public TSPSolution solve(TSPInput input) { SASPlan.Domain dom = input.exportToPlanningDomain(); createEngine(dom);; return(convertPlan(engine.getSolution(), dom, input)); }
public static TSPInput generateHybrid(int nodesCount, int clusters, int maxWidth = 1000, int maxHeight = 1000) { r = new Random(); TSPInput result = TSPInput.create(); List <double> clustersX = new List <double>(), clustersY = new List <double>(); double x, y; for (int i = 0; i < clusters; i++) { do { x = r.NextDouble() * maxWidth - maxWidth / (2 * clusters - 1); y = r.NextDouble() * maxHeight - maxHeight / (2 * clusters - 1); } while (x < 0 || y < 0); clustersX.Add(x); clustersY.Add(y); } for (int j = 0; j < clusters; j++) { int clusterSize = r.Next(nodesCount / (clusters - 1)); for (int i = 0; i < clusterSize; i++) { TSPPoint p = TSPPoint.create(clustersX[j] + r.NextDouble() * maxWidth / clusters, clustersY[j] + r.NextDouble() * maxHeight / clusters); result.addPoint(p); } } while (result.nodesCount < nodesCount) { TSPPoint p = TSPPoint.create(r.NextDouble() * maxWidth, r.NextDouble() * maxHeight); result.addPoint(p); } return(result); }
public static TSPInput create(Func <TSPPoint, TSPPoint, double> distanceCalculator = null) { var result = new TSPInput(); result.distanceCalculator = distanceCalculator; return(result); }
public static TSPInput generateClustersAntiGreedy(int nodesCount, int clusters, int maxWidth = 1000, int maxHeight = 1000) { r = new Random(); TSPInput result = TSPInput.create(); List <double> clustersX = new List <double>(), clustersY = new List <double>(); double x, y; for (int i = 0; i < clusters; i++) { do { x = r.NextDouble() * maxWidth - maxWidth / (2 * clusters); y = r.NextDouble() * maxHeight - maxHeight / (2 * clusters); } while (x < 0 || y < 0); clustersX.Add(x); clustersY.Add(y); } for (int j = 0; j < clusters; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < (nodesCount - 4) / clusters; i++) { TSPPoint p = TSPPoint.create(clustersX[j] + r.NextDouble() * maxWidth / clusters, clustersY[j] + r.NextDouble() * maxHeight / clusters); result.addPoint(p); } } result.addPoint(TSPPoint.create(0, 0)); result.addPoint(TSPPoint.create(1000, 0)); result.addPoint(TSPPoint.create(0, 1000)); result.addPoint(TSPPoint.create(1000, 1000)); return(result); }
private PermutationStandard initialize(TSPInput input) { var result = new PermutationStandard(input); result.randomize(); return(result); }
private void trySolve(TSPInput input, List <int> currentPart, List <int> remainning, double currentLength) { if (currentLength > best) { return; } // pokud se krizi prave pridana hrana s nejakou dalsi tak konec - v optimalnim reseni se hrany nekrizi. if (isCrossing(input, currentPart)) { return; } if (remainning.Count == 0) { if (currentLength + input.getDistance(currentPart[currentPart.Count - 1], 0) < best) { best = currentLength + input.getDistance(currentPart[currentPart.Count - 1], 0); currentPart.CopyTo(bestSolution); } return; } for (int i = 0; i < remainning.Count; i++) { int item = remainning[i]; double distance = input.getDistance(currentPart[currentPart.Count - 1], item); currentPart.Add(item); remainning.RemoveAt(i); trySolve(input, currentPart, remainning, currentLength + distance); remainning.Insert(i, item); currentPart.RemoveAt(currentPart.Count - 1); } }
protected double airDistance(int point1, int point2, TSPInput input) { var p1 = input.getPoint(point1); var p2 = input.getPoint(point2); return(Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt((p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y)))); }
protected override int findBest(int from, TSPInput input) { int best = -1; double bestEvaluation = double.MaxValue; foreach (var item in available) { double evaluation = input.getDistance(from, item); if (solvingPath) { evaluation += airDistance(this.pathStart, item, input) / input.maximumDistance; evaluation -= airDistance(this.pathEnd, item, input) / (input.maximumDistance); } if (isLeaf(item, input)) { evaluation -= input.minimumDistance; } if (evaluation < bestEvaluation) { bestEvaluation = evaluation; best = item; } } return(best); }
private void computeSpanningTree(TSPInput input) { representatives = new int[input.nodesCount]; for (int i = 0; i < input.nodesCount; i++) { representatives[i] = i; } successorsList = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); copyEdgesLengths(input); int selectedEdgesCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++) { if (selectedEdgesCount == input.nodesCount - 1) { break; } int firstRepre = findRepresentative(edges[i].from), secondRepre = findRepresentative(edges[i].to); if (firstRepre == secondRepre) { continue; } representatives[firstRepre] = secondRepre; selectedEdgesCount++; addEdge(edges[i]); } }
public TSPSolution solve(TSPInput input) { TSPSolution best = null; for (int r = 0; r < 5; ++r) { Console.WriteLine($@"== RUN:{r} =="); population.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; ++i) { population.Add(getRandomSolution(input)); } run(); var tmp = GetBest(); Console.WriteLine($@"Distance: {tmp.totalDistance}"); if (best == null || tmp.totalDistance < best.totalDistance) { best = tmp; } } visualizer.draw(best); return(best); }
private PermutationStandard initialize2(TSPInput input) { var solver = new GreedySolver(); var result = solver.solve(input); return(new PermutationStandard(result)); }
public void draw(TSPInput inp, bool clear = true) { if (clear) { g.Clear(Color.WhiteSmoke); } xStretch = width / (inp.maxValueX + 20); yStretch = height / (inp.maxValueY + 20); if (inp.nodesCount > 2000) { nodeSize--; } if (inp.nodesCount > 10000) { nodeSize--; } for (int i = 0; i < inp.nodesCount; i++) { var node = inp.getPoint(i); drawNode(node); } fillNode(inp.getPoint(0), Color.Green); screen.Refresh(); }
public TSPSolution solve(TSPInput input) { Console.WriteLine("Hill climbing started"); current = initialize(input); currentBest = current.convertToTSPSol(); visualizer.draw(currentBest); stop = false; int steps = 0; while (!stop) { steps++; goOneStep(); if (steps % 10 == 0) { currentBest = current.convertToTSPSol(); visualizer.draw(currentBest); Console.WriteLine("Steps: " + steps + " Best distance: " + currentBest.totalDistance); } } Console.WriteLine("Search ended"); currentBest = current.convertToTSPSol(); visualizer.draw(currentBest); Console.WriteLine("Steps: " + steps + " Best distance: " + currentBest.totalDistance); return(currentBest); }
public TSPSolution solve(TSPInput input) { GreedySolver s = new GreedySolver(); best = s.solve(input).computeDistance() + 1; bestSolution = new int[input.nodesCount]; List <int> current = new List <int>(); current.Add(0); List <int> remaining = new List <int>(); for (int i = 1; i < input.nodesCount; i++) { remaining.Add(i); } trySolve(input, current, remaining, 0); TSPSolution result = new TSPSolution(input); for (int i = 0; i < input.nodesCount - 1; i++) { result.setSuccessor(bestSolution[i], bestSolution[i + 1]); } result.setSuccessor(bestSolution[input.nodesCount - 1], 0); return(result); }
public virtual TSPSolution solveStartPoint(TSPInput input, int startNode) { if (input.nodesCount <= 1) { return(new TSPSolution(input)); } int endnode = Enumerable.Range(0, input.nodesCount).Select(x => input.getDistance(startNode, x)).MaxWithIndex().index; return(solvePath(input, startNode, endnode)); /* * double bestDist = double.MaxValue; * TSPSolution bestSolution = null; * for (int i = 0; i < input.nodesCount; i++) * { * if (i == startNode) * continue; * var sol = solvePath(input, startNode, i); * double dist = sol.totalDistance; * if (dist < bestDist) * { * bestSolution = sol; * bestDist = dist; * if (dist <= input.minimumDistance * (input.nodesCount - 1)) * break; * //break; * } * } * return bestSolution; */ }
private TSPSolution solve(TSPInput input, bool hasEdge = false, int startNode = 0, int endNode = 0) { TSPSolution result = null; if (hasEdge) { result = new TSPSolutionPath(input, startNode, endNode); } else { result = new TSPSolution(input); } succ = new List <List <int> >(); edge predefinedEdge = default; edgesUsed = 0; List <edge> edges = new List <edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < input.nodesCount; i++) { succ.Add(new List <int>()); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { edge ed = new edge(i, j, input.getDistance(i, j)); if (hasEdge && (startNode == i && endNode == j) || (startNode == j && endNode == i)) { predefinedEdge = ed; } else { edges.Add(ed); } } } if (hasEdge) { addToSolution(predefinedEdge); } edges.Sort((a, b) => (int)(a.distance - b.distance)); int index = -1; while (edgesUsed < input.nodesCount) { index++; edge e = edges[index]; if (succ[e.node1].Count >= 2 || succ[e.node2].Count >= 2) { continue; } if (createsCycle(e) && edgesUsed != input.nodesCount - 1) { continue; } addToSolution(e); } addEdgesToResult(result); return(result); }
public Edge(int from, int to, TSPInput inp, double weight) { this.from = from; = to; this.weight = weight; this.inp = inp; this.a = (inp.getPoint(to).y - inp.getPoint(from).y) / (inp.getPoint(to).x - inp.getPoint(from).x); this.b = inp.getPoint(to).y - inp.getPoint(to).x *a; }
public Edge(int from, int to, TSPInput inp) { this.from = from; = to; this.weight = inp.getDistance(from, to); this.inp = inp; this.a = (inp.getPoint(to).y - inp.getPoint(from).y) / (inp.getPoint(to).x - inp.getPoint(from).x); this.b = inp.getPoint(to).y - inp.getPoint(to).x *a; }
private static TSPInput load(string file) { IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); Stream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open); TSPInput t = (TSPInput)formatter.Deserialize(stream); stream.Close(); return(t); }
public override TSPSolution solvePath(TSPInput input, int startNode, int endNode) { this.solvingPath = true; this.pathStart = startNode; this.pathEnd = endNode; var result = base.solvePath(input, startNode, endNode); solvingPath = false; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Node is leaf if there is only one other node such that their distance is the minimalDistance (among all nodes) /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool isLeaf(int node, TSPInput input) { int neighbours = available.Select(r => input.getDistance(r, node)).Where(d => d == input.minimumDistance).Count(); if (input.getDistance(this.pathEnd, node) == input.minimumDistance) { neighbours++; } return(neighbours == 1); }
public TSPSolution solve(TSPInput input) { computeSpanningTree(input); TSPSolution result = new TSPSolution(input); visited.Clear(); labelTreePreOrder(0, result); result.setSuccessor(lastNodeLabeled, 0); return(result); //return null; }
public static TSPInput generateUniform(int nodesCount, int maxWidth = 1000, int maxHeight = 1000) { //r = new Random(); TSPInput result = TSPInput.create(); for (int i = 0; i < nodesCount; i++) { TSPPoint p = TSPPoint.create(r.NextDouble() * maxWidth, r.NextDouble() * maxHeight); result.addPoint(p); } return(result); }
private void copyEdgesLengths(TSPInput input) { edges = new List <Edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < input.nodesCount; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < input.nodesCount; j++) { edges.Add(new Edge(i, j, input, input.getDistance(i, j))); } } edges.Sort((t1, t2) => t1.weight.CompareTo(t2.weight)); }
// Initialization of a TSPSolution private TSPSolution getRandomSolution(TSPInput input) { var perm = new PermutationStandard(input); perm.randomize(); var p = perm.convertToTSPSol(); if (!p.validate()) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } return(p); }
public void findBestPermutation(TSPInput input) { inp = input; bestFitness = double.MaxValue; bestPermutation = new List <int>(input.nodesCount); List <int> available = new List <int>(input.nodesCount); for (int i = 1; i < input.nodesCount; i++) { available.Add(i); } searchPermutations(available, new List <int>(input.nodesCount)); }
private TSPSolution convertPlan(List <int> plan, SASPlan.Domain domain, TSPInput input) { TSPSolution sol = new TSPSolution(input); int j = 0; foreach (var item in plan) { SASPlan.Operator op = domain.operators[item]; sol.setSuccessor(j, op.effects[0].effectValue); j = op.effects[0].effectValue; } sol.setSuccessor(j, 0); return(sol); }
protected virtual int findBest(int from, TSPInput input) { int best = -1; double bestDistance = double.MaxValue; foreach (var item in available) { double distance = input.getDistance(from, item); if (distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; best = item; } } return(best); }
internal static TSPSolution fromString(string result, TSPInput inp) { string[] points = result.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (points.Length != inp.nodesCount) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Spatna delka reseni.\nReseni ma mit delku " + inp.nodesCount + ". Vase reseni ma delku " + points.Length); return(null); } TSPSolution sol = new TSPSolution(inp); for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++) { sol.setSuccessor(int.Parse(points[i]) - 1, int.Parse(points[i + 1]) - 1); } sol.setSuccessor(int.Parse(points[points.Length - 1]) - 1, int.Parse(points[0]) - 1); return(sol); }
public TSPSolution solve(TSPInput input) { computeCentroid(input); int[] points = new int[input.nodesCount]; for (int i = 0; i < input.nodesCount; i++) { points[i] = i; } Array.Sort(points, comparer); TSPSolution sol = new TSPSolution(input); for (int i = 0; i < input.nodesCount - 1; i++) { sol.setSuccessor(points[i], points[i + 1]); } sol.setSuccessor(points[input.nodesCount - 1], points[0]); return(sol); }