コード例 #1
ファイル: Expression.cs プロジェクト: jeffdik/tachy
        public static Expression Parse(object a)
            if (a is Symbol)
                if (((Symbol) a).val.IndexOf(".") == -1)
                    return new Var(a as Symbol);
                    string aString = ((Symbol) a).val;
                    int posLastDot = aString.LastIndexOf(".");

                    Expression[] rands = new Expression[2];
                    rands[0] = Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create(aString.Substring(0, posLastDot)));
                    rands[1] = new Lit(Symbol.Create(aString.Substring(posLastDot + 1, aString.Length - posLastDot - 1)));

                    return new App(Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create("get-property")), rands);

            if (a is Pair)
                Pair pair = a as Pair;
                object car = pair.car;
                switch (car.ToString())
                    case "begin":
                        Expression[] exps = new Expression[pair.cdr.Count];
                        int pos = 0;
                        foreach (object obj in pair.cdr)
                            exps[pos] = Parse(obj);
            // 							exps[pos].Mark(obj);
                        Begin beginExps = new Begin(exps);
            // 						beginExps.Mark(pair);
                        return beginExps;
                    case "if":
                        Pair curr = pair.cdr;
                        Expression test_exp = Parse(curr.car);
            // 						test_exp.Mark(curr.car);
                        curr = curr.cdr;
                        Expression true_exp = Parse(curr.car);
            // 						true_exp.Mark(curr.car);
                        curr = curr.cdr;
                        Expression false_exp = Parse(curr.car);
            // 						false_exp.Mark(curr.car);
                        return new If(test_exp, true_exp, false_exp);
                    case "quote":
                        return new Lit(pair.cdr.car);
                    case "set!":
                        Symbol var = pair.cdr.car as Symbol;
                        if (var == null)
                            throw new Exception("set! error -> variable must be a symbol: " + Util.Dump(pair));

                        Expression exp = Parse(pair.cdr.cdr.car) as Expression;
            // 						exp.Mark(pair.cdr.cdr.car);
                        if (var.val.IndexOf('.') == -1)
                            Assignment assignment = new Assignment(var, exp);
            // 							assignment.Mark(pair);
                            return assignment;
                            string aString = var.val;
                            int posLastDot = aString.LastIndexOf(".");
                            Expression[] rands = new Expression[3];
                            rands[0] = Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create(aString.Substring(0, posLastDot)));
                            rands[1] = new Lit(Symbol.Create(aString.Substring(posLastDot + 1, aString.Length - posLastDot - 1)));
                            rands[2] = exp;

                            App app = new App(Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create("set-property")), rands);
            // 							app.Mark(pair);
                            return app;
                    case "lambda":
                        // Debug.WriteLine("sparsing lambda " + pair.ToString());
                        curr = pair.cdr  as Pair;
                        Symbol[] ids = null;
                        bool all_in_one = false;
                        if (curr.car != null)
                            if (curr.car is Pair)
                                Object[] ids_as_obj = (curr.car as Pair).ToArray();
                                ids = new Symbol[ids_as_obj.Length];
                                for (int i=0; i<ids_as_obj.Length; i++)
                                    ids[i] = ids_as_obj[i] as Symbol;
                                    if (ids[i] == null)
                                        throw new Exception("lambda error -> params must be symbols: " + Util.Dump(pair));
                                all_in_one = true;
                                ids = new Symbol[1];
                                ids[0] = curr.car as Symbol;
                                if (ids[0] == null)
                                    throw new Exception("lambda error -> params must be symbols: " + Util.Dump(pair));
                        curr = curr.cdr  as Pair;
                        // insert implied begin if neccessary
                        Expression body;
                        if (curr.cdr == null)
                            body = Parse(curr.car);
            // 							if (curr.car is Pair)
            // 								body.Mark(curr.car);
            // 							else
            // 								body.Mark(curr);
                            Expression[] begin = new Expression[curr.Count];
                            pos = 0;
                            foreach (object obj in curr)
                                begin[pos] = Parse(obj);
            // 								begin[pos].Mark(obj);
                            body = new Begin(begin);
                        return new Proc(ids, body, all_in_one);
                    default:  // app
                        if (pair.hasMember)
                            Expression[] rands = new Expression[2];
                            if (pair.member.IndexOf('.') != -1)
                                string currentMember = pair.member;
                                int posLastDot = currentMember.LastIndexOf(".");

                                pair.member = currentMember.Substring(0, posLastDot);
                                rands[0] = Expression.Parse(pair);
                                pair.member = currentMember;

                                rands[1] = new Lit(Symbol.Create(currentMember.Substring(posLastDot + 1, currentMember.Length - posLastDot - 1)));
                                pair.hasMember = false;
                                rands[0] = Expression.Parse(pair);
                                pair.hasMember = true;

                                rands[1] = new Lit(Symbol.Create(pair.member));
                            return new App(Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create("get-property")), rands);
                            Expression[] rands = null;
                            if (pair.cdr != null)
                                rands = new Expression[pair.cdr.Count];
                                pos = 0;
                                foreach (object obj in pair.cdr)
                                    rands[pos] = Expression.Parse(obj);
            // 									rands[pos].Mark(obj);

                            IPrim prim = Primitives.getPrim(pair.car.ToString());
                            if (prim != null)
                                Primapp primapp = new Primapp(prim, rands);
            // 								primapp.Mark(pair);
                                return primapp;
                                App app = new App(Expression.Parse(pair.car), rands);
            // 								app.Mark(pair);
                                return app;
                return new Lit(a);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Expression.cs プロジェクト: MilkTool/tachy
        static public Expression Parse(object a)
            if (a is Symbol)
                if (((Symbol)a).val.IndexOf(".") == -1)
                    return(new Var(a as Symbol));
                    string aString    = ((Symbol)a).val;
                    int    posLastDot = aString.LastIndexOf(".");

                    Expression[] rands = new Expression[2];
                    rands[0] = Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create(aString.Substring(0, posLastDot)));
                    rands[1] = new Lit(Symbol.Create(aString.Substring(posLastDot + 1, aString.Length - posLastDot - 1)));

                    return(new App(Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create("get-property")), rands));
            if (a is Pair)
                Pair   pair = a as Pair;
                object car  = pair.car;
                switch (car.ToString())
                case "begin":
                    Expression[] exps = new Expression[pair.cdr.Count];
                    int          pos  = 0;
                    foreach (object obj in pair.cdr)
                        exps[pos] = Parse(obj);
//                          exps[pos].Mark(obj);
                    Begin beginExps = new Begin(exps);
//                      beginExps.Mark(pair);

                case "if":
                    Pair       curr     = pair.cdr;
                    Expression test_exp = Parse(curr.car);
//                      test_exp.Mark(curr.car);
                    curr = curr.cdr;
                    Expression true_exp = Parse(curr.car);
//                      true_exp.Mark(curr.car);
                    curr = curr.cdr;
                    Expression false_exp = Parse(curr.car);
//                      false_exp.Mark(curr.car);
                    return(new If(test_exp, true_exp, false_exp));

                case "quote":
                    return(new Lit(pair.cdr.car));

                case "set!":
                    Symbol var = pair.cdr.car as Symbol;
                    if (var == null)
                        throw new Exception("set! error -> variable must be a symbol: " + Util.Dump(pair));

                    Expression exp = Parse(pair.cdr.cdr.car) as Expression;
//                      exp.Mark(pair.cdr.cdr.car);
                    if (var.val.IndexOf('.') == -1)
                        Assignment assignment = new Assignment(var, exp);
//                          assignment.Mark(pair);
                        string       aString    = var.val;
                        int          posLastDot = aString.LastIndexOf(".");
                        Expression[] rands      = new Expression[3];
                        rands[0] = Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create(aString.Substring(0, posLastDot)));
                        rands[1] = new Lit(Symbol.Create(aString.Substring(posLastDot + 1, aString.Length - posLastDot - 1)));
                        rands[2] = exp;

                        App app = new App(Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create("set-property")), rands);
//                          app.Mark(pair);

                case "lambda":
                    // Debug.WriteLine("sparsing lambda " + pair.ToString());
                    curr = pair.cdr  as Pair;
                    Symbol[] ids        = null;
                    bool     all_in_one = false;
                    if (curr.car != null)
                        if (curr.car is Pair)
                            Object[] ids_as_obj = (curr.car as Pair).ToArray();
                            ids = new Symbol[ids_as_obj.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < ids_as_obj.Length; i++)
                                ids[i] = ids_as_obj[i] as Symbol;
                                if (ids[i] == null)
                                    throw new Exception("lambda error -> params must be symbols: " + Util.Dump(pair));
                            all_in_one = true;
                            ids        = new Symbol[1];
                            ids[0]     = curr.car as Symbol;
                            if (ids[0] == null)
                                throw new Exception("lambda error -> params must be symbols: " + Util.Dump(pair));
                    curr = curr.cdr  as Pair;
                    // insert implied begin if neccessary
                    Expression body;
                    if (curr.cdr == null)
                        body = Parse(curr.car);
//                          if (curr.car is Pair)
//                              body.Mark(curr.car);
//                          else
//                              body.Mark(curr);
                        Expression[] begin = new Expression[curr.Count];
                        pos = 0;
                        foreach (object obj in curr)
                            begin[pos] = Parse(obj);
//                              begin[pos].Mark(obj);
                        body = new Begin(begin);
                    return(new Proc(ids, body, all_in_one));

                default:                          // app
                    if (pair.hasMember)
                        Expression[] rands = new Expression[2];
                        if (pair.member.IndexOf('.') != -1)
                            string currentMember = pair.member;
                            int    posLastDot    = currentMember.LastIndexOf(".");

                            pair.member = currentMember.Substring(0, posLastDot);
                            rands[0]    = Expression.Parse(pair);
                            pair.member = currentMember;

                            rands[1] = new Lit(Symbol.Create(currentMember.Substring(posLastDot + 1, currentMember.Length - posLastDot - 1)));
                            pair.hasMember = false;
                            rands[0]       = Expression.Parse(pair);
                            pair.hasMember = true;

                            rands[1] = new Lit(Symbol.Create(pair.member));
                        return(new App(Expression.Parse(Symbol.Create("get-property")), rands));
                        Expression[] rands = null;
                        if (pair.cdr != null)
                            rands = new Expression[pair.cdr.Count];
                            pos   = 0;
                            foreach (object obj in pair.cdr)
                                rands[pos] = Expression.Parse(obj);
//                                  rands[pos].Mark(obj);

                        IPrim prim = Primitives.getPrim(pair.car.ToString());
                        if (prim != null)
                            Primapp primapp = new Primapp(prim, rands);
//                              primapp.Mark(pair);
                            App app = new App(Expression.Parse(pair.car), rands);
//                              app.Mark(pair);
                return(new Lit(a));