コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Renders this InputField to the screen
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_value">The string to be rendered in this InputField</param>
 public void Render(InputFieldStyle _style = default(InputFieldStyle))
      * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInputString))
      *  mcaretPosition = (mInputString.Length - 1);
      * if (_style == null)
      *  _style = new InputFieldStyle();
      * TackGUI.Box(mShape, _style.GetBoxStyle());
      * TackGUI.TextArea(mShape, mInputString, _style.GetTextStyle());
      * if (mReceivingInput)
      * {
      *  if (mcaretDisplayStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= mcaretDisplaySpeed)
      *  {
      *      mdisplayCaret = !mdisplayCaret;
      *      mcaretDisplayStopwatch.Restart();
      *  }
      *  if (mdisplayCaret)
      *  {
      *      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mInputString))
      *      {
      *          mcaretPosition = mInputString.Length;
      *          string selectedInputStr = mInputString.Substring(0, mcaretPosition);
      *          SizeF stringLengthPx = mstringMeasurer.MeasureString(selectedInputStr, new Font(TackGUI.GetFontFamily(_style.FontFamilyId), _style.FontSize));
      *          int totalPadding = (int)(mShape.Height - stringLengthPx.Height);
      *          TackGUI.Box(new RectangleShape(stringLengthPx.Width - 3.0f, (TackEngine.ScreenHeight * 0.70f) + (totalPadding / 2), 1, (stringLengthPx.Height)), mCaretStyle);
      *      }
      *      else
      *      {
      *          SizeF stringLengthPx = mstringMeasurer.MeasureString("l", new Font(TackGUI.GetFontFamily(_style.FontFamilyId), _style.FontSize));
      *          int totalPadding = (int)(mShape.Height - stringLengthPx.Height);
      *          TackGUI.Box(new RectangleShape(3.0f, (TackEngine.ScreenHeight * 0.70f) + (totalPadding / 2), 1, (stringLengthPx.Height)), mCaretStyle);
      *      }
      *  }
      * }
コード例 #2
ファイル: TackGUI.cs プロジェクト: danielbob999/TackEngineLib
        public static string InputField(RectangleShape rect, string textToRender, ref InputFieldStyle style)
            if (style == null)
                style = new InputFieldStyle();

            // Instead of calling TextArea(), just run the dup code from the method, cause lazy
            //TextArea(rect, textToRender, style.GetTextStyle());

            Bitmap   textBitmap = new Bitmap((int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height);
            Graphics g          = Graphics.FromImage(textBitmap);

            g.FillRectangle(ActiveInstance.GetColouredBrush(style.BackgroundColour), 0, 0, rect.Width, rect.Height);
            g.DrawString(textToRender, new Font(GetFontFamily(style.FontFamilyId), style.FontSize, FontStyle.Regular), ActiveInstance.GetColouredBrush(style.FontColour), new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height), ActiveInstance.GenerateTextFormat(style.HorizontalAlignment, style.VerticalAlignment));

            Sprite textSprite = Sprite.LoadFromBitmap(textBitmap);


            GUIOperation operation = new GUIOperation(1, 2);

            operation.Bounds    = rect;
            operation.DrawLevel = 1;
            operation.Sprite    = textSprite;
            operation.Colour    = Colour4b.White;


            // Finished creating text operation

            bool registeredADownClick = false;

            //Console.WriteLine("{0} mouse events on ({1})", ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents.Count, TackEngine.RenderCycleCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents.Count; i++)
                //Console.WriteLine("Pos: {0}, X: {1}, X + Width: {2}", ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents[i].Position.X, rect.X, (rect.X + rect.Width));
                if (ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents[i].Position.X >= rect.X && ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents[i].Position.X <= (rect.X + rect.Width))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Is X");
                    if (ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents[i].Position.Y >= rect.Y && ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents[i].Position.Y <= (rect.Y + rect.Height))
                        if (ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents[i].EventType == 0)
                            registeredADownClick = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("Found a GUI mouse event of type: {0} involving the InputField", ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents[i].EventType);

            if (registeredADownClick)
                TackInput.GUIInputRequired = true;
            else if (!registeredADownClick && ActiveInstance.m_currentMouseEvents.Count(x => x.EventType == 0) > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Found that a mouse down happened outside this inputfield");
                TackInput.GUIInputRequired = false;

            KeyboardKey[] bufferOperations = TackInput.GetInputBufferArray();
            string        newString;

            if (textToRender == null)
                newString = "";
                newString = textToRender;

            for (int i = 0; i < bufferOperations.Length; i++)
                if (bufferOperations[i] == KeyboardKey.Left)
                    if (style.CaretPosition > 0)
                        style.CaretPosition -= 1;
                else if (bufferOperations[i] == KeyboardKey.Right)
                    if (style.CaretPosition < newString.Length)
                        style.CaretPosition += 1;
                else if (bufferOperations[i] == KeyboardKey.BackSpace)
                    if (style.CaretPosition > 0)
                        newString = newString.Remove((int)style.CaretPosition - 1, 1);

                    if (style.CaretPosition > 0)
                        style.CaretPosition -= 1;
                else if (bufferOperations[i] == KeyboardKey.Delete)
                    if (style.CaretPosition < newString.Length)
                        newString = newString.Remove((int)style.CaretPosition, 1);
                else if (bufferOperations[i] == KeyboardKey.Space)
                    newString = newString.Insert((int)style.CaretPosition, " ");

                    if (style.CaretPosition < newString.Length)
                        style.CaretPosition += 1;
                else if (bufferOperations[i] == KeyboardKey.Period)
                    newString = newString.Insert((int)style.CaretPosition, ".");

                    if (style.CaretPosition < newString.Length)
                        style.CaretPosition += 1;
                else if (bufferOperations[i] == KeyboardKey.Quote)
                    newString = newString.Insert((int)style.CaretPosition, "\"");

                    if (style.CaretPosition < newString.Length)
                        style.CaretPosition += 1;
                else if (bufferOperations[i] == KeyboardKey.Minus)
                    if (TackInput.InputBufferShift)
                        newString = newString.Insert((int)style.CaretPosition, "_");
                        newString = newString.Insert((int)style.CaretPosition, "-");

                    if (style.CaretPosition < newString.Length)
                        style.CaretPosition += 1;

                else if (bufferOperations[i] >= KeyboardKey.Number0 && bufferOperations[i] <= KeyboardKey.Number9)
                    newString = newString.Insert((int)style.CaretPosition, ((char)((int)bufferOperations[i] - 61)).ToString());

                    if (style.CaretPosition < newString.Length)
                        style.CaretPosition += 1;
                else if (bufferOperations[i] >= KeyboardKey.A && bufferOperations[i] <= KeyboardKey.Z)
                    if (TackInput.InputBufferCapsLock || TackInput.InputBufferShift)
                        newString = newString.Insert((int)style.CaretPosition, ((char)((int)bufferOperations[i] - 18)).ToString());
                        newString = newString.Insert((int)style.CaretPosition, ((char)((int)bufferOperations[i] + 14)).ToString());

                    if (style.CaretPosition < newString.Length)
                        style.CaretPosition += 1;

