev = 0,
                UserMidValue = 0 /* This is used for plotting only */

            for (int i = 0; i < numIntegrationIntervalsMeasured; i++)
                double de = startingDecDeg + (decArcSecRatePerIntegrationPeriod * i) / 3600;
                double ra = startingRaDeg + (raArcSecRatePerIntegrationPeriod * i) / 3600;

                for (int f = 0; f < measureFramesPerInterval; f++)
                    var mea = new SingleMultiFrameMeasurement()
                        RADeg = ra,
                        DEDeg = de,
                        FrameNo = firstFrameId + i * integratedFrames + f,
                        Mag = 14

                    measurements.Add(mea.FrameNo, mea);

            if (missFirstFrame)
                // Simulate a prevoous buggy condition: Missed first frame

            meaContext.MinFrameNo = measurements.Keys.Min();
            meaContext.MaxFrameNo = measurements.Keys.Max();
            if (clickedFrameIndex == null)
                // When not specified explicitely compute a normal position close to the last measured frame
                meaContext.UserMidFrame = meaContext.MaxFrameNo;
                meaContext.UserMidFrame = meaContext.MinFrameNo + clickedFrameIndex.Value;

            var fitter = new FlyByMotionFitter();
            double motionRate;

            var raFit = fitter.FitAndPlotSlowFlyby(
                measurements, meaContext, fittingContext, FittingValue.RA,
                null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, out motionRate);

            var deFit = fitter.FitAndPlotSlowFlyby(
                measurements, meaContext, fittingContext, FittingValue.DEC,
                null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, out motionRate);



            #region Compute Expected Normal Position and Time of Normal Position

            int userFrameIntegrationInterval = (meaContext.UserMidFrame - firstFrameId) / integratedFrames;
            double userFrameIntegrationIntervalMidFrame = firstFrameId + userFrameIntegrationInterval * integratedFrames + integratedFrames / 2 - (frameDurationSec / 2 /* Correction for finding the middle even frames block */);
            DateTime userFrameIntegrationIntervalMidExposureRealTimeStamp = firstIntegratedFrameRealMidExposureUT.AddSeconds(userFrameIntegrationInterval * integratedFrames * frameDurationSec);

            double userFrameOffsetFromMidExposureSec = (meaContext.UserMidFrame - userFrameIntegrationIntervalMidFrame) * frameDurationSec;
            DateTime userFrameRealProjectedTimeStamp = userFrameIntegrationIntervalMidExposureRealTimeStamp.AddSeconds(userFrameOffsetFromMidExposureSec);

            double fractionalDaysProjectedTimeStamp = GetFractionalDays(userFrameRealProjectedTimeStamp);

            double fractionalDaysClosestNormalTimeStamp = Math.Round(fractionalDaysProjectedTimeStamp * 1E6) / 1E6;
            DateTime closestNormalTimeStamp =
                new DateTime(userFrameRealProjectedTimeStamp.Year, userFrameRealProjectedTimeStamp.Month,

            TimeSpan diffExpectedMinusFitted = closestNormalTimeStamp - raFit.FittedValueTime;
            if (diffExpectedMinusFitted.TotalMilliseconds > 0.5)
                diffExpectedMinusFitted = closestNormalTimeStamp.AddDays(0.000001) - raFit.FittedValueTime;
                if (diffExpectedMinusFitted.TotalMilliseconds > 0.5)
                    diffExpectedMinusFitted = closestNormalTimeStamp.AddDays(-0.000001) - raFit.FittedValueTime;
                    if (diffExpectedMinusFitted.TotalMilliseconds > 0.5)
                        Assert.Fail("Normal Time Difference. Expected: {0:0.0000000}, Actual: {1:0.0000000}",

            // Make sure we calculate the position for the selected normal frame by the fitter, which may be 1 microday away from ours
            closestNormalTimeStamp = raFit.FittedValueTime;

            TimeSpan diffNormalMinusStartTime = closestNormalTimeStamp - firstIntegratedFrameRealMidExposureUT;
            double raAtNormalTimeArcSec = startingRaDeg * 3600 + raArcSecRatePerMinute * diffNormalMinusStartTime.TotalMinutes;
            double deAtNormalTimeArcSec = startingDecDeg * 3600 + decArcSecRatePerMinute * diffNormalMinusStartTime.TotalMinutes;

            double fittedRaArcSec = raFit.FittedValue * 3600;
            double fittedDecArcSec = deFit.FittedValue * 3600;

            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("RA-Diff={0}\", DEC-Diff-{1}\"", Math.Abs(raAtNormalTimeArcSec - fittedRaArcSec), Math.Abs(deAtNormalTimeArcSec - fittedDecArcSec)));

            Assert.AreEqual(raAtNormalTimeArcSec, fittedRaArcSec, 0.1 /* 0.1 arcsec */);
            Assert.AreEqual(deAtNormalTimeArcSec, fittedDecArcSec, 0.1 /* 0.1 arcsec */);