protected ImageItem(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { _includeFlag = (IncludeFlags)info.GetInt32("IncludeFlag"); _fileName = info.GetString("FileName"); _filePath = info.GetString("FilePath"); _stretchType = (StretchTypes)info.GetInt32("StretchType"); _textDisplayFlag = (ThreeWayFlags)info.GetInt32("TextDisplayFlag"); _recursiveDirFlag = info.GetBoolean("RecursiveDirFlag"); _offset = (Point)info.GetValue("Offset", typeof(Point)); _scaleFactor = (float)info.GetDouble("ScaleFactor"); _keywordList = (ArrayList)info.GetValue("KeywordList", typeof(ArrayList)); // ?? _previewScaleFactor = (float) info.GetDouble("PreviewScaleFactor"); SetPathAndFilename(_filePath + _fileName); _appLog = new TSOP.AppLog(); try { tf = new ThumbnailFile(this.GetThumbnailPathAndFileName()); //_imageObj = Image.FromFile(PathAndFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { _appLog.LogError("failed to deserialize image item", ex, "ImageItem", "Constructor"); } }
public bool Deserialize(BinaryReader br, bool readKeywords) { try { //_appLog.LogInfo("Starting deserialize", null, "ImageItem", "Deserialize()"); _includeFlag = (IncludeFlags)br.ReadInt32(); _fileName = br.ReadString(); _filePath = br.ReadString(); _stretchType = (StretchTypes)br.ReadInt32(); _textDisplayFlag = (ThreeWayFlags)br.ReadInt32(); _recursiveDirFlag = br.ReadBoolean(); int x = br.ReadInt32(); int y = br.ReadInt32(); _offset = new Point(x, y); float sf = br.ReadSingle(); if (sf != 0.0f) { _scaleFactor = sf; } else { _scaleFactor = 1.0f; } //_appLog.LogInfo("Reading Keyword String", null, "ImageItem", "Deserialize()"); KeywordString = br.ReadString(); SetPathAndFilename(_filePath + _fileName); //_appLog.LogInfo("Constructing Thumbnail", null, "ImageItem", "Deserialize()"); tf = new ThumbnailFile(this.GetThumbnailPathAndFileName()); if (readKeywords) { //_appLog.LogInfo("Loading Keywords", null, "ImageItem", "Deserialize()"); tf.Load(); _stretchType = tf.StretchType; _textDisplayFlag = tf.TextDisplayEnum; //_appLog.LogInfo("Getting keyword string", null, "ImageItem", "Deserialize()"); _keywordList.Clear(); KeywordString = tf.KeywordString; _offset = tf.Offset; if (tf.ScaleFactor != 0.0f) { _scaleFactor = tf.ScaleFactor; } else { _scaleFactor = 1.0f; } } //_appLog.LogInfo("Getting Image Object", null, "ImageItem", "Deserialize()"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); _appLog.LogError("failed to deserialize ImageItem", ex, "ImageItem", "Deserialize"); return(false); } return(true); }
public ImageItem(String fileName) { Init(); SetPathAndFilename(fileName); try { tf = new ThumbnailFile(this.GetThumbnailPathAndFileName()); //_imageObj = Image.FromFile(fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { _appLog.LogError("failed to get thumbnail file or image file", ex, "ImageItem", "Constructor"); } }