コード例 #1
ファイル: RoundEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Determine whether time warp occurs based on user provided input.
        public bool orderChange()
            Debug.WriteLine("Checking if time warped");

            // Get threshold for timewarp
            var revChance = 20 - ((GameGlobals.ReverseChance / 100) * 20);

            Debug.WriteLine("revChance: " + revChance);

            // Roll to determine timewarp
            var roll = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

            Debug.WriteLine("Roll: " + roll);

            // if roll succeeds, Return true for timewarp.
            if (roll >= revChance)
                Debug.WriteLine("TIME WARP!");
                // No time warp
                Debug.WriteLine("Normal Time");
コード例 #2
        // Get a random character within range of min and max parameters
        public Character GetRandomCharacter(int ScaleLevelMin, int ScaleLevelMax)
            // Instance of character viewmodel
            var myCharacterViewModel = CharactersViewModel.Instance;

            var rnd = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myCharacterViewModel.Dataset.Count);

            var myData = new Character(myCharacterViewModel.Dataset[rnd - 1]);

            // Help identify which Character it is...
            myData.Name += " " + (1 + CharacterList.Count).ToString();

            // Determine what to scale the character level to
            var rndScale = HelperEngine.RollDice(ScaleLevelMin, ScaleLevelMax);

            // Scale the characters level

            // Add Items...
            myData.Head        = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.Head, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.Necklass    = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.Necklass, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.PrimaryHand = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.OffHand     = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.OffHand, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.RightFinger = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.RightFinger, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.LeftFinger  = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.LeftFinger, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.Feet        = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.Feet, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.Bag         = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.Bag, AttributeEnum.Unknown);

コード例 #3
ファイル: TurnEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Rolls a dice and if roll is >= 17, an item from dropped items list is stolen
        public Item MonsterStealsItem(List <Item> itemsDropped)
            var chance = 20 - ((GameGlobals.MonsterStealsChance / 100) * 20);
            var roll   = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

            if (roll >= chance)
                var item = itemsDropped.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).FirstOrDefault();
コード例 #4
ファイル: TurnEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Will drop between 1 and 4 items from the item set...
        public List <Item> GetRandomMonsterItemDrops(int round)
            var myList = new List <Item>();

            // Return empty list if monsters are not allowed to drop items
            if (!GameGlobals.AllowMonsterDropItems)

            var myItemsViewModel = ItemsViewModel.Instance;

            // Check to make sure dataset has items
            if (myItemsViewModel.Dataset.Count > 0)
                // Random is enabled so build up a list of items dropped...
                var ItemCount = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 4);

                // Get up to 4 items
                for (var i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++)
                    var rnd      = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myItemsViewModel.Dataset.Count);
                    var itemBase = myItemsViewModel.Dataset[rnd - 1];
                    var item     = new Item(itemBase);

                    // Make sure the item is added to the global list...
                    var myItem = ItemsViewModel.Instance.CheckIfItemExists(item);
                    if (myItem == null)
                        // Item does not exist, so add it to the datstore
                        // Swap them becaues it already exists, no need to create a new one...
                        item = myItem;

                    // Add the item to the local list...

コード例 #5
ファイル: TurnEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Determine if rebound occurs
        public bool ReboundDamage()
            // Get rebound chance value
            var rebChance = 20 - ((GameGlobals.ReboundChance / 100) * 20);

            // Roll to see if rebound happens.
            var roll = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

            // If roll is greaterthan or equal to change, rebound happens
            if (roll >= rebChance)
コード例 #6
ファイル: TurnEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Hackathon rule.  If critical miss happens, a problem may occur...
        public string DetermineCriticalMissProblem(Character attacker)
            // No such character
            if (attacker == null)
                return(" Invalid Character ");

            // Default message
            var myReturn = " Nothing Bad Happened ";

            // To hold the dropped item
            Item droppedItem;

            // It may be a critical miss, roll again and find out...
            var rnd = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 10);

             *  1. Primary Hand Item breaks, and is lost forever
             *  2-4, Character Drops the Primary Hand Item back into the item pool
             *  5-6, Character drops a random equipped item back into the item pool
             *  7-10, Nothing bad happens, luck was with the attacker

            switch (rnd)
            case 1:
                myReturn = " Luckily, nothing to drop from " + ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand;
                var myItem = ItemsViewModel.Instance.GetItem(attacker.PrimaryHand);
                if (myItem != null)
                    myReturn = " Item " + myItem.Name + " from " + ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand + " Broke, and lost forever";

                attacker.PrimaryHand = null;

            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
                // Put on the new item, which drops the one back to the pool
                myReturn    = " Luckily, nothing to drop from " + ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand;
                droppedItem = attacker.AddItem(ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand, null);
                if (droppedItem != null)
                    // Add the dropped item to the pool
                    myReturn = attacker.Name + " dropped " + droppedItem.Name + " from " + ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand;

            case 5:
            case 6:
                var LocationRnd    = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, ItemLocationList.GetListCharacter.Count);
                var myLocationEnum = ItemLocationList.GetLocationByPosition(LocationRnd);
                myReturn = " Luckily, nothing to drop from " + myLocationEnum;

                // Put on the new item, which drops the one back to the pool
                droppedItem = attacker.AddItem(myLocationEnum, null);
                if (droppedItem != null)
                    // Add the dropped item to the pool
                    myReturn = attacker.Name + " dropped " + droppedItem.Name + " from " + myLocationEnum;

コード例 #7
ファイル: TurnEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Rolls to see if there will be a hit or miss, otherwise it's base on attackscore and defense score
        public HitStatusEnum RollToHitTarget(int AttackScore, int DefenseScore)
            // Roll the dice
            var d20 = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

            // Turn On UnitTestingSetRoll
            if (GameGlobals.ForceRollsToNotRandom)
                // Don't let it be 0, if it was not initialized...
                if (GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue < 1)
                    GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue = 1;

                // Set to hit value
                d20 = GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue;

            // 1 is an automatic miss
            if (d20 == 1)
                // Force Miss
                if (GameGlobals.EnableCriticalMissProblems)
                    BattleMessage.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.CriticalMiss;
                BattleMessage.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Miss;


            // 20 is an automatic hit
            if (d20 == 20)
                // Force Hit
                if (GameGlobals.EnableCriticalHitDamage)
                    BattleMessage.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit;

                BattleMessage.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Hit;


            // Otherwise, add roll to attack score
            var ToHitScore = d20 + AttackScore;

            // If tohitscore is not greater than defense score, you miss
            if (ToHitScore <= DefenseScore)
                // Set hitstatus to miss
                BattleMessage.HitStatus    = HitStatusEnum.Miss;
                BattleMessage.DamageAmount = 0;
                // Set hit status to hit
                BattleMessage.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Hit;

コード例 #8
ファイル: TurnEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Character attacks Monster
        public bool TurnAsAttack(Character Attacker, int AttackScore, Monster Target, int DefenseScore)
            // Reset the battle messages

            // Show what items there are in the characters bag to the output window
            Debug.WriteLine("Item: " + Attacker.GetItemByLocation(ItemLocationEnum.Bag));

            // If attacker is null, don't attack
            if (Attacker == null)

            // If the target is null, don't attack
            if (Target == null)

            // Increment the turncount

            // Set the target name
            BattleMessage.TargetName = Target.Name;

            // Set the attacker name
            BattleMessage.AttackerName = Attacker.Name;

            // Get hit status
            var HitSuccess = RollToHitTarget(AttackScore, DefenseScore);

            // missed bool is used for mulligan
            bool missed = false;

            // Logic for a miss
            if (BattleMessage.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.Miss)
                // If mulligan is enabled, character can retry their attack
                if (GameGlobals.EnableMulligan)
                    // Miss message
                    BattleMessage.TurnMessage += BattleMessage.AttackerName + " misses " + BattleMessage.TargetName + "\n";

                    // Chance for mulligan
                    var chance = 20 - ((GameGlobals.MulliganChance / 100) * 20);

                    // Determine the roll value
                    var roll = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

                    // If roll is greater than or equal to chance, set hit status to hit
                    if (roll >= chance)
                        missed = true;
                        BattleMessage.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Hit;
                        Debug.WriteLine("However, there is a Mulligan");
                // Otherwise they miss as normal
                    // Miss message
                    BattleMessage.TurnMessage += BattleMessage.AttackerName + " misses " + BattleMessage.TargetName;


            // Logic for a critical miss
            if (BattleMessage.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.CriticalMiss)
                // If mulligan is enabled, character can retry their attack
                if (GameGlobals.EnableMulligan)
                    // Miss message
                    BattleMessage.TurnMessage += BattleMessage.AttackerName + " misses " + BattleMessage.TargetName + "\n";

                    // Chance for mulligan
                    var chance = 20 - ((GameGlobals.MulliganChance / 100) * 20);

                    // Determine the rell
                    var roll = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

                    // Determine if mulligan occurs
                    if (roll >= chance)
                        missed = true;
                        BattleMessage.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Hit;
                        Debug.WriteLine("However, there is a Mulligan");
                // Otherwise they miss as normal
                    // Critical miss message
                    BattleMessage.TurnMessage += "CRITICAL MISS-- " + Attacker.Name + " swings and critically misses " +

                    // Critical miss problems
                    if (GameGlobals.EnableCriticalMissProblems)
                        BattleMessage.TurnMessage += DetermineCriticalMissProblem(Attacker);


            // Logic for a hit or critical hit
            if (BattleMessage.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.Hit || BattleMessage.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit)
                //Calculate Damage
                BattleMessage.DamageAmount = Attacker.GetDamageRollValue();

                // If mulligan occurred
                if (missed)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Mulligan occured ");
                    BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += "Mulligan occured.\n";
                    BattleMessage.DamageAmount       /= 2;
                    BattleMessage.DamageAmount       += 1;
                    missed = false;

                // Add forced damange
                BattleMessage.DamageAmount += GameGlobals.ForceCharacterDamangeBonusValue;   // Add the Forced Damage Bonus (used for testing...)

                // Normal hit message
                if (BattleMessage.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.Hit)
                    BattleMessage.AttackStatus = string.Format(Attacker.Name + " hits for {0} damage on " + Target.Name + ". ", BattleMessage.DamageAmount);

                // Check if critical hits are enabled
                if (GameGlobals.EnableCriticalHitDamage)
                    // Its a critical hit!
                    if (BattleMessage.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit)
                        //2x damage
                        BattleMessage.DamageAmount += BattleMessage.DamageAmount;
                        BattleMessage.AttackStatus  = string.Format("CRITICAL HIT -- " + Attacker.Name + " hits really hard for {0} damage on " + Target.Name, BattleMessage.DamageAmount) + ".\n";

                // Give the damage to the target

                // See if a rebound occurs after dealing damage to monster
                if (GameGlobals.EnableRebound)
                    if (ReboundDamage())
                        // Calculate rebound damage
                        var rebDmg = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, (BattleMessage.DamageAmount / 2));

                        // Apply damange
                        if (Attacker.GetHealthCurrent() <= rebDmg)
                            // If rebound damage would cause death, set it so that character only has one HP left.
                            rebDmg = Attacker.GetHealthCurrent() - 1;
                            BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial = string.Format(Attacker.Name + " gets hit by rebound for {0}.", rebDmg);
                            // Otherwise, apply damage
                            BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial = string.Format(Attacker.Name + " gets hit by rebound for {0}.", rebDmg);

                // Calculate the amount of experience
                var experienceEarned = Target.CalculateExperienceEarned(BattleMessage.DamageAmount);

                // Check if level up occurs
                var LevelUp = Attacker.AddExperience(experienceEarned);

                // If level up occured
                if (LevelUp)
                    // Level up message
                    BattleMessage.LevelUpMessage = BattleMessage.AttackerName + " levels up to " + Attacker.Level + " with max health of " + Attacker.GetHealthMax();

                // Add expereience to total experience
                BattleScore.ExperienceGainedTotal += experienceEarned;

            // Message for remaining health
            BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += Target.Name + " has remaining health of " + Target.Attribute.CurrentHealth;

            // Check for alive
            if (Target.Alive == false)
                // Check if zombies setting is on
                if (GameGlobals.EnableZombies && !Target.HasBeenZombie)
                    var chance = 20 - ((GameGlobals.ZombieChance / 100) * 20);
                    var roll   = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

                    // and roll to turn monster to zombie
                    if (roll >= chance)
                        BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += "\n" + Target.Name + " dies but returns as a zombie. ";
                        Target.isZombie("Zombie " + Target.Name);
                        Target.Alive = true;
                // Otherwise, remove monster and items
                    // Remove target from list...

                    // Mark Status in output
                    BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += " and dies.\n";

                    // Add one to the monsters killd count...

                    // Add the monster to the killed list

                    // Drop Items to item Pool
                    var myItemList = Target.DropAllItems();

                    // If Random drops are enabled, then add some....

                    // Add to Score
                    foreach (var item in myItemList)
                        BattleScore.ItemsDroppedList     += item.FormatOutput() + "\n\n";
                        BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += " Item " + item.Name + " dropped\n";

                    // Add items to item pool

            // Debug output
            Debug.WriteLine(BattleMessage.TurnMessage + "\n");

コード例 #9
ファイル: TurnEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Monster Attacks Character
        public bool TurnAsAttack(Monster Attacker, int AttackScore, Character Target, int DefenseScore)
            // Reset the battlemessages for the next turn

            // If attacker is null, don't attack
            if (Attacker == null)

            // If target is null, don't attack
            if (Target == null)

            // Increment the turn count

            // Set the target and attacker names
            BattleMessage.TargetName   = Target.Name;
            BattleMessage.AttackerName = Attacker.Name;

            // Roll to see if the target will be hit
            var HitStatus = RollToHitTarget(AttackScore, DefenseScore);

            // It was a miss!
            if (HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.Miss)
                BattleMessage.TurnMessage = Attacker.Name + " misses " + Target.Name;

            // It was a critical miss!
            if (HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.CriticalMiss)
                var  iNum     = ItemsViewModel.Instance.Dataset.Count;
                var  rnd      = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, iNum);
                var  idx      = rnd - 1;
                Item randItem = ItemsViewModel.Instance.Dataset[idx];

                BattleMessage.TurnMessage += "CRITICAL MISS-- " + Attacker.Name + " swings and critically misses " +
                                             Target.Name + " and adds " + randItem.Name + " to item pool";


            // Calculate Damage
            BattleMessage.DamageAmount = Attacker.GetDamageRollValue();

            // Add The forced damage bonus
            BattleMessage.DamageAmount += GameGlobals.ForceMonsterDamangeBonusValue;

            // It's a Hit
            if (HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.Hit)
                BattleMessage.AttackStatus = string.Format(Attacker.Name + " hits for {0} damage on " + Target.Name + ". ", BattleMessage.DamageAmount);

            // Check if critical hits are enabled
            if (GameGlobals.EnableCriticalHitDamage)
                // It's a critical hit!
                if (BattleMessage.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit)
                    //2x damage
                    BattleMessage.DamageAmount += BattleMessage.DamageAmount;

                    // Give the damage to the target
                    BattleMessage.AttackStatus = string.Format("CRITICAL HIT -- " + Attacker.Name + " hits really hard for {0} damage on " + Target.Name, BattleMessage.DamageAmount) + ".\n";

            // Set a message showing the remaining health of the target
            BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += Target.Name + " has remaining health of " + Target.Attribute.CurrentHealth + " ";

            // Check for alive
            if (Target.Alive == false)
                // Mark Status in output
                BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += " and dies.\n";

                // If character has not been revived yet, they can be revived
                if (!Target.IsRevived && GameGlobals.EnableRevivalOnce)
                    Target.IsRevived = true;
                    BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += Target.Name + " has been revived by Miracle Max!";

                // Otherwise, character has been revived and stays dead
                    // Remover target from list...

                    // Add the character to the killed list
                    BattleScore.CharacterAtDeathList += Target.FormatOutput() + "\n";

                    // Drop Items to item Pool
                    var myItemList = Target.DropAllItems();

                    // Check to see if any items are dropped
                    // No items message
                    if (myItemList.Count == 0)
                        BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += "No Items dropped";
                        // Add items dropped message
                        BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += "\nItems dropped are (";

                        // List the items that were dropped
                        foreach (var item in myItemList)
                            BattleScore.ItemsDroppedList     += item.FormatOutput() + "\n";
                            BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += item.Name;
                        BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += ")";

                    // Calculate chance for monster to steal item
                    if (GameGlobals.EnableMonsterStolenItem)
                        // Steal the item
                        var itemStolen = MonsterStealsItem(myItemList);

                        // Show the message and remove the item from the list
                        if (itemStolen != null)
                            BattleMessage.TurnMessageSpecial += "\n" + itemStolen.Name + " was stolen! It's gone.\n";

                    // Add the dropped items to the item pool

            // Write the turn message to the output window

コード例 #10
ファイル: RoundEngine.cs プロジェクト: loleeta/TRP
        // Add Monsters
        // Scale them to meet Character Strength...
        private void AddMonstersToRound()
            // Check to see if the monster list is full, if so, no need to add more...
            if (MonsterList.Count() >= 6)

            // Make suure monster list exists and is loaded...
            var myMonsterViewModel = MonstersViewModel.Instance;


            // Scale monsters based on current character levels
            if (myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count() > 0)
                // Scale monsters to be within the range of the characters
                var ScaleLevelMax     = 1;
                var ScaleLevelMin     = 1;
                var ScaleLevelAverage = 1;

                // If there are any characters get min, max, and average levels of all of them
                if (CharacterList.Any())
                    ScaleLevelMin     = GetMinCharacterLevel();
                    ScaleLevelMax     = GetMaxCharacterLevel();
                    ScaleLevelAverage = GetAverageCharacterLevel();

                // Get 6 monsters
                    // Roll dice to get random monster from dataset
                    var rnd = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count);
                        // Ensure rnd number is less than dataset size
                        if (rnd > myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count())
                            rnd = myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count();

                        // Create a new monster from the monster in the dataset
                        var monster = new Monster(myMonsterViewModel.Dataset[rnd - 1]);

                        // Scale the monster to be between the average level of the characters+1
                        var rndScale = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, ScaleLevelAverage + 1);

                        // Scale monster to be harder later...

                        // Add monster to the list
                } while (MonsterList.Count() < 6);
                // No mosnters in DB, so add 6 new ones...
                for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    var monster = new Monster();

                    // Help identify which monster it is....
                    monster.Name += " " + MonsterList.Count() + 1;

                    // Add monster to the list

            // Debug output text for chosen monsters
            var monstersOutput = "Chosen monsters: \n";

            monstersOutput += "Count: " + MonsterList.Count() + "\n";;

            // Add name of each monster to debug output statement
            foreach (var mon in MonsterList)
                monstersOutput += mon.FormatOutput() + "\n";

            // Write the debug output statement