public static bool Get(long PriceList_ID, ref long Atom_PriceList_ID) { string Err = null; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string sql = @"select Atom_PriceList.ID from Atom_PriceList inner join PriceList on Atom_PriceList.Name = PriceList.Name and Atom_PriceList.Valid = PriceList.Valid and ((Atom_PriceList.ValidFrom = PriceList.ValidFrom) or (Atom_PriceList.ValidFrom is null and PriceList.ValidFrom is null)) and ((Atom_PriceList.ValidTo = PriceList.ValidTo) or (Atom_PriceList.ValidTo is null and PriceList.ValidTo is null)) and ((Atom_PriceList.Description = PriceList.Description) or (Atom_PriceList.Description is null and PriceList.Description is null)) inner join Currency on PriceList.Currency_ID = Currency.ID inner join Atom_Currency on Atom_PriceList.Atom_Currency_ID = Atom_Currency.ID where Currency.Abbreviation = Atom_Currency.Abbreviation and PriceList.ID = " + PriceList_ID.ToString(); if (DBSync.DBSync.ReadDataTable(ref dt, sql, null, ref Err)) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Atom_PriceList_ID = (long)dt.Rows[0]["ID"]; return true; } else { xPriceList m_xPriceList = new xPriceList(); sql = "select Currency_ID from PriceList where PriceList.ID = " + PriceList_ID.ToString(); dt.Clear(); if (DBSync.DBSync.ReadDataTable(ref dt, sql, null, ref Err)) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { long Currency_ID = (long)dt.Rows[0]["Currency_ID"]; long Atom_Currency_ID = -1; if (f_Atom_Currency.Get(Currency_ID, ref Atom_Currency_ID)) { sql = "insert into Atom_PriceList (Name,Valid,ValidFrom,ValidTo,Description,Atom_Currency_ID) select Name,Valid,ValidFrom,ValidTo,Description," + Atom_Currency_ID.ToString() + " from PriceList where ID = " + PriceList_ID.ToString(); object objretx = null; if (DBSync.DBSync.ExecuteNonQuerySQLReturnID(sql, null, ref Atom_PriceList_ID, ref objretx, ref Err, "Atom_PriceList")) { return true; } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:Get:" + sql + "\r\nErr=" + Err); return false; } } else { return false; } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:PriceList has no Currency!\r\nsql=" + sql); return false; } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:Get:" + sql + "\r\nErr=" + Err); return false; } } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:Get:" + sql + "\r\nErr=" + Err); return false; } }
public bool Init(long Currency_ID,usrc_PriceList_Edit.eShopType xeShopType,string ShopsInUse, NavigationButtons.Navigation xnav, ref string Err) { m_eShopType = xeShopType; m_Currency_ID = Currency_ID; if (m_xPriceList == null) { m_xPriceList = new xPriceList(); } if (xnav != null) { if (xnav.LastStartupDialog_TYPE.Equals("TangentaSampleDB.Form_Items_Samples")) { return DoEditPriceList(Currency_ID, xnav, ref Err); } } if (m_xPriceList.Get_PriceLists_of_Currency(Currency_ID, ref xPriceList_Count, ref Err)) { if (xPriceList_Count > 0) { this.cmb_PriceListType.DataSource = m_xPriceList.List_xPriceList; this.cmb_PriceListType.DisplayMember = "xPriceList_Name"; this.cmb_PriceListType.ValueMember = "xPriceList_ID"; } else { bool bAsk = ((ShopsInUse.Contains("B") && (xeShopType == usrc_PriceList_Edit.eShopType.ShopB) ) || ((ShopsInUse.Contains("C") && (xeShopType == usrc_PriceList_Edit.eShopType.ShopC)))); if (bAsk) { bool bDialogResult = true; if (xnav.m_eButtons == NavigationButtons.Navigation.eButtons.PrevNextExit) { bDialogResult = true; } else { bDialogResult = XMessage.Box.ShowTopMost(this, lngRPM.s_NoPriceList_AskToCreatePriceList, "?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Yes; } if (bDialogResult) { return DoEditPriceList(Currency_ID, xnav, ref Err); } } } return true; } else { LogFile.Error.Show(Err); return false; } }
public static bool Get(ref Atom_DocInvoice_ShopC_Item_Price_Stock_Data appisd, ref long Atom_PriceList_ID) { string Err = null; if (appisd.Atom_PriceList_Name != null) { List<SQL_Parameter> lpar = new List<SQL_Parameter>(); string spar_Atom_PriceList_Name = "@par_Atom_PriceList_Name"; SQL_Parameter par_Atom_PriceList_Name = new SQL_Parameter(spar_Atom_PriceList_Name, SQL_Parameter.eSQL_Parameter.Nvarchar, false, appisd.Atom_PriceList_Name.v); lpar.Add(par_Atom_PriceList_Name); string spar_Atom_Currency_Abbreviation = "@par_Atom_Currency_Abbreviation"; SQL_Parameter par_Atom_Currency_Abbreviation = new SQL_Parameter(spar_Atom_Currency_Abbreviation, SQL_Parameter.eSQL_Parameter.Nvarchar, false, appisd.Atom_Currency_Abbreviation.v); lpar.Add(par_Atom_Currency_Abbreviation); string spar_Atom_Currency_Name = "@par_Atom_Currency_Name"; SQL_Parameter par_Atom_Currency_Name = new SQL_Parameter(spar_Atom_Currency_Name, SQL_Parameter.eSQL_Parameter.Nvarchar, false, appisd.Atom_Currency_Name.v); lpar.Add(par_Atom_Currency_Name); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string sql = @"select Atom_PriceList.ID from Atom_PriceList inner join Atom_Currency on Atom_PriceList.Atom_Currency_ID = Atom_Currency.ID where Atom_PriceList.Name = " + spar_Atom_PriceList_Name + " and Atom_Currency.Name = " + spar_Atom_Currency_Name + " and Atom_Currency.Abbreviation = " + spar_Atom_Currency_Abbreviation; if (DBSync.DBSync.ReadDataTable(ref dt, sql, lpar, ref Err)) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Atom_PriceList_ID = (long)dt.Rows[0]["ID"]; return true; } else { sql = @"select PriceList.ID from PriceList inner join Currency on PriceList.Currency_ID = Currency.ID where PriceList.Name = " + spar_Atom_PriceList_Name + " and Currency.Name = " + spar_Atom_Currency_Name + " and Currency.Abbreviation = " + spar_Atom_Currency_Abbreviation; dt.Clear(); dt.Rows.Clear(); dt.Columns.Clear(); if (DBSync.DBSync.ReadDataTable(ref dt, sql, lpar, ref Err)) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { long PriceList_ID = (long)dt.Rows[0]["ID"]; xPriceList m_xPriceList = new xPriceList(); sql = "select Currency_ID from PriceList where PriceList.ID = " + PriceList_ID.ToString(); dt.Clear(); if (DBSync.DBSync.ReadDataTable(ref dt, sql, null, ref Err)) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { long Currency_ID = (long)dt.Rows[0]["Currency_ID"]; long Atom_Currency_ID = -1; if (f_Atom_Currency.Get(Currency_ID, ref Atom_Currency_ID)) { sql = "insert into Atom_PriceList (Name,Valid,ValidFrom,ValidTo,Description,Atom_Currency_ID) select Name,Valid,ValidFrom,ValidTo,Description," + Atom_Currency_ID.ToString() + " from PriceList where ID = " + PriceList_ID.ToString(); object objretx = null; if (DBSync.DBSync.ExecuteNonQuerySQLReturnID(sql, null, ref Atom_PriceList_ID, ref objretx, ref Err, "Atom_PriceList")) { return true; } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:Get:" + sql + "\r\nErr=" + Err); return false; } } else { return false; } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:PriceList has no Currency!\r\nsql=" + sql); return false; } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:Get:" + sql + "\r\nErr=" + Err); return false; } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:PriceList has no data!\r\nsql=" + sql); return false; } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:Get:" + sql + "\r\nErr=" + Err); return false; } } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:Get:" + sql + "\r\nErr=" + Err); return false; } } else { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:f_Atom_PriceList:Get:appisd.Atom_PriceList_Name==null"); return false; } }