public override void Pulse() { if (TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuild == null) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] You have not yet selected a talent build! Please open the form and select one"); return; } if (_talentBuild == null || (_talentBuild != null && _talentBuild.BuildName != TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuildName)) { _talentBuild = TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuild; } if (_talentBuild != null && _talentBuild.Class != StyxWoW.Me.Class) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] This build is not meant for you class! Please select another talent build"); return; } if (!_initialized) { InitializeHooks(); HandleTalentPointsChanged(null, null); _initialized = true; } }
public override void Pulse() { if (TalentedSettings.Instance.FirstUseAfterChange) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] There has been some structure changes in talented. You need to (re)set a talent build from settings."); return; } if (TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuild == null) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] You have not yet selected a talent build! Please open the form and select one"); return; } if (_talentBuild == null || (_talentBuild != null && _talentBuild.BuildName != TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuildName)) { _talentBuild = TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuild; } if (_talentBuild != null && _talentBuild.Class != StyxWoW.Me.Class && StyxWoW.Me.Level > 0) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] This build is not meant for you class! Please select another talent build"); return; } if (!_initialized) { InitializeHooks(); HandleTalentPointsChanged(null, null); _initialized = true; } }
public override void Pulse() { if (TalentedSettings.Instance.FirstUseAfterChange) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] There has been some structure changes in talented. You need to (re)set a talent build from settings."); return; } if (TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuild == null) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] You have not yet selected a talent build! Please open the form and select one"); return; } if (_talentBuild == null || (_talentBuild != null && _talentBuild.BuildName != TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuildName)) _talentBuild = TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuild; if (_talentBuild != null && _talentBuild.Class != StyxWoW.Me.Class && StyxWoW.Me.Level > 0) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] This build is not meant for you class! Please select another talent build"); return; } if (!_initialized) { InitializeHooks(); HandleTalentPointsChanged(null, null); _initialized = true; } }
public override void Pulse() { if (TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuild == null) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] You have not yet selected a talent build! Please open the form and select one"); return; } if (_talentBuild == null || (_talentBuild != null && _talentBuild.BuildName != TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuildName)) _talentBuild = TalentedSettings.Instance.ChoosenTalentBuild; if (_talentBuild != null && _talentBuild.Class != StyxWoW.Me.Class) { Logging.Write(Color.Red, "[Talented] This build is not meant for you class! Please select another talent build"); return; } if (!_initialized) { InitializeHooks(); HandleTalentPointsChanged(null, null); _initialized = true; } }