public static Scp Clone(SshBase baseConnection) { var clone = new Scp(baseConnection.Host, baseConnection.Username, baseConnection.Password); clone.Session = baseConnection.Session; return(clone); }
protected void PutFile(string host, NodeAuth auth, string local, string remote) { Scp scp = new Scp (host, auth.UserName); SetupSSH (scp, auth); scp.Put (local, remote); scp.Close (); }
private void CopyScript(string host, NodeAuth auth) { Scp scp = new Scp (host, auth.UserName); SetupSSH (scp, auth); scp.Put (LocalScriptPath, RemoteScriptPath); scp.Close (); }
private void ScpCopy(ResourceNode node, string remotePath, string localPath) { var scp = new Ssh.Scp(node.NodeAddress, node.Credentials.Username, node.Credentials.Password); scp.Connect(); scp.Recursive = true; scp.Put(localPath, remotePath); scp.Close(); }
protected void PutDirectory(string host, NodeAuth auth, string local, string remote) { Scp scp = new Scp (host, auth.UserName); SetupSSH (scp, auth); scp.To (local, remote, true); scp.Close (); }
public void SFtpDownload() { string remoteFilename = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _remoteDirectory, _remoteFilename); //Create a new SCP instance Scp scp = new Scp(); //Copy a file from remote SSH server to local machine scp.From(_remoteHost, remoteFilename, _user, _password, _localFilename); }
public static void RunExample() { try { SshConnectionInfo input = Util.GetInput(); string proto = GetProtocol(); SshTransferProtocolBase sshCp; if(proto.Equals("scp")) sshCp = new Scp(input.Host, input.User); else sshCp = new Sftp(input.Host, input.User); if(input.Pass != null) sshCp.Password = input.Pass; if(input.IdentityFile != null) sshCp.AddIdentityFile( input.IdentityFile ); sshCp.OnTransferStart += new FileTransferEvent(sshCp_OnTransferStart); sshCp.OnTransferProgress += new FileTransferEvent(sshCp_OnTransferProgress); sshCp.OnTransferEnd += new FileTransferEvent(sshCp_OnTransferEnd); Console.Write("Connecting..."); sshCp.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("OK"); while(true) { string direction = GetTransferDirection(); if(direction.Equals("to")) { string lfile = GetArg("Enter local file ['Enter to cancel']"); if(lfile=="") break; string rfile = GetArg("Enter remote file ['Enter to cancel']"); if(rfile=="") break; sshCp.Put(lfile, rfile); } else { string rfile = GetArg("Enter remote file ['Enter to cancel']"); if(rfile=="") break; string lpath = GetArg("Enter local path ['Enter to cancel']"); if(lpath=="") break; sshCp.Get(rfile, lpath); } } Console.Write("Disconnecting..."); sshCp.Close(); Console.WriteLine("OK"); } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public static bool UploadScp(string server, string localFile, string remoteFile, string username, string password) { try { SshTransferProtocolBase sshCp = new Scp(server, username, password); sshCp.Connect(); sshCp.Put(localFile, remoteFile); sshCp.Close(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { nlogger.ErrorException("while uploading this happened", e); return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Opens a <see cref="ScpStream"/> to be used for writing a file to a remote target /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The name of the remote target</param> /// <param name="user">The user to use on the remote target</param> /// <param name="password">The user's password</param> /// <param name="filePath">The full path, including the filename, on the remote target to write into</param> /// <param name="filesize">The size, in bytes, of the file being written</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="ScpStream"/> that can be used to write a file</returns> public static ScpStream OpenWriteStream(Scp scp, string filePath, long filesize) { Channel channel = null; Stream server = null; scp.Connect(); scp.SCP_ConnectTo(out channel, out server, filePath, false); // send "C0644 filesize filename", where filename should not include '/' string command = "C0644 " + filesize + " " + Path.GetFileName(filePath) + "\n"; byte[] buff = Util.getBytes(command); server.Write(buff, 0, buff.Length); server.Flush(); return(new ScpStream(channel, server, true)); }
private static void ScpPut(string host, string from, string to) { var scp = new SSH.Scp(host.Split(':')[0], User, Password); if (host.Contains(":")) { scp.Connect(Int32.Parse(host.Split(':')[1])); } else { scp.Connect(); } scp.Recursive = true; scp.Put(from, to); scp.Close(); }
public static void TransferFileToMachine(string localFilePath, string remoteFilePath) { try { //Create a new SCP instance Scp scp = new Scp(MACHINE_IP, USER_NAME, PASSWORD); scp.Connect(); //Copy a file from remote SSH server to local machine scp.To(localFilePath, remoteFilePath); scp.Close(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static void Upload(string filename, string path) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("EnableSCP"))) { string host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SCPDirectory"); string user = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SCPLogin"); string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SCPPassword"); string newDirectory = "/home/honeybadgers/public_html/Music Files/" + Globals.UserID + "/"; //Create a new SCP instance Scp scp = new Scp(host, user, password); scp.Connect(); scp.Mkdir(newDirectory); //Copy a file from local machine to remote SSH server scp.To(path, newDirectory + filename); } }
public void TransferFile(SshConnectionInfo input) { try { string proto = "scp"; SshTransferProtocolBase sshCp; if (proto.Equals("scp")) sshCp = new Scp(input.Host, input.User); else sshCp = new Sftp(input.Host, input.User); if (input.Pass != null) sshCp.Password = input.Pass; //if (input.IdentityFile != null) sshCp.AddIdentityFile(input.IdentityFile); sshCp.OnTransferStart += new FileTransferEvent(sshCp_OnTransferStart); sshCp.OnTransferProgress += new FileTransferEvent(sshCp_OnTransferProgress); sshCp.OnTransferEnd += new FileTransferEvent(sshCp_OnTransferEnd); Console.Write("Connecting..."); sshCp.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("OK"); if (input.Direction == TransferDirection.To) sshCp.Put(input.LocalFilePath, input.RemoteFilePath); else sshCp.Get(input.RemoteFilePath, input.LocalFilePath); Console.Write("Disconnecting..."); sshCp.Close(); Console.WriteLine("OK"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); throw e; } }
/// <summary> /// Opens a <see cref="ScpStream"/> to be used for reading a file from a remote target /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The name of the remote target</param> /// <param name="user">The user to use on the remote target</param> /// <param name="password">The user's password</param> /// <param name="filePath">The full path, including the filename, on the remote target to read from</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="ScpStream"/> that can be used to read a file</returns> public static ScpStream OpenReadStream(Scp scp, string filePath) { Channel channel = null; Stream server = null; String filename = null; scp.m_cancelled = false; int filesize = 0; string cmd = null; scp.Connect(); scp.SCP_ConnectFrom(out channel, out server, filePath, false); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); try { //scp.SCP_ConnectFrom(out channel, out server, filePath, false); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; // send '\0' scp.SCP_SendAck(server); int c = scp.SCP_CheckAck(server); //parse scp commands while ((c == 'D') || (c == 'C') || (c == 'E')) { if (scp.m_cancelled) { break; } cmd = "" + (char)c; if (c == 'E') { c = scp.SCP_CheckAck(server); //dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dir); if (scp.Verbos) { Console.WriteLine("E"); } //send '\0' scp.SCP_SendAck(server); c = (char)scp.SCP_CheckAck(server); continue; } // read '0644 ' or '0755 ' server.Read(buf, 0, 5); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cmd += (char)buf[i]; } //reading file size filesize = 0; while (true) { server.Read(buf, 0, 1); if (buf[0] == ' ') { break; } filesize = filesize * 10 + (buf[0] - '0'); } //reading file name for (int i = 0; ; i++) { server.Read(buf, i, 1); if (buf[i] == (byte)0x0a) { filename = Util.getString(buf, 0, i); break; } } cmd += " " + filesize + " " + filename; // send '\0' scp.SCP_SendAck(server); //Receive file if (c == 'C') { if (scp.Verbos) { Console.WriteLine("Sending file modes: " + cmd); } scp.SCP_ReceiveFile(server, stream, filename, null, filesize); stream.Seek(0, 0); break; } c = scp.SCP_CheckAck(server); } } catch (Exception e) { if (scp.Verbos) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); } try { channel.disconnect(); } catch { } throw e; } return(new ScpStream(channel, stream, false)); }
public object Run(TaskRunContext task) { lock (_gridLock) { RefreshCertificate(); //var incarnation = task.Incarnation; string tmpFileName = null; if (task.UserCert != null) { Log.Info("Using user's certificate"); tmpFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); IOProxy.Storage.Download(task.UserCert, tmpFileName); var scpForCert = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); scpForCert.Connect(); scpForCert.Recursive = true; scpForCert.Put(tmpFileName, "/tmp/x509up_u500"); scpForCert.Close(); File.Delete(tmpFileName); SshExec(PilotCommands.SetPermissionsOnProxyCertFile); } else { Log.Info("Using system's certificate"); } try { long coresToUse = task.NodesConfig.Sum(cfg => cfg.Cores); var node = GetNode(task); var pack = node.PackageByName(task.PackageName); // todo : remove string commandLine = task.CommandLine; commandLine = commandLine.Replace("java -jar ", ""); if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cnm") { commandLine = commandLine.Replace("{0}", "ru.ifmo.hpc.main.ExtendedModel"); } else if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ism") { commandLine = commandLine.Replace("{0}", "ru.ifmo.hpc.main.SpreadModel"); } else { //if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") commandLine = commandLine.Replace("{0}", ""); } string ftpFolderFromSystem = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, task.TaskId, CopyPhase.In); string ftpFolderFromResource = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, task.TaskId, CopyPhase.In); string gridFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, task.TaskId, CopyPhase.None); SshExec(PilotCommands.MakeFolderOnGridFtp, gridFtpFolder); string endl = "\n"; // Сначала дописываем недостающий входной файл (скрипт запуска пакета на кластере) string scriptName = pack.AppPath; //if (pack.EnvVars.Any()) { // Файл с установкой переменных окружения, если пакет их использует scriptName = ""; var scriptContent = new StringBuilder(); scriptContent.Append("#!/bin/bash" + endl); foreach (var pair in pack.EnvVars) { scriptContent.AppendFormat("export {0}={1}" + endl, pair.Key, pair.Value); } scriptContent.Append(pack.AppPath); /* * if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") * { * string[] args = commandLine.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); * for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) * { * if (args[i] == "orca.out") * scriptContent.Append(" >"); * * scriptContent.Append(" $" + (i + 1).ToString()); * } * } * else*/ { scriptContent.Append(" " + commandLine); } string scriptLocalPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(scriptLocalPath, scriptContent.ToString()); IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(scriptLocalPath, ftpFolderFromSystem, scriptName); File.Delete(scriptLocalPath); } //IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(DEFAULT_JOB_LAUNCHER_PATH, GetFtpInputFolder(taskId), Path.GetFileName(DEFAULT_JOB_LAUNCHER_PATH)); // Копируем входные файлы с ФТП на ГридФТП SshExec(PilotCommands.CopyFilesToGridFtp, ftpFolderFromResource + " " + gridFtpFolder); SshExec(PilotCommands.MakeFilesExecutableOnGridFtp, gridFtpFolder + "*"); // Формируем описание задания для грида var jobFileContent = new StringBuilder(); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@"{{ ""version"": 2, ""description"": ""{0}""," + endl, task.TaskId); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""default_storage_base"": ""{0}""," + endl, gridFtpFolder); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""tasks"": [ {{ ""id"": ""a"", ""description"": ""task"", ""definition"": {{ ""version"": 2," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""executable"": ""{0}""," + endl, scriptName); //jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""arguments"": [ ""{0}"" ]," + endl, String.Join(@""", """, args)); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""input_files"": {{" + endl); if (scriptName == "") // todo : if no input files? { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" """": """"," + endl); } jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" " + String.Join( "," + endl + " ", task.InputFiles.Select( file => String.Format(@"""{0}"": ""{0}""", file.FileName) ) )); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(endl + @" }}," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output_files"": {{" + endl); //if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cnm") // jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output.dat"": ""output.dat""" + endl); //else if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ism") { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output.dat"": ""output.dat""" + endl); } else if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""orca.out"": ""orca.out""," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""eldens.cube"": ""eldens.cube""" + endl); } else { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" " + String.Join( "," + endl + " ", task.ExpectedOutputFileNames .Where(name => name != "std.out" && name != "std.err") .Select( name => String.Format(@"""{0}"": ""{0}""", name) ) ) + endl); } jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" }}," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""stdout"": ""std.out"", ""stderr"": ""std.err"", " + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""count"": {0}" + endl, coresToUse); if (pack.Params.ContainsKey("requirements")) { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ,""requirements"": {0}" + endl, pack.Params["requirements"]); } jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" }} }} ]," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""requirements"": {{ ""hostname"": [""{0}""]", node.NodeAddress); //if (pack.Params.ContainsKey("requirements")) // jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@", {0}" + endl, pack.Params["requirements"]); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@"}}" + endl + "}}", node.NodeAddress); Log.Debug(String.Format("Task's '{0}' grid job JSON: ", task.TaskId, jobFileContent)); string jobFileName = "job_" + task.TaskId.ToString() + ".js"; string jobFilePathOnHelper = JOBS_FOLDER_ON_HELPER + jobFileName; //string jobFileContent = File.ReadAllText(DEFAULT_JOB_DESCR_PATH).Replace(GRIDFTP_PATH_TOKEN, taskFolderOnGridFtp); string jobFilePathLocal = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(jobFilePathLocal, jobFileContent.ToString()); // Записываем его на сервер с Пилотом var scp = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); /* * var notifier = new JobDescriptionUploadNotifier(TaskId, Cluster, RunParams); * scp.OnTransferEnd += new SSH.FileTransferEvent(notifier.OnFinish); // todo : необязательно */ scp.Connect(); scp.Recursive = true; scp.Put(jobFilePathLocal, jobFilePathOnHelper); scp.Close(); File.Delete(jobFilePathLocal); // todo : remove files on helper and gridftp // Запускаем Log.Info(String.Format( "Trying to exec task {0} on grid cluster {1}", task.TaskId, node.NodeName )); string launchResult = SshExec(PilotCommands.SubmitJob, jobFilePathOnHelper, pilotUrl: node.Services.ExecutionUrl); int urlPos = launchResult.IndexOf("https://"); string jobUrl = launchResult.Substring(urlPos).Trim() + "a"; Log.Debug(jobUrl); Log.Info(String.Format( "Task {0} launched on grid with jobUrl = {1}", task.TaskId, jobUrl )); return(jobUrl); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(String.Format( "Error while starting task {0} in grid: {1}\n{2}", task.TaskId, e.Message, e.StackTrace )); throw; } finally { if (task.UserCert != null) { Log.Info("Wiping user's certificate"); tmpFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(tmpFileName, "Wiped by Easis system"); var scpForCert = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); scpForCert.Connect(); scpForCert.Recursive = true; scpForCert.Put(tmpFileName, "/tmp/x509up_u500"); scpForCert.Close(); File.Delete(tmpFileName); SshExec(PilotCommands.SetPermissionsOnProxyCertFile); } } } }
public object Run(TaskRunContext task) { lock (_gridLock) { RefreshCertificate(); //var incarnation = task.Incarnation; string tmpFileName = null; if (task.UserCert != null) { Log.Info("Using user's certificate"); tmpFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); IOProxy.Storage.Download(task.UserCert, tmpFileName); var scpForCert = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); scpForCert.Connect(); scpForCert.Recursive = true; scpForCert.Put(tmpFileName, "/tmp/x509up_u500"); scpForCert.Close(); File.Delete(tmpFileName); SshExec(PilotCommands.SetPermissionsOnProxyCertFile); } else { Log.Info("Using system's certificate"); } try { long coresToUse = task.NodesConfig.Sum(cfg => cfg.Cores); var node = GetNode(task); var pack = node.PackageByName(task.PackageName); // todo : remove string commandLine = task.CommandLine; commandLine = commandLine.Replace("java -jar ", ""); if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cnm") commandLine = commandLine.Replace("{0}", "ru.ifmo.hpc.main.ExtendedModel"); else if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ism") commandLine = commandLine.Replace("{0}", "ru.ifmo.hpc.main.SpreadModel"); else //if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") commandLine = commandLine.Replace("{0}", ""); string ftpFolderFromSystem = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, task.TaskId, CopyPhase.In); string ftpFolderFromResource = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, task.TaskId, CopyPhase.In); string gridFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, task.TaskId, CopyPhase.None); SshExec(PilotCommands.MakeFolderOnGridFtp, gridFtpFolder); string endl = "\n"; // Сначала дописываем недостающий входной файл (скрипт запуска пакета на кластере) string scriptName = pack.AppPath; //if (pack.EnvVars.Any()) { // Файл с установкой переменных окружения, если пакет их использует scriptName = ""; var scriptContent = new StringBuilder(); scriptContent.Append("#!/bin/bash" + endl); foreach (var pair in pack.EnvVars) scriptContent.AppendFormat("export {0}={1}" + endl, pair.Key, pair.Value); scriptContent.Append(pack.AppPath); /* if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") { string[] args = commandLine.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "orca.out") scriptContent.Append(" >"); scriptContent.Append(" $" + (i + 1).ToString()); } } else*/ { scriptContent.Append(" " + commandLine); } string scriptLocalPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(scriptLocalPath, scriptContent.ToString()); IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(scriptLocalPath, ftpFolderFromSystem, scriptName); File.Delete(scriptLocalPath); } //IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(DEFAULT_JOB_LAUNCHER_PATH, GetFtpInputFolder(taskId), Path.GetFileName(DEFAULT_JOB_LAUNCHER_PATH)); // Копируем входные файлы с ФТП на ГридФТП SshExec(PilotCommands.CopyFilesToGridFtp, ftpFolderFromResource + " " + gridFtpFolder); SshExec(PilotCommands.MakeFilesExecutableOnGridFtp, gridFtpFolder + "*"); // Формируем описание задания для грида var jobFileContent = new StringBuilder(); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@"{{ ""version"": 2, ""description"": ""{0}""," + endl, task.TaskId); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""default_storage_base"": ""{0}""," + endl, gridFtpFolder); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""tasks"": [ {{ ""id"": ""a"", ""description"": ""task"", ""definition"": {{ ""version"": 2," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""executable"": ""{0}""," + endl, scriptName); //jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""arguments"": [ ""{0}"" ]," + endl, String.Join(@""", """, args)); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""input_files"": {{" + endl); if (scriptName == "") // todo : if no input files? jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" """": """"," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" " + String.Join( "," + endl + " ", task.InputFiles.Select( file => String.Format(@"""{0}"": ""{0}""", file.FileName) ) )); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(endl + @" }}," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output_files"": {{" + endl); //if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cnm") // jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output.dat"": ""output.dat""" + endl); //else if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ism") jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output.dat"": ""output.dat""" + endl); else if (task.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""orca.out"": ""orca.out""," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""eldens.cube"": ""eldens.cube""" + endl); } else { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" " + String.Join( "," + endl + " ", task.ExpectedOutputFileNames .Where(name => name != "std.out" && name != "std.err") .Select( name => String.Format(@"""{0}"": ""{0}""", name) ) ) + endl); } jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" }}," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""stdout"": ""std.out"", ""stderr"": ""std.err"", " + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""count"": {0}" + endl, coresToUse); if (pack.Params.ContainsKey("requirements")) jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ,""requirements"": {0}" + endl, pack.Params["requirements"]); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" }} }} ]," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""requirements"": {{ ""hostname"": [""{0}""]", node.NodeAddress); //if (pack.Params.ContainsKey("requirements")) // jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@", {0}" + endl, pack.Params["requirements"]); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@"}}" + endl + "}}", node.NodeAddress); Log.Debug(String.Format("Task's '{0}' grid job JSON: ", task.TaskId, jobFileContent)); string jobFileName = "job_" + task.TaskId.ToString() + ".js"; string jobFilePathOnHelper = JOBS_FOLDER_ON_HELPER + jobFileName; //string jobFileContent = File.ReadAllText(DEFAULT_JOB_DESCR_PATH).Replace(GRIDFTP_PATH_TOKEN, taskFolderOnGridFtp); string jobFilePathLocal = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(jobFilePathLocal, jobFileContent.ToString()); // Записываем его на сервер с Пилотом var scp = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); /* var notifier = new JobDescriptionUploadNotifier(TaskId, Cluster, RunParams); scp.OnTransferEnd += new SSH.FileTransferEvent(notifier.OnFinish); // todo : необязательно */ scp.Connect(); scp.Recursive = true; scp.Put(jobFilePathLocal, jobFilePathOnHelper); scp.Close(); File.Delete(jobFilePathLocal); // todo : remove files on helper and gridftp // Запускаем Log.Info(String.Format( "Trying to exec task {0} on grid cluster {1}", task.TaskId, node.NodeName )); string launchResult = SshExec(PilotCommands.SubmitJob, jobFilePathOnHelper, pilotUrl: node.Services.ExecutionUrl); int urlPos = launchResult.IndexOf("https://"); string jobUrl = launchResult.Substring(urlPos).Trim() + "a"; Log.Debug(jobUrl); Log.Info(String.Format( "Task {0} launched on grid with jobUrl = {1}", task.TaskId, jobUrl )); return jobUrl; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(String.Format( "Error while starting task {0} in grid: {1}\n{2}", task.TaskId, e.Message, e.StackTrace )); throw; } finally { if (task.UserCert != null) { Log.Info("Wiping user's certificate"); tmpFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(tmpFileName, "Wiped by Easis system"); var scpForCert = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); scpForCert.Connect(); scpForCert.Recursive = true; scpForCert.Put(tmpFileName, "/tmp/x509up_u500"); scpForCert.Close(); File.Delete(tmpFileName); SshExec(PilotCommands.SetPermissionsOnProxyCertFile); } } } }
private void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String app = Path.Combine(solutionDirectory, (String) lstLaunchItems.SelectedItem); CloverleafEnvironment.RemoteServerHost = txtHostName.Text; this.Hide(); String host = txtHostName.Text; String user = txtUsername.Text; String password = txtPassword.Text; String zipDirectory = CloverleafEnvironment.CloverleafAppDataPath; String zipFileName = host + "." + user + "." + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".zip"; String zipPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, zipFileName); String scriptPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".sh"); String remoteExecutable = Path.GetFileName(app); String remoteDirectory = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFileName); FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true; fz.RestoreAttributesOnExtract = true; fz.RestoreDateTimeOnExtract = true; fz.CreateZip(zipPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(app), true, null); ProcessStartInfo xInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); xInfo.FileName = CloverleafEnvironment.XPath; xInfo.Arguments = "-ac -internalwm"; Process xProcess = new Process(); xProcess.StartInfo = xInfo; xProcess.Start(); Scp scp = new Scp(host, user, password); scp.Connect(); if (scp.Connected == false) { throw new SshTransferException("Couldn't connect to host with SCP."); } scp.Mkdir("/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf"); scp.Put(zipPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + zipFileName); File.Delete(zipPath); String ssh1ArgumentData = "#! /bin/bash" + "\n" + "export DISPLAY=" + cboLocalIPs.SelectedItem.ToString() + ":0.0" + "\n" + "cd /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf" + "\n" + "mkdir " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "cp " + zipFileName + " " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "cd " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "unzip " + zipFileName + " > /dev/null \n" + "mono " + remoteExecutable + "\n" + "cd /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf" + "\n" + "rm " + zipFileName + "\n" + "rm -rf " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "rm /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath); File.WriteAllText(scriptPath, ssh1ArgumentData); if (scp.Connected == false) { throw new SshTransferException("Couldn't connect to host with SCP."); } scp.Put(scriptPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath)); String stdOut = ""; String stdErr = ""; SshExec ssh = new SshExec(host, user, password); ssh.Connect(); ssh.RunCommand("/bin/bash /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath), ref stdOut, ref stdErr); (new RemoteStdOutDisplay(stdOut, stdErr)).Show(); }
private void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String app = projectDirectory; CloverleafEnvironment.RemoteServerHost = txtHostName.Text; this.Hide(); String host = txtHostName.Text; String user = txtUsername.Text; String password = txtPassword.Text; Int32 port = FirstOpenPort(host, 60000, 65000); String zipDirectory = CloverleafEnvironment.CloverleafAppDataPath; String zipFileName = "web." + host + "." + user + "." + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".zip"; String zipPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, zipFileName); String scriptPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, "web." + host + "." + user + "." + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".sh"); String closeScriptPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, "web." + host + "." + user + "." + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ""); String pidPath = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFileName) + ".pid"; String remoteDirectory = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFileName); FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true; fz.RestoreAttributesOnExtract = true; fz.RestoreDateTimeOnExtract = true; fz.CreateZip(zipPath, app, true, null); Scp scp = new Scp(host, user, password); scp.Connect(); if (scp.Connected == false) { throw new SshTransferException("Couldn't connect to host with SCP."); } scp.Mkdir("/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf"); scp.Put(zipPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + zipFileName); File.Delete(zipPath); String ssh1ArgumentData = ""; String ssh2ArgumentData = ""; if (optXSP.Checked == true) { ssh1ArgumentData = "#! /bin/bash" + "\n" + "cd /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf" + "\n" + "mkdir " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "cp " + zipFileName + " " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "cd " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "unzip " + zipFileName + " > /dev/null \n" + "xsp2 --nonstop --port " + port.ToString() + "& \n" + "pgrep -l " + user + " -n mono > /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + pidPath; ssh2ArgumentData = "#! /bin/bash" + "\n" + "cd /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf" + "\n" + "kill `cat " + pidPath + "`" + "\n" + "rm -rf " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pidPath) + "*"; } File.WriteAllText(scriptPath, ssh1ArgumentData); File.WriteAllText(closeScriptPath, ssh2ArgumentData); if (scp.Connected == false) { throw new SshTransferException("Couldn't connect to host with SCP."); } scp.Put(scriptPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath)); scp.Put(closeScriptPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(closeScriptPath)); String stdOut = ""; String stdErr = ""; SshExec ssh = new SshExec(host, user, password); ssh.Connect(); ssh.RunCommand("/bin/bash /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath), ref stdOut, ref stdErr); (new RemoteWebServerCloser(Path.GetFileName(closeScriptPath), host, user, password)).Show(); ProcessStartInfo wwwProcInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); wwwProcInfo.FileName = "http://" + host + ":" + port.ToString(); wwwProcInfo.UseShellExecute = true; Process wwwProc = new Process(); wwwProc.StartInfo = wwwProcInfo; wwwProc.Start(); }
public SecureCopier(ResourceNode node) { Log.Info("SCP: Establishing connection to node " + node.ResourceName + "." + node.NodeName); var nodeAddress = node.NodeAddress; // todo : OR ExecutionUrl????!!!!! var addrParts = node.NodeAddress.Split(':'); int port = DEFAULT_SCP_PORT; if (addrParts.Length == 2) { int.TryParse(addrParts[1], out port); nodeAddress = addrParts[0]; } // if resource asks us for password interactively: var interactiveAuthMethod = new KeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationMethod(node.Credentials.Username); interactiveAuthMethod.AuthenticationPrompt += delegate(object sender, Renci.SshNet.Common.AuthenticationPromptEventArgs e) { foreach (var prompt in e.Prompts) { Log.Debug("Interactive request by resource node " + node.NodeName + ": '" + prompt.Request + "'"); if (prompt.Request.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("password")) { Log.Debug("Responding by password"); prompt.Response = node.Credentials.Password; } } }; ConnectionInfo connectionInfo; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(node.Credentials.CertFile)) { connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(nodeAddress, port, node.Credentials.Username, new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod( node.Credentials.Username, new PrivateKeyFile(node.Credentials.CertFile, node.Credentials.Password) ) ); } else { connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(nodeAddress, port, node.Credentials.Username, new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(node.Credentials.Username, node.Credentials.Password), interactiveAuthMethod ); } try { _sftpClient = new SftpClient(connectionInfo); _sftpClient.Connect(); _scp = null; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warn("Unable to use sftp. Rolling bask to SCP for resource node " + node.ResourceName + "." + node.NodeName + ": " + e.ToString()); _sftpClient = null; _scp = new Scp(nodeAddress, node.Credentials.Username, node.Credentials.Password); _scp.Connect(port); } }
public static Scp Clone(SshBase baseConnection) { var clone = new Scp(baseConnection.Host, baseConnection.Username, baseConnection.Password); clone.Session = baseConnection.Session; return clone; }
private void ApplyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DefaultIP.Text == "" || DefaultGW.Text == "" || DefaultSN.Text == "" || NewIP.Text == "" || NewGW.Text == "" || NewSN.Text == "" ) { MessageBox.Show("All variables must have a value","Error"); return; } host = DefaultIP.Text; string fileName = string.Empty; fileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); fileInfo.Attributes = FileAttributes.Temporary; string fullPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); StreamWriter streamWriter = File.AppendText(fullPath); streamWriter.WriteLine(Properties.Resources.rc); streamWriter.Flush(); streamWriter.Close(); //MessageBox.Show(fullPath); string local = fullPath, remote = "disk/etc/rc"; ReplaceInFile(local, "", DefaultIP.Text); ReplaceInFile(local, "", DefaultSN.Text); ReplaceInFile(local, "", DefaultGW.Text); ReplaceInFile(local, DefaultIP.Text, NewIP.Text); ReplaceInFile(local, DefaultSN.Text, NewSN.Text); ReplaceInFile(local, DefaultGW.Text, NewGW.Text); try { Scp scp = new Scp(); scp.To(local, host, remote, user, pass); } catch { string error = "Cannot connect to controller at " + DefaultIP.Text; MessageBox.Show(error, "Error"); return; } if (File.Exists(fullPath)) { File.Delete(fullPath); } MessageBox.Show("You must reboot the controller for IP changes to take effect.", "Important"); }