public string GetStatus(TamagotchiContext db) { int sId = (int)this.StatusId; IEnumerable <string> s = from ps in db.PetStatuses where (ps.StatusId == sId) select ps.Status; return(s.FirstOrDefault()); }
//Amuse animal public void Amuse(Activity toy, TamagotchiContext db) { //Add to pet's joy level if (this.JoyId + toy.JoyAdd <= Joy.MAX_JOY_LEVEL) { this.JoyId += toy.JoyAdd; } else { this.JoyId = Joy.MAX_JOY_LEVEL; } //Add to pet's clean level if (this.CleanId + toy.CleanAdd <= Clean.MAX_CLEAN_LEVEL) { if (this.CleanId + toy.CleanAdd >= Clean.MIN_CLEAN_LEVEL) { this.CleanId += toy.CleanAdd; } else { this.CleanId = Clean.MIN_CLEAN_LEVEL; } } else { this.CleanId = Clean.MAX_CLEAN_LEVEL; } //Add to last activities PetActivity pa = new PetActivity(); pa.ActivityId = toy.ActivityId; pa.PetId = this.PetId; pa.CleanId = this.CleanId; pa.JoyId = this.JoyId; pa.HungerId = this.HungerId; //Save and print db.PetActivities.Add(pa); db.Pets.Update(this); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Thanks for playing with me!"); Console.WriteLine($"\nYour pet's joy level is now - {this.Joy.Feelings}"); Console.WriteLine($"\nYour pet's clean level is now - {this.Clean.CleanLevel}"); }
//Feed animal public void Feed(Food f, TamagotchiContext db) { //Check pet's hunger level if (this.HungerId + f.SatiatyLevel <= Hunger.MAX_HUNGER_LEVEL) { this.HungerId += f.SatiatyLevel; } else { Console.WriteLine("Just to be clear, your pet is now full!"); this.HungerId = Hunger.MAX_HUNGER_LEVEL; } Activity act = db.Activities.Where(x => x.ActivityId == f.FoodId).FirstOrDefault(); //Add to pet's clean level if (this.CleanId + act.CleanAdd <= Clean.MAX_CLEAN_LEVEL) { if (this.CleanId + act.CleanAdd >= Clean.MIN_CLEAN_LEVEL) { this.CleanId += act.CleanAdd; } else { this.CleanId = Clean.MIN_CLEAN_LEVEL; } } else { this.CleanId = Clean.MAX_CLEAN_LEVEL; } //Add to pet's joy level if (this.JoyId + act.JoyAdd <= Joy.MAX_JOY_LEVEL) { this.JoyId += act.JoyAdd; } else { this.JoyId = Joy.MAX_JOY_LEVEL; } //Add to last activities PetActivity pa = new PetActivity(); pa.ActivityId = act.ActivityId; pa.PetId = this.PetId; pa.CleanId = this.CleanId; pa.JoyId = this.JoyId; pa.HungerId = this.HungerId; //Save and print db.Pets.Update(this); db.PetActivities.Add(pa); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Yummy!"); Console.WriteLine($"\nYour pet's hunger level is now - {this.Hunger.HungerLevel}"); Console.WriteLine($"\nYour pet's joy level is now - {this.Joy.Feelings}"); Console.WriteLine($"\nYour pet's clean level is now - {this.Clean.CleanLevel}"); }