* The TuioTime class is a simple structure that is used to reprent the time that has elapsed since the session start. * The time is internally represented as seconds and fractions of microseconds which should be more than sufficient for gesture related timing requirements. * Therefore at the beginning of a typical TUIO session the static method initSession() will set the reference time for the session. * Another important static method getSessionTime will return a TuioTime object representing the time elapsed since the session start. * The class also provides various addtional convience method, which allow some simple time arithmetics. *
コード例 #1
ファイル: TuioPoint.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
  * <summary>
  * The default constructor takes no arguments and sets
  * its coordinate attributes to zero and its time stamp to the current session time.</summary>
 public TuioPoint()
     xpos = 0.0f;
     ypos = 0.0f;
     currentTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;
     startTime = new TuioTime(currentTime);
コード例 #2
ファイル: jsTuioTime.cs プロジェクト: BuDDi/GEA
         * This static method globally resets the TUIO session time.
        public static void initSession()
            TuioTime startTime = getSystemTime();

            start_seconds       = startTime.getSeconds();
            start_micro_seconds = startTime.getMicroseconds();
コード例 #3
        public TuioServer(string host = "", int port = 3333, int size = 65536)
            if (size > MAX_UDP_SIZE) size = MAX_UDP_SIZE;
            if (size < MIN_UDP_SIZE) size = MIN_UDP_SIZE;

                this.socket = new OSCTransmitter(host, port);

                this.connected = true;
            catch (Exception e)

            this.cursorList = new List<TuioCursor>();
            this.freeCursorList = new List<TuioCursor>();
            this.freeCursorBuffer = new List<TuioCursor>();

            this.currentFrameTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;
            this.currentFrame = -1;
            this.sessionID = -1;
            this.maxCursorID = -1;
            this.updateCursor = false;
            this.lastCursorUpdate = this.currentFrameTime.Seconds;

コード例 #4
ファイル: TuioObject.cs プロジェクト: hugodu/TUIO11_NET
         * <summary>
         * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
         * X and Y coordinate and angle to the private TuioObject attributes.
         * The speed and accleration values are calculated accordingly.</summary>
         * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
         * <param name="xp">the X coordinate to assign</param>
         * <param name="yp">the Y coordinate to assign</param>
         * <param name="a">the angle coordinate to assign</param>
        public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float a)
            TuioPoint lastPoint = path.Last.Value;

            base.update(ttime, xp, yp);

            TuioTime diffTime            = currentTime - lastPoint.TuioTime;
            float    dt                  = diffTime.TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0f;
            float    last_angle          = angle;
            float    last_rotation_speed = rotation_speed;

            angle = a;

            float da = (angle - last_angle) / (2.0f * (float)Math.PI);

            if (da > 0.75f)
                da -= 1.0f;
            else if (da < -0.75f)
                da += 1.0f;

            rotation_speed = da / dt;
            rotation_accel = (rotation_speed - last_rotation_speed) / dt;
            if ((rotation_accel != 0) && (state != TUIO_STOPPED))
                state = TUIO_ROTATING;
コード例 #5
  * This constructor takes a TuioPoint argument and sets its coordinate attributes
  * to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and its time stamp to the current session time.
  * @param	tpoint	the TuioPoint to assign
 public TuioPoint(TuioPoint tpoint)
     xpos        = tpoint.getX();
     ypos        = tpoint.getY();
     currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
     startTime   = new TuioTime(currentTime);
コード例 #6
  * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate and angle to the newly created TuioObject.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	si	the Session ID  to assign
  * @param	sym	the Symbol ID  to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
  * @param	a	the angle to assign
 public TuioObject(TuioTime ttime, long si, int sym, float xp, float yp, float a) : base(ttime, si, xp, yp)
     symbol_id      = sym;
     angle          = a;
     rotation_speed = 0.0f;
     rotation_accel = 0.0f;
コード例 #7
  * This constructor takes two floating point coordinate arguments and sets
  * its coordinate attributes to these values and its time stamp to the current session time.
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
 public TuioPoint(float xp, float yp)
     xpos        = xp;
     ypos        = yp;
     currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
     startTime   = new TuioTime(currentTime);
コード例 #8
         * <summary>
         * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
         * X and Y coordinate to the private TuioContainer attributes.
         * The speed and accleration values are calculated accordingly.</summary>
         * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
         * <param name="xp">the X coordinate to assign</param>
         * <param name="yp">the Y coordinate to assign</param>
        public new void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp)
            TuioPoint lastPoint = path[path.Count - 1];

            base.update(ttime, xp, yp);

            TuioTime diffTime          = currentTime - lastPoint.TuioTime;
            float    dt                = diffTime.TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0f;
            float    dx                = this.xpos - lastPoint.X;
            float    dy                = this.ypos - lastPoint.Y;
            float    dist              = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            float    last_motion_speed = this.motion_speed;

            this.x_speed      = dx / dt;
            this.y_speed      = dy / dt;
            this.motion_speed = dist / dt;
            this.motion_accel = (motion_speed - last_motion_speed) / dt;

            path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos));
            if (motion_accel > 0)
                state = TUIO_ACCELERATING;
            else if (motion_accel < 0)
                state = TUIO_DECELERATING;
                state = TUIO_STOPPED;
コード例 #9
ファイル: TuioPoint.cs プロジェクト: hugodu/TUIO11_NET
  * <summary>
  * This constructor takes a TuioPoint argument and sets its coordinate attributes
  * to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and its time stamp to the current session time.</summary>
  * <param name="tpoint">the TuioPoint to assign</param>
 public TuioPoint(TuioPoint tpoint)
     xpos        = tpoint.X;
     ypos        = tpoint.Y;
     currentTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;
     startTime   = new TuioTime(currentTime);
コード例 #10
         * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
         * X and Y coordinate and angle to the private TuioObject attributes.
         * The speed and accleration values are calculated accordingly.
         * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
         * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
         * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
         * @param	a	the angle coordinate to assign
        public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float a)
            TuioPoint lastPoint = path[path.Count - 1];

            base.update(ttime, xp, yp);

            TuioTime diffTime            = currentTime - lastPoint.getTuioTime();
            float    dt                  = diffTime.getTotalMilliseconds() / 1000.0f;
            float    last_angle          = angle;
            float    last_rotation_speed = rotation_speed;

            angle = a;

            float da = (angle - last_angle) / (2.0f * (float)Math.PI);

            if (da > (float)Math.PI * 1.5f)
                da -= (2.0f * (float)Math.PI);
            else if (da < (float)Math.PI * 1.5f)
                da += (2.0f * (float)Math.PI);

            rotation_speed = da / dt;
            rotation_accel = (rotation_speed - last_rotation_speed) / dt;
            if ((rotation_accel != 0) && (state != TUIO_STOPPED))
                state = TUIO_ROTATING;
コード例 #11
         * <summary>
         * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
         * X and Y coordinate, X and Y velocity and acceleration
         * to the private TuioContainer attributes.</summary>
         * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
         * <param name="xp">the X coordinate to assign</param>
         * <param name="yp">the Y coordinate to assign</param>
         * <param name="xs">the X velocity to assign</param>
         * <param name="ys">the Y velocity to assign</param>
         * <param name="ma">the acceleration to assign</param>
        public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float xs, float ys, float ma)
            base.update(ttime, xp, yp);
            x_speed      = xs;
            y_speed      = ys;
            motion_speed = (float)Math.Sqrt(x_speed * x_speed + y_speed * y_speed);
            motion_accel = ma;

            if (motion_accel > 0)
                state = TUIO_ACCELERATING;
            else if (motion_accel < 0)
                state = TUIO_DECELERATING;
                state = TUIO_STOPPED;

            lock (path) {
                path.AddLast(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos));
                if (path.Count > 128)
コード例 #12
         * <summary>
         * This static method globally resets the TUIO session time.</summary>
        public static void initSession()
            TuioTime startTime = SystemTime;

            start_seconds       = startTime.Seconds;
            start_micro_seconds = startTime.Microseconds;
コード例 #13
  * This constructor takes a TuioTime object and two floating point coordinate arguments and sets
  * its coordinate attributes to these values and its time stamp to the provided TUIO time object.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
 public TuioPoint(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp)
     xpos        = xp;
     ypos        = yp;
     currentTime = new TuioTime(ttime);
     startTime   = new TuioTime(currentTime);
コード例 #14
  * The default constructor takes no arguments and sets
  * its coordinate attributes to zero and its time stamp to the current session time.
 public TuioPoint()
     xpos        = 0.0f;
     ypos        = 0.0f;
     currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
     startTime   = new TuioTime(currentTime);
コード例 #15
  * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  	 * Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate and angle to the newly created TuioObject.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	si	the Session ID to assign
  * @param	sym	the Symbol ID to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
  * @param	a	the angle to assign
 public TuioObject(TuioTime ttime, long si, int sym, float xp, float yp, float a)
     : base(ttime, si,xp,yp)
     symbol_id = sym;
     angle = a;
     rotation_speed = 0.0f;
     rotation_accel = 0.0f;
コード例 #16
  * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * Hand ID, X and Y coordinates, and Finger ID's to the newly created TuioHand.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	h_id	the Hand ID to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
  * @param	f_id1	the Finger ID #1 to assign
  * @param	f_id2	the Finger ID #2 to assign
  * @param	f_id3	the Finger ID #3 to assign
  * @param	f_id4	the Finger ID #4 to assign
  * @param	f_id5	the Finger ID #5 to assign
 public TuioHand(TuioTime ttime, int h_id, float xp, float yp, int f_id1, int f_id2, int f_id3, int f_id4, int f_id5)
     : base(ttime, h_id, xp, yp)
     hand_id = h_id;
     finger_id1 = f_id1;
     finger_id2 = f_id2;
     finger_id3 = f_id3;
     finger_id4 = f_id4;
     finger_id5 = f_id5;
コード例 #17
ファイル: TuioBlob.cs プロジェクト: RomanaLa/Woolpy
  * <summary>
  * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate and angle to the newly created TuioBlob.</summary>
  * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
  * <param name="si">the Session ID to assign</param>
  * <param name="bi">the Blob ID to assign</param>
  * <param name="xp">the X coordinate to assign</param>
  * <param name="yp">the Y coordinate to assign</param>
  * <param name="a">the angle to assign</param>
  * <param name="w">the width to assign</param>
  * <param name="h">the height to assign</param>
  * <param name="f">the area to assign</param>
 public TuioBlob(TuioTime ttime, long si, int bi, float xp, float yp, float a, float w, float h, float f)
     : base(ttime, si, xp, yp)
     blob_id        = bi;
     angle          = a;
     width          = w;
     height         = h;
     area           = f;
     rotation_speed = 0.0f;
     rotation_accel = 0.0f;
コード例 #18
  * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration,
  * rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioObject attributes.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
  * @param	a	the angle coordinate to assign
  * @param	xs	the X velocity to assign
  * @param	ys	the Y velocity to assign
  * @param	rs	the rotation velocity to assign
  * @param	ma	the motion acceleration to assign
  * @param	ra	the rotation acceleration to assign
 public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float a, float xs, float ys, float rs, float ma, float ra)
     base.update(ttime, xp, yp, xs, ys, ma);
     angle          = a;
     rotation_speed = rs;
     rotation_accel = ra;
     if ((rotation_accel != 0) && (state != TUIO_STOPPED))
         state = TUIO_ROTATING;
コード例 #19
  * <summary>
  * Takes a TuioTime argument and compares the provided TuioTime to the private Seconds and Microseconds attributes.</summary>
  * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to compare</param>
  * <returns>true if the two TuioTime have equal Seconds and Microseconds attributes</returns>
 public bool Equals(TuioTime ttime)
     if ((seconds == ttime.Seconds) && (micro_seconds == ttime.Microseconds))
コード例 #20
         * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
         * Session ID, X and Y coordinate to the newly created TuioContainer.
         * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
         * @param	si	the Session ID to assign
         * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
         * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
        public TuioContainer(TuioTime ttime, long si, float xp, float yp) : base(ttime, xp, yp)
            session_id   = si;
            x_speed      = 0.0f;
            y_speed      = 0.0f;
            motion_speed = 0.0f;
            motion_accel = 0.0f;

            path = new List <TuioPoint>();
            path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos));
            state = TUIO_ADDED;
コード例 #21
ファイル: TuioClient.cs プロジェクト: Jasmin91/Tui_My_Child
         * The TuioClient starts listening to TUIO messages on the configured UDP port
         * All reveived TUIO messages are decoded and the resulting TUIO events are broadcasted to all registered TuioListeners
        public void connect()
            currentTime = new TuioTime();

            try {
                receiver = new OSCReceiver(port);
                thread   = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listen));
                connected = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("failed to connect to port " + port);
コード例 #22
ファイル: TuioClient.cs プロジェクト: tdrewry/touchproxy
         * The TuioClient starts listening to TUIO messages on the configured UDP port
         * All reveived TUIO messages are decoded and the resulting TUIO events are broadcasted to all registered TuioListeners
        public void connect()
            currentTime = new TuioTime();

            receiver = new OSCReceiver(port);
            thread   = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listen));

            // HACK : Set listener thread to background added by frog (@rktut)
            thread.IsBackground = true;


            connected = true;

            // HACK : Swallowed exception removed by frog (@rktut)
コード例 #23
ファイル: BBTuioClient.cs プロジェクト: svizcay/totemCLC
         * The TuioClient starts listening to TUIO messages on the configured UDP port
         * All reveived TUIO messages are decoded and the resulting TUIO events are broadcasted to all registered TuioListeners
        public void connect()
//			Debug.Log ("tuio client before init session");
            currentTime = new TuioTime();

            try {
                receiver     = new OSCReceiver(port);
                connected    = true;
                statusString = "Thread Started";
                thread       = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listen));
//				Debug.Log("tuio client before thread start");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("failed to connect to port " + port);
                statusString = "failed to connect to port " + port + " " + e.Message;
//				Debug.Log("ERROR: there was an error trying to connect tuio client");
//				Debug.Log(e.Message);
コード例 #24
        public TuioServer(string host = "", int port = 3333, int size = 65536)
            if (size > MAX_UDP_SIZE)
                size = MAX_UDP_SIZE;
            if (size < MIN_UDP_SIZE)
                size = MIN_UDP_SIZE;

                this.socket = new OSCTransmitter(host, port);

                this.connected = true;
            catch (Exception e)

            this.cursorList       = new List <TuioCursor>();
            this.freeCursorList   = new List <TuioCursor>();
            this.freeCursorBuffer = new List <TuioCursor>();

            this.currentFrameTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;
            this.currentFrame     = -1;
            this.sessionID        = -1;
            this.maxCursorID      = -1;
            this.updateCursor     = false;
            this.lastCursorUpdate = this.currentFrameTime.Seconds;

コード例 #25
  * This constructor takes the provided TUIO Time, Hand ID, X and Y coordinates,
  * and assigns these values to the newly created TuioHand.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	h_id	the Hand ID to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
  * @param	a	the angle to assign
 public TuioHand(TuioTime ttime, int h_id, float xp, float yp)
     : base(ttime, h_id, xp, yp)
     hand_id = h_id;
コード例 #26
 // this is the end of a single frame
 // we only really need to call the frame end if something actually happened this frame
 public void refresh(TuioTime ftime)
コード例 #27
  * This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of a
  * TuioObject with unchanged position and angle.
 public new void stop(TuioTime ttime)
     update(ttime,this.xpos,this.ypos, this.angle);
コード例 #28
ファイル: TuioContainer.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
 * <summary>
 * Assigns the REMOVE state to this TuioContainer and sets
 * its TuioTime time stamp to the provided TuioTime argument.</summary>
 * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
 public void remove(TuioTime ttime)
     currentTime = ttime;
     state = TUIO_REMOVED;
コード例 #29
ファイル: TuioClient.cs プロジェクト: hugodu/TUIO11_NET
         * <summary>
         * The OSC callback method where all TUIO messages are received and decoded
         * and where the TUIO event callbacks are dispatched</summary>
         * <param name="message">the received OSC message</param>
        private void processMessage(OSCMessage message)
            string    address = message.Address;
            ArrayList args    = message.Values;
            string    command = (string)args[0];

            if (address == "/tuio/2Dobj")
                if (command == "set")
                    long  s_id   = (int)args[1];
                    int   f_id   = (int)args[2];
                    float xpos   = (float)args[3];
                    float ypos   = (float)args[4];
                    float angle  = (float)args[5];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[6];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[7];
                    float rspeed = (float)args[8];
                    float maccel = (float)args[9];
                    float raccel = (float)args[10];

                    lock (objectSync)
                        if (!objectList.ContainsKey(s_id))
                            TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(s_id, f_id, xpos, ypos, angle);
                            TuioObject tobj = objectList[s_id];
                            if (tobj == null)
                            if ((tobj.X != xpos) || (tobj.Y != ypos) || (tobj.Angle != angle) || (tobj.XSpeed != xspeed) || (tobj.YSpeed != yspeed) || (tobj.RotationSpeed != rspeed) || (tobj.MotionAccel != maccel) || (tobj.RotationAccel != raccel))
                                TuioObject updateObject = new TuioObject(s_id, f_id, xpos, ypos, angle);
                                updateObject.update(xpos, ypos, angle, xspeed, yspeed, rspeed, maccel, raccel);
                else if (command == "alive")
                    for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++)
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the object list to the lost objects
                        if (aliveObjectList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining objects
                    lock (objectSync)
                        for (int i = 0; i < aliveObjectList.Count; i++)
                            long       s_id         = aliveObjectList[i];
                            TuioObject removeObject = objectList[s_id];
                else if (command == "fseq")
                    int  fseq      = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq > 0)
                        if (fseq > currentFrame)
                            currentTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;
                        if ((fseq >= currentFrame) || ((currentFrame - fseq) > 100))
                            currentFrame = fseq;
                            lateFrame = true;
                    else if ((TuioTime.SessionTime.TotalMilliseconds - currentTime.TotalMilliseconds) > 100)
                        currentTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;

                    if (!lateFrame)
                        IEnumerator <TuioObject> frameEnum = frameObjects.GetEnumerator();
                        while (frameEnum.MoveNext())
                            TuioObject tobj = frameEnum.Current;

                            switch (tobj.TuioState)
                            case TuioObject.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                TuioObject removeObject = tobj;

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)
                                lock (objectSync)

                            case TuioObject.TUIO_ADDED:
                                TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(currentTime, tobj.SessionID, tobj.SymbolID, tobj.X, tobj.Y, tobj.Angle);
                                lock (objectSync)
                                    objectList.Add(addObject.SessionID, addObject);
                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                                TuioObject updateObject = getTuioObject(tobj.SessionID);
                                if ((tobj.X != updateObject.X && tobj.XSpeed == 0) || (tobj.Y != updateObject.Y && tobj.YSpeed == 0))
                                    updateObject.update(currentTime, tobj.X, tobj.Y, tobj.Angle);
                                    updateObject.update(currentTime, tobj.X, tobj.Y, tobj.Angle, tobj.XSpeed, tobj.YSpeed, tobj.RotationSpeed, tobj.MotionAccel, tobj.RotationAccel);

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                        for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener != null)
                                listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List <long> buffer = aliveObjectList;
                        aliveObjectList = newObjectList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newObjectList = buffer;
            else if (address == "/tuio/2Dcur")
                if (command == "set")
                    long  s_id   = (int)args[1];
                    float xpos   = (float)args[2];
                    float ypos   = (float)args[3];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[4];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[5];
                    float maccel = (float)args[6];

                    lock (cursorList)
                        if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id))
                            TuioCursor addCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id, -1, xpos, ypos);
                            TuioCursor tcur = (TuioCursor)cursorList[s_id];
                            if (tcur == null)
                            if ((tcur.X != xpos) || (tcur.Y != ypos) || (tcur.XSpeed != xspeed) || (tcur.YSpeed != yspeed) || (tcur.MotionAccel != maccel))
                                TuioCursor updateCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id, tcur.CursorID, xpos, ypos);
                                updateCursor.update(xpos, ypos, xspeed, yspeed, maccel);
                else if (command == "alive")
                    for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++)
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the cursor list to the lost cursors
                        if (aliveCursorList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining cursors
                    lock (cursorSync)
                        for (int i = 0; i < aliveCursorList.Count; i++)
                            long s_id = aliveCursorList[i];
                            if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id))
                            TuioCursor removeCursor = cursorList[s_id];
                else if (command == "fseq")
                    int  fseq      = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq > 0)
                        if (fseq > currentFrame)
                            currentTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;
                        if ((fseq >= currentFrame) || ((currentFrame - fseq) > 100))
                            currentFrame = fseq;
                            lateFrame = true;
                    else if ((TuioTime.SessionTime.TotalMilliseconds - currentTime.TotalMilliseconds) > 100)
                        currentTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;

                    if (!lateFrame)
                        IEnumerator <TuioCursor> frameEnum = frameCursors.GetEnumerator();
                        while (frameEnum.MoveNext())
                            TuioCursor tcur = frameEnum.Current;
                            switch (tcur.TuioState)
                            case TuioCursor.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                TuioCursor removeCursor = tcur;

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)
                                lock (cursorSync)

                                    if (removeCursor.CursorID == maxCursorID)
                                        maxCursorID = -1;

                                        if (cursorList.Count > 0)
                                            IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <long, TuioCursor> > clist = cursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                            while (clist.MoveNext())
                                                int f_id = clist.Current.Value.CursorID;
                                                if (f_id > maxCursorID)
                                                    maxCursorID = f_id;

                                            List <TuioCursor>        freeCursorBuffer = new List <TuioCursor>();
                                            IEnumerator <TuioCursor> flist            = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                            while (flist.MoveNext())
                                                TuioCursor testCursor = flist.Current;
                                                if (testCursor.CursorID < maxCursorID)
                                            freeCursorList = freeCursorBuffer;
                                    else if (removeCursor.CursorID < maxCursorID)

                            case TuioCursor.TUIO_ADDED:
                                TuioCursor addCursor;
                                lock (cursorSync)
                                    int c_id = cursorList.Count;
                                    if ((cursorList.Count <= maxCursorID) && (freeCursorList.Count > 0))
                                        TuioCursor closestCursor          = freeCursorList[0];
                                        IEnumerator <TuioCursor> testList = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                        while (testList.MoveNext())
                                            TuioCursor testCursor = testList.Current;
                                            if (testCursor.getDistance(tcur) < closestCursor.getDistance(tcur))
                                                closestCursor = testCursor;
                                        c_id = closestCursor.CursorID;
                                        maxCursorID = c_id;

                                    addCursor = new TuioCursor(currentTime, tcur.SessionID, c_id, tcur.X, tcur.Y);
                                    cursorList.Add(addCursor.SessionID, addCursor);

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                                TuioCursor updateCursor = getTuioCursor(tcur.SessionID);
                                if ((tcur.X != updateCursor.X && tcur.XSpeed == 0) || (tcur.Y != updateCursor.Y && tcur.YSpeed == 0))
                                    updateCursor.update(currentTime, tcur.X, tcur.Y);
                                    updateCursor.update(currentTime, tcur.X, tcur.Y, tcur.XSpeed, tcur.YSpeed, tcur.MotionAccel);

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                        for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener != null)
                                listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List <long> buffer = aliveCursorList;
                        aliveCursorList = newCursorList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newCursorList = buffer;
            else if (address == "/tuio/2Dblb")
                if (command == "set")
                    long  s_id   = (int)args[1];
                    float xpos   = (float)args[2];
                    float ypos   = (float)args[3];
                    float angle  = (float)args[4];
                    float width  = (float)args[5];
                    float height = (float)args[6];
                    float area   = (float)args[7];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[8];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[9];
                    float rspeed = (float)args[10];
                    float maccel = (float)args[11];
                    float raccel = (float)args[12];

                    lock (blobList)
                        if (!blobList.ContainsKey(s_id))
                            TuioBlob addBlob = new TuioBlob(s_id, -1, xpos, ypos, angle, width, height, area);
                            TuioBlob tblb = (TuioBlob)blobList[s_id];
                            if (tblb == null)
                            if ((tblb.X != xpos) || (tblb.Y != ypos) || (tblb.Angle != angle) || (tblb.Width != width) || (tblb.Height != height) || (tblb.Area != area) || (tblb.XSpeed != xspeed) || (tblb.YSpeed != yspeed) || (tblb.RotationSpeed != rspeed) || (tblb.MotionAccel != maccel) || (tblb.RotationAccel != raccel))
                                TuioBlob updateBlob = new TuioBlob(s_id, tblb.BlobID, xpos, ypos, angle, width, height, area);
                                updateBlob.update(xpos, ypos, angle, width, height, area, xspeed, yspeed, rspeed, maccel, raccel);
                else if (command == "alive")
                    for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++)
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the blob list to the lost blobs
                        if (aliveBlobList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining blobs
                    lock (blobSync)
                        for (int i = 0; i < aliveBlobList.Count; i++)
                            long s_id = aliveBlobList[i];
                            if (!blobList.ContainsKey(s_id))
                            TuioBlob removeBlob = blobList[s_id];
                else if (command == "fseq")
                    int  fseq      = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq > 0)
                        if (fseq > currentFrame)
                            currentTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;
                        if ((fseq >= currentFrame) || ((currentFrame - fseq) > 100))
                            currentFrame = fseq;
                            lateFrame = true;
                    else if ((TuioTime.SessionTime.TotalMilliseconds - currentTime.TotalMilliseconds) > 100)
                        currentTime = TuioTime.SessionTime;

                    if (!lateFrame)
                        IEnumerator <TuioBlob> frameEnum = frameBlobs.GetEnumerator();
                        while (frameEnum.MoveNext())
                            TuioBlob tblb = frameEnum.Current;
                            switch (tblb.TuioState)
                            case TuioBlob.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                TuioBlob removeBlob = tblb;

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)
                                lock (blobSync)

                                    if (removeBlob.BlobID == maxBlobID)
                                        maxBlobID = -1;

                                        if (blobList.Count > 0)
                                            IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <long, TuioBlob> > blist = blobList.GetEnumerator();
                                            while (blist.MoveNext())
                                                int b_id = blist.Current.Value.BlobID;
                                                if (b_id > maxBlobID)
                                                    maxBlobID = b_id;

                                            List <TuioBlob>        freeBlobBuffer = new List <TuioBlob>();
                                            IEnumerator <TuioBlob> flist          = freeBlobList.GetEnumerator();
                                            while (flist.MoveNext())
                                                TuioBlob testBlob = flist.Current;
                                                if (testBlob.BlobID < maxBlobID)
                                            freeBlobList = freeBlobBuffer;
                                    else if (removeBlob.BlobID < maxBlobID)

                            case TuioBlob.TUIO_ADDED:
                                TuioBlob addBlob;
                                lock (blobSync)
                                    int b_id = blobList.Count;
                                    if ((blobList.Count <= maxBlobID) && (freeBlobList.Count > 0))
                                        TuioBlob closestBlob            = freeBlobList[0];
                                        IEnumerator <TuioBlob> testList = freeBlobList.GetEnumerator();
                                        while (testList.MoveNext())
                                            TuioBlob testBlob = testList.Current;
                                            if (testBlob.getDistance(tblb) < closestBlob.getDistance(tblb))
                                                closestBlob = testBlob;
                                        b_id = closestBlob.BlobID;
                                        maxBlobID = b_id;

                                    addBlob = new TuioBlob(currentTime, tblb.SessionID, b_id, tblb.X, tblb.Y, tblb.Angle, tblb.Width, tblb.Height, tblb.Area);
                                    blobList.Add(addBlob.SessionID, addBlob);

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                                TuioBlob updateBlob = getTuioBlob(tblb.SessionID);
                                if ((tblb.X != updateBlob.X && tblb.XSpeed == 0) || (tblb.Y != updateBlob.Y && tblb.YSpeed == 0) || (tblb.Angle != updateBlob.Angle && tblb.RotationSpeed == 0))
                                    updateBlob.update(currentTime, tblb.X, tblb.Y, tblb.Angle, tblb.Width, tblb.Height, tblb.Area);
                                    updateBlob.update(currentTime, tblb.X, tblb.Y, tblb.Angle, tblb.Width, tblb.Height, tblb.Area, tblb.XSpeed, tblb.YSpeed, tblb.RotationSpeed, tblb.MotionAccel, tblb.RotationAccel);

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                        for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener != null)
                                listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List <long> buffer = aliveBlobList;
                        aliveBlobList = newBlobList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newBlobList = buffer;
コード例 #30
ファイル: BBTuioTime.cs プロジェクト: Scopty/Spixii
  * This constructor takes the provided TuioTime
  * and assigs its Seconds and Microseconds values to the newly created TuioTime.
  * @param ttime the TuioTime used to copy
 public TuioTime(TuioTime ttime)
     this.seconds = ttime.getSeconds();
     this.micro_seconds = ttime.getMicroseconds();
コード例 #31
ファイル: TuioBlob.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
  * <summary>
  * This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of a
  * TuioBlob with unchanged position and angle.</summary>
 public new void stop(TuioTime ttime)
     update(ttime, this.xpos, this.ypos, this.angle, this.width, this.height, this.area);
コード例 #32
  * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * Session ID, Cursor ID, X and Y coordinate to the newly created TuioCursor.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	si	the Session ID to assign
  * @param	ci	the Cursor ID to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
 public TuioCursor(TuioTime ttime, long si, int ci, float xp, float yp)
     : base(ttime, si,xp,yp)
     cursor_id = ci;
コード例 #33
ファイル: TuioCursor.cs プロジェクト: Jasmin91/Tui_My_Child
  * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * Session ID, Cursor ID, X and Y coordinate to the newly created TuioCursor.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	si	the Session ID to assign
  * @param	ci	the Cursor ID to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
 public TuioCursor(TuioTime ttime, long si, int ci, float xp, float yp) : base(ttime, si, xp, yp)
     cursor_id = ci;
コード例 #34
  * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration,
  * rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioHand attributes.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
  * @param	xs	the X velocity to assign
  * @param	ys	the Y velocity to assign
  * @param	f_id1	the Finger ID #1 to assign
  * @param	f_id2	the Finger ID #2 to assign
  * @param	f_id3	the Finger ID #3 to assign
  * @param	f_id4	the Finger ID #4 to assign
  * @param	f_id5	the Finger ID #5 to assign
 public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float xs, float ys, int f_id1, int f_id2, int f_id3, int f_id4, int f_id5)
     base.update(ttime, xp, yp, xs, ys, 0f);
     finger_id1 = f_id1;
     finger_id2 = f_id2;
     finger_id3 = f_id3;
     finger_id4 = f_id4;
     finger_id5 = f_id5;
コード例 #35
ファイル: TuioContainer.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
  * <summary>
  * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * X and Y coordinate, X and Y velocity and acceleration
  * to the private TuioContainer attributes.</summary>
  * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
  * <param name="xp">the X coordinate to assign</param>
  * <param name="yp">the Y coordinate to assign</param>
  * <param name="xs">the X velocity to assign</param>
  * <param name="ys">the Y velocity to assign</param>
  * <param name="ma">the acceleration to assign</param>
 public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float xs, float ys, float ma)
     base.update(ttime, xp, yp);
     x_speed = xs;
     y_speed = ys;
     motion_speed = (float)Math.Sqrt(x_speed * x_speed + y_speed * y_speed);
     motion_accel = ma;
     path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos));
     if (motion_accel > 0) state = TUIO_ACCELERATING;
     else if (motion_accel < 0) state = TUIO_DECELERATING;
     else state = TUIO_STOPPED;
コード例 #36
ファイル: TuioContainer.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
         * <summary>
         * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
         * X and Y coordinate to the private TuioContainer attributes.
         * The speed and accleration values are calculated accordingly.</summary>
         * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
         * <param name="xp">the X coordinate to assign</param>
         * <param name="yp">the Y coordinate to assign</param>
        public new void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp)
            TuioPoint lastPoint = path[path.Count - 1];
            base.update(ttime, xp, yp);

            TuioTime diffTime = currentTime - lastPoint.TuioTime;
            float dt = diffTime.TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0f;
            float dx = this.xpos - lastPoint.X;
            float dy = this.ypos - lastPoint.Y;
            float dist = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            float last_motion_speed = this.motion_speed;

            this.x_speed = dx / dt;
            this.y_speed = dy / dt;
            this.motion_speed = dist / dt;
            this.motion_accel = (motion_speed - last_motion_speed) / dt;

            path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos));
            if (motion_accel > 0) state = TUIO_ACCELERATING;
            else if (motion_accel < 0) state = TUIO_DECELERATING;
            else state = TUIO_STOPPED;
コード例 #37
ファイル: TuioContainer.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
  * <summary>
  * This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of
  * TuioContainers with unchanged positions.</summary>
 public void stop(TuioTime ttime)
     update(ttime, this.xpos, this.ypos);
コード例 #38
ファイル: TuioTime.cs プロジェクト: crisdelaguila/react-unity
  * This constructor takes the provided TuioTime
  * and assigs its Seconds and Microseconds values to the newly created TuioTime.
  * @param ttime the TuioTime used to copy
 public TuioTime(TuioTime ttime)
     this.seconds       = ttime.getSeconds();
     this.micro_seconds = ttime.getMicroseconds();
コード例 #39
ファイル: jsTuioTime.cs プロジェクト: 418Teapot/StevohnAndHat
  * Takes a TuioTime argument and compares the provided TuioTime to the private Seconds and Microseconds attributes.
  * @param  ttime	the TuioTime to compare
  * @return true if the two TuioTime have equal Seconds and Microseconds attributes
 public bool Equals(TuioTime ttime)
     if ((seconds==ttime.getSeconds()) && (micro_seconds==ttime.getMicroseconds())) return true;
     else return false;
コード例 #40
ファイル: TuioClient.cs プロジェクト: Jasmin91/Tui_My_Child
         * The OSC callback method where all TUIO messages are received and decoded
         * and where the TUIO event callbacks are dispatched
         * @param message	the received OSC message
        private void processMessage(OSCMessage message)
            string    address = message.Address;
            ArrayList args    = message.Values;
            string    command = (string)args[0];

            if (address == "/tuio/2Dobj")
                if (command == "set")
                    long  s_id   = (int)args[1];
                    int   f_id   = (int)args[2];
                    float xpos   = (float)args[3];
                    float ypos   = (float)args[4];
                    float angle  = (float)args[5];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[6];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[7];
                    float rspeed = (float)args[8];
                    float maccel = (float)args[9];
                    float raccel = (float)args[10];

                    lock (objectSync) {
                        if (!objectList.ContainsKey(s_id))
                            TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(s_id, f_id, xpos, ypos, angle);
                            TuioObject tobj = objectList[s_id];
                            if (tobj == null)
                            if ((tobj.getX() != xpos) || (tobj.getY() != ypos) || (tobj.getAngle() != angle) || (tobj.getXSpeed() != xspeed) || (tobj.getYSpeed() != yspeed) || (tobj.getRotationSpeed() != rspeed) || (tobj.getMotionAccel() != maccel) || (tobj.getRotationAccel() != raccel))
                                TuioObject updateObject = new TuioObject(s_id, f_id, xpos, ypos, angle);
                                updateObject.update(xpos, ypos, angle, xspeed, yspeed, rspeed, maccel, raccel);
                else if (command == "alive")
                    for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++)
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the object list to the lost objects
                        if (aliveObjectList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining objects
                    lock (objectSync) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < aliveObjectList.Count; i++)
                            long       s_id         = aliveObjectList[i];
                            TuioObject removeObject = objectList[s_id];
                else if (command == "fseq")
                    int  fseq      = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq > 0)
                        if (fseq > currentFrame)
                            currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
                        if ((fseq >= currentFrame) || ((currentFrame - fseq) > 100))
                            currentFrame = fseq;
                            lateFrame = true;
                    else if ((TuioTime.getSessionTime().getTotalMilliseconds() - currentTime.getTotalMilliseconds()) > 100)
                        currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();

                    if (!lateFrame)
                        IEnumerator <TuioObject> frameEnum = frameObjects.GetEnumerator();
                        while (frameEnum.MoveNext())
                            TuioObject tobj = frameEnum.Current;

                            switch (tobj.getTuioState())
                            case TuioObject.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                TuioObject removeObject = tobj;

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)
                                lock (objectSync) {

                            case TuioObject.TUIO_ADDED:
                                TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(currentTime, tobj.getSessionID(), tobj.getSymbolID(), tobj.getX(), tobj.getY(), tobj.getAngle());
                                lock (objectSync) {
                                    objectList.Add(addObject.getSessionID(), addObject);
                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                                TuioObject updateObject = getTuioObject(tobj.getSessionID());
                                if ((tobj.getX() != updateObject.getX() && tobj.getXSpeed() == 0) || (tobj.getY() != updateObject.getY() && tobj.getYSpeed() == 0))
                                    updateObject.update(currentTime, tobj.getX(), tobj.getY(), tobj.getAngle());
                                    updateObject.update(currentTime, tobj.getX(), tobj.getY(), tobj.getAngle(), tobj.getXSpeed(), tobj.getYSpeed(), tobj.getRotationSpeed(), tobj.getMotionAccel(), tobj.getRotationAccel());

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                        for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener != null)
                                listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List <long> buffer = aliveObjectList;
                        aliveObjectList = newObjectList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newObjectList = buffer;
            else if (address == "/tuio/2Dcur")
                if (command == "set")
                    long  s_id   = (int)args[1];
                    float xpos   = (float)args[2];
                    float ypos   = (float)args[3];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[4];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[5];
                    float maccel = (float)args[6];

                    lock (cursorList) {
                        if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id))
                            TuioCursor addCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id, -1, xpos, ypos);
                            TuioCursor tcur = (TuioCursor)cursorList[s_id];
                            if (tcur == null)
                            if ((tcur.getX() != xpos) || (tcur.getY() != ypos) || (tcur.getXSpeed() != xspeed) || (tcur.getYSpeed() != yspeed) || (tcur.getMotionAccel() != maccel))
                                TuioCursor updateCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id, tcur.getCursorID(), xpos, ypos);
                                updateCursor.update(xpos, ypos, xspeed, yspeed, maccel);
                else if (command == "alive")
                    for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++)
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the cursor list to the lost cursors
                        if (aliveCursorList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining cursors
                    lock (cursorSync) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < aliveCursorList.Count; i++)
                            long s_id = aliveCursorList[i];
                            if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id))
                            TuioCursor removeCursor = cursorList[s_id];
                else if (command == "fseq")
                    int  fseq      = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq > 0)
                        if (fseq > currentFrame)
                            currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
                        if ((fseq >= currentFrame) || ((currentFrame - fseq) > 100))
                            currentFrame = fseq;
                            lateFrame = true;
                    else if ((TuioTime.getSessionTime().getTotalMilliseconds() - currentTime.getTotalMilliseconds()) > 100)
                        currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();

                    if (!lateFrame)
                        IEnumerator <TuioCursor> frameEnum = frameCursors.GetEnumerator();
                        while (frameEnum.MoveNext())
                            TuioCursor tcur = frameEnum.Current;
                            switch (tcur.getTuioState())
                            case TuioCursor.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                TuioCursor removeCursor = tcur;

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)
                                lock (cursorSync) {

                                    if (removeCursor.getCursorID() == maxCursorID)
                                        maxCursorID = -1;

                                        if (cursorList.Count > 0)
                                            IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <long, TuioCursor> > clist = cursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                            while (clist.MoveNext())
                                                int f_id = clist.Current.Value.getCursorID();
                                                if (f_id > maxCursorID)
                                                    maxCursorID = f_id;

                                            List <TuioCursor>        freeCursorBuffer = new List <TuioCursor>();
                                            IEnumerator <TuioCursor> flist            = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                            while (flist.MoveNext())
                                                TuioCursor testCursor = flist.Current;
                                                if (testCursor.getCursorID() < maxCursorID)
                                            freeCursorList = freeCursorBuffer;
                                    else if (removeCursor.getCursorID() < maxCursorID)

                            case TuioCursor.TUIO_ADDED:
                                TuioCursor addCursor;
                                lock (cursorSync) {
                                    int c_id = cursorList.Count;
                                    if ((cursorList.Count <= maxCursorID) && (freeCursorList.Count > 0))
                                        TuioCursor closestCursor          = freeCursorList[0];
                                        IEnumerator <TuioCursor> testList = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                        while (testList.MoveNext())
                                            TuioCursor testCursor = testList.Current;
                                            if (testCursor.getDistance(tcur) < closestCursor.getDistance(tcur))
                                                closestCursor = testCursor;
                                        c_id = closestCursor.getCursorID();
                                        maxCursorID = c_id;

                                    addCursor = new TuioCursor(currentTime, tcur.getSessionID(), c_id, tcur.getX(), tcur.getY());
                                    cursorList.Add(addCursor.getSessionID(), addCursor);

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                                TuioCursor updateCursor = getTuioCursor(tcur.getSessionID());
                                if ((tcur.getX() != updateCursor.getX() && tcur.getXSpeed() == 0) || (tcur.getY() != updateCursor.getY() && tcur.getYSpeed() == 0))
                                    updateCursor.update(currentTime, tcur.getX(), tcur.getY());
                                    updateCursor.update(currentTime, tcur.getX(), tcur.getY(), tcur.getXSpeed(), tcur.getYSpeed(), tcur.getMotionAccel());

                                for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener != null)

                        for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++)
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener != null)
                                listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List <long> buffer = aliveCursorList;
                        aliveCursorList = newCursorList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newCursorList = buffer;
コード例 #41
ファイル: TuioBlob.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
  * <summary>
  * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  * Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate and angle to the newly created TuioBlob.</summary>
  * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
  * <param name="si">the Session ID to assign</param>
  * <param name="bi">the Blob ID to assign</param>
  * <param name="xp">the X coordinate to assign</param>
  * <param name="yp">the Y coordinate to assign</param>
  * <param name="a">the angle to assign</param>
  * <param name="w">the width to assign</param>
  * <param name="h">the height to assign</param>
  * <param name="f">the area to assign</param>
 public TuioBlob(TuioTime ttime, long si, int bi, float xp, float yp, float a, float w, float h, float f)
     : base(ttime, si, xp, yp)
     blob_id = bi;
     angle = a;
     width = w;
     height = h;
     area = f;
     rotation_speed = 0.0f;
     rotation_accel = 0.0f;
コード例 #42
ファイル: TuioClient.cs プロジェクト: nuigroup/ccv-physics
         * The OSC callback method where all TUIO messages are received and decoded
         * and where the TUIO event callbacks are dispatched
         * @param message	the received OSC message
        private void processMessage(OSCMessage message)
            string address = message.Address;
            ArrayList args = message.Values;
            string command = (string)args[0];

            if (address == "/tuio/2Dobj") {
                if (command == "set") {

                    long s_id = (int)args[1];
                    int f_id = (int)args[2];
                    float xpos = (float)args[3];
                    float ypos = (float)args[4];
                    float angle = (float)args[5];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[6];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[7];
                    float rspeed = (float)args[8];
                    float maccel = (float)args[9];
                    float raccel = (float)args[10];

                    lock(objectSync) {
                        if (!objectList.ContainsKey(s_id)) {
                            TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(s_id,f_id,xpos,ypos,angle);
                        } else {
                            TuioObject tobj = objectList[s_id];
                            if (tobj==null) return;
                            if((tobj.getX()!=xpos) || (tobj.getY()!=ypos) || (tobj.getAngle()!=angle) || (tobj.getXSpeed()!=xspeed) || (tobj.getYSpeed()!=yspeed) || (tobj.getRotationSpeed()!=rspeed) || (tobj.getMotionAccel()!=maccel) || (tobj.getRotationAccel()!=raccel)) {

                                TuioObject updateObject = new TuioObject(s_id,f_id,xpos,ypos,angle);

                } else if (command == "alive") {

                    for (int i=1;i<args.Count;i++) {
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the object list to the lost objects
                        if (aliveObjectList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining objects
                    lock(objectSync) {
                        for (int i=0;i<aliveObjectList.Count;i++) {
                            long s_id = aliveObjectList[i];
                            TuioObject removeObject = objectList[s_id];

                } else if (command=="fseq") {
                    int fseq = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq>0) {
                        if (fseq>currentFrame) currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
                        if ((fseq>=currentFrame) || ((currentFrame-fseq)>100)) currentFrame = fseq;
                        else lateFrame = true;
                    } else if ((TuioTime.getSessionTime().getTotalMilliseconds()-currentTime.getTotalMilliseconds())>100) {
                        currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();

                    if (!lateFrame) {

                        IEnumerator<TuioObject> frameEnum = frameObjects.GetEnumerator();
                        while(frameEnum.MoveNext()) {
                            TuioObject tobj = frameEnum.Current;

                            switch (tobj.getTuioState()) {
                                case TuioObject.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                    TuioObject removeObject = tobj;

                                    for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                        TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                        if (listener!=null) listener.removeTuioObject(removeObject);
                                    lock(objectSync) {
                                case TuioObject.TUIO_ADDED:
                                    TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(currentTime,tobj.getSessionID(),tobj.getSymbolID(),tobj.getX(),tobj.getY(),tobj.getAngle());
                                    lock(objectSync) {
                                    for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                        TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                        if (listener!=null) listener.addTuioObject(addObject);
                                    TuioObject updateObject = getTuioObject(tobj.getSessionID());
                                    if ( (tobj.getX()!=updateObject.getX() && tobj.getXSpeed()==0) || (tobj.getY()!=updateObject.getY() && tobj.getYSpeed()==0) )

                                    for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                        TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                        if (listener!=null) listener.updateTuioObject(updateObject);

                        for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List<long> buffer = aliveObjectList;
                        aliveObjectList = newObjectList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newObjectList = buffer;

            } else if (address == "/tuio/2Dcur" || address == "/tuio/2Dcur source ccv@localhost") {

                if (command == "set") {

                    long s_id = (int)args[1];
                    float xpos = (float)args[2];
                    float ypos = (float)args[3];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[4];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[5];
                    float maccel = (float)args[6];
                    //~ Debug.Log("Cursor - id: " + s_id);

                    lock(cursorList) {
                        if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id)) {

                            TuioCursor addCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id,-1,xpos,ypos);

                        } else {
                            TuioCursor tcur = (TuioCursor)cursorList[s_id];
                            if (tcur==null) return;
                            if ((tcur.getX()!=xpos) || (tcur.getY()!=ypos) || (tcur.getXSpeed()!=xspeed) || (tcur.getYSpeed()!=yspeed) || (tcur.getMotionAccel()!=maccel)) {
                                TuioCursor updateCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id,tcur.getCursorID(),xpos,ypos);
                //experimental contour data (by Rasmus H. - www.schnitzel.dk)
                  }else if (command == "contour") {

                    long s_id = (int)args[1];
                    int m_length = (int)args[2];
                    //~ Debug.Log("Contour - id: " + s_id + " Lenght: " + m_length);
                    if(m_length > 0)
                        lock(cursorList) {

                            List<TuioPoint> contr = new List<TuioPoint>();
                            for(int i=3; i+2 <= m_length+3; i+=2)
                                float xpos = (float)args[i];
                                float ypos = (float)args[i+1];
                                contr.Add(new TuioPoint(xpos,ypos));

                                //no cursor with that id so we return
                                TuioCursor tcur = (TuioCursor)cursorList[s_id];
                                if (tcur==null) return;
                                TuioCursor updateCursor = new TuioCursor(tcur);
                                updateCursor.update(tcur, contr);
             //experimental height data (by Rasmus H. - www.schnitzel.dk)
                  }else if (command == "height") {

                    long s_id = (int)args[1];
                    float xpos = (float)args[2];
                    float ypos = (float)args[3];
                    int xwidth = (int)args[4];
                    int yheight = (int)args[5];
                    int hpoints = (int)args[6];
                    //Debug.Log("Contour - id: " + s_id + " x: " + xpos +  " y: " + ypos + " width: " + xwidth + " height: " + yheight + " hpoints: " + hpoints );
                    lock(cursorList) {

                        List<float> heightp = new List<float>();
                        for(int i=7; i < hpoints+7; i++)

                            //no cursor with that id so we return
                            TuioCursor tcur = (TuioCursor)cursorList[s_id];
                            if (tcur==null) return;
                            TuioCursor updateCursor = new TuioCursor(tcur);
                            updateCursor.update(tcur, xpos, ypos, xwidth, yheight, heightp);

                } else if (command == "alive") {

                    for (int i=1;i<args.Count;i++) {
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the cursor list to the lost cursors
                        if (aliveCursorList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining cursors
                    lock(cursorSync) {
                        for (int i=0;i<aliveCursorList.Count;i++) {
                            long s_id = aliveCursorList[i];
                            if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id)) continue;
                            TuioCursor removeCursor = cursorList[s_id];

                } else if (command=="fseq") {
                    int fseq = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq>0) {
                        if (fseq>currentFrame) currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
                        if ((fseq>=currentFrame) || ((currentFrame-fseq)>100)) currentFrame = fseq;
                        else lateFrame = true;
                    } else if ((TuioTime.getSessionTime().getTotalMilliseconds()-currentTime.getTotalMilliseconds())>100) {
                        currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();

                    if (!lateFrame) {

                        IEnumerator<TuioCursor> frameEnum = frameCursors.GetEnumerator();
                        while(frameEnum.MoveNext()) {
                            TuioCursor tcur = frameEnum.Current;
                            switch (tcur.getTuioState()) {
                                case TuioCursor.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                    TuioCursor removeCursor = tcur;

                                    for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                        TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                        if (listener!=null) listener.removeTuioCursor(removeCursor);
                                    lock(cursorSync) {

                                        if (removeCursor.getCursorID() == maxCursorID) {
                                            maxCursorID = -1;

                                            if (cursorList.Count > 0) {

                                                IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<long, TuioCursor>> clist = cursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                                while (clist.MoveNext()) {
                                                    int f_id = clist.Current.Value.getCursorID();
                                                    if (f_id > maxCursorID) maxCursorID = f_id;

                             					List<TuioCursor> freeCursorBuffer = new List<TuioCursor>();
                             					IEnumerator<TuioCursor> flist = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                                while (flist.MoveNext()) {
                                 					TuioCursor testCursor = flist.Current;
                                                    if (testCursor.getCursorID() < maxCursorID) freeCursorBuffer.Add(testCursor);
                                                freeCursorList = freeCursorBuffer;
                                            } else freeCursorList.Clear();
                                        } else if (removeCursor.getCursorID() < maxCursorID) freeCursorList.Add(removeCursor);

                            case TuioCursor.TUIO_ADDED:
                                TuioCursor addCursor;
                                lock(cursorSync) {
                                    int c_id = cursorList.Count;
                                    if ((cursorList.Count<=maxCursorID) && (freeCursorList.Count>0)) {
                                        TuioCursor closestCursor = freeCursorList[0];
                                        IEnumerator<TuioCursor> testList = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                        while(testList.MoveNext()) {
                                            TuioCursor testCursor = testList.Current;
                                            if (testCursor.getDistance(tcur)<closestCursor.getDistance(tcur)) closestCursor = testCursor;
                                        c_id = closestCursor.getCursorID();
                                    } else maxCursorID = c_id;

                                    addCursor = new TuioCursor(currentTime,tcur.getSessionID(),c_id,tcur.getX(),tcur.getY());

                                for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener!=null) listener.addTuioCursor(addCursor);


                                TuioCursor updateCursor = getTuioCursor(tcur.getSessionID());
                                if ( (tcur.getX()!=updateCursor.getX() && tcur.getXSpeed()==0) || (tcur.getY()!=updateCursor.getY() && tcur.getYSpeed()==0) ) {
                                //rasmus edit
                                if(tcur.getContour() != null)
                                    updateCursor.update(updateCursor, tcur.getContour());

                                if(tcur.getHeightPoints() != null)
                                    updateCursor.update(updateCursor, tcur.getHXpos(), tcur.getHYpos(), tcur.getWidth(), tcur.getHeight(), tcur.getHeightPoints());

                                for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener!=null) listener.updateTuioCursor(updateCursor);

                        for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List<long> buffer = aliveCursorList;
                        aliveCursorList = newCursorList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newCursorList = buffer;

コード例 #43
         * The OSC callback method where all TUIO messages are received and decoded
         * and where the TUIO event callbacks are dispatched
         * @param  message	the received OSC message
        private void processMessage(OSCMessage message)
            string address = message.Address;
            ArrayList args = message.Values;
            string command = (string)args[0];

            if (address == "/tuio/2Dobj") {
                if (command == "set") {

                    if (currentTime.getTotalMilliseconds()==0)
                        currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();

                    long s_id  = (int)args[1];
                    int f_id  = (int)args[2];
                    float x = (float)args[3];
                    float y = (float)args[4];
                    float a = (float)args[5];
                    float X = (float)args[6];
                    float Y = (float)args[7];
                    float A = (float)args[8];
                    float m = (float)args[9];
                    float r = (float)args[10];

                    if (!objectList.ContainsKey(s_id)) {
                        TuioObject addObject  = new TuioObject(currentTime,s_id,f_id,x,y,a);
                        objectList.Add(s_id, addObject);

                        for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.addTuioObject(addObject);
                    } else {
                        TuioObject updateObject = objectList[s_id];

                        if((updateObject.getX()!=x) || (updateObject.getY()!=y) || (updateObject.getAngle()!=a)) {

                            TuioObject tobj = new TuioObject(currentTime,s_id,updateObject.getSymbolID(),x,y,a);
                            for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                if (listener!=null) listener.updateTuioObject(updateObject);
                            //objectList[s_id] = tobj;

                } else if (command == "alive") {

                    for (int i=1;i<args.Count;i++) {
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the object list to the lost objects
                        if (aliveObjectList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining objects
                    for (int i=0;i<aliveObjectList.Count;i++) {
                        long s_id = aliveObjectList[i];
                        TuioObject removeObject = objectList[s_id];

                        for (int j=0;j<listenerList.Count;j++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[j];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.removeTuioObject(removeObject);

                    List<long> buffer = aliveObjectList;
                    aliveObjectList = newObjectList;

                    // recycling of the List
                    newObjectList = buffer;

                } else if (command=="fseq") {
                    int fseq = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq>0) {
                        if ((fseq>=currentFrame) || ((currentFrame-fseq)>100)) currentFrame = fseq;
                        else lateFrame = true;

                    if (!lateFrame) {

                        IEnumerator<TuioObject> frameEnum = frameObjects.GetEnumerator();
                        while(frameEnum.MoveNext()) {
                            TuioObject tobj = frameEnum.Current;
                            TuioObject updateObject = getTuioObject(tobj.getSessionID());

                            for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                if (listener!=null) listener.updateTuioObject(updateObject);

                        for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.refresh(currentTime);
                        if (fseq>0) currentTime.reset();

            } else if (address == "/tuio/2Dcur") {

                if (command == "set") {

                    if (currentTime.getTotalMilliseconds()==0)
                        currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();

                    long s_id  = (int)args[1];
                    float x = (float)args[2];
                    float y = (float)args[3];
                    float X = (float)args[4];
                    float Y = (float)args[5];
                    float m = (float)args[6];

                    if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id)) {

                        int f_id = cursorList.Count;
                        if (cursorList.Count<=maxFingerID) {
                            TuioCursor closestCursor = freeCursorList[0];
                            IEnumerator<TuioCursor> testList = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                            while(testList.MoveNext()) {
                                TuioCursor testCursor = testList.Current;
                                if (testCursor.getDistance(x,y)<closestCursor.getDistance(x,y)) closestCursor = testCursor;
                            f_id = closestCursor.getCursorID();
                        } else maxFingerID = f_id;

                        TuioCursor addCursor  = new TuioCursor(currentTime,s_id,f_id,x,y);
                        cursorList.Add(s_id, addCursor);

                        for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.addTuioCursor(addCursor);
                    } else {
                        TuioCursor updateCursor = (TuioCursor)cursorList[s_id];
                        if((updateCursor.getX()!=x) || (updateCursor.getY()!=y)) {

                            TuioCursor tcur = new TuioCursor(currentTime,s_id,updateCursor.getCursorID(),x,y);
                            for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                if (listener!=null) listener.updateTuioCursor(updateCursor);

                            //cursorList[s_id] = tcur;

                } else if (command == "alive") {

                    for (int i=1;i<args.Count;i++) {
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the cursor list to the lost cursors
                        if (aliveCursorList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining cursors
                    for (int i=0;i<aliveCursorList.Count;i++) {
                        long s_id = aliveCursorList[i];
                        if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id)) continue;
                        TuioCursor removeCursor = cursorList[s_id];
                        int c_id = removeCursor.getCursorID();

                        if (c_id == maxFingerID)
                            maxFingerID = -1;

                            if (cursorList.Count > 0)

                                IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<long, TuioCursor>> clist = cursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                while (clist.MoveNext())
                                    int f_id = clist.Current.Value.getCursorID();
                                    if (f_id > maxFingerID) maxFingerID = f_id;

                               List<TuioCursor> freeCursorBuffer = new List<TuioCursor>();
                               IEnumerator<TuioCursor> flist = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                while (flist.MoveNext())
                                   TuioCursor testCursor = flist.Current;

                                    if (testCursor.getCursorID() < maxFingerID) freeCursorBuffer.Add(testCursor);
                                freeCursorList = freeCursorBuffer;
                        } else  if (c_id < maxFingerID) freeCursorList.Add(removeCursor);

                        for (int j=0;j<listenerList.Count;j++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[j];

                            if (listener!=null) listener.removeTuioCursor(removeCursor);

                    List<long> buffer = aliveCursorList;
                    aliveCursorList = newCursorList;

                    // recycling of the List
                    newCursorList = buffer;
                } else if (command=="fseq") {
                    int fseq = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq>0) {
                        if ((fseq>=currentFrame) || ((currentFrame-fseq)>100)) currentFrame = fseq;
                        else lateFrame = true;

                    if (!lateFrame) {

                        IEnumerator<TuioCursor> frameEnum = frameCursors.GetEnumerator();
                        while(frameEnum.MoveNext()) {
                            TuioCursor tcur = frameEnum.Current;
                            TuioCursor updateCursor = getTuioCursor(tcur.getSessionID());

                            for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                if (listener!=null) listener.updateTuioCursor(updateCursor);

                        for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.refresh(currentTime);
                        if (fseq>0) currentTime.reset();

コード例 #44
  * This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of a
  * TuioObject with unchanged position and angle.
 public new void stop(TuioTime ttime)
     update(ttime, this.xpos, this.ypos, this.angle);
コード例 #45
         * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
         	 * X and Y coordinate and angle to the private TuioObject attributes.
         * The speed and accleration values are calculated accordingly.
         * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
         * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
         * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
         * @param	a	the angle coordinate to assign
        public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float a)
            TuioPoint lastPoint = path[path.Count-1];
            base.update(ttime, xp,yp);

            TuioTime diffTime = currentTime - lastPoint.getTuioTime();
            float dt = diffTime.getTotalMilliseconds()/1000.0f;
            float last_angle = angle;
            float last_rotation_speed = rotation_speed;
            angle = a;

            float da = (angle-last_angle)/(2.0f*(float)Math.PI);
            if (da > 0.75f) da-=1.0f;
            else if (da < -0.75f) da+=1.0f;

            rotation_speed = da/dt;
            rotation_accel = (rotation_speed - last_rotation_speed)/dt;
            if ((rotation_accel!=0) && (state!=TUIO_STOPPED)) state = TUIO_ROTATING;
コード例 #46
		public void Refresh(TuioTime frameTime)
			Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("refresh {0}", frameTime.getTotalMilliseconds()), "TUIO");


			if (this.IsContactEnabled && this.IsWindowsKeyPressEnabled)
				if (_pointerTouchInfos.Count.Equals(this.WindowsKeyPressTouchCount))
#pragma warning disable 4014
#pragma warning restore 4014


			if (_pointerTouchInfos.Count > 0)
				for (int i = _pointerTouchInfos.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
					if (_pointerTouchInfos[i].PointerInfo.PointerFlags.HasFlag(PointerFlags.UP))

				if (_pointerTouchInfos.Count > 0)
					for (int i = 0, ic = _pointerTouchInfos.Count; i < ic; i++)
						if (_pointerTouchInfos[i].PointerInfo.PointerFlags.HasFlag(PointerFlags.DOWN))
							PointerTouchInfo pointerTouchInfo = _pointerTouchInfos[i];
							pointerTouchInfo.PointerInfo.PointerFlags = PointerFlags.UPDATE | PointerFlags.INRANGE | ((this.IsContactEnabled) ? PointerFlags.INCONTACT : PointerFlags.NONE);
							_pointerTouchInfos[i] = pointerTouchInfo;

コード例 #47
  * <summary>
  * This constructor takes the provided TuioTime
  * and assigs its Seconds and Microseconds values to the newly created TuioTime.</summary>
  * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime used to copy</param>
 public TuioTime(TuioTime ttime)
     this.seconds       = ttime.Seconds;
     this.micro_seconds = ttime.Microseconds;
コード例 #48
  * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
  	 * X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration,
  * rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioObject attributes.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
  * @param	a	the angle coordinate to assign
  * @param	xs	the X velocity to assign
  * @param	ys	the Y velocity to assign
  * @param	rs	the rotation velocity to assign
  * @param	ma	the motion acceleration to assign
  * @param	ra	the rotation acceleration to assign
 public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float a, float xs, float ys, float rs, float ma, float ra)
     base.update(ttime, xp,yp,xs,ys,ma);
     angle = a;
     rotation_speed = rs;
     rotation_accel = ra;
     if ((rotation_accel!=0) && (state!=TUIO_STOPPED)) state = TUIO_ROTATING;
コード例 #49
ファイル: TuioContainer.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
         * <summary>
         * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
         * Session ID, X and Y coordinate to the newly created TuioContainer.</summary>
         * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
         * <param name="si">the Session ID to assign</param>
         * <param name="xp">the X coordinate to assign</param>
         * <param name="yp">the Y coordinate to assign</param>
        public TuioContainer(TuioTime ttime, long si, float xp, float yp)
            : base(ttime, xp, yp)
            session_id = si;
            x_speed = 0.0f;
            y_speed = 0.0f;
            motion_speed = 0.0f;
            motion_accel = 0.0f;

            path = new List<TuioPoint>();
            path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos));
            state = TUIO_ADDED;
コード例 #50
ファイル: TuioClient.cs プロジェクト: yothere/TUIO
         * The OSC callback method where all TUIO messages are received and decoded
         * and where the TUIO event callbacks are dispatched
         * @param message	the received OSC message
        private void processMessage(OSCMessage message)
            string address = message.Address;
            ArrayList args = message.Values;
            string command = (string)args[0];

            if (address == "/tuio/2Dobj") {
                if (command == "set") {

                    long s_id = (int)args[1];
                    int f_id = (int)args[2];
                    float xpos = (float)args[3];
                    float ypos = (float)args[4];
                    float angle = (float)args[5];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[6];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[7];
                    float rspeed = (float)args[8];
                    float maccel = (float)args[9];
                    float raccel = (float)args[10];

                    lock(objectSync) {
                        if (!objectList.ContainsKey(s_id)) {
                            TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(s_id,f_id,xpos,ypos,angle);
                        } else {
                            TuioObject tobj = objectList[s_id];
                            if (tobj==null) return;
                            if((tobj.getX()!=xpos) || (tobj.getY()!=ypos) || (tobj.getAngle()!=angle) || (tobj.getXSpeed()!=xspeed) || (tobj.getYSpeed()!=yspeed) || (tobj.getRotationSpeed()!=rspeed) || (tobj.getMotionAccel()!=maccel) || (tobj.getRotationAccel()!=raccel)) {

                                TuioObject updateObject = new TuioObject(s_id,f_id,xpos,ypos,angle);

                } else if (command == "alive") {

                    for (int i=1;i<args.Count;i++) {
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the object list to the lost objects
                        if (aliveObjectList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining objects
                    lock(objectSync) {
                        for (int i=0;i<aliveObjectList.Count;i++) {
                            long s_id = aliveObjectList[i];
                            TuioObject removeObject = objectList[s_id];

                } else if (command=="fseq") {
                    int fseq = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq>0) {
                        if (fseq>currentFrame) currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
                        if ((fseq>=currentFrame) || ((currentFrame-fseq)>100)) currentFrame = fseq;
                        else lateFrame = true;
                    } else if ((TuioTime.getSessionTime().getTotalMilliseconds()-currentTime.getTotalMilliseconds())>100) {
                        currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();

                    if (!lateFrame) {

                        IEnumerator<TuioObject> frameEnum = frameObjects.GetEnumerator();
                        while(frameEnum.MoveNext()) {
                            TuioObject tobj = frameEnum.Current;

                            switch (tobj.getTuioState()) {
                                case TuioObject.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                    TuioObject removeObject = tobj;

                                    for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                        TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                        if (listener!=null) listener.removeTuioObject(removeObject);
                                    lock(objectSync) {
                                case TuioObject.TUIO_ADDED:
                                    TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(currentTime,tobj.getSessionID(),tobj.getSymbolID(),tobj.getX(),tobj.getY(),tobj.getAngle());
                                    lock(objectSync) {
                                    for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                        TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                        if (listener!=null) listener.addTuioObject(addObject);
                                    TuioObject updateObject = getTuioObject(tobj.getSessionID());
                                    if ( (tobj.getX()!=updateObject.getX() && tobj.getXSpeed()==0) || (tobj.getY()!=updateObject.getY() && tobj.getYSpeed()==0) )

                                    for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                        TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                        if (listener!=null) listener.updateTuioObject(updateObject);

                        for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List<long> buffer = aliveObjectList;
                        aliveObjectList = newObjectList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newObjectList = buffer;

            } else if (address == "/tuio/2Dcur") {

                if (command == "set") {

                    long s_id = (int)args[1];
                    float xpos = (float)args[2];
                    float ypos = (float)args[3];
                    float xspeed = (float)args[4];
                    float yspeed = (float)args[5];
                    float maccel = (float)args[6];

                    lock(cursorList) {
                        if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id)) {

                            TuioCursor addCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id,-1,xpos,ypos);

                        } else {
                            TuioCursor tcur = (TuioCursor)cursorList[s_id];
                            if (tcur==null) return;
                            if ((tcur.getX()!=xpos) || (tcur.getY()!=ypos) || (tcur.getXSpeed()!=xspeed) || (tcur.getYSpeed()!=yspeed) || (tcur.getMotionAccel()!=maccel)) {
                                TuioCursor updateCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id,tcur.getCursorID(),xpos,ypos);

                } else if (command == "alive") {

                    for (int i=1;i<args.Count;i++) {
                        // get the message content
                        long s_id = (int)args[i];
                        // reduce the cursor list to the lost cursors
                        if (aliveCursorList.Contains(s_id))

                    // remove the remaining cursors
                    lock(cursorSync) {
                        for (int i=0;i<aliveCursorList.Count;i++) {
                            long s_id = aliveCursorList[i];
                            if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id)) continue;
                            TuioCursor removeCursor = cursorList[s_id];

                } else if (command=="fseq") {
                    int fseq = (int)args[1];
                    bool lateFrame = false;

                    if (fseq>0) {
                        if (fseq>currentFrame) currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
                        if ((fseq>=currentFrame) || ((currentFrame-fseq)>100)) currentFrame = fseq;
                        else lateFrame = true;
                    } else if ((TuioTime.getSessionTime().getTotalMilliseconds()-currentTime.getTotalMilliseconds())>100) {
                        currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();

                    if (!lateFrame) {

                        IEnumerator<TuioCursor> frameEnum = frameCursors.GetEnumerator();
                        while(frameEnum.MoveNext()) {
                            TuioCursor tcur = frameEnum.Current;
                            switch (tcur.getTuioState()) {
                                case TuioCursor.TUIO_REMOVED:
                                    TuioCursor removeCursor = tcur;

                                    for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                        TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                        if (listener!=null) listener.removeTuioCursor(removeCursor);
                                    lock(cursorSync) {

                                        if (removeCursor.getCursorID() == maxCursorID) {
                                            maxCursorID = -1;

                                            if (cursorList.Count > 0) {

                                                IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<long, TuioCursor>> clist = cursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                                while (clist.MoveNext()) {
                                                    int f_id = clist.Current.Value.getCursorID();
                                                    if (f_id > maxCursorID) maxCursorID = f_id;

                             					List<TuioCursor> freeCursorBuffer = new List<TuioCursor>();
                             					IEnumerator<TuioCursor> flist = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                                while (flist.MoveNext()) {
                                 					TuioCursor testCursor = flist.Current;
                                                    if (testCursor.getCursorID() < maxCursorID) freeCursorBuffer.Add(testCursor);
                                                freeCursorList = freeCursorBuffer;
                                            } else freeCursorList.Clear();
                                        } else if (removeCursor.getCursorID() < maxCursorID) freeCursorList.Add(removeCursor);

                            case TuioCursor.TUIO_ADDED:
                                TuioCursor addCursor;
                                lock(cursorSync) {
                                    int c_id = cursorList.Count;
                                    if ((cursorList.Count<=maxCursorID) && (freeCursorList.Count>0)) {
                                        TuioCursor closestCursor = freeCursorList[0];
                                        IEnumerator<TuioCursor> testList = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator();
                                        while(testList.MoveNext()) {
                                            TuioCursor testCursor = testList.Current;
                                            if (testCursor.getDistance(tcur)<closestCursor.getDistance(tcur)) closestCursor = testCursor;
                                        c_id = closestCursor.getCursorID();
                                    } else maxCursorID = c_id;

                                    addCursor = new TuioCursor(currentTime,tcur.getSessionID(),c_id,tcur.getX(),tcur.getY());

                                for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener!=null) listener.addTuioCursor(addCursor);

                                TuioCursor updateCursor = getTuioCursor(tcur.getSessionID());
                                if ( (tcur.getX()!=updateCursor.getX() && tcur.getXSpeed()==0) || (tcur.getY()!=updateCursor.getY() && tcur.getYSpeed()==0) )

                                for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                                    TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                                    if (listener!=null) listener.updateTuioCursor(updateCursor);

                        for (int i=0;i<listenerList.Count;i++) {
                            TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i];
                            if (listener!=null) listener.refresh(new TuioTime(currentTime));

                        List<long> buffer = aliveCursorList;
                        aliveCursorList = newCursorList;
                        // recycling the List
                        newCursorList = buffer;

コード例 #51
         * The TuioClient starts listening to TUIO messages on the configured UDP port
         * All reveived TUIO messages are decoded and the resulting TUIO events are broadcasted to all registered TuioListeners
        public void connect()
            currentTime = new TuioTime();

            try {
                receiver = new OSCReceiver(port);
                thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listen));
                connected = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("failed to connect to port "+port);
コード例 #52
  * <summary>
  * This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of
  * TuioContainers with unchanged positions.</summary>
 public void stop(TuioTime ttime)
     update(ttime, this.xpos, this.ypos);
コード例 #53
  * <summary>
  * Assigns the REMOVE state to this TuioContainer and sets
  * its TuioTime time stamp to the provided TuioTime argument.</summary>
  * <param name="ttime">the TuioTime to assign</param>
 public void remove(TuioTime ttime)
     currentTime = ttime;
     state       = TUIO_REMOVED;
コード例 #54
ファイル: TuioBlob.cs プロジェクト: RomanaLa/Woolpy
  * <summary>
  * This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of a
  * TuioBlob with unchanged position and angle.</summary>
 public new void stop(TuioTime ttime)
     update(ttime, this.xpos, this.ypos, this.angle, this.width, this.height, this.area);
コード例 #55
 public void refresh(TuioTime bundleTime)
     // Measure how many total updates / second we're getting
     //if ((int)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds > secondsRunning)
     //    Debug.WriteLine("Refreshes per second:" + refreshCount);
     //    secondsRunning = (int)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;
     //    refreshCount = 0;
     //    refreshCount++;
コード例 #56
  * Takes a TuioTime object and two floating point coordinate arguments and updates its coordinate attributes
  * to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and its time stamp to the provided TUIO time object.
  * @param	ttime	the TuioTime to assign
  * @param	xp	the X coordinate to assign
  * @param	yp	the Y coordinate to assign
 public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp)
     xpos        = xp;
     ypos        = yp;
     currentTime = new TuioTime(ttime);
コード例 #57
ファイル: TuioDump.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
 public void refresh(TuioTime frameTime)
     //Console.WriteLine("refresh "+frameTime.getTotalMilliseconds());
コード例 #58
ファイル: TuioTest.cs プロジェクト: lemoele/ColorSplat
 public void refresh(TuioTime frameTime)
     //		Invalidate();
コード例 #59
  * This constructor takes a TuioPoint argument and sets its coordinate attributes
  * to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and its time stamp to the current session time.
  * @param	tpoint	the TuioPoint to assign
 public TuioPoint(TuioPoint tpoint)
     xpos = tpoint.getX();
     ypos = tpoint.getY();
     currentTime = TuioTime.getSessionTime();
コード例 #60